MM Warriors - Three Steps to Good Health (As of 11/18)

Beverly: Congratulations on the best present of 20 lbs. lost!!!! That's so awesome! What day did you start MM originally? I lost 2 more lbs. as of this am over the holidays so about 4 altogether. It really made it worth it to stay on plan.

Carol: I'm so excited for you about your sewing machine and table! Just perfect for you and your desires to help others. How sweet.

We had the best Christmas ever and it wasn't about the presents. This was the first year that everyone pitched in to cook with me - including all of the kids. They made the most amazing dishes and we had soooo much fun laughing around the kitchen together. Just like I would imagine our MM times being. The best part was that my nephew said he wants us to do it this way every year. I'm so proud of the kids for their attitudes of cooperation and giving to the family. The meal was better than anything one person could have ever done alone. A metaphor for life! I'm sick with a bad sore throat, and I'm still really happy with the events of the day. Tomorrow, I plan to watch movies in my pj's if I want to and take naps. I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Good Morning MM friends. We had a really nice Christmas. We had Christmas morning here at my house - Demi, Chloe, Brad, Halle and me (and Freddy, Demi's friend). It was fun - lots of laughs and a wonderful brunch (scrambled eggs, sausage, vegan french toast and berries). We went to my mom's in the afternoon. It was very relaxing - good prime rib dinner too!

I hope everyone was able to spend time with family and friends.

Lisa, Carol and Kathy - I am glad to hear that you had good days too! Lisa - the butternut squash soup was a big hit at dinner last night. I hope you feel better. Demi coughed all night - I always worry about her when she is sick because she is immunosuppressed from her anti-rejection medications. My niece is doing better although still in ICU.
Hi everyone!!
I was here earlier, lost my post, got disgusted and figured i'd post later.

Bev, that is great about the 20 lbs. You have a lot to be proud of!

Carol, glad you got your sewing machine and table. That will be sooo nice!!

Lisa, sorry you are feeling crappy. Take it easy today and hope your feeling better.

Kate, sounds as if Christmas was fun at your house! Glad you had a nice time.

I fell asleep last night on the couch to wake up this morning around 7 still on the couch. Slept like a log LOL. Went shopping and got a jump start on next Christmas already! Got Tris a nice set of the Better Homes and Gardens dishes at Walmart for 12.50 and some gift bags and such. Then went to Kmart and got some wrapping paper, a snowman music box for dad (he loves Frosty) and some more gift bags and boxes. Also got all my cards for next year. I am trying to turn myself into an organized person. I need to get myself a birthday present this week :woohoo:

I also went to Borders and got that last copy of MM for my mom. Hope she calls me before she goes looking for it in there. She has a cell phone, but never turns it on. Go figure LOL.

Ok, going to unload the van. I left home around 8 and got home about an hour ago, so I need to drag this all in here. Thinking of taking the tree down today. Pine needles all through my carpet now.

Catch you all later. :grouphug:
Beverly, congratulations. What a terrific Christmas Present!:cool1: You must be thrilled!

Kate, Lisa, Carol and Kathy, sounds like a lovely Christmas! I think that is a great New years resolution Carol. Maybe you could start with one small project in mind so it's not so overwhelming. It's great to hear how organized you are Lisa. Everyone sounds so excited and happy to be with family!

Kathy, I hate it when I lose my post! Good for you for walking away for a few and then coming back of course! I'm really glad to hear your mom is going to try. I have a good friend that is thinking of it.

I don't really want to mention this but I have to. I crashed big time with my eating. Christmas eve I had many glasses of regular eggnog. I was terrible sick yesterday and actually lightheaded at times. I think it was insulin or something. Yesterday I didn't eat on plan either, although I didn't go wild. I need to get back on the bus. I feel like your all going to be disgusted with me. Perhaps because I'm disgusted with me. I don't want to go into the New Year without being on track with my eating.

It's okay. We're not disgusted with you...I think a lot of us went off plan for the past week or so. I know I did! I will stand by the road with you and flag down the MM bus so we can hop back on and get with the program again. I had been eating step 1 meals with some step 2 things thrown in between. This past week was bad, though not as out of control as before MM. I think that we have all gained more will power and now the excesses we used to practice just aren't a part of us anymore. I know I have.

So, Daniele, today is a new day and even though I'm not ready to hop on the MM bus until Monday, I'm going to be right back there with you doing what I need to lose the weight

It would be so incredibly cool if we could all get together for New Years and make resolutions together and help support each other with them. I was wondering if there was a separate place where we could post our goals for the new year and we could all see each others and refer back to them throughout the year. I know I'm not making myself clear. It's always nice if a friend knows of a specific goal I have and then asked me how I'm doing with it at different times during the year and also asks if there anything they can do to help me accomplish that goal. :idea:

We made the breakfast for the homeless shelter today and it was fabulous! They really appreciated a hot meal. Now that we know what it entails, we will vote on whether to keep serving there or alternate with service like road clean up or something. Only 3 people were needed there to do the actual serving and I had hoped for an opportunity for all the family to be involved
so we'll see.

May your days be merry and bright.


Feast upon the Words of Christ

It's okay. We're not disgusted with you...I think a lot of us went off plan for the past week or so. I know I did! I will stand by the road with you and flag down the MM bus so we can hop back on and get with the program again. I had been eating step 1 meals with some step 2 things thrown in between. This past week was bad, though not as out of control as before MM. I think that we have all gained more will power and now the excesses we used to practice just aren't a part of us anymore. I know I have.

So, Daniele, today is a new day and even though I'm not ready to hop on the MM bus until Monday, I'm going to be right back there with you doing what I need to lose the weight

It would be so incredibly cool if we could all get together for New Years and make resolutions together and help support each other with them. I was wondering if there was a separate place where we could post our goals for the new year and we could all see each others and refer back to them throughout the year. I know I'm not making myself clear. It's always nice if a friend knows of a specific goal I have and then asked me how I'm doing with it at different times during the year and also asks if there anything they can do to help me accomplish that goal. :idea:

We made the breakfast for the homeless shelter today and it was fabulous! They really appreciated a hot meal. Now that we know what it entails, we will vote on whether to keep serving there or alternate with service like road clean up or something. Only 3 people were needed there to do the actual serving and I had hoped for an opportunity for all the family to be involved
so we'll see.

May your days be merry and bright.


Feast upon the Words of Christ

Thank you Carol! :hug: I feel disgusted and disgusting honestly. I'm sorry that you've been having troubles too. I'm kind of on the mm bus today. I've got such a stomach ache I can't eat :) It's working out for me. I'm going to stick to protein and veggie for dinner and try to get my head cleared out. I'm really not going to have to have much of a choice but to redo step one. I've been messing around too much with carb dams which probably led to this. It's a slippery slope.

I don't see why we couldn't share our new year's resolutions here. I know that one of mine is to have at least 50% of what I eat come from vegetables. So, if I were to have a half cup of meat, then I need a half cup of veggies etc. I wanted to do a high number like 80% but then I realized I might not keep up with it and I wanted a realistic goal.

I hope everyone is having a good day. Hopefully I'll see everyone a bit later. :grouphug:
Wow. Right on cue Diane posted this on her blog:

December 26, 2009....."Latkes, and Cookies, and Drinks....Oh My!"

Whatever your heritage, religion, or beliefs might be, many of us are right smack in the middle of the "holiday season." Christmas, Hanukkah, Festivus, New dinners, parties, visits, leftovers....this is one of the most difficult times of the year to stay focused on a food-based program. So, guess what? I'm going to tell everyone my secret to making it through holiday unscathed......Gather round....shhhhhhhhhhh....ready? Everyone has dispensation from whatever dietary missteps you may have taken! Yep, I can do that. (Big smile).

Every year, the week between Christmas Eve and New Years Day is a scheduled "break" in my plan. Also, scheduled into my life is a "reset" that must take place (ready or not) on January 2. For 2 weeks, I will return to a clean up of Step 1. For the next 2 weeks, I will progress to Step 2. When February arrives, I'm back to Step 3....which is where I will "live" until summer vacation!

Because we have Met B, a genetic predisposition to excess insulin release, we can't just say..."Okay, it's January 2, the party's over, I'll go back to my Step 2 and all will be fine. During your time of merriment, your pancreas swung back into overdrive. YOU MUST RETURN TO STEP 1 NO MATTER WHERE YOU WERE BEFORE THE HOLIDAYS!!! Stay in Step 1 for a full 2 weeks. (Remember that the first 3 days will feel tired, cranky, hungry, and really crave carbs as your liver must release glycogen stores and your pancreas has to shut down to rest.

