MY ADVENTURES by Disney "Spirit of America" Sept 2009 trip report (w/pics & video)

I forgot to tell you last night unless they changed things up you have too go too the zoo:confused3 after you leave the zoo you get on the super deluxe air conditioned motor coach with a bathroom with a locking door and head out to Williamsburg.When they were talking about the red line that thru me off.If they have 20 plus the trip will be a go :banana:.I to was excited about my trip it will happen:goodvibes

...... I strongly desire to maintain my sense of balance here and remember that I have never been to this part of the USA as well as I would dearly love to see why we became who we are.

But yes, I will write a little more about what is currently happening to this tour (by ABD) on Sun/Mon but more importantly, I feel that I need to hold off telling the whole situation until I reflect back on my trip via a post trip report.

So, to any others out there reading this, it would be nice for you to send me a emotional pick me up blog response cuz I get a sinking feeling that what happened to us ABDers in jan/Febr 2009 is being repeated here; just its much kinder and gentler.:scared1:

Q: Do any of you feel that there will be a "cheapening" or cut back of this trip (by ABd OR the vendors) becuz of anemic occupany levels????:confused3

Q: do you feel that the hotels/what not will be openly rolling out the welcome mat for us or growling at us since we are only 50% occupancy?

q: Do you feel that there will be some" social interaction between us since we are only 20 people?

q: is it wise to bring a calling card, (I dont have a cell phne)?

and yes, about the zoo situation..... RATS! ah well....will respond more to that on Sunday but hey......i feel that yes.... no scavenger huny & take a ferry on over to see the USS New jersey:goodvibes

that wAS A nice tip! thanks!
If your trip was canceled you would have already have heard about it. My trip was in December of last year and they canceled it in early October. And they will not cheapen anything. I would call ABD and see where your backpack is.
If your trip was canceled you would have already have heard about it. My trip was in December of last year and they canceled it in early October. And they will not cheapen anything. I would call ABD and see where your backpack is.

ABD has chosen to leave the tour group close date still open, for approx 3 weeks or more, in hopes of getting more people to sign up for this trip (becuz from from I can understand from the ABD reps, the merchants are mad due to low occupancy on this trip). this means that the final list of names of people (and their mailing address) haven't yet been shipped off to the vendor who in turn mails out the ABD backpack.
So, as of today - still no closure in the close date & ABD is choosing to act niave in relation to the guest's backpacks.
**** and to think, what does this mean in relation to us receiving our airline e-ticket???? ***** The receiving of the backpack is significant because it represents a sense of realism to me that this trip will actually take place. enstead, I am left with nothing but non answers answers from ABD - which has me feeling quite depressed and feeling very confused.
I feel that there are two reasons why this delay is taking place - yet when queried about the specifics about the delay, ABD acts niave as is not specific as to the delay & enstead chooses to refer to this unspecific delay as "Unforseen Circumstances." I don't mind the delay BUT I do mind the fact that ABD has remained quiet on these issues and failed to inform this tour group of the delay. I was the one who found all this out, by accident last week, when i began to inquire about the status of my backpack.
I am feeling very nervous on all issues therefore & it is very sad that ABD fails to come forth and execute any kind of customer service. *** But again, all of this will be brought out in my post trip report *** but again, as of today, still no backpack.

I am doing my best here to take the high road and remain positive and to also keep a good sense of humor about me. I feel give me about a week and I will feel a whole lot better (OR WHEN I RECEIVE THAT ABD BACKPACK). :cloud9: -Anywho -

Glad to see that others are saying that a smaller tour group is ok & that there will be no differences in the ABD feel of the tour.

Will write more this weekend.:yay:

:goodvibesbottom line: this is my trip and I am going to enjoy it. its just I have hit a bump in the road & I have to traverse my way around it. After all, we can't control our enviornment but we can control how we react to it.:goodvibes
ABD has chosen to leave the tour group close date still open, for approx 3 weeks or more, in hopes of getting more people to sign up for this trip (becuz from from I can understand from the ABD reps, the merchants are mad due to low occupancy on this trip). this means that the final list of names of people (and their mailing address) haven't yet been shipped off to the vendor who in turn mails out the ABD backpack.
So, as of today - still no closure in the close date & ABD is choosing to act niave in relation to the guest's backpacks
You know, according to the FAQ, you're supposed to get the backpacks & documents at approximately 45 days out. You're still at 49 days. I know that's nit-picking, but I don't think you should be freaking out yet.

