Misc airport chatter


DIS Veteran
Jun 3, 2000
Just a few things I noticed when flying this last weekend --

I flew United. At check-in, one young gal had a large suitcase. It evidently was overweight. She had to lighten the load or be charged an additional $75.
She pulled MANY books from an outer sleeve compartment.

Why do some families take up soooo many seats in the waiting areas? I saw a few families at different airports that had only 3 - 4 in the entire group, and not many bags. Yet they took up 8 - 12 seats. One seat for them -- one for their luggage, one for a purse, one for a newspaper, one for their feet, one for food, etc.

Last May we flew United into OHare. As we were leaving for MCO, there was a problem as the plane starting taxing. They stopped, pulled us back in and had to leave that plane. A few hours later left on another United plane.
This weekend, again I flew United into OHare. Again, as we started pulling away, we had to back up and leave the plane while they worked on it. A half hour or so later we were back on and on our way.
The United plane before ours on Saturday also was delayed because they had to change a tire before take off.
I like United. But I have come to the conclusion there is something about LEAVING OHare with United.

Terrorists would not do well at South Bend IN Regional airport. Vehiles are checked out pretty good even when they enter the parking lot. (Mirrors used to look under your vehicle and someone looks in your vehicle too.)
Security was tighter there than anyone airport I have been in since Sept 11. Glad I didn't have my pin bag with me! ;)

Want everyone to be friendly to you when you are at an airport? Carry a box of Krispie Kreme donuts as your carry on! :jester:

What are your general airport ramblings?
Flying through O'Hare is like a homecoming for me (used to live in Chicago). That said I like flying through O'Hare...however, for some reason there is always a delay!
As for South Bend...I remember dropping off a rental at 6am. Nobody was there! I dropped the keys in the Avis door slot. My how times have changed!
Recent observation...Why are my daughter (5) and I always picked out for an extra search (DW just passes right through!). We look like the typical American tourists, but are always stopped!
At one of the airports, a gal was pulled aside to go through the search procedure.
The guy she was with laughed at her.
The guard said, "Oh, you're together? You get searched too."
That wiped that smirk off his face!;)
Of all possible security measures, random screening at the gate IMHO is the most pathetically useless, make-work procedure of all. If we're going to spend time and money on security, let's spend it on something worthwhile.

In my limited experience it seems that about 10%-20% of passengers are screened.

-- Does it make me feel any better to know (assuming that screening is perfect) that a terrorist about to board my plane only has an 80%-90% chance of getting through? LOL! If that's not bad enough, if there were two of them they'd be virtually assured that one of them would get through.

-- Does random screening pose a deterrent to terrorists? If a fanatic is about to commit murder/suicide for a fervently held belief, will a small chance of being caught cause them to run away? LOL squared!

-- Is this second screening any more thorough than what happens at the security checkpoint? Doesn't appear to be; in particular they don't have the x-ray equipment.
Well, I can't speak for a lot of the above. But yes, second screening is MUCH more complete. I have seen them pull things from luggage that got through the first screening. (Mainly nail files, which I find kind of funny!) And it is not 100% random, gate agents can pull people they feel nervous about.
I have found 2nd screening to be much more complete. They went through every inch of my carryon, and opened toiletries(bottles/containers) on several occasions. DD5 they check with a wand, and also her Princess Aurora backpack. One time when I was searched they kept DD5 away from me. She became very upset. She was afraid I was going to miss the flight. I appreciate the need for better security. However, sometimes I wonder what they're looking for. ( I would describe myself as a very average, white American on vacation) Overall, though I'm happy that security has improved.
I know this isn't "airport", but this drives me crazy. I always buy a window seat for DD because she loves to watch the wings, etc. She is a nervous flyer, so I do this to help her keep occupied and give her something about the flight to enjoy.

It never fails that when we get on the big plane, some jerk is sitting in her seat and I have to ask them to move. If they want window seat, why don't they ask for it?

I agree too with the part about families taking up a lot of seats in the airport. I have been so bold as to set their newspaper or whatever in the floor so my DD and I could sit together. It got me a dirty look, but that was all.

I get a kick out of the rush to the gate counter when the agents appear. Like you're not going to get on the plane if you don't get to the counter first.:rolleyes:
A few years ago I was at the airport and these two nice older women were waiting by the gate. They told the gate agent that it looked like everyone was here to them and couldn't we go ahead and board so we could leave NOW! They wanted to get to thier desitnation earlier.

They were so disappointed when the gate agent said that airlines really did not work that way. That we did not get to leave half an hour early if everyone got there early!


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