Monsters, Candy Apples, Pumpkins, Vampires, Witches, Haunted Houses, Scares Zones and more. HHN 31 trip.

Sunday, September 11th continued

After walking through the Scarecrow: Cursed Soil Scare Zone I decided to go across the bridge and wonder through the Conjure the Dark Scare Zone.



The Scare actress in this scare zone is really good.

Finally she conjured a beast man with her spell.


I looked at my watch and it was time to head over to Cafe La Bamba for my RIP Tour. It was about 7:30 pm when I arrived at the podium to check in. It was set off to the side this year. Last year when you checked in they gave you your lanyard. They have done this every year as it identifies you are in a RIP Tour and it has the date on it.

In years past there was also a fun Halloween group name on lanyard for the particular group you were in. Like the Gory Clowns or the Vampires…etc

When I checked in the young lady at the podium told me she did not have anymore lanyards left and to come back in 20 minutes. I went into the Cafe and was greeted by a lovely young man. He welcomed me and then asked where my lanyard was. I told him I was told they didn’t have anymore and to come back in 20 minutes. He welcomed me in and said to enjoy some food.


I was still a little full from lunch earlier in the day, but I always snack a little.

There was a very large Ice bin with soft drinks to choose from. Then I went over to look at the hot bar.

I tried to sample a few things and everything I tried off the hot bar was inedible. It was dry and looked like it had been sitting there unrefreshed for awhile.

I then tried the rolled lunch meat and it was like rubber.


Even the veggies and fruit had been sitting awhile and were inedible.

I gave up on the cold and hot snacks and thought what the heck just sample some dessert.



The dessert offerings were not much better.

This by far was the worse food I have ever experienced at an RIP Tour offering at Cafe La Bamba. It pains me to give bad reviews on things, but this was bad.

The Tour is really about the houses for sure and the food is not the star of the night, but I have experienced much better in the past.

The prices for the tours were much more expensive this year and the price of the tour depended on the night of the week and how early or late in the HHN calendar you would be buying a tour.

I‘am thankful for the ability to afford to do the RIP Tour, but I know for some others this can be an expensive venture.

I did go back to the podium to get my lanyard finally and young lady who told me to come back looked at me and said I gave you a lanyard. I told her she did not and she was the one who told me to come back. I also told her she could go to the fellow at the front door as he could confirm I did not have a lanyard when I went in the cafe as he asked me where it was.

She finally looked my name up again which was still on the paper as it had been before and she reached down and rudely gave me a lanyard and told me the groups were meeting over at Pantages Theatre across the street and they would sort people in their groups there.

I told her in the future that it would be a good idea if they put a mark by every persons name denoting they actually received their lanyard on checkin. This would help with any future issues as this had never happened to me before.

Ok strike two. Bad food and the lanyard debacle. The evening which started out with me having the best time walking around happily taking photos in the scare zones looking forward to the RIP Tour was turning sour. I didn’t want to give into the negative energy and have an evening ruined by being a sour puss. When you reach my age happiness should always be the best choice in life and really at any age it should be the best choice. Move on was my thought.

I still had a few minutes before I was to be at Pantages so I went and picked a diet drink out of the ice bin and had a sit down at a table and met the most wonderful folks. After chatting with everyone it was time to head over to the Pantages to check in for the tour.

I walked into Pantages and there was another podium to check in. The guy asked my name and I gave it to him and I told him jokingly to assign me to the Zombie group please. He looked at me strangely and I laughed and said I walk kinda slow. Last year the little tour guide was a race walker….LOL…she had us through 5 houses in an hour and it just about took out the whole group.

I was assigned to a group and our Tour Director was a wonderful young lady named Avalon. She gathered all 12 of us together to talk about her plans for the evening. She was very welcoming, and emanated this sweet, happy energy. You could tell she was as excited for the evening as we were. One of the couples who I had chatted to before coming over to the Pantages was in the group too.

to be continued

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Finally catching up again Robbie....I`ve been so behind keeping up!