•Final travel planning documents will be mailed approximately 45 days before your trip start date. These documents will include the detailed itinerary of your vacation, as well as information to help you prepare for your vacation.
I just got my e-tickets today, and I'm 25 days out...


ETA: Sorry, I mis-read the title and thought you were leaving 9/26. Obviously, since you are leaving 9/17, you are within the 45 day window. Sorry. I still wouldn't freak out... it's not good for the vacation enjoyment... :(

And I owe a lot of gratitude to you (the reader) as well as Monica; ABD rep out there in Anaheim California. She deserves not only a pay raise but a job promotion as well. Why u ask? Simple.

As I am driving into work this afternoon, I have tears of joy just a runnin down my face for the longest of time as I am listening to the tunes of Whitney Houston's "Star Spangled banner" as well as Ray Charles' "America" (as well as others on my 22 song cd I burned about 9 months ago).
As I am driving, I can just mentally picture (while in Philadelphia mid next month) the partially rebuilt President's house as I turn off on my left and see Constitution Hall, etc. ** Thank gosh I was paying attention to my driving cuz that's the first time I have ever cranked my 2007 Toyota Corrolla CE car stereo to a level of 46!:) With that, the biggest smile came across my face but dang it!
Why the heck am I still crying?? :littleangel: Well, it has to do with Monica. :littleangel:

Ok, I called b-a-c-k up to the call center (this morning), expecting to hear the usual "call center" attitude/ responses when she (I am guessing) heard my plight or read the extensive notes on my account and took the time to not only execute proper customer service but to also explain the following:

1) I am to receive (GIGGLE -- YYEEAA!!!) my ABD or a ABD backpack by Friday or Saturday (AUGUST 15th) of this week and to please call back up to the call center should I not receive it in a timely basis.

2) I am to receive (DOUBLE GIGGLE - YYIIPPEE!!) MY e-plane ticket by the following Saturday (AUGUST 22nd) and again, if I do not receive it in a timely basis, please call back up to the call center and report in that I haven't received it.

Moreover, she also used such wonderful customer services skills; such as 1) assure and regret, 2) apoligized for ABD's behavior last week, 3) walked me through what to expect from here on in to my date of departure, 4) actively listened and didn't interrupt, 5) had a smile in her voice , 6) recapped with me the phone call and 7) asked if there was anything else she could help me with today.:goodvibes

*** I tell you what, if there is a ABD person out here reading this, ALL people out there in the ABD call center need to take a cue from Monica cuz she is excellent !!:goodvibes **

....and by the way, there WAS one more thing I asked .... and it had to do with a question about taking a ferry across the river to see the USS New Jersey.:confused3 (DAY TWO WHILE ON THE PHILADELPHIA PART OF THE TRIP).

She did not know the answer BUT she did offer an alternative solution by stating that the ABD guides are always there to help assist and ended the call with the following positive close:

:goodvibes "But rest assured we are always here for you and that we can't wait to see you." :goodvibes

It was there, tears began to stream down from my face. She asked what's wrong. I was quiet for a few moments. I felt like I couldn't breathe.
I felt like a huge gush of air leave my chest. It was like as if a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders

I felt again like a little kid and as I briefly explained to her my feelings of joy as this IS an adventure of a lifetime.

Her response as to again thank me and we both hung up the phone.
BUT..................................what happened next freaked out my Dog (Ladybug) cuz.............

I let out a scream that I feel could be heard over in the next county!!:woohoo:

******** I AM GOING ON THIS TRIP!! **********

So, to wrap things up here, delays in the process of receiving one's travel info doesn't bother me as long as ABD keeps the guest informed and Monica stepped forward and reassured me (indirectly) that ABD is playing "catch-up" in making sure that this tour group receives ALL their travel info WELL before the trip commences.

Well, that's it fer now. I am going to "celebrate" tonight and make some Hamburger Helper while I am listening to the tunes of Elton John's "Philadelphia Freedom."
Now wait a minute! hamburger helper u say??

** YES **

What kind??




See and you thought the worst, relax and breath :cool1:the ferry is right behind the hotel go to the back and turn left can't miss it.You will have a great time and being a solo travler will not be a for the small group that works out to your advantage. :thumbsup2 go over your notes and double check your personal trips and if you forget something the guides are right there.have fun and take way to many pictures
I was in the middle of a rather strange dream the other day as I was talking with Minnie & Mickey (about of all things, world politics in front of the Hall of Presidents building) when suddently outta no where they both started barking:confused:.