1. If you were in Step 1 prior to the holidays, you must count the 2 weeks as additional time that will be added to the end of the 8 weeks.

2. If you were in Step 2 prior to the holidays, the 2 weeks of Step 1 are considered clean -up weeks. When you return to Step 2, you can pick up your "count" of Step 2 weeks from where you left off before the holidays. For example, if you were finishing your week 3 of Step 2 when Christmas Eve rolled around, after your 2 week Step 1 clean up, you will be "starting week 4" of Step 2.

3. If you were in Step 3 prior to the holidays, the 2 weeks of Step 1 are clean- up weeks. When you finish Step 1, you will need to spend an equal amount of time (2 weeks) in Step 2. Then, you can happily return to maintenance, none the worse for wear!.

If you follow the directions, you will have no residual to worry about from holiday eating. If you don't return to Step 1 to clean will lose your footing as your pancreas will be out of control again. Just suck it up, bring your body back into control, and learn how to live a normal life with Met B. You are not meant to live without ever "going off plan" and making an occasional error. The trick is to know the way to set things right! Diane
Kate: I’m so glad you had such a wonderful Christmas and that the soup was a hit! Sorry Demi has the cough, too. I’m sure she is taking good care of herself, though. What great news about your niece getting better! The perfect gift to welcome the new year is her continued improvement.

Nell: Please don’t be disgusted with yourself. Those feelings are what got some of us in trouble in the first place. You know what to do, so pick a day – soon! – and begin anew. You can do this and we are here to help you! Thanks for sharing Diane’s blog. I think it’s a double edged sword because we do know the solution and it’s nice to know we can have our celebrations, but people like ourselves can get really sick if we take a break where we eat with abandon. I came so close to eating cookies and I almost had to come in here and beg somebody to talk me down. I managed to make it, but knowing you all are here has been a benefit I can’t even describe. I know for sure I would have been off course many times without the support. We had butternut squash soup last night and it was worth it! I am toying with the idea of Step 1 in January just for a booster toward my birthday goal. I love your resolution, too, Nell. It sounds like you will be having more traditional meals this coming year:)

Carol: How lovely for your family to feed so many in need. It warms my heart.

Robin: We miss you and hope you are having the best Christmas ever with Ali!

Tom posed for pictures in some new clothes yesterday. That’s a big deal! He’s always been shy about trying things on in front of people. Everything fits great now, even a slim-fitting jacket I got him. J-P really looks great in his leather jacket and likes it a lot. They are spending some time together today while I take a nap to nurse this cold.
Hi everyone!! I hope all is well.

Nell, please don't feel as though we are upset with you. As I said to Diane (was it her?), we are all human. I don't even call them slip ups or anything like that. It is life. Sometimes we won't make the best choices. But we know what we need to do to fix the problem. I haven't been an angel the past month or so. But I also know that I'm not gorging myself the way I used to. Mom had candied yams yesterday. I had a couple small pieces of them. I brought home a couple small pieces to eat with my leftover ham. I know it's not MM, but that's ok. I forgive myself, and I will do better. After Jan. 1, I will be back on step 1 full force. My birthday is the 31st so I know without a doubt there will be cake everyone expects me to eat some of. I will have a tiny bit and that will be it. We love you and thank you for being so honest and open about this. It is so hard to admit to everyone that we having been on plan, but we all want the best for each other. :hug: So, when you decide you want to go back to step 1, we are here for you!! And I have also noticed when I eat too many rich, sugary things, I feel like crap. My stomach hurts, nausea, tiredness, the whole works. That was Thanksgiving, so I have learnt I can have a bit of each, just not bunches.

Lisa, hoping you are feeling better today. Also hoping you enjoyed your nap :hug:

Catch you all later unless I pass out on the couch LOL.
Well, I only ate dinner tonight and it was sausage, veggies and sweet potato. I'm going to keep it reasonable like Kathy suggested and pick a day like Lisa Suggested. I think either Jan 1st or 2nd would be a good day to go back to step one. We may be going to visit someone on the 1st so that will determine it. If we stay home I'll start that day.

Lisa, I found that when I went back to step one I didn't lose anything. It won't hurt to try it, but remember met B bodies are weird and don't behave the way we want them to.

