MickeyAnne's PJ! NJ Wedding + DLR/DCL Honeymoon (GETTING MARRIED TOMORROW!!!!!)

Hello all -
Haven't updated in a while so I thought I would take a few minutes to do that now.
I mentioned in another thread that DF's father is not doing well. He was diagnosed with cancer about a year ago and in recent weeks it has progressed and he isn't doing very well at all right now. He is undergoing chemo but there is only a small chance that it will be effective. So at this point we are hoping for a miracle. But us Disney fans know that they happen every day....
On to happier things, I will be going this weekend to Offically order my dress. DMIL will be coming with me to see it when I go. I am so excited to just put it on again! I will try to take a pic of me in it but who knows how that will work out. If I can I will post them here.
My engagement pics are scheduled for this Tuesday but this country-wide cold front may throw a kink in that plan since we are planning on wearing short sleeves and flip flops to along with the fact that our wedding is in the summer. I hope that we can go ahead with them because I am really excited for them.
This weekend I had my bridal party and aunts over to make the favors for my engagement party. The party isn't until May 20th but they were all here for the easter holiday so it was easiest to do it this weekend. Here are some pics (well lots because I am picure-aholic!)
This is my fam working on the boxes


These are the glass slippers tha I made in to ornaments with string and a little daisey flower. We put three sports covered chocolates in them because DF is a sports freak so it was my way of bringing our worlds together.



And this is how we wrapped them. White boxes with yellow and white polka-dot ribbon (my colors). The tag says "Thank you for celebrating the perfect fit. Tonianne and Mike. Our engagement party, May 20, 2007."


And we finished them off with a little silver heart charm that says love.

Well, thats all for tonight. I think I have more for tomorrow! Until then...
Hello all -
Haven't updated in a while so I thought I would take a few minutes to do that now.
I mentioned in another thread that DF's father is not doing well. He was diagnosed with cancer about a year ago and in recent weeks it has progressed and he isn't doing very well at all right now. He is undergoing chemo but there is only a small chance that it will be effective. So at this point we are hoping for a miracle. But us Disney fans know that they happen every day....
On to happier things, I will be going this weekend to Offically order my dress. DMIL will be coming with me to see it when I go. I am so excited to just put it on again! I will try to take a pic of me in it but who knows how that will work out. If I can I will post them here.
My engagement pics are scheduled for this Tuesday but this country-wide cold front may throw a kink in that plan since we are planning on wearing short sleeves and flip flops to along with the fact that our wedding is in the summer. I hope that we can go ahead with them because I am really excited for them.
This weekend I had my bridal party and aunts over to make the favors for my engagement party. The party isn't until May 20th but they were all here for the easter holiday so it was easiest to do it this weekend. Here are some pics (well lots because I am picure-aholic!)
This is my fam working on the boxes


These are the glass slippers tha I made in to ornaments with string and a little daisey flower. We put three sports covered chocolates in them because DF is a sports freak so it was my way of bringing our worlds together.



And this is how we wrapped them. White boxes with yellow and white polka-dot ribbon (my colors). The tag says "Thank you for celebrating the perfect fit. Tonianne and Mike. Our engagement party, May 20, 2007."


And we finished them off with a little silver heart charm that says love.

Well, thats all for tonight. I think I have more for tomorrow! Until then...

Those turned out adorable! Love the yellow pokadot ribbon.
those are soooo cute...i love the yellow too, it's so cheery :goodvibes And the love charms are the perfect finishing touch...i'm using those too with some ribbon in my colors (chocolate blue and brown) to tie around votive candles. Michaels had a big sale this weekend on candles and ribbon, so i have a craft project to start tackling!!

Thanks for sharing your pics :thumbsup2
OMG! I have a table covered in those Cinderella slippers trying to figure out what to do with them! My DF is a HUGE sports fan as well! I'm totally stealing your idea! I love the sports candies! Brilliant!!!
DisneyDee said it best--- the yellow is just sooo bright and cheerful :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes . I LOVE it!! nice job!! the boxes are sooo cute.
Thanks everyone! I am very happy with them and they turned out just like I wanted them to! I got the idea for polka dot ribbon from theknot.com I think. The idea for the boxes came from these boards. I can't take credit for the sports chocolates. I asked my very creative aunt to help me figure out a good way to incorporate me and DF into the favor. At first we were going to use orange and blue M&M's for DF's favorite team (the Mets) but then my aunt found these and I thought they were perfect too!! So inside the box is the shoe with the chocolates in it and also a litte pouch of yellow and white M&M's because I already had them and no use in wasting them right?
DisneyDee - I love your colors. If I didn't have such an attachment to yellow then I would be using the same ones.

Well, as for more planning - We didn't get to have our engagement shoot today because it just isn't warm enough. We have pushed it back about two weeks to let some foliage grow and hopefully have it warm up.

I will be putting white chocolate castles and coaches on the plates for everyone when they enter the reception so I just bought molds for them. I think the castles are the same as some others that I saw on the board. They are really cute and I think they will be great with my theme.

