

Apr 15, 2004
Instead of a mini June trip we are thinking the last week of October. Can someone tell me about MNSSHP- how much are tickets, and what goes on, are rides open etc. Thanks, planning a trip is so much fun!
MNSSHP is a halloween themed party at the MK. Pretty much all of the rides are open as well as most of the attractions. There are trick-or-treat stations. There is special entertainment throughout the park. As well as special parades (Halloween themed) and fireworks. There is a separate admission price required. It is around $30-35 for an adult (I apologize for not having the exact price).

Halloween night is usually a sell out and can be kind of crowded. That is when we went last year. Personally, I won't do that again(but a lot of people would so don't let that sway you). We are looking into going earlier in Oct so we can go to a midweek early MNSSHP. It was a lot of fun, and the theming is over the top.

If you do a search here, there is A LOT of info on this topic.
We did MNSSHP for the first time last October and loved it! We did it two nights--Friday and Sunday. On Friday, we spent the night doing the special attractions such as the parade, headless horsemen (not to be missed!), etc. and spent just a small amount of time on the rides (though we got on quite a few--the lines were minimal). On Sunday, we did the opposite. We saw only those special things we truly enjoyed a 2nd time and spent the rest of the night on the rides! No more than a 5 min. wait on almost everything! It was great!

The ticket price is seperate from your park admission passes. I found it was cheaper to buy my MNSSHP and to spend that morning doing DD or the pool, etc. This way I did not use a "day's pass" and we still got into MK! We could get into the park around 4:00 and you have all night. We did PS at LTT around 5:15 and it worked out perfectly (do PS early!) We were finished shortly after the park started to close down and prepare for MNSSHP. Guests staying for MNSSHP were herded into Tomorrowland where most rides were running! This way we beat the crowds into the park that evening as well.

One thing I will say, we skipped most of the trick and treat stations. My DD is 16 and they were very busy. She can get the candy elsewhere and the bag got some of a nuisance to carry around all the time.

You get a free picture which they send to your home. Our first pix we did as a family and on the second night, we did "individual" pix. You just have to fill out seperate slips for each MNSSHP ticket with the person's name (not the same on each one). It was just my DD and I so she had her name on one and mine on the other. We then did a montage of all three pictures and framed it!

Hope this helps!
Thanks. So I would need to buy tickets to the MNSSHP plus use a Park pass? Or if you go to the MK at a certain time only the special ticket is enough? It sounds like something my kids would enjoy- and me too!
We attend MNSSHP for the first time last year and LOVED it! We are going again this year too. :)

I believe you can enter the MK with just your MNSSHP ticket at ~4:00pm. You wouldn't use a day on your PHP (unless you visited a park earlier in the day).

By the way - my strongest piece of advice about attending MNSSHP: Bring OFF! or some kind of bug repellant. Oh man, were the bugs terrible last year! We ended up wiping that antibacterial hand gel on ourselves and that helped a little. They don't sell any bug repellant at the MK. A CM told me they used to but guests complained that the odor was causing asthmatic reactions. Not sure if that's true or not but that is what I was told.

Have fun!

So for the free pics - you should get a pic for each member that has a tic? So for my family of 5, (4 paying) we could get 4 family pics or combo of kids & family?
You do not need a park ticket if you purchase a MNSSHP ticket. You can enter MK around 4:00. For us, it made more sense to spend the dollars for the MNSSHP ticket and to save one day on my PHP for another day or purchase a smaller pass (e.g. 4 day instead of 5 day). We just made alternative "non-park" plans for the day which wasn't a bad thing since we would be at the parks so late in the evening! Hope this makes more sense.

As far as the pictures go. I guess I left off one big thing--we had tickets for two nights of MNSSHP. That's why I had two sets of pictures (one for each night/ticket--we went Friday and Sunday). If there are five people in your family, and you have a "group shot", you will receive 5 pictures "identical". They take "one" shot. This is what we did on Friday evening. On Sunday, we had two people in our group. We eached filled out a slip in our "own names" and took our pictures "seperately". Therefore, we got one picture sent to my daughter with just her and one picture sent to me with just me! My daughter wanted her picture alone and I was just going to "not" be in the picture originally until a CM told me we could each do one seperately since we had our own tickets. Hope this clarifies things--sorry for the confusion.

BTW--we also dressed both nights. It was a blast. Found more people dressed on Sunday than on Friday night! I actually expected the opposite. We got so many comments on our costumes. People would come out of no where and ask if they could take our pictures. One person thought I was a CM and I had a hard time convincing them I wasn't. I went as Pinnochio. Got the costume off Ebay for just a few dollars brand new!
Everyone is right on. if your only going to the halloween party, you dont need a park pass as well as the special party ticket. Its well worth the price of admission, believe me. We went for the first time last year and it was awesome!!! Im a disney freak and it still blew away my expectations. Im a big halloween fan and the atmosphere that they created with the music and lights was incredible. Ane we did it on the first weekend available which was like the 10th of October.
I know that Fridays are supposed to be more crowded, but do you think the first Friday of the month would be crowded? If I go with my current plans, I would be there for the first Friday and the first Sunday, but was thinking that I could go on Friday, and if we really like it, go back that Sunday (If tickets are available at the last minute). Also, if we were to get rained out on Friday we would still have another possible night.

The headless horseman sounds cool! When and how often does he come by?

TIA :p
Thanks disneyfanatic - that makes sense! So we will get 4 copies, just not 4 different poses. Too bad, I was thinking we could get shots from different locations. The grandparents will love copies though. We're doing the same thing w/our passes too. I can't wait!! :bounce:


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