I hope everyone is enjoying this Holiday weekend.:grouphug:
Just wanted to check in and say good night. Just took my Claratin, so I'll be sleeping by 9:30 LOL. I am such a pansy when it comes to bedtime LOL. Don't know how I'll be able to stay up until 12 on New Years Eve :lmao: We usually go to our friend's house (Tristan's MIL) so it's pretty noisy and we play games and such, so I do manage to stay up then. But usually home and in bed by 1:30.

Good night everyone, God bless and sweet dreams.

Hope your having fun Robin, and we miss you!! Be careful going home, and honk your horn as you pass PA, I'll be listening for you!!!!
Beverly: Congratulations on the best present of 20 lbs. lost!!!! That's so awesome! What day did you start MM originally? I lost 2 more lbs. as of this am over the holidays so about 4 altogether. It really made it worth it to stay on plan.

We had the best Christmas ever and it wasn't about the presents. This was the first year that everyone pitched in to cook with me - including all of the kids. They made the most amazing dishes and we had soooo much fun laughing around the kitchen together. Just like I would imagine our MM times being. The best part was that my nephew said he wants us to do it this way every year. I'm so proud of the kids for their attitudes of cooperation and giving to the family. The meal was better than anything one person could have ever done alone. A metaphor for life! I'm sick with a bad sore throat, and I'm still really happy with the events of the day. Tomorrow, I plan to watch movies in my pj's if I want to and take naps. I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Lisa - I started 7/30/09, so it's been a long road especially considering how much I want to lose. I plan to stay on plan as well as I can while on vacation, then going back to step 1 when we get home. I really should have lost a lot more than this by now, but I am still losing, and that is what matters.

It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas.

Sorry you are feeling poorly.

Good Morning MM friends. We had a really nice Christmas. We had Christmas morning here at my house - Demi, Chloe, Brad, Halle and me (and Freddy, Demi's friend). It was fun - lots of laughs and a wonderful brunch (scrambled eggs, sausage, vegan french toast and berries). We went to my mom's in the afternoon. It was very relaxing - good prime rib dinner too!

I hope everyone was able to spend time with family and friends.

Demi coughed all night - I always worry about her when she is sick because she is immunosuppressed from her anti-rejection medications. My niece is doing better although still in ICU.

Kate - I'm glad you had some great meals. I hope Demi is feeling better, and prayers are still with your niece.

Hi everyone!!
I was here earlier, lost my post, got disgusted and figured i'd post later.

Bev, that is great about the 20 lbs. You have a lot to be proud of!

I fell asleep last night on the couch to wake up this morning around 7 still on the couch. Slept like a log LOL. Went shopping and got a jump start on next Christmas already! Got Tris a nice set of the Better Homes and Gardens dishes at Walmart for 12.50 and some gift bags and such. Then went to Kmart and got some wrapping paper, a snowman music box for dad (he loves Frosty) and some more gift bags and boxes. Also got all my cards for next year. I am trying to turn myself into an organized person. I need to get myself a birthday present this week :woohoo:

I also went to Borders and got that last copy of MM for my mom. Hope she calls me before she goes looking for it in there. She has a cell phone, but never turns it on. Go figure LOL.

Ok, going to unload the van. I left home around 8 and got home about an hour ago, so I need to drag this all in here. Thinking of taking the tree down today. Pine needles all through my carpet now.

Catch you all later. :grouphug:

Kathy - thanks for the kudos. It sounds like you are well on your well to Christmas 2010.

I had to take DS15 to the Dr. this evening for a sinus infection, so we ran by Walgreens to pick up his prescription. I was buying for DH's b-day tomorrow, not even thinking about 2010. My tree needs to come down soon also since we leave on 1/1.

Good luck to your mom.

Beverly, congratulations. What a terrific Christmas Present!:cool1: You must be thrilled!

I don't really want to mention this but I have to. I crashed big time with my eating. Christmas eve I had many glasses of regular eggnog. I was terrible sick yesterday and actually lightheaded at times. I think it was insulin or something. Yesterday I didn't eat on plan either, although I didn't go wild. I need to get back on the bus. I feel like your all going to be disgusted with me. Perhaps because I'm disgusted with me. I don't want to go into the New Year without being on track with my eating.

Nell - don't beat yourself up. Diane says it's a gimme week and you just need to climb back on the bus.

