My Journey....Revisited (comments welcome)

After Saturday's 8 mile disaster, I was glad to go back out yesterday. It's funny that despite my recent PR's, improved fitness, weightloss, and overall feeling so much better as a runner, I really let that one bad day get into my head. I was underhydrated, under nourished, and it was really hot and sunny out. Bad combo, but I still let it rattle me more than it should.

I went out yesterday with DW for a nice, easy 3 mile run. No problems there. We both had solid runs. This morning (less than 12 hours later), we headed out for a 5 miler. We had another solid run. It was slower than my normal pace, but it usually is when I run with DW, but I didn't care. I felt good and had no issues and felt like I could have just kept on going.

I'm doing another 3 mile run tomorrow and then a 10-12 mile run this Saturday morning as my last "long run" before next weekend's half. I'm honestly not shooting for another PR next weekend. My only goal is sub 2 hours, but I won't complain if I do PR. Everything will be determined by how I feel.
I went out yesterday for my 3 mile run with the intentions of just running my 1/2 pace (every mile under 9 minutes). I was running a route that I knew the total distance and half way marker, but I didn't have individual mile markers so when my Garmin acted up yesterday, it caused a little panic. I decided to just run to feel and not look at my watch until I hit the 1/2 way point.

When I got to that point, it was obvious I was running fast, but since I still felt good I decided to keep up the pace. I ended up running a 5k in just under 25 minutes. It wasn't a PR (almost 1:30 slower than my PR), but it was the 4th fastest 5K I'd ever ran.

I figured I'd take that! I felt great afterwards. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's long run. I'm also praying for DW to have a great long run. She needs a great confidence booster since this is her last long run before her 1st half next weekend and she's had some tough runs lately.
Saturday's run was a great victory for me and DW both! We both nailed our 10 milers and she gained so much confidence for this weekend's half (her 1st). I also felt confident about another possible PR this weekend as I completed my 10 mile run averaging a 8:40 per mile pace. I felt pretty strong as I finished. My last mile was around 8:20 so I feel confident I could break the 1:55 barrier this weekend if my run goes as good.
Ah the taper week. Nice 3 miles yesterday and another 2 miles today. Almost time for my 3rd half of the year. I'm hoping for my 3rd half PR of the year also! I'm not going to go out in search of a PR, but if I feