MGM Swap ###All photos posted pg 14 - 17

The Handy Manny photo has been removed from Photobucket and I can't see it!! Is there another way to post? You ladies have all done an incredible job!!
123SA's DD -- Handy Manny

Can you see it now?
123SA's DD -- Handy Manny

Can you see it now?

Susan, you have a scrapaholic daughter growing up!! Wow, that is amazing that a young girl would come up with that design! I still have 7 years before my older one turns 12. Guess I better get prepared now! I hope her addiction isn't like mine because we wouldn't have any money left for food!:rotfl2:
Thanks -- she was 7 though (just turned 8) so you don't have as many years as you think!

The wood paper was her idea and making a topper to match the TV show title. She picked the red letters and matching brown paper. She wanted tools -- hence the brads and found a quote for us to use. I did all of the cutting though.

DS 5 likes to scrap too. It is always the same. A piece of dinosaur or animal printed paper. 2 photos of him with animals, near animals or just of animals (zoo, museum etc) Stickers of dinosaurs or animals. He always wants squares or rectangles of cardstock to put his stickers on first. Never more than one page at a time. He definitely has his own style.


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