Tom posed for pictures in some new clothes yesterday. That’s a big deal! He’s always been shy about trying things on in front of people. Everything fits great now, even a slim-fitting jacket I got him. J-P really looks great in his leather jacket and likes it a lot. They are spending some time together today while I take a nap to nurse this cold.

I hope you are feeling better and it sounds like your men are looking good!

BTW - I saw some blue angel wrapping paper at Walgreens tonight. It was a 70 sq. ft. roll that has the cutting lines on it, it's the heavy duty stuff. It was you who was looking for angel paper, right?

Just wanted to check in and say good night. Just took my Claratin, so I'll be sleeping by 9:30 LOL. I am such a pansy when it comes to bedtime LOL. Don't know how I'll be able to stay up until 12 on New Years Eve :lmao: We usually go to our friend's house (Tristan's MIL) so it's pretty noisy and we play games and such, so I do manage to stay up then. But usually home and in bed by 1:30.

Good night everyone, God bless and sweet dreams.

Hope your having fun Robin, and we miss you!! Be careful going home, and honk your horn as you pass PA, I'll be listening for you!!!!

kathy - I hope you are getting a good night's sleep.

I had a day of beauty today and hot my hair cut (short) and a pedicure after Zumba this a.m. We had snow this afternoon so I stayed in an did some laundry before I took Adam to the Dr.

Well, it's 10:00 here and bedtime for me too. I'll see you tomorrow.
Beverly: I started two days before you and we are neck ‘n neck, so I’m glad you are encouraged, too, because I really am, even though it has been slow. The results are very obvious. Next Christmas, we’ll be hot! Oh, I’ll have to go to Walgreens and see if ours has angel wrapping paper. My niece noticed that she had the prettiest packages this year with angel paper. She counts on it! I didn’t have enough for everyone this year. I think I know where I can buy some, but keep me in mind if anyone has a fund raiser where they ship it to you. I’d be happy to help out the kids.

Nell: I was thinking about Step 1 at the first as a booster and an insurance policy in case I ate something wrong today, but I didn’t. Tom messed up on his timing, but not more than 2 mess ups this week, so we are both ok, I guess. We’ll talk about it this week and see what we want our plan to be. I have lost more on Step 2 than I did on Step 1, also.

I’m holding this cold thing at status quo tonight. Maybe it will turn around before it gets as bad as Mom’s. I’m still afraid she might have pneumonia, but she won’t go to the doctor yet. Stubborn!

Nite, nite all! Love you!
Good morning everyone!! I hope you all had a restful sleep last night. Once again, I slept on the couch once again but slept like a rock! Mike stays up pretty much all night. He woke me up around 6am to go to bed. Needless to say, he's on the couch sleeping, and I'm up for the day. I laid around for about an hour, then thought it was pointless. I'll take a nap after the Steeler game if I need to. I think I slept so because I forced myself to stay up later. I went on Flylady's page and read a bunch of stuff, then googled it and found her on you tube, so watched some of those.
My one resolution for the new year is to P&P. Prioritize and purge. I feel as though I'm being taken advantage of at my one house, so I am going to not make myself quite as available to her I think. I have another house that they call me every year to clean bi-weekly, but they tend to cancel quite a bit. So I may tell them I am not able to do it. I could use the extra money, so I will have to play it by ear. But I will probably do it. She is a teacher, so in the summer they don't really need me. She could use Flylady. I may mention it to her husband. I've known him since I worked at Lowes, so almost 12 years!

Sorry for the rambling. Beautiful sunrise this morning. I love wakingBe up early and watching the sun come up. It's like watching the world wake up. I also love the evenings. The beautiful sunsets, long shadows, just relaxing for me. If it was warmer, I'd be outside on my front stoop watching it. Maybe I can get Mike to clean out our enclosed porch (I call it the office, Mike's uncle used to do his business out of there, we bought our house from his aunt) as we have a huge 8' window in the front. I can see out the window from my window in the living room. Hard to explain so you could understand, sorry.