(photo shot at Epcot's World Showcase; January 2009)

I looked at Minnie kinda puzzled when POOF!, she disappeared and I awoke to the sounds of Ladybug Barking and the front door bell both just a going crazy!
** COULD IT BE??? ****

I staggered to the front door and there on the ground, was my golden ticket:cloud9:! I thanked the UPS driver and ran back inside -

:woohoo:*** MY ABD "KNOW BEFORE U GO" BOX HAS ARRIVED ***:woohoo:

I ran back inside and tore open the box like there was no tomorrow and YES! The box of info was very helpful and answering a few more of my questions. And yyeesss, I even called ABD call center to express my thank you:goodvibes.

Of course now, you know what this means?? Why, I have to go last minute shopping:yay:. checked luggage??? WHOAH!!! But I am up to the challenge to cram as much as I can into my 26' suitcase (under 46 lbs of course) along with a carry-on (under 42 inches).

Hmmm...I am still debating as to whether of not do laundry when we arrive at the Great Wolfe Lodge (Williamsburg, Va) or just skip it:confused:.
Suggestions? Opinions?

BUT..... RRRRRRR!!! I am sensing that when we check into Great Wolfe Lodge, we have a pizza party that evening, then we are off to check out the hotel for the rest of the evening. Ok....I feel a little odd eating all that pizza (silly question but here it comes) and drinking all that cola , then running off for a spa retreat at the hotel:idea:.
So, gotta field some opinions here.......go for it and hit the spa or relax inside their jaquzzi section of their waterpark??:confused3.

So, until next week -

Coming up next:

The joys of finishing packing (will I e-v-e-r finish packing??) my suitcase and preparing Ladybug for her upcoming "hotel stay" for spoiled dogs
(she's getting her nails clipped while there, a bath, grooming, her yearly shots...shhhh don't tell her).


P.S. question - if ya had to bring back a few momentos from this trip.......what "stuff" would ya bring back???? Magnets? Chip clips? What else?? Suggestions please cuz I have never been to these cities.

Also, some people bring "Stitch" along fer the ride....well I am going to bring that "I'm just a bill" character from ABC's School House Rocks series ;) - who knows where he & his traveling friend might pop up!
WOW! :cheer2: Now you can breathe a HUGE sigh of relief that you are going on this trip. Before you know it, the big day will be here and you'll be going on the adventure of a lifetime. It is really nice to see that you are really enjoying yourself with the pre-trip planning.
... I will be doing no laundry while on this vacation. Details as to just how I am going 2 acomplish this (the redneck in me is coming out in the details:lmao:) will be told this weekend. Until then, "Bill" stopped on by to pose for a few pre-trip pictures:


and his traveling pal:



My "dirty little secret" ;) about doing no laundry while on this vacation will be revealed, watching great movies such as "Breached," "Frost vs Nixon," "All the Presidents Men" to my just why in the world did I go shopping at Walmart on Monday of this week (last minute things 4 this trip) at midnight?

.....ok - after a lot of soul searching over what to do, I have decided to pull the unthinkable while on this vacation. And that is.............popcorn::...............keep reading...........ok......give up????:idea: .
I've decided to implement what some fellow DISsers do in relation to their luggage quandry and that is to quietly & properly "discard" some of their clothing (their undergarments) while on vacation; thus lessening their luggage weight and making more room for other things.
So, this is a rather unusual way but IMO a necessary way to circumvent this issue of whether of not to do laundry while I am on this vacation. And because the biggest obstacle on this ABD trip is there are no coin operated laundry facilities until you get into Williamsburg..... 36 hours before you depart to go back home:headache:. Enstead, I can now continue to enjoy my vacation; especially when we roll into the Williamsburg Va part of it.:yay: .

Speaking of rolling into, you know you shop at Walmart tooo much whenever you roll in there and the workers know you by your first name:lmao:. I like shopping at midnight cuz it's so quiet and you can get alot done with little to no lines at checkout. And with that, I spent last Monday buying last minute things for this trip and I plan on closing up my ONE suitcase (yes closing it up) one week from today and have it by the front door....all ready to go!
:cool1:*** YYEEAAAAAAA **** :cool1: .

