Memorial Day Weekend - Big Plans?


DIS Veteran
Jun 8, 2000
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our American buds a wonderful, sunny, Memorial Day Weekend! :)

What are your plans for the weekend, do any of them involve gardening by any chance? ;) ;) :)

Kim :)
Me and the weeds be doing battle, Kim!

I am going to plant a small veggie garden with Matt, weed, do the topsoil, peatmoss thang and hopefully spend some time at our pool and read.

Other than that.....I'm free.

Whacha got in mind????
You and Matt did a veggie garden last year too, right Gina? Sounds like fun! :)

I've got the same problem as you Amid, not sports though. Tomorrow we're having a big, fancy dinner for 90 people. It's my in-laws 50th Wedding Anniversary. Sunday we're having a family b-day party for my soon to be 9 yr. old, niece. Doesn't sound like we'll have any time for gardening, and just when the weather is improving!!
I love parties too, but we're not as organized as we should be for the Anniversary one, so it's making me just a wee bit anxious! :eek: :)

...maybe I should add a little something to my!
I'm hoping to get in some much needed gardening and get the veggie garden planted.

Tonight it's Grandsons baseball garden. Then I'm going to supper with the family. DH has an auction. Grandson is coming back to sleep over. Tomorrow weather permitting it's gardening and if anyone bothers me I'm going to yank them out like an unwanted weed and discard them in the sun. Sunday we are invited to a BBQ in Hingham at a cousins house. And Monday it my baby daughters 33 birthday. She and her family will be spending the week-end at Cape Cod so I probably won't see her till Sunday night. Hoping to get lots of gardening in till cake and ice cream time.

Everyone have a wonderful weekend. :)
If it doesn't rain tomorrow DH and I are going to battle with blinds and windows. Not sure about Sunday, except for church. On Monday we are going on a picnic. When DH asked me my plans I said, "WE are doing whatever I want....."
Lots going on here this weekend. Today while I am at work, three truckloads of topsoil are going to be delivered for my new garden beds. DH will supervise the delivery in my absence. I worked like a fiend over the last two weekends to get the rest of the gardens in good shape - so that I could focus on the new beds this weekend. I have large flats of seedlings that are getting way too big for their container which will get planted up finally. I just hope I have enough - as this is ALOT of new garden space. :D

On the NON gardening front... Saturday I am going to go look at a horse for sale. Don't need another one ... but he sounds wonderful. Sunday we are going to be packing up the horse trailer, washing DD's horse, and cleaning stalls - so that he can be kept confined (and thus CLEAN) for the night. Monday - we are off at 5 am to be at a Pony Club Eventing Rally in Hartline - where DD will be competeing on a team.

In between the gardening and horse related stuff... I was hoping to slip away on Sunday to the theatre and go see Star Wars. We didn't get to it last weekend.
Going to work on sat... Then a small brunch meet in CT with a few DIsers and then 3 days in the GARDEN!!!! Everyone have a great weekend...
hopefully getting out a little early today so I can load up at the garden shop (My car has to go in for service tomorrow so I'll be without a car tomorrow) hopefully get to planting tomorrow and Monday we have a family cookout. have fun everyone!
Happy Memorial Day everyone -- and God bless everyone who has served/is serving in the armed forces. My DH's dad served in Korea, and we're putting a picutre of him in uniform in the dining room instead of visiting the cemetary this year.

Hopefully this weekend it will not rain for a couple of hours! I've only managed to plan 3 wee little herbs in my garden so far.:rolleyes:

We're also having a massive party this weekend -- an Open House/10th Wedding Annivesary/my birthday/Memorial Day bash. We're also expecting about 90 people. I've already put something in my coffee to help with the anxiety! LOL!
Well I have a lot planned but don't know how much I'll get accomplished.

I'm definately going scrap booking (cropping) tonight
then one day sale at Kohls in the morning, continue to work on the kitchen we have torn apart, pick up the rest of the leaves, redo a garden, go to a college graduation party, then the normal mom stuff you know laundry, cleaning house, dishes, cooking. Maybe somewhere in there I'll get to rest and watch my soaps that I taped on Wed Thurs and Fri.

Not much going on (LOL)

Have a wonderful long weekend.

Thank you to all our veterans we are free to choose what we want to do this weekend and every day of our lives.

I had my first picnic of the season today!! It was a of fun! Tomorrow I have a date that I wish I could cancel. LOL! Hopefully when I get home, the "lawn people" will have put in a new bed for me by my deck. If so, I'm planting sunflowers all the way around! I'm so excited! I love sunflowers!! Monday is a family picnic.

Happy Holiday Weekend, Everyone. :)
Twice I've tried to write a long post and twice I've lost it.......:rolleyes: I better keep it short this time!

You guys are busy!!!

Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary MidwestPiglet!! :) :)

90 guests at your house :eek: ? Forget the coffee, just drink the "something!" ;)

Believe, I really like this, it's VERY catchy! ;)

"WE are doing whatever I want....."

Dixie, is the topsoil for the front beds you were working on, or new ones? Good luck to Bullseye_Girl and her team at the competition!! :) :)

Mamu, I hope you don't have to resort to such drastic measures to get some quality gardening time this weekend!! LOL! :)

Amid, the party is at a nice restaurant, not at my house!!:eek:

A brunch DIS meet Nat? That sounds very cool! You'll have to let us know who was there! :)

Kathymc, did you get out early? Were you able to load up on plants? Enjoy your family cookout on Monday! :)

Crazyforpooh, a kitchen reno, redo a garden, go to a graduation are going to get some sleep this weekend I! :)

Saffron, for you.......

The topsoil is for my front beds. I am not pleased with the quality fo the soil. It is clay and has very little organic material in it. :( The good news is... I have a HUGE compost pile and so I am putting a considerable amount of soil amendments in. I will definitely have to work on improving this soil for the next many years. :rolleyes:

I have one bed loaded up. Need to rototill in the amendments and add some more if necessary.. then it will be time to plant this first one up! :)
Hello! I've been busy up in the vacation forums and never noticed there is a gardening forum here too :) After Disney, Nascar, gardening is my third favorite hobby, and possibly inspired by my first hobby :)

Af far as this weekend, up here, this was garden weekend. First truly nice weekend of spring. Yesterday was weed day. Took most of the day to get rid of them all. Today,tilled my 300 feet of canna beds, adding in some more gypsum and peat moss to soften up my very heavy soil, and then planting the select ones from last year. Putting in 3 flats of moss roses, then prepping the other beds and pots for seeding. whew! But it'll all be rewarding in a month or so :)
Hi Mark RG! :)

:eek: 300' of canna beds!!! :eek:

You don't by any chance live on a nursery farm do you? :)

We look forward to hearing more about your gardens!

Kim :)
Ok, typo, it's approx. 200 feet. But no nursery, just rather wrapped up in my hobbies :) It started as one teeny little bed, then I had the idea to create a secret garden. Here's an old picture of my ample yard

I have since extended the bed to go from the evergreen on the right, all the way around the ring with the birdfeeder to the evergreen on the left. I also have about a dozen different planters now that I full with Purple and White Datura, African and French Marigold, and Celosia. and 4 containers I have had for 10 years with the same four Geraniums in them.

And to add to my being beat, just finished posting cruise pictures, if you're curious, you can look here: Link to pics page


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