My family of 4's first trip to Disney- May 17-24**completed 11/10**

So sorry for the loss of your mom.

Loving your trip report! You have a beautiful family. Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your trip. :cool1:
Just started reading all about your trip and wanted to say hi! You have a beautiful family :-)

I also wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss of your mother. I absolutely think going to Disneyworld was what your mother would want for you (I had similar decision to make several years ago) so happy you and your family enjoyed your trip!
So I didn't sleep much because I was worried about DH. I was so excited about this trip and had spent so much time planning it that I didn't want him to be sick :sick: Our plans were to head to Hollywood studios. We had a breakfast reservation for 9:15 at hollywood and vine. When we got up DH was feeling even worse. He said he just knew he had strep. I called the front desk and they gave me a number to a local clinic. I called and had transportation arranged to pick him up. The kids and I got dressed and headed out to Hollywood studios.

As soon as we got there I grabbed a map and went straight for Toy Story. Thanks to the DIS I knew to get FP's first thing. We got them and made our way back to hollywood and vine. I have to admit that trying to get our food was a bit of a jugging act! But we made it without spilling anything. The food was your typical breakfast buffet items. Everything was good. The characters were great. For some reason we had to wait a while to see Jake. The atmosphere made up for it. Every 15 minutes or so they all got together and danced and sang with the kids.

After breakfast I called DH to check on him and sure enough he had strep :( Dr gave him some meds. He was back in the room resting.

On our way out of Hollywood and Vine we saw this guy....

Olivia was so facisinated with the characters shoes that she immediately noticed that stitch didn't have any on!

Then it was time for our FP's. The kids loved toy story! Since it was 3 of us Olivia just sat in my lap and "helped" me shoot. They asked if we could do it again but FP's were aleady gone.
Coming off of Toy Story we saw this guy....

From here I really wasn't sure where we were headed. I had done some much research and studied so many maps prior to this trip, but for some reason I didn't feel like it at this moment. I guess Hollystudies didn't get as much research as the other parks. We strolled around for a little while before deciding on The little Mermaid show. There was about a 15 minute wait. Which doesn't sound long but it seemed long! DD isn't into cartoons or movies so I wasn't sure how she would do at a live show. She loves her books but just isn't interested in watching TV. The show was the perfect length and was really enjoyable! When we exited we were right by Disney Jr. We took a potty break and walked in the area where the character meet and great is but the lines were really long.
The sky was looking a little grey when we came out. There was about a 15-20 minute wait for the next disney Jr. show but there was a place to sit outside and wait so I decided that would be a nice place to sit and rest while we wait. I had a few snacks in my bag so we sat and enjoyed those.

The pics in here didn't come out great, but this is a great show! It's interactive so the kids loved it!

By the time we got out I think it was close to 2. We wondered around for a little while and decided to grab a snack and head back to the room to rest. We had dinner reservations at sci fi for 6:05. The kids requested popcorn and I had heard great things about the cupcakes at starring. I grabbed the hubby and I one to go.

On the way out we stopped for some photo pass pics.

The sun was bright and I think the kids eyes were closed in all of them!
After our rest, DH decided that he would join us for dinner. Our reservations were for 6:15 at sci-fi. We got there a little early so we wondered around a little.

We happened upon a bunch of characters but we caught the end of it. They were all leaving :( We did catch a few pics.

At first I wasn't sure what movie this guy was from but after getting home I think I read that he's from Mary poppins. Does anyone know if that's right?

We then made our way over to Sci-Fi.

I snapped a pic of Mr. Strep Throat while we waited. :sick:

There were some ducks that kept the kids occupied while we waited.

Once we got called and were seated we at first had the kids in the front and DH and I the back.

That didn't last long and we ended up switching. I sat with DD and DS and DH sat together.

DH ordered a hamburger and I got a pasta dish. DH said his burger was ok and I have to admit that I didn't really like the fact that I couldn't see my food. I guess if I had ordered a burger I would have been ok, but I could not see what my food looked like. The food was just ok and the kids didn't really like the atmosphere as much as I thought they would. We decided we'd probably skip this one on the next trip.
After dinner we decided to check out the muppets.

When we walked out of the Muppets we saw matter and Lightning McQueen with no wait!! We ran to see them and good thing we did cause everyone else had the same idea.

DS and I also got to ride the Star Wars ride. I have to admit I have never seen the movies. The ride was a walk on and even though I was not familiar with any of it I still enjoyed it.
We tried to let the kids play on the honey I shrunk the kids play ground but I didn't realize it closed before the park did.
We did manage to get some photopass pics with DH in them.

As we were heading out for the night we got DS a hat and DD some mickey ears!

Tomorrow: Animal Kingdom
So hubby was feeling better today!! yay!! He said the antibiotics were making him a little nauseated but besides that better!
So today we were headed to Animal Kingdom! I had read to do the Safari first so that is where we headed but I had to snap a pic of the tree first

And my little cuties in line...

And wow did this line seem to go on forever.. There were lots of twist and turns. But we finally made it!!

And as soon as we did DD said she had to potty! So the whole ride I was so worried that she wasn't gonna make it and I didn't bring extra cloths. So I kept pointing out things to her to keep her mind off of it.

As soon as it stopped I grabbed her up and we took off running in search of the nearest bathroom. We actually lost DH and DS for a little while. Once we found them we decided to take the train over to where the petting zoo and rafiki is.

I'm pretty sure she was asking him where his shoes were. She was so fascinated with all the characters.

We then headed back to the train station.
Once we got back we caught sight of this!!

As I've said before I am not a huge roller coaster fan. I was hoping that DH would ride Everest with DS, but he said he wasn't sure his stomach could handle it. So it was all on me! We got in line and got almost to where you could throw the coins in and DS says he has to potty. I ask him if he could wait and he says NO! So we had to do the excuse me thing all the way out of the line. Well then he starts crying and says he could have waited :( We found an bathroom then headed back. By the time we got back the line had now extended past where they check your height. I think the posted wait was 45min. I felt terrible that DH and DD was having to wait for us. When it was finally our turn I have to admit I was REALLY nervous but was trying not to show it.

By the time it was done my legs felt like jello! DS was ready to do it again! I needed a little more time! lol!!
UP next NEMO...
Whew you sure are brave to do EE with him. lol....I just can't seem to convince myself to ride that one! Maybe this trip.....

Sorry to hear about the potty issues. When my boys were younger we would have to leave lines often to go potty. It is frustrating!

Glad to see that your DH is feeling better!
Whew you sure are brave to do EE with him. lol....I just can't seem to convince myself to ride that one! Maybe this trip.....

Sorry to hear about the potty issues. When my boys were younger we would have to leave lines often to go potty. It is frustrating!

Glad to see that your DH is feeling better!

It was definitely the biggest coaster I'd ever been on. I was nervous about the goofy coaster and splash mountain! I managed to get away with not doing tower of terror and rock n roller coaster on this trip but I have a feeling those are in my future. My DS loves rides! We're going to Gatlinburg this year for vacation and we've been looking at YouTube videos of rides at Dollywood. He is so excited!! My dad and his gf are coming and they love rides so I'm gonna sit out with DD. most of them go upside down and I don't do upside down! I'm not that brave yet :)

The frequent potty breaks were definitely a theme on the trip :) but I guess that's to be expected with a 3 and a 5 year old.
I'm enjoying your report!
It always seems like some poor family member gets ill on vacation. I hope your hubby did better for the rest of the trip but I know strep can be bad.
Your kids seemed to really enjoy everything. I love characters too but never really noticed their shoes!
I'm looking forward to reading more!
I'm enjoying your report!
It always seems like some poor family member gets ill on vacation. I hope your hubby did better for the rest of the trip but I know strep can be bad.
Your kids seemed to really enjoy everything. I love characters too but never really noticed their shoes!
I'm looking forward to reading more!

