"Mommy and me" vacations does anyone else do this?


DIS Veteran
Mar 23, 2003
For the past 5 years I have taken yearly vacations with just me and one of my children. Each year I take a different child. I personally think it is one of the best bonding moments that myself and my child has together. For one week they get to feel what it is like to be an only child. And have only their wants and needs considered. We take plenty of pictures at the theme parks,have lots of fun taking in the theme parks, make scrap books when we get home. and bring home a lot of happy memories.
I get a lot of grief over this fact and I feel it is very unfair. If my children don't have a problem with it why should anyone else.
I would like to add that my children are not jealous of each other when the other one goes, only to happily wait in anticipation of planning there special trip. And we do have total family trips as well that are just as wonderful.
I often have to go to Orlando and Las Vegas on business. When I do, I take turns taking the kids and the spouse. (spouse gets Vegas).

My kids keep track of who's turn it is, and really look forward to thier turn to go with me. They know when it is the other childs turn, that thier turn will be next. It works for us very well.

Your right, these are special moments. Each of my children has different likes and dislikes, so these trip give them a chance to do just what they want.

Ignore those giving you flack.

As a single mom, "mommy and me" is the only way to "partay" for us...It gets easier as they get older. My oldest one is now 13, and he asks to spend time alone with me. The little one handles it well, he is 10.

I would like to add that my children are not jealous of each other when the other one goes, only to happily wait in anticipation of planning there special trip.
You've nurtured your children. They know that mommy does not love one any less or prefers the other for taking him/her out. They aren't spoiled or needy either. You've obviously done a beautiful job
I think it is a really neat idea. A friend of mine takes each one of her children away for their birthdays every year. She sets a budget (set annually and is the same for all 3 kids) and lets the child choose where to go and what to do. Could be 3 nights in Paris or a week at the beach. Her husband isn't much of a traveler so he doesn't mind a bit - plus he gets to spend some quality time with the other kids while she is away. :D
I SOOOO agree with TreeOfLife, you've done a great job if the kids are happy!

Mommy and Me is my whole family. My son and I are partners, best friends. I think it's a blessing that we get along so well and like the same things. I often wonder what it would've been like if I had one more, but alas, that never happened.

In Orlando the 36 year difference in our ages totally disappears. We just have FUN! :teeth:
We just came back from a mom,dad and me vacation=)

First time we have done this..we have 3 children ages 10,7 and 5.

We took just our oldest son with us.

Actually I am just gradually adding in family memebers! lol

2 years ago my first trip to IOA/US was a "mom" vacation..just me and my girlfriend.

Last year it was just a "parent" vacation..we each brought our spouse with us.

This year we each brought our oldest son..both 10! They enjoyed it so much...and my 10 yo needed that time alone with us..it was a great bonding experience.

Now my 7 yo can't wait till we add her in!! lol
I only have the one DD - but we've gone on just "girl" trips for spring break because I have a lot more vacation time then my DH does.

I think it's a wonderful idea and I would totally ignore whomever is giving you flack over it. Sounds like pure jealousy to me! If it works for you and your family then why is it anyone's business? My parents took DD to England with them when she was 10. They plan to take their other two granddaughters on a similar trip when they reach that age (There's a 9 year age difference between DD and her next closest cousin!) As long as each child get's their turn then why is it unfair? The only one that complained about my parents taking DD was ME!! Because I wanted to go:p
I do the same, but the other way around. I take trips with either my Dad or my Mom (well, more like my Mom and assorted family). I have fun with trips with just my Dad, cause we enjoy alot of the same things (coasters, et al.) while my Mom and aunts have different sesibilitieswhen it comes to theme parks, which I'm willing to comform to.

If your kids don't mind your arrangment, then thats all that matters. The other people who have a problem with it are probably relating it to their relationship with their parents, and how they would have felt.

Just be prepared for when your kids get a little older, and will want to take trip with just each other, and leave Mom at home. ;)

With a 'late life' DS and a DH who doesn't like either heat or crowds, I've been blessed to have many "mom/me" trips to USF/WDW - and they've all been wonderful!! Last summer the first couple days were a little bumpy (think slightly surly teenage boy away from his friends) - but by the 3rd day he was walking around with his arm around my shoulders and an ear to ear grin - works every time ! - I'm hoping to keep this up till he marries (maybe his wife won't like Fla either!):smooth: The grown kids and their families are coming on the next trip - will be lots of fun - but different - it's so easy to accomodate just the two of us!
I agree with DisneyDebbie - if it works for my family - it works!
I just got back from a three-family mom and me trip. Actually, it was really just a "no dads" trip. We had 7 days at the HRH and it was the greatest trip. We had enough individual time and group time to keep everyone happy. We did our tried and true rides every day but added a new show or couple of other things. Did the pool every afternooon and evening and a little bit of shopping.
Did I say already that it was the greatest trip?:D
What a great idea! I've done family trips, a solo trip, dh and I trip! They're all great for different reasons.

As soon as my dd (9) is 2" taller we're taking a mommy and me trip to IOA!!

I am not trying to give you grief at all... but I am having trouble understanding the concept...

How old were they when you started doing this?

I am picturing a family of kids aged, 6, 8, 10 & 12... taking the 12 year old first and then the 6 year old waits for 4 years for their turn?

I can understand little bonding trips.. like weekends away with Mom.. but doesn't the family miss out on the "Family Holiday" adventure where everyone goes? that is so much fun!

It's great that the kids are not jealous.. but man, I am from a family of 4 kids and I would freak if my parents took my older sisters to Disney and I stayed home... lol

Sorry - I guess I feel this way because I am the baby of the family.

I started taking my children when they were 8 years old. They were tall enough to take in all of the rides. And able to get the most benefit of our trip. I believe much younger than that they get upset when they can't ride the rides that they want to. Of course my children love thrill rides even at the young age of 8.

By the way I have three children. DD has went twice
DS1 will be second
DS2 has went once
They get to pick where we go. And I decide for how long and all the particulars that come with planning a vacation.

Must also mention. We have a family vacation usually no more than 2 weeks after we get back. Usually at there favorite vacationing spot Holiday World in Santa Claus , IN
if you are curious about this place see www.holidayworld.com
Oh.. okay - I forgot to ask that - if you took a family holiday all together every year - and you do - so no one feels that left out and they understand how it all works..

Glad the kids don't get jealous... and it works for you - I am going to ask my sisters about this next time I see them... I bet they would have the same 1st reaction that I did! LOL "NO WAY - WE ALL GO OR NOBODY DOES !!!!!"


we dont take a family vacation so no one feels left out after i take one on vacation by themselves. we take a family vacation because that is what we always have done when we have always done it.

I look forward to my "mommy and me" vacations with my children. It seems that I always learn something about them. When there siblings aren't around them their guard is down and you get to see the real person. It is very quality time that we spend together.

Our "mommy and me" vacations are just a little perk that my children receive. If they are not upset or bothered about it why should anyone else.

What works for one may not work for all. Follow your heart , make up your own mind and do what you feel what is right. That is what I have done and I have no regrets.


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