My Journey....Revisited (comments welcome)

Saturday's race was one of the funnest things I've ever done as a runner! I finished the Albany Half-Marathon with a new PR. I demolished my previous race and non-race PR's! My previous race PR was 2:10 and my non race PR was 1:57.34. I ran Saturday's race in 1:56.23 which was good enough for 148th place overall, 105th in the men's division and 5th in my age group!

I was so happy for my results, but the coolest thing was a guy asked me at mile 7 if he was on pace to finish under 2 hours. I told him yes because I was currently on pace to finish in around 1:55. He said good. It was his first race of any kind and he didn't have a watch to even know how long he'd been running. I offered to pace him for the rest of the race if he could keep up or I didn't slow him down. I promised him if he stayed with me, he'd finish in under 2 hours.

As we're running he proceeds to tell me his story how he just started running 3 months ago and only decided to run this half 3 weeks ago to challenge himself. He had some personal issues that lead to a desire for a major life change so he started running.

He then told me he had never ran more than 10 miles and only did that the Tuesday before the race! He pushed himself through the rest of the race and I kept trying to talk to him and offer encouragement. When we finally turned the last corner (and coincidentally passed the 13 mile marker), we could see the finish line. I asked him if he had anything left for a final kick. He said "GO!" and we did. His kick had just a little more than mine and he crossed the finish line a few seconds before me.

We both PR'd. He commented to me during one of the tougher stretches how he knew God had put me on that course just for him that day. He said he would have struggled to finish and possibly wouldn't have if I hadn't encouraged him and helped him. I knew exactly what he meant. I feel that God has blessed me with exactly what I needed, exactly when I needed it, even if it wasn't how I envisioned things or the time I though it should have happened.

This guy said I encouraged him, but he has no idea what he meant to me that day. He pushed me, the runner of over 2 years. After we both crossed the finish line, I heard him yelling, "Hey, where's my running buddy?" I caught up with him and gave him a quick hug and congratulated him on his finish! He thanked me and we both went on our way.

It was a great ending to a fun race. It's my first distance race that didn't end in pain. I was certainly thankful for that!
Sorry. I was incorrect about my age group placing. I placed 14th in my age group, not 5th. When I looked before, I didn't realize I could sort by age group and did it manually, but missed a page. Wasn't trying to mislead anyone. Heck, I'm happy with 14th! hahaha.
I was eager to go out this morning with DW for a short 3.25 mile run. It was my first run since the half and her 2nd attempt at a first run since her personal best 10 miler Friday. She tried to go out Sunday for a short run, but didn't make it very far before her leg started hurting. She was a little anxious to see how it would respond today. I told her to set the pace and I'd just tag along, which is how we usually do since I run at about 1:00-1:30mm faster than her usually. She said she felt good and we ended up running the 3.25 miles faster than she normally runs it. She said her leg was a little sore at the very start and just before we finished, but overall she felt good. I did too. I'm so thankful she and I can share our running experiences together. I truly believe it has drawn us closer these past 2 years we've been running together.
I was eager to go out this morning with DW for a short 3.25 mile run. It was my first run since the half and her 2nd attempt at a first run since her personal best 10 miler Friday. She tried to go out Sunday for a short run, but didn't make it very far before her leg started hurting. She was a little anxious to see how it would respond today. I told her to set the pace and I'd just tag along, which is how we usually do since I run at about 1:00-1:30mm faster than her usually. She said she felt good and we ended up running the 3.25 miles faster than she normally runs it. She said her leg was a little sore at the very start and just before we finished, but overall she felt good. I did too. I'm so thankful she and I can share our running experiences together. I truly believe it has drawn us closer these past 2 years we've been running together.

That is so awesome! I'm glad her leg is feeling better too.
Today's run sucked. It wasn't because of how I felt or anything, but I was going to do a 5 mile run with DW. As we headed out, the wind was extremely strong and cold. It cut right through every stitch of clothes we were wearing. My ears were ice cold. It was only 37 out, but felt much, much colder. We literally had to fight uphill at one point the wind was so strong. We finally turned around after less than 1.25 miles and only did 2.27 of the planned 5 miles. We were both disappointed. I am running in a 5k next weekend and then another the following weekend so I have to get myself into speed mode in a short time. I plan on doing a few timed 5k runs to push myself on pace over the next week before the 5k's.

DD11 had her first middle school track meet yesterday. She's very slow and inexperienced at running so they put her doing the mile. I told her before she went to report for the race that she should run no matter what. No matter how slow she had to go, don't walk. Just run. She did just that. She was still on the track with about 1/2 lap to go when the last runner crossed the finish line, but many of her teamates met her and ran on the infield alongside her cheering her on. When she turned the corner to the straightaway for the final 100m, her team was sitting in that section of the bleachers and cheered her on like she was about to win the race. She kicked it and finished the race strong.

DW and I were nearly in tears seeing how her teamates responded to her. It was so amazing to witness that. She may have finished dead last, but I couldn't be more proud of my baby for finishing and never quitting.
Just registered for 2 more half marathons. I plan to race more this year than ever!

I've already completed one full marathon and one half marathon this year! I'm doing a March 16th and then a half the following weekend. I've got another half coming up in mid-April! I hope to acquire some serious bling this year!