DH getting sick on vacation seems to be a trend. For our 10 year anniversary my dad and his gf booked a cruise for us. We had not been on a vacation since our honeymoon. The morning we left he was in the after hours clinic with strep :(

My DD is a bit of a shoe diva! Her aunt has created a monster! Lol!
Enjoying your report, thanks for all the pics! We will be there next year with a 5 and 2 year old so great to read your details. How awful to have a sick husband. Glad he perked up quickly.
I just read your trip report. It sounds like you and your family had a wonderful first trip to Disney. There's nothing like that first trip. I just have to tell you that I love the pictures of your kids with the characters. Your daughter's expressions just make me laugh, she looks so happy. This is going to be such a wonderful memory for all of you. Just be careful it can become addicting.:)
Enjoying your report, thanks for all the pics! We will be there next year with a 5 and 2 year old so great to read your details. How awful to have a sick husband. Glad he perked up quickly.

I'm glad your enjoying my TR. Hard to believe it's been almost a year:( y'all will have a blast! It was such a magical trip for us. Looking back I was glad he got sick on the days we were in Epcot and HS. I don't think MK would have been as easy to do alone with them.
I just read your trip report. It sounds like you and your family had a wonderful first trip to Disney. There's nothing like that first trip. I just have to tell you that I love the pictures of your kids with the characters. Your daughter's expressions just make me laugh, she looks so happy. This is going to be such a wonderful memory for all of you. Just be careful it can become addicting.:)

Thank you. I'm glad your enjoying it. She still talks about it all of the time. I have to admit that when we first got home I didn't think i would be addicted. But now I wanna go again! I'm thinking May 2015 for our next trip. I want to keep going while the kids are still young and it's still magical.
Once we got off Everest we weren't sure where we were headed. We were just walking when we noticed Nemo was about to start. I hadn't read anything about this and had no idea what to expect. My DD really isn't into sitting and watching TV or movies so we weren't sure how this would go. She would much rather read a book. (since our trip she's gotten a Kindle and will now sit still and watch shows on it). We decided to give it a shot. We sit down and it's about 10-15minutes until show time. Of course DD waits until 5 minutes before it's suppose to start to say she has to potty. So we went dashing for the potty yet again! We made it back just in time. There was plenty of room for her to move around and stand up if she wanted so she did really good through out the show. We all thought it was great! We were at Disney so of course it was going to be great! None of us had ever really seen a live show like that before.
From there we made our way to the dino land. It was lunch time but none of us were really hungry. The kids and I rode the dinosaur thing that goes around like dumbo. I have to admit it was getting a bit warm. From there we went to the dinosaur ride. DH decided he still didn't really want to ride anything so him and DD found a shady spot to sit while DS and I went on.

My DS loves Jurassic Park so this ride was a huge hit with him!
When we came out we found this....

DH said she fell asleep right after we went in. Since she was sleeping we decided to grab a few hot dogs and have a picnic in the shade. So DS and I ran back to dinoland and grabbed a snacks. DD slept for about 30 minutes longer. Which worked out great since we had not planned on going back to the room.
Once DD woke up we decided to go into the tree to see a bugs life. I had heard very mixed reviews about young kids seeing this. But so far our luck had been very good with dark rides and shows. I explained to her what was going to happen before we went in and she said she wanted to see the show. We put the rain cover on the stroller before going in. It had been overcast all day but it was starting to thunder :scared1:

They both loved it!! And of course I leaned forward to grab my bag and missed the "bugs" at the end.
I think it did rain some while we were in there but it had cleared up by the time we got out. According to the map it was about time for the parade to start. We made our way over to where the map showed it would start. No one else seemed to be waiting. Eventually I asked a cast member and they weren't sure what was going on. We waited a few more minutes and asked another one. They said if it hadn't started by now that they cancelled it because of the threat of rain. We were a little bummed. But decided we could catch the lion king show instead.

Up next Lion king!!
What a lovely family you have. I am enjoying your trip report and pictures and can't wait to read more. :)


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