Love your pictures, you captured the event so well and that`s not easy. The scare zones were a joy to photograph, and much better in the light.

I`m so sorry the pre tour set up wasn`t so good. I heard several folks say the same thing about the food offerings, similar to the SA Dining of several years ago. But, look forward to your tour.

Also loved your relaxation time.....that`s the way to do a vacation.....:)
Love your pictures, you captured the event so well and that`s not easy. The scare zones were a joy to photograph, and much better in the light.
Thank you Carole. You are right the daylight was the best time to photograph the scare zones. It is much harder at night when there are different lighting effects and more people.

So good to have you reading along.

I`m so sorry the pre tour set up wasn`t so good. I heard several folks say the same thing about the food offerings, similar to the SA Dining of several years ago. But, look forward to your tour.
I’am going to branch out and say if you have attended the RIP Tour over a number of years then you have a pretty good idea of what to compare this year to and this year the food was definitely subpar.
Also loved your relaxation time.....that`s the way to do a vacation.....:)
Thank you. I do have my little sister K to thank for that. She helps me to remember to stop and smell the roses and kick back and relax a lot better. It is very nice to be in pool Diva mode enjoying cocktails, good conversation and general relaxation at the pool.

Totally agree the food offered during the tours was below par of what it has been in past years

How would I know?

I tried it all and most went into my napkin
Mac you have attended many years of HHN and the RIP Tours so you would be the one for sure who knows the quality of the food over the years.

Yes, the napkin is were mine went. So sad. Even if the food offerings they had this year were being replenished and fresh it would have made all difference.
I continue to enjoy these wonderful photos!

I am so disappointed to hear about the food. I am considering the Holiday Tour, but maybe should rethink it. Not so much for the food, but rude staff are hard for me to get past, as much as I try to.
I continue to enjoy these wonderful photos!
Thank you Worfiedoodles.

I am so disappointed to hear about the food. I am considering the Holiday Tour, but maybe should rethink it. Not so much for the food, but rude staff are hard for me to get past, as much as I try to.
I have heard some nice things online about the Holiday Tour. It sounds like it would be fun. I would probably be inclined to do the Tour if I were there in December.

I won’t let one off experience stop me from doing the RIP Tour in the future.

I would go for the Holiday Tour and come back an let us know how it was.
I continue to enjoy these wonderful photos!
Thank you Worfiedoodles.

I am so disappointed to hear about the food. I am considering the Holiday Tour, but maybe should rethink it. Not so much for the food, but rude staff are hard for me to get past, as much as I try to.
I have heard some nice things online about the Holiday Tour. It sounds like it would be fun. I would probably be inclined to do the Tour if I were there in December.

I won’t let one off experience stop me from doing the RIP Tour in the future.

I would go for the Holiday Tour and come back an let us know how it was.
Sunday, September 11th Continued

Our tour guide Avalon told us we were going to start in the front of the park and work our way back.

So off we went to the first house. “Hellblock Horror”

I thought I would just add a few visuals from the day tour on this house.

Just to recap on this house. Savage Monsters are being held in this prison and they break free from their cells and everyone dies.

I‘am really glad I saw this house on the UMH Tour because it helped me appreciate it more in the dark.

Avalon gathered everyone together and talked about each house before we went inside. She was very animated in her description of the houses before we went in.

One thing that stood out to me over all this year inside the houses is that there did not seem to be the big push by the security inside the house to for you to rush through.

In years past they had their small lights motioning you through pretty quickly. I remember having a number of gaps where there was on one in front of me. It was nice not feeling rushed through the houses.

I liked the house, but of course at night a lot of the nuances that made this house stand out were lost in the dark.


Like the interspecies languages on the wall.
I did not notice or get many scares in this House.

After we were done with the house Avalon took us aside and asked us how we liked it. She seemed to genuinely care about the feedback from our group.

Our next house was the Spirits of the Coven. A recap on this house is this is a coven of flapper witches from the 1920’s that run a speakeasy. They reveal their true form as you go through the house and want to turn you into their witches brew.