Bev, hoping your son is doing better today. Stinks when kids don't feel well :sick:

Lisa, kick that cold in the butt and take care of yourself. I know your drinking lots of fluids. Don't forget your supplements. With you being sick, your immune system is going to be crappy too :sick:

Ok, done rambling. I'll catch up with you all later. We have to go to the funeral home this evening. Mike's one aunt died right before Christmas. I just hope I have some black pants that fit me! They are sized 16 and 14! Maybe I can safety pin the 14's if I need to :confused3

Good day to everyone! :wave:

It sure looks like everyone had a pleasant (however hectic) holiday. My house is finally empty except for DH and myself. I'm so thankful that everyone was able to be here, (our family has grown to fourteen). The kind, warm holiday spirit seemed to blanket us all, no squabbles over sleeping arrangements, hot showers or anything! lol Food was wonderful, company and spirits were even better. I am content, no post let downs or anything. I wish the same for all of you. For now I'm just tired and needing to get back on track with my eating, which I will begin again in the morning.

I have a cute story to share. I haven't seen one of my yappy, comedian, BIL's for maybe seven or eight months now. He came out to eat with us Christmas day. He entered the house with my brother and his family causing my foyer to be kind of crowded. When coats were hung and the crowd cleared out he came towards me to give me a hug and when he got a full head to toe look at me, he just stood there with his mouth wide open. He was completely speechless. All I got out of him was, "Oh my, Oh my gosh, Oh goodness!" lol He absolutely didn't know what to say, lmao! I think he was afraid of being inappropriate so he decided to say nothing. Yes, I'm still smiling over it. My DH is laughing too, he swears he's never, ever seen him rendered speechless before. lol

Nell, do not fret, we now know what we need to do to get back on track. I see Diane says two weeks back on Step I, I think I'll go for a full four weeks because that's how long I've only "kind of" been on plan. Mexico was a sure killer, I never realized how carb filled their way of eating is. It's shocking. I've gained three and a half pounds in the last full month. Eh, not so bad, it could have been worse I suppose. I've not lost one bit of my resolution to stay with this plan. Diane has spelled it out so clear and completely for us, all we need is the resolve. Thanks to all of you, that resolve remains with me today as much as the first week I was on the plan. Have I thanked you all lately for being here? :thanks:

My middle daughter came out a little bit ago and asked me what my plans were and I realized I have no agenda, no plans to do anything at any point in the near future, how weird is that!? I think I will contact our local volunteer bureau and see if they can put me to work. This is a very odd thing to realize about myself. I have nothing to do! lol

I'm really anxious to hear everyone's New Year resolutions. Mine is to take off this last 15lbs before it's time to buy my summer clothes and to up my workouts. :Pinkbounc:Pinkbounc

Lisa, I hope you and your mother are feeling better soon! Take care of yourself.
Good morning everyone!! I hope you all had a restful sleep last night. Once again, I slept on the couch once again but slept like a rock! Mike stays up pretty much all night. He woke me up around 6am to go to bed. Needless to say, he's on the couch sleeping, and I'm up for the day. I laid around for about an hour, then thought it was pointless. I'll take a nap after the Steeler game if I need to. I think I slept so because I forced myself to stay up later. I went on Flylady's page and read a bunch of stuff, then googled it and found her on you tube, so watched some of those.
My one resolution for the new year is to P&P. Prioritize and purge. I feel as though I'm being taken advantage of at my one house, so I am going to not make myself quite as available to her I think. I have another house that they call me every year to clean bi-weekly, but they tend to cancel quite a bit. So I may tell them I am not able to do it. I could use the extra money, so I will have to play it by ear. But I will probably do it. She is a teacher, so in the summer they don't really need me. She could use Flylady. I may mention it to her husband. I've known him since I worked at Lowes, so almost 12 years!

Sorry for the rambling. Beautiful sunrise this morning. I love wakingBe up early and watching the sun come up. It's like watching the world wake up. I also love the evenings. The beautiful sunsets, long shadows, just relaxing for me. If it was warmer, I'd be outside on my front stoop watching it. Maybe I can get Mike to clean out our enclosed porch (I call it the office, Mike's uncle used to do his business out of there, we bought our house from his aunt) as we have a huge 8' window in the front. I can see out the window from my window in the living room. Hard to explain so you could understand, sorry.