I ordered crystal iron on decals from e-bay (thanks to Lynn's PJ) and made shirts for my bridal party. Making them cost about $12.00 less then ordering them from any wedding site and they are realy no different. I gave them to them as a gift for helping me make my favors. They are planning on wearing them to the engagement party. These are the shirts -


This is me and my best friend wearing them

My best friend got engaged two days before me and I am her MOH as well. So I bought us matching sweatshirts with the shortened versions of our new last names on them. I will be Mrs. "Picc" and she Mrs. "Hick" - they rhyme nd I find that hilarious. I couldn't resist the sweatshirt! Here is pic of them and of us in them.


So that was really just some fun stuff. I have off this week and hope to get a few more things accomplished so I am sure I will be posting again.
Thanks everyone! I am very happy with them and they turned out just like I wanted them to! I got the idea for polka dot ribbon from theknot.com I think. The idea for the boxes came from these boards. I can't take credit for the sports chocolates. I asked my very creative aunt to help me figure out a good way to incorporate me and DF into the favor. At first we were going to use orange and blue M&M's for DF's favorite team (the Mets) but then my aunt found these and I thought they were perfect too!! So inside the box is the shoe with the chocolates in it and also a litte pouch of yellow and white M&M's because I already had them and no use in wasting them right?
DisneyDee - I love your colors. If I didn't have such an attachment to yellow then I would be using the same ones.

Well, as for more planning - We didn't get to have our engagement shoot today because it just isn't warm enough. We have pushed it back about two weeks to let some foliage grow and hopefully have it warm up.

I will be putting white chocolate castles and coaches on the plates for everyone when they enter the reception so I just bought molds for them. I think the castles are the same as some others that I saw on the board. They are really cute and I think they will be great with my theme.

I ordered crystal iron on decals from e-bay (thanks to Lynn's PJ) and made shirts for my bridal party. Making them cost about $12.00 less then ordering them from any wedding site and they are realy no different. I gave them to them as a gift for helping me make my favors. They are planning on wearing them to the engagement party. These are the shirts -


This is me and my best friend wearing them

My best friend got engaged two days before me and I am her MOH as well. So I bought us matching sweatshirts with the shortened versions of our new last names on them. I will be Mrs. "Picc" and she Mrs. "Hick" - they rhyme nd I find that hilarious. I couldn't resist the sweatshirt! Here is pic of them and of us in them.


So that was really just some fun stuff. I have off this week and hope to get a few more things accomplished so I am sure I will be posting again.

I am so glad you ordered the iron ons from ebay. Aren't they beautiful in person. Your shirts look Great!!! I love your favors too, everything looks beautiful and your dress I absolutely love it!!!
I can't believe you have accomplished so much wedding planning already! My wedding isn't until Oct. 2008 and I too have done so much already! Everyone thinks I'm crazy for planning so soon, but I am having fun! In order to get what you want you have to book early. I booked the church, reception site, DJ, photographer, videographer, and transportation. I also have my dress already! I got engaged on Sept. 2, 2006 and got my dress in January! LOL! I just went in too look and found the dress I loved! Right now I am looking at invitations. I wish I was having a "Fairytale" theme wedding. The only thing DF is "letting" me have is the Lenox Cinderella & Prince cake topper! He isn't a Disney freak like me, which stinks! However, he did say we can honeymoon in WDW and that he will wear the Ears! Every now and then I try adding something else in! Anyway. Enough about me! Your dress is amazing! I'm sure you look wonderful in it. Post pics as soon as you can. I will be following your planning and I agree that being engaged is so much fun!! Good Luck! :bride:
I can't believe you have accomplished so much wedding planning already! My wedding isn't until Oct. 2008 and I too have done so much already! Everyone thinks I'm crazy for planning so soon, but I am having fun! In order to get what you want you have to book early. I booked the church, reception site, DJ, photographer, videographer, and transportation. I also have my dress already! I got engaged on Sept. 2, 2006 and got my dress in January! LOL! I just went in too look and found the dress I loved! Right now I am looking at invitations. I wish I was having a "Fairytale" theme wedding. The only thing DF is "letting" me have is the Lenox Cinderella & Prince cake topper! He isn't a Disney freak like me, which stinks! However, he did say we can honeymoon in WDW and that he will wear the Ears! Every now and then I try adding something else in! Anyway. Enough about me! Your dress is amazing! I'm sure you look wonderful in it. Post pics as soon as you can. I will be following your planning and I agree that being engaged is so much fun!! Good Luck! :bride:

I see you are from Jersey too. You have to act fast around here if you want to get what you want!!! The only thing that I don't have done from your list is transportation but I am working on that this week hopefully. Aren't invitations CRAZY??? I wanted to find something inexpensive that doesn't look it but I have decided that that is impossible. Df isn't a Disney freak at all and isn't crazy about the fairy tale theme so I have to be careful how much of it I put in! He likes it but doesn't want me to make everything too girly - I can't blame him I suppose! I can't connvince him to wear the ears though and I am so jealous that your DF will. We are going to DL and on a Disney Cruise for our honeymoon so maybe I can convince him when we are actually there...we shall see!
Today I went to be measured and to officially order my gown. I couldn't take any pictures again :o( but it looked just as beautiful as I remembered it! I went with DM and DMIL and we picked out my veil and tiara together. It was nice to have both of them in on the decision (DMIL is really going through hard times right now and needs anything to help her smile). The tiara is more of a headband and less like a crown though. I naturally don't have pics of those either so I guess you are going to have to keep waiting for a pic of the total package!

This is similar to the veil I picked out - very similar but not exactly

This is going to be the flower girls' basket. It matches the ring bearers' pillows.

As for DMIL---I recently posted that DFIL is suffering from a very bad case of cancer. It isn't responding to chemo and the doctors's at this point are projecting that it won't be long until he is no longer with us. Its all very sad of coarse. And, as you all know, the timing of this could not be worse. Our engagement party is next month and we are just feeling bad about being happy at this point. Its really crazy. DMIL smiled and cried with us today but I am glad that she smiled - I know it must have been hard for her to see me in the dress knowing that DFIL more then likely will not get the chance to. I can't even imagine! But we will all get through this together I am sure.

You all know that I have chosen yellow for my color in remembrence of my sister who passed away in 2004. So DF and I have decided that along the same lines, his groomsmen will be wearing DFIL's favorite flower in remembrence of him.

So it was a bitter sweet day but sweet just the same. :goodvibes
Oh my gosh I am so sorry about your DFIL:sad1: I will be praying for you and your family.

I love everything that you have so far!!!!
Well, its been a crazy two weeks for me. DF's father got very sick the week after easter and asked that he be put on home Hospice care on Monday 4/16. His family honored his wishes but by that evening, the fire and police chiefs of their town were evacuating DF's family and failing father due to flooding. They took DFIL to a local hospital and by the next morning, their street was completely flooded and not driveable. By 3:00pm on 4/17 DFIL had passed away. What a blessing in disguise that they were evacuated from the house. Could you imagine if he had passed and they were'nt able to get him out! So DF was staying with me and his mom and two younger brothers were staying with DF's brother and they were not able to get in their house until Friday 4/20. When we were finally able to get in, their was 4 feet of water in their basment which was full of their things because with DFIL it wasn't a priority to move them. Clean up took two whole days and then wake and funeral services were 4/22 and 4/23 (the three year anniversary of my sister's passing).
So needless to say it was a really crazy time for me. I lurked here to keep my mind busy but haven't posted on anything for a while. DF and his fam are doing as well as can be expected. Its a difficult time but they are coping.
His whole family (and mine) are very excited to celebrate and have a fun day next month at our engagement party! Everyone just wants something to smile about at this point.:goodvibes
So yesterday I actually made the favors for the kids attending the eng. party. I thought they might not care at all about the shoe etc. so I just bought the little white chinese carryier boxes and filled them with M&M's. I will post a pic when I get them uploaded. I also bought coloring books and crayons etc. for them to use at the party.
I think that I have decided on a BM dress. These are by alfed angelo will be this color. I am not set on this designer because their color might be a bit too muted for me but I am 99% sure that I want this style. The pick ups mimick my dress but are not too much. Me and MOH will be going out this weekend or next to look around.

I also am pretty set on some of my flowers. I definitely want to use Daiseys and stefanotis. I will most likely use white roses as well. So I will probably go to a florist soon but I am too far out to do that right now. This is DEFINITELY the boutineer though. In honor of DFIL - he chose this as his boutineer at his wedding because he loved it so thats what we are going to do. The fact that I love stefanotis makes it all the much better!

Thats all for now. I hope to be around more often now that things are calming down.
Wow I am really sorry about all the sadness in your life right now :( I feel for you, your DF and both your families. I think honoring your sister and DFs father through color and flowers is a fantastic idea. That way they'll be with you that day. I hope you have a great engagement party :) Remember to celebrate the good things!
I just wanted to saw I'm sorry for your loss and everything going on for you? You are from Jersey right? I'm in Philly - so I wasn't near the floods but saw and knew alot of people in the area's.

Just keep smiling, I'm sure it's hard to think of now, but it will get better!

My thoughts & prayers are with you.......
We had a beautiful day today and went for our engagement shoot. It was a great way to get to know the photographer who will be shooting our wedding and we had a really fun time. It was really casual and allowed us to do alot of interaction etc. I just got an e-mail with a teaser of what is to come so I thought I would share. I love them all and can not wait to get the rest!
We had a beautiful day today and went for our engagement shoot. It was a great way to get to know the photographer who will be shooting our wedding and we had a really fun time. It was really casual and allowed us to do alot of interaction etc. I just got an e-mail with a teaser of what is to come so I thought I would share. I love them all and can not wait to get the rest!



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