I'm about 60% sure I'm going Goofy next year too! I know I'm at least doing the half with DW and some friends. I haven't made my mind up yet on whether or not to do the full also on Sunday.
Looks like you might be a candidate for Half Marathon Maniacs!! I'm pretty sure they have a page on Facebook. (there's also Marathon Maniacs)

Good morning! I like the sounds of all the races you have booked! Thinking about going Goofy, huh? Awesome!

How nice that you and DW are running together. Nice that you can encourage her and support her, and she can provide you with an awesome running partner. DH and I run together sometimes and it is really nice. We are going out for a quick 5k today, in fact.
Good morning! I like the sounds of all the races you have booked! Thinking about going Goofy, huh? Awesome!

How nice that you and DW are running together. Nice that you can encourage her and support her, and she can provide you with an awesome running partner. DH and I run together sometimes and it is really nice. We are going out for a quick 5k today, in fact.

I love running with her. Our paces are pretty far apart (long run for me is sub 9mm and hers is sub 10:30mm), but it's good for me to slow down sometimes and just have a nice, easy run and for her running with me pushes her a little harder.

Honestly, the only reason why I haven't just said I'm definitely going Goofy next year is with her running the half along with a few other people we know, I'm debating only running the half to save us having to stay another night after the Marathon and let us enjoy half of Saturday in the parks and even Sunday for about 1/2 a day.

That's not to mention it's extremely difficult for me to train for the full during the months you have to train due to work. I can't imagine how much more difficult it would be for Goofy!
Had a great 5 mile run this morning. Took me a while to get going. 1st and 2nd mile were both exactly 9:00 each, but the 3rd was 8:55, 4th was 8:54 and the 5th was 8:30. I've been having a little trouble with my right hip, but today I felt no pain at all. That was a good feeling....or lack thereof? :rotfl:
Had a nice and easy 5k run this morning with DW. I was really proud of her as she pushed the pace pretty hard despite cold weather and a strong side wind for much of our run. A few times I thought we were going to get blown off the road! :scared1:

I forgot to mention I started back with Weight Watchers in an attempt to drop some of the weight I had put back on during my busy time at work (bad eating habits then despite training for a marathon). Results early on have been excellent (5.8lbs. lost in 2 days!)
Saturday was an awesome day! 4 members of my family entered a local 5k that was to raise some money for a teacher at my kids' school that was in a terrible car accident the day the students got out for Christmas break. It's a miracle she survived and this run was to raise money for her and her family. I never heard the official count, but someone said they had 180 entries for it so it was a solid turnout. I was running it as well as my wife, my oldest daughter, my youngest brother and his wife.

All of the adults PR'd and placed. My baby brother finished 2nd overall and 1st in his age group, his wife finished 1st overall female and 9th overall, I finished 8th overall and 1st in my age group and my wife finished 3rd in her age group!

Not only did I PR, but I absolutely destroyed my previous PR! My race PR for a 5k was 24:49 and my non-race PR was 24:11. I ran Saturday's race in 23:29!

I've got a half this weekend which will be my youngest brother's 1st half. Even though he's a faster short-distance runner than me, he asked me to pace him for his 1st half since he has considerable difficulty to pace himself properly.

I'm really excited about where I am right now as a runner. To top the weekend off, I met my favorite singer of all time Saturday night and then weighed in this morning and lost 3.6lbs. last week! It was a really, really good week! I am so thankful for it!
It was raining yesterday morning and my treadmill is still messed up so I didn't get to run until yesterday afternoon. Wow, what a difference it makes running before daylight in 40 something degree weather vs. late afternoon sun and mid 70's. Felt like the WDW marathon all over again. :beach:

Since I have another half this weekend, I only had to do 3 miles yesterday. This was my first run since Saturday's 5k PR. I decided to just run whatever I was feeling and that pace was under 8:30. I felt pretty good despite the heat. I was definitely gassed post run though. Everything else this week is 2 milers until Saturday's half.
Had a nice final run before Saturday's half. Only had to do 2 miles. My Garmin acted up and didn't start recording my distance until I was an estimated 1/3 mile out so I decided to just run it without focusing on pace so much. I knew where my 1 mile turnaround marker was. I ended up running the 2 miles in 17 minutes even. I would have been in the mid-high 16 minute range had it not been for my dog. My beagle, Cookie, can jump the fence. She saw me running and hopped the fence and decided to run with me. Since it was around 5:30 yesterday afternoon when I ran, my road (live on a country highway), was heavy with passing cars. To keep Cookie out of danger, I ran a good portion of the run in the ditches.

I'm excited about Saturday's half. It's my baby brother's first half. He's alot faster than me in short races. We'll see how he does in this. I'm sure he can do it. Just don't want him to overdo it and get hurt.
Sorry for the delay in responding. I PR'd again this past weekend! I completed the half in 1:55.39 which was about 45 seconds better than my previous PR set earlier this month!
I'm finally back in town and I had my worst run in over a year this past Saturday. I am chalking it up to jet lag, lack of food, and higher temps, but my 10 mile run was cut short by 2 miles and was extremely slow. I had to take some walk breaks when I haven't taken them in a really long time.

I have another half in less than 2 weeks so I'll be getting back at it hard this week. Now that I'm home, I hope to get back on track with my eating and running.


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