When you entered the house you came to a bar area that looked like it was from the 1920’s. As I walked through this house I did see a few of the haggard scary witches towards the end and a vat of what I would guess is the body parts of their victims being made into a witches brew.

I didn’t find this house very scary.

The next house was Halloween. They have had different versions of Halloween over the years presented, but the original Halloween is a classic and this house was from the 1978 original movie.

I was glad after we walked back to the house that I was on a RIP Tour this evening. Because it was very busy and the regular lines were long.

This house was awesome as far as the scares are concerned. There is nothing like meeting up with a Mikey at every turn.

After the Halloween House we went over to the Cocktail Lounge above Jimmy Fallon ride for a break and to purchase cocktails and go to the bathroom. It was a little warm and it was nice to take a break in the air conditioning.

Our next house was ”Fiesta de Chupacabras”. the backstory on this house is it is set in a Latin village were the legend of the creature Chupacabras is celebrated with a festival. The large Vampire dog beast is killing tourists in the town.

While walking through the house it looked like you had stumbled on the Fiesta celebration in the town. It was really nicely decked out in Latin designs and celebratory colors. I did see the Chupacabras and it was scary. A interesting note on this house is all the scare actors we’re wearing masks of varying kinds. These were masks that one would typically see in Venice were the person is holding them up to their face. That was something different for HHN.

You could really appreciate the designs of the this house even in the dim lighting. It was a nice concept.

Our next house was “Dead Man’s Pier: Winter’s Wake” this was for sure going to be a the stand out house for this year. I hope the Universal creators give themselves a good pat on the back. They deserve it for sure.

The story line for this house is set in a New England Fishing village. A woman plays a magic violin and sings an Erie song to raise her beloved from the sea. When she does this she also raises other dead seaman from the sea too. They emerge from the waves to take their revenge.



The scare actor who plays the ghost barman in the Captian‘s Widow is awesome. The barnacled covered seaman returned from the sea’s depth’s are cool. As you walk through the house the scenery is incredIble.
You reach the boat room were a frozen boat with mist and cool air filling the room makes you fill like you are there. Then you see the light shining on the bow of the boat with the woman playing her violin and singing.

As you walk through the boat you see the windows of the boat and it appears like water is rushing by them. Then you see a scare actor that appears to have a divers helmet on that has water in it.

There is a scare actor on a bungee that appears to be swimming back and forth.

This by far is the house to remember.

After we exited the house everyone was in awe. Everyone liked this house.

Our next house was Blumhouse which consisted of two back to back houses.

“Freaky“ is about a serial killer who breaks into a mansion takes a dagger from the house and kills all the teens in the house. He then stabs a girl with the dagger that causes them to exchange bodies. He kills more victims in the High school the girl attends.

She must stab the killer with the dagger before midnight or the change is permanent.



To be continued

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How did i miss this???

loving this detailed TR, thanks for sharing!

I looked at my watch and it was time to head over to Cafe La Bamba for my RIP Tour. It was about 7:30 pm when I arrived at the podium to check in.
Sure sounds as tho you were eating the same offerings set out @ 5:30 pm - ew.

The actual presentation depicted in your pictures isn’t exactly a feast for the eyes.:oops: a shame for the $ involved. Sorry you were disappointed.

seems I’m in the decided minority as to this year’s food offerings.

thot it the best we’ve sampled over the years. :confused3Maybe we hit it just right (or were starved). Sliders and chicken (spicy) was edible. Did enjoy the pizza fries, prosciutto, (far too many) ghost cookies and the orange ‘present’ dessert.

Frankly, I’d rather they‘d just discount the tour price vs the buffet.
I‘am really glad I saw this house on the UMH Tour because it helped me appreciate it more in the dark.
Without that tour I’d have truly been in the dark on several of the house this year.
loving this detailed TR, thanks for sharing!
Thank you Janet good to have you along for the trip report.

The actual presentation depicted in your pictures isn’t exactly a feast for the eyes.:oops: a shame for the $ involved. Sorry you were disappointed.
It was not as appetizing as I had hoped. I guess it is one of those win some lose some situations.

thot it the best we’ve sampled over the years. :confused3Maybe we hit it just right (or were starved). Sliders and chicken (spicy) was edible. Did enjoy the pizza fries, prosciutto, (far too many) ghost cookies and the orange ‘present’ dessert.
I’am glad to hear everything was fresh and good for you all.

I think for the money involved there should be some quality control so no matter what time your tour is the food should be refreshed and replenished.

Hopefully next year will be better.
Sunday, September 11th continued.

The story line in Freaky although scary is one were bullies lose. Think thats what made me kinda of like this house a little. It was not very scary overall, but not bad.

The next house in the Blumhouse double header was “Black Phone”. I did not see this movie and when I read up on it I was glad I didn’t.

It was a about a child abducter who puts his victims in his sound proof basement room. There is a black disconnected phone there.

His latest victim Finney starts receiving calls on the phone from the Grabbers past victims.

I like that the Grabber finally gets his in this house and Finney survives.





This house was ok, but I did not get any scares in this house. I really enjoyed seeing it on the UMH Tour.

After this house it was our tour guide Avalon said it was time to head to the outdoor theatre for the Fuel show.

I’am guessing that each tour guide is given a time to be at theatre with their RIP group. I’am always at the end of the line as I have eluded to before and when we reached the theatre it was full of people and the section of the row that our group was assigned to set in was completely filled by our group. There was space enough for a toddler maybe, but not me.

Everyone was pretty much sitting shoulder to shoulder and I did not want to be that close to anyone considering people were still getting new strains of covid.

It was pretty warm in the theatre and it would not bother me to miss the show.

I spoke to Avalon and I gave her my cell number and she said she would text me when the show was almost over to meet her by the exit of the show. That sounded like a winner.

I was not that far from Diagon Alley so I went and perched in the air conditioning in Knockturn Alley on the bench and had a nice rest.

Avalon texted me before the show let out and I met her outside the exit and we had a nice chat until the show let out. I just cannot say enough good things about this young lady she was a gem.

After the show let out and our tour group was all present we went to Lombards for another Bathroom/cocktail/rest break.

Then we were off to the “Weekend House” which is a good walk to the back of the park.


I had heard about this house prior to arriving. I looked up The Weekends music on youtube.

The House had very heavy strobe lights. This house reminded me of the Vanity Ball Scare Zone form HHN 29. That Scare Zone was about plastic surgery gone wrong and the scare actors were walking around disfigured with bandages on their faces etc.

The Weekends music was playing in side the house. The backstory on this house is that it is set in a club in Las Vegas.

I remember seeing this mask at the big Universal store in CityWalk and I did not understand it‘s significance to HHN. It was worn in the Weekend House.

I“am going to say maybe this house is a generational thing as far as I’am concerned. People who are in their 20’s and 30’s who know the Weekends music would very much relate to this house.

For me the house was ok, but there were no scares when I walked though and the heavy strobing throughout the house was very distracting.

The lines were long for this house and listening to people exiting when we did they really liked it.


The next house was “Universal Monsters: Legends Collide”. Just a reminder on the backstory of this house. The Mummy, Dracula and the Wolfman are all fighting to find an Amulet that will break their respective curses. The victor can change every night. Which is kind of nice.

I caught up with the front of the group and Avalon looked at me and said “come on you have always been in the back of the group” “you and I are going through the house and the group will follow us”.

I had the best time in this house. I believe we hit all the scares and scare actors were awesome. The victor was the mummy at the end. I was hoping to see my fave Dracula Win the day. This was a good house.

On the UMH Tour this house had been very heavy with Mummy scenes.



To be continued

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The House had very heavy strobe lights. This house reminded me of the Vanity Ball Scare Zone form HHN 29. That Scare Zone was about plastic surgery gone wrong and the scare actors were walking around disfigured with bandages on their faces etc.
Loved that scare zone! That one + the Sam/Pumpkin scare zone were my two favorites from the past 10 years.
Loved that scare zone! That one + the Sam/Pumpkin scare zone were my two favorites from the past 10 years.
I agree the Vanity Ball Scare Zone in 2019 was in the Hollywood area which is where the Graveyard: Deadly Unrest is this year. I sat down on a number of occasions and watched the scare actors really work that scare zone and they were awesome.

I had to think back on the Trick or Treat Scare Zone in 2017. That was in the area where the Scarecrow: Cursed Soil is this year. It was a great scare zone with the pumpkins in the trees and of course Little Sam.


The following year in 2018 they continued the same kinda of Pumpkin vibe with the Twisted Tradition Scare Zone in the same place. I really liked that one too. I will look on my phone and see if I have some pictures of that.

Here they are.





This was both haunting and beautiful.
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I agree the Vanity Ball Scare Zone in 2019 was in the Hollywood area which is where the Graveyard: Deadly Unrest is this year. I sat down on a number of occasions and watched the scare actors really work that scare zone and they were awesome.

I had to think back on the Trick or Treat Scare Zone in 2017. That was in the area where the Scarecrow: Cursed Soil is this year. It was a great scare zone with the pumpkins in the trees and of course Little Sam.
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The following year in 2018 they continued the same kinda of Pumpkin vibe with the Twisted Tradition Scare Zone in the same place. I really liked that one too. I will look on my phone and see if I have some pictures of that.

Here they are.

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This was both haunting and beautiful.
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Thank you for posting these - brought back some good memories. Was there for the Little Sam zone and followup year. Both so stunning visually.
I’m all caught up! Thank you for giving such detailed info about the houses and your experiences. I love all the pictures.
It sounds like the RIP tour is an awesome way to tour if it fits in your budget.
Are the cocktails included when you stop or do you pay extra for those?
I had no idea there was a cocktail area in the Jimmy Fallon ride, we totally missed that.
I had no clue who The Weeknd was either. The music is catchy but I agree the heavy strobe light effects was distracting. We did get a few scares in here but chose to only do this house once.
Excited to hear more!
Thank you for posting these - brought back some good memories. Was there for the Little Sam zone and followup year. Both so stunning visually.
shh so glad you enjoyed the little trip down HHN memory lane. I think 2017 and 2018 were pretty good years for the Houses and Scare Zones.

I’m all caught up! Thank you for giving such detailed info about the houses and your experiences. I love all the pictures.
It sounds like the RIP tour is an awesome way to tour if it fits in your budget.
Are the cocktails included when you stop or do you pay extra for those?
I had no idea there was a cocktail area in the Jimmy Fallon ride, we totally missed that.
I had no clue who The Weeknd was either. The music is catchy but I agree the heavy strobe light effects was distracting. We did get a few scares in here but chose to only do this house once.
Excited to hear more!
Thank you disneyAndi14 for your lovely comments.

The cocktail lounges are only for the drink stops on the RIP Tours. The cocktails are extra.

The cocktail stops on the tour are at an upstairs area above Jimmy Fallon Store. You have to take an elevator up to that lounge and the other one is at Lombards.

The food and soft drinks at La Bamba Cafe are included in the price of the RIP Tour. There is also cocktails available there, but those are also extra.

You can enjoy food and soft drinks before the start of the tour and the Tour Guides will take you back there for rest and refreshments on the tours.

I wanted to like the Weekend House. I had seen a number of negative comments on the house on line, but I like a variety of music and thought many were perhaps being harsh do to the fact they didn’t like the artist.

The music was ok, but the excessive use of strobe lighting was to much. If I remember correctly there was a house in 2018 called “Dead Exposure: Patient Zero” That had excessive strobe light effects and loud sirens and noise. It was not a favorite of mine either.

Super pictures!
Thank you Mac. So glad you are enjoying the photos.


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