Looking forward to the spy museum as those movies I watched recently were awsome! Esp "Breached." That guy in the movie, (Robert Hansen), was just plain....ummm......:eek:.

On a different note, Ladybug knows something is up cuz she has been sniffin the suitcase which sits close to the front door. Hmmmm....ya don't think she's trying to make herself small and jump in it?? Wouldn't that be interesting - trying to explain to the TSA that SHE was the one who put me over the 50 lb suitcase limit! :rotfl: .

Until next week -

(Photo shot at MK; January 2009)

... in relation to finishing packing my suitcase!! RRRRRRRRR! Ok - breathe........ just ONE SuItCaSe??
Sorry - you just witnessed me having a "Disney Moment." ;) ....thanks 4 allowin me to vent. - Anywho - Ok...back to the issue of packing. Well.......I have everything all packed except for my shirts and shorts & I WILL have that done by Tuesday.
And when that's done - Time to celebrate ! The trip of a lifetime is drawing nearer :yay:.

I Received my air travel receipt a few days ago - so we are a go.
I tell you what though, it sure will be surreal going to Arlington National Cemetary; considering the most recent current events surrounding the Kennedy family.

But the nicest part is I am off work 2 days before this trip begins! :woohoo:


My plans for my pre-day before my actual ABD pre-day in Philly begins (and avoiding having a tearfull goodbye when Ladybug is dropped off at her "hotel") in a few more days. And places where "Bill" and Mr Conductor wanna see & have their picture taken.
....ah yes - it's that time :woohoo: .
It was too funny watching Ladybug the other day watching me finishing packing that ONE SUITCASE of mine but.....I got it done! :yay: .

** I am at 41 lbs at 60 inches **
Oopps! Ok...what I meant to say is that my ONE SUITCASE is at the above sentence....not me :laughing:. Anyway, back to my packing story.

...and she was giving me 'that look' while I was finishing packing, as if to say, "Where are you going and WHAT is her name?" :upsidedow.
So 3 Dog treats later, she was a happer camper.....until 09-16-09....the day I drop her off at "her hotel." Now this time, I vow to just drop her off and NOT turn around. I did that in January (as I was leaving) and she and I literally turned around at the same time 2 look at each other....and that look she gave me.
An expression of "Daddy? Don't leave me!"
Now, normally she is well behaved but when it comes to her "hotel stays,".....she just has it in her mind that she wants to go with me and enjoy whatever it is that I am doing. So when she begins to see that she isn't going in the direction that I am going, she pulls this subtle sounding little whine from her throat that would just melt anyone's heart. And the direct effect is very powerful for I feel like a 'bad parent." popcorn:: .

I turned around and walked out of the building, crying all the way home. Sat in my car in the driveway (when I got home) for a few minutes and still cried.
But hey......someone HAS to go to WDW ...right?? :rolleyes1. And isn't it me who has opposable thumbs?? ;) . So, about 15-20 minutes later, I was in my Disney mode to stay :cloud9: .
Besides....I made it up to her (when I returned from the land of WDW & DCL) and brought back a WDW blanket as a gift.....which she promptly "turned into" a chew rag ;) . Anywho -

I talked with "Bill" the other day and he has made mention that he wants some pics taken of him while on Capitol Hill but he DID PROMISE me (while he's having his pic taken) that he WON'T be singing something about him sittin' there on Capitol Hill....:lmao:. And expect him to also be the local food critic while on this trip as well.

Ah about my pre day before my ABD pre-day.....gonna spend it going out to the movies and going out to dinner afterwards :goodvibes . I can tell this is gonna be a wonderful trip and promise to take plenty of pics / video where I can.

Until next week -

Well the trip is so close now, I know you are very excited!!! :goodvibes

Congrats on finishing your **ONE*** suitcase, that is impressive! :worship: I don't think I could swing it...kudos!

Awww...Ladybug. It is so tough to leave the furbabies. I have cats though so sometimes I enjoy a break from them and their megalomaniacal egos! ;) JK I joke about them since they have such attitudes.

