MGM Swap ###All photos posted pg 14 - 17


DIS Veteran
Apr 12, 2005
MGM Swap Progress Thread


Due Date February 4, 2008
Please mail by Jan 28, 2008

Link to sign up thread:

PLEASE NOTE: Group sizes are 4, 5 and 6. Please make sure you are making the right amount. This swap is for
2 ELEMENTS from the list posted on the sign up thread. If you have a different suggestion, please ask!

Please check in by
:thumbsup2 Dec 30
:yay: Jan 14
:wizard: Jan 28
I will angel out the spots of those who haven’t checked in by Jan 14.

:car: postal
:cheer2: received

I need addresses from everyone listed in red. Please send me a pm.

:yay: Happypooh : B,C,D,E,G,H1,I,K

Groups B,C,C1,D,E -- make 5
Groups F,G,H,H1,I,J -- make 6
Groups K & K1 -- make 4

:cheer2: SusieStone: B,C1,D,E,F,G,H,H1,I,J,K1
:cheer2: Bearbear: C,F,H
:cheer2: 123SA: B,C,C1,F,F,G,H,I,J
:cheer2: Tiggermei : D
:cheer2: Michellepooh: B,C,D,H1
:cheer2: Knovak: H1
:cheer2: AWM: G,J,K1
:cheer2: Mommy2mrb: J,K
:cheer2: NewEnglandEeyore: J
:cheer2: NemoMom07: C1,H,I
:cheer2: Mickster&Jango: C,E,F,G
:cheer2: Rlovew : E,J,K,K1
:cheer2: Missesdisney: B,C,D,F,G,H,I
:cheer2: Princess Jayne: H1
:cheer2: Mickeyteacher: C1,E, H1,K1
:cheer2: Mickeyteacher(SIOH): H,K

Let me know if I have any changes to make. Thanks for joining!
Hi! Just checking in! I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I'll probably work on these over Christmas Break! :)
Checking in - does printing out the requirements and putting them into my once empty swap log count as progress?
checking in too......I'm finished with my Group K and have ordered my Group J stuff......I am trying to get these done before x-mas since we will be gone to WA for the holidays and after we get back DD will still be out of school for 2 more weeks, have to get x-mas stuff put away and organized and then 10 days after that we go to WDW!! so will be doing lots of :laundy: packing and unpacking :headache: so I want my decks cleared!
Checking in.
Will go print out the requirements.
Need work on some CJs first, then this one.
Checking in too. Nothing happening so far on this one. Christmas cards come first! :santa:
What did you all think of the set up of this swap? Did you like having the groups already set up? I am thinking ahead to the Magic Kingdom swap. I could do the same thing. (My feelings will not be hurt...please tell me if you didn't like it!)
I liked it. I like knowing ahead of time what other pictures I will have things made for. Takes the guess work out of it for me.
checking in - need to finish the fill in the gaps stuff then i'll be onto this! will send ya my address now! x
Checking in. I will PM you my address.

I really liked the set up of this one because I knew what I was getting. There were groups I didn't sign up for because I knew there were things I wouldn't be able to use. :thumbsup2
Great set up and very organized. I like the large variety of group selection. It gives you more opportunity to pick and choose.
checking in - have to start the fill in the gaps swap and then I'm onto this thinking alot more whilst walking around the world though trying to figure out what I want to do! Sure makes trips more interesting! I also seem to be taking alot more photos of obscure things just coz I think I'll use them for scrapbooking.
I like the set up too due to the fact that we don't do alot of the the stuff (indy, star tours, etc) since DD is still not up to them.
FYI got both of my groups finished!:cool1: but I will wait until after the first to post them, will let you know when I send them out.

I took pictures today to get ready to do this one, other than that I haven't started.



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