Bev, hoping your son is doing better today. Stinks when kids don't feel well :sick:

Lisa, kick that cold in the butt and take care of yourself. I know your drinking lots of fluids. Don't forget your supplements. With you being sick, your immune system is going to be crappy too :sick:

Ok, done rambling. I'll catch up with you all later. We have to go to the funeral home this evening. Mike's one aunt died right before Christmas. I just hope I have some black pants that fit me! They are sized 16 and 14! Maybe I can safety pin the 14's if I need to :confused3


Kathy, visiting with us is not rambling, it's visiting! :goodvibes

I love your resolution, I could use a little of the opposite in my life, I'm too picky and organized, another sign that I have too much time on my hands, I guess. :upsidedow

I've been sleeping like the dead too, ever since we returned from our vacation. I usually get my six hours or so and I'm up and going like a crazed person everyday. It seems so weird to sleep eight or more hours, I hope it lasts!

Sorry to hear about Mikes aunt, it's always extra tragic to lose someone around the holidays. Congratulations on needing to pin them pants though!;)
It sounds as if everyone had a wonderful time for the holidays and survived fairly well. I know I had too much wine and other goodies, but still did not really overdo. We had another party here last night, but I think I am now done entertaining for a bit. I will enjoy New Year's Eve as we are going to a lovely restaurant with friends and then back to my regular eating the day after. Nell - we are almost all in the same boat where we ate more than we intended. The trick is to just start again and forget what went before.

I have a whole collection of Low Carb cooking magazines that came out several years ago. I just starting looking through them again and saw a recipe for low carb egg nog!!! Are you interested, Nell?????

I talked to a friend who has a real struggle with weight and told her about MM some time ago. Well, she got the book and has lost over 20 pounds she told me during our CHristmas phone conversation. SHe is now ready to go to step 2. I am thrilled for her. We used to work together in the high school, we did WW together and both lost a lot of weight. She became a WW leader - one of the best I have encountered, but none of that was working anymore. I knew she was a Met B as soon as I read the descriptions.

I am still using the heavy computer, but I did get a new one for Christmas. I have to get it set up now. When Bob gets back from bridge I will start working on it. We wanted to make sure it was what I wanted before I opened it up. It has the new operating system on it which is always a challenge to navigate. Hopefully it won't be too bad.

Kathy - if you like sunrises and sunsets you should be here. Ours are spectacular. The sunrise this morning was really pretty. Do you know about the Green Flash?

I had an MRI of my spine taken this morning. I guess they run the machinery 24/7. We will now see what some of the other doctors have to say, if anything. The curvature has gotten a lot worse. I couldn't believe it when I saw the pictures -neithr could the technician taking them!! It took him about twice as long as normal to get the pictures he wanted.

Lisa, hope your cold is better. Are you taking this coming week off, too? I hope so. Let's hope 2010 is a banner year for real estate, though. That will mean the economy is re-bounding.

Congratulations on the weight loss Beverly and Kathy with the baggy pants!!
That's what keeps up motivated.

I'm going to make a Mexican casserole with my left over turkey for dinner so need to go get it started.

Hugs to all.
I was nearly too sick to stand up today so a quick Hi to you all. Watching a movie with J-P while he gets us some Greek food - salad for me. He was sweet - called to see if he could get me anything at the drug store on his way home. Hoping to be up and about tomorrow. I got a lot worse this morning...
Hi guys! Hope everyone is having a good day. Mighty quiet here today I must say.

Lisa, hoping your getting the rest you need to get rid of that darn cold.

Jocelyn, I would love to see the sunsets there. My sister and BIL went to Kuaui (sp?) and have amazing photos of the sunsets/sunrises. Are the green flashes anything like the Northern Lights? I would love to see those also. I would like to go to Newfoundland to see them!!

Bev and Nell good to see you both today!

I won't be up late tonight. Work tomorrow and did a lot around the house today. Got a ton of stuff done!!

Have a great night everyone, sweet dreams and God bless.
OMG, I hope everyone had a safe and happy Christmas! I got a virus or something on my computer at home and it's been frozen up since Christmas eve :headache: We took it in Saturday and had to leave it there. Not sure when I'll get it back.

Lisa, I hope you start feeling better very soon. Be careful and see a doctor if necessary.
Nell, You had an extended holiday cheat :hug: So what. I haven't been doing any level of MM since the 18th but have been mindful every day not to go too far off a cliff :laughing: It sounds like you have a good plan to get back on track. I like your idea about upping your veggies to 50% of your food intake.
My New Years Resolution will be to up my exercise level and take more care to watch the fats in my diet. I focus so much on counting carbs that I get a little lax watching fats.
I'm so glad to be back to work so I have computer access again :banana:


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