I can't wait to read about how the trip goes, it sounds awesome!!
My sons went on a mission trip to Philadelphia last month with our church, and one night they went out for.....cheesesteaks!!!! And the Philadelphians they were with said GENO'S has the BEST! So that's where they went- and said it was YUM-O-LICIOUS!!:lovestruc Here's a couple of pics to get you psyched-


Here are some of the kids with our minister. My DS10 is next to him, and DS12 is behind him, no doubt with a face full of steak. They are DELICIOUS, you will love them!!:banana: (The steaks, I mean- not the kids! But they're wonderful, too! :goodvibes).

knewton64, I use Groupon to get discounts on deals around the DC area, and I thought I would mention that today's Groupon is $9 admission to the Spy Museum!

If you haven't used Groupon before, here's how it works.

Groupon is collective buying power, like a "group coupon". A business contacts Groupon to offer a deal. It can be for any reason, but let's say it's a new restaurant that wants to drum up some buzz. They decide to offer $40 of food for $20. In order to make this offer possible, they set quota of how many people must be "interested" in this offer before it is actually made available. The business may also set a limit of how many groupons may be purchased. They usually run the deal for 24 hours.

Around midnight, Groupon posts the deal. Around 7 or 8am they send an email blast to their mailing list. People flock to the website. They think $40 of food for $20 is a great deal, so they click on "Buy". The restaurant had set a quota of 40 people. So, if they don't get 40 people to buy in on this deal, your credit card will not be charged. If say they get 50+ people to "buy", then your credit card will be charged $20. A day later you get an email with a link where you can go and print out your groupon. Then you can go to the restaurant and have a good time. You give them the groupon at checkout and they calculate the rest for you. So say you ate $40 of food. With your groupon you only pay tip.

I'm not sure if you can buy multiple groupons for the Spy Museum but I saw in their discussion that someone asked that question, so a rep should answer it soon. You could probably have you and your husband buy one each and collectively save $10-12. Also once you purchased the groupon then your credit card is charged $9. You just print out the groupon and give it to the people at the Spy Museum. You've already been charged for it so you do not have to pay anything when you go to the museum.
Well the trip is so close now, I know you are very excited!!! :goodvibes

Congrats on finishing your **ONE*** suitcase, that is impressive! :worship: I don't think I could swing it...kudos!

Awww...Ladybug. It is so tough to leave the furbabies. I have cats though so sometimes I enjoy a break from them and their megalomaniacal egos! ;) JK I joke about them since they have such attitudes.

I can't wait to read about how the trip goes, it sounds awesome!!

.....2 1/2 hours to finish packing that OnE SuItCaSe :headache:.

When done, I went to Walmart and bought me .........a cheesesteak and a cherry dr pepper (to celebrate) :cloud9:.

FOOTNOTE: I have vowed to knock off with the cheesesteak thing (in getting things turned towards my DCL trip in Oct 2010) ONCE this trip is done but man.....those things taste soooooooooooooooo good:cloud9: . Now I see how Homer J. Simpson feels about those ever dreaded donuts ;).

That reminds me....just what is Homer's middle name :confused:?? Mabey that's one of life's mysteries.
Anywho -

..and yes - it will feeeeeellll soooooo nice to have a small break from my 4 legged "child." She deserves her own break as well - been with me for 13 years.


....a HUGE thank you for this suggestion. Why? After reading recently the book , "Into the Mirror: The Secret life of master spy Robert P. Hansen," I agree that's one place I gotta check out. One quite "interesting" man I tell ya. And to think his favorite book to read was "The man who saw Tomorrow." So, it's going to be fun to see more behind these kind of people and their gadgets & what nots.


Ok u 2! me tink u r contributing to the deliquency of an adult with the Genos suggestion ;). Just fer that, I owe u 2 a Margarita on the Disney Magic oh....say in 408 days :lmao: ??

************ NEWS FLASH *******************



Moreover.... just what does "nimptopsical" and "tipsicum grave" mean?? And will I find it out while on my pre-day in Philly? Stay tuned for an update coming up this afternoon.
I am loving your trip report! I will be taking this same trip on July 1 and I am so excited that I can hardly wait! Speaking of carry-on...does the ABD allow you to have one carry-on and one suitcase per person? Can the carry-on be a small rolling suitcase? If so, I just may be able to get us all packed!
Speaking of carry-on...does the ABD allow you to have one carry-on and one suitcase per person? Can the carry-on be a small rolling suitcase? If so, I just may be able to get us all packed!
Yes, you are allowed one carry-on & one suitcase per person. My carry-on was a small rolling suitcase, and they had no problem with it. They also gave us a tote bag, and I used that for stuff I wanted to have on the bus (whoops, motorcoach!) with me.

