MUG exchange sent/received thread...COMPLETED!!

Mine is finally packed and ready to ship tomorrow! I am cutting it very very close this time around. School starting is a pain!
Hope to hear from those last 2 people soon.
I will check back in Monday and catch up on any happenings and will get everything back on track then.
Hopefully we will have some arrivals by then also ::yes::
Good news all around...My computer has been down since June 27 and I finally got it up and running again last night!!!!!!

How appropriate that my first visit back to Dis on my own computer is to say THANKS for the exchange!!!!

Cassidy's mug came in today's mail. She got a Pink 'Tink" mug that she absolutely loves and also...
A Fuzzuy Folder for school
Crayola Mini Color Explosion
Plaid Notebook
Nem Magic Towel
Green Apple Mentos (I took them)
a 'C' initial notepad
Disney Proncess gel pens
Dice erasers
Stitch Pen
Stuffed "Lady"

She said AWESOME!!!!She loves everything. What a great way to start back on the Dis. Thanks Amanda (thewishfire) :thumbsup2
cvemom said:
Good news all around...My computer has been down since June 27 and I finally got it up and running again last night!!!!!!

How appropriate that my first visit back to Dis on my own computer is to say THANKS for the exchange!!!!

Cassidy's mug came in today's mail. She got a Pink 'Tink" mug that she absolutely loves and also...
A Fuzzuy Folder for school
Crayola Mini Color Explosion
Plaid Notebook
Nem Magic Towel
Green Apple Mentos (I took them)
a 'C' initial notepad
Disney Proncess gel pens
Dice erasers
Stitch Pen
Stuffed "Lady"

She said AWESOME!!!!She loves everything. What a great way to start back on the Dis. Thanks Amanda (thewishfire) :thumbsup2

Your welcome! I'm glad to hear that your comupter is working again and that she likes everything. :goodvibes
Well, I never got back on yesterday to post, but my exchnges were mailed out Priority with DC. :thumbsup2
Caught up....see an arrival :teeth: Glad you are back online, Jan.
Still 2 exchanges that need to be confirmed as person is on vacation and was to mail from WDW :bounce: Hope she did ::yes::

We should be hearing of a lot of arrivals this coming week :)
I am here to confirm packaging mailing from WDW. It is being sent ground and I honestly don't know how long it is going to take. It might have been quicker to wait to send it from home, but I really wanted to make the mail by date. So I need to make a formal apology to Snowwhitesmom that you are going to be getting your mug last. I am so sorry. I really thought it would be a lot easier to shop and mail from the world than it was. I'll be home tonight (i'm at my stopping point today) and will make up another care package to send you.
Again, sorry for the delay.
AlexWyattMommy said:
I am here to confirm packaging mailing from WDW. It is being sent ground and I honestly don't know how long it is going to take. It might have been quicker to wait to send it from home, but I really wanted to make the mail by date. So I need to make a formal apology to Snowwhitesmom that you are going to be getting your mug last. I am so sorry. I really thought it would be a lot easier to shop and mail from the world than it was. I'll be home tonight (i'm at my stopping point today) and will make up another care package to send you.
Again, sorry for the delay.
I would not worry. It should arrive very quickly. Whenever we do this they say it will take up to two weeks and we have always gotten it in 3-4 days. I did an exchange and sent it from DL. After I was all done they said it could take up to three weeks. It arrived in 4 days.
I just checked the DC for the one I mailed on Fri. & it shows it was delivered today.

Mine arrived today. Unfortunately, I have a lazy mailperson that ALWAYS leaves a notice no matter what. How hard is it to pull in the driveway & put the package on the porch?? :confused3
I will be going to pick it up in the morning! Can't wait!!! :banana: :banana:
Yes another arrival today!!!Just got home from the pool to find a package waiting on the deck. :goodvibes

It was from Ellen (minniedisney1) I got:
Green Tea....yea!!!!
a cute set of mini notecards
A Mary Englebrett magnetic notepad
"Goofy" peppermints (my dd tried to steal them for her backpack)
a 'Souper' tan pottery mug....It will not only be great for my coffee but wonderful for soups this winter.
And a book entitled...."The Imagineering Field Guide to the Magic Kingdom"

The book looks great. I always love to read and find out more interesting facts about WDW that I never knew.

Thanks, Ellen, for a great exchange :thumbsup2


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