I am loving your trip report! I will be taking this same trip on July 1 and I am so excited that I can hardly wait! Speaking of carry-on...does the ABD allow you to have one carry-on and one suitcase per person? Can the carry-on be a small rolling suitcase? If so, I just may be able to get us all packed!

......ok - I am choosing to adhere to ABD's subtle request of 1 checked piece of luggage per person. Now....yyeess, they did say that that you can always request an additional ABD luggage tag (so you can in essense bring a 2nd checked piece of luggage on your trip) from them when you arrive into your destination. But.... I feel that that will only confuse the situation so I am choosing to back away from this.
Moreover, can also bring a "Carry-on" rolling luggage onboard the Domestic airline flight. And can also bring one "personal item" onboard the plane........(example - laptop, etc).
** BUT **
Here is where my sly humor comes into play when in regards to packing one's luggage.

Yes, you can bring additional "stuff" with you....but why?

So - I am only bringing 1 checked piece of luggage and one carry-on (a duffle bag that houses my portable dvd player, I-pod, hand-held games, etc). My carry-on therefore doubles as a personal item as it also remains 1/4 I can fill it with other stuff during my trip:cloud9:.
This way, I can fit it under the seat in front of me; thus I don't have to fight getting any carry-on (like a rolling suitcase that qualifies as a carry-on) out from the overhang compartment.

And yes, it is the duffle bag that I will be taking onboard the motorcoach:woohoo: when we have our "parties" onboard (lookout world cuz my "coffee" on the motorcoach will be Dr. Pepper and or Cocoa Cola)!

So....long story short - I admit that I see now the wisdom of the words they have typed up in their "Know Before You Go" info packet that we all receive. .....that in part says "We pack too much stuff."
Therefore, I'd say it depends on a few issues on how much "stuff" you need to bring like:

1) are there coin operated laundry facilities at anywhere along your stops / destinations?
1a). On this ABD trip, the only coin operated facilities are in Williamsburg Va.
1b). THAT STINKS! Cuz on your full day there, I want to spend it viewing the 301 acres of Colonial Williamsburg....not doing laundry. Even the evening before when we first roll up into the Great wolfe Lodge.
** FOOTNOTE *** a post day & have a late flight out **

....this way you can see more of Colonial Williamsburg.

2) if no, can you avoid doing laundry until you get home?
3) If you have to, think of the cost savings of replacing what items you have to "discard" along your ABD vacation versus having to pay for a second piece of checked luggage. I AM SAVING $30 BY NOT BRINGING A 2ND PIECE OF LUGGAGE. BUt...I am spending $20 when I get back home replacing the items I am discarding. Money is money & I am using that $30 "savings" on a pretty cool meal during this trip :yay:.

So....yes I know I am talking a lot about this issue with you.. but you said u r going on this trip nxt year. So, I believe you need someone's opinion who has been brought up to speed recently on the "in's and out's" of ABD packing 101 (as well as this vacation since I have been asking a lot of questions) as I am very appreciative on bringing very little.....just one checked bag & one carry-on ;).
But hey...this is my "method to my madness." this might not work for you. this is just my opinion on what I have learned over the last 6 weeks via all things ABD.

P.S. Yyeess... I did receive my ABD backpack (totebag)....but I feel that it would be better used for extremely light stuff, like t-shirts & such. I am afraid that it will rip / tear if I use it on this trip. Looks nice though. Opinions vary from fellow DISsers on whether or not it can hold up to the punishment of a typical ABD vacation.

Hope this ramblin' response helps!


(Photo shot at AK; January 2009) "officially" kicks off in less than 72 hours :woohoo:.

All bags have been packed... including my shoes....

(photo shot while on the Disney Wonder; January 2009)
....ok... I am not in this shot....but I think Minnie has the cutest shoes!)

Ladybug has her "Bag" all packed as well....

(photo shot while on the Disney Wonder; January 2009)

.....her travel bag? Hmmmmm... she has packed the following:

1). One pillow
2). 2 zip lock baggies of snacks.
3). 3 chew rags
4). A 'hand written' letter to the general manager (of the 'hotel' that she is staying at) explaining all the words she knows.

hhmmmmm.... ya think she's spoiled or what?? :rotfl2:

so.... all signs point towards -

(photo shot at MK; January 2009)

.....a trip of a lifetime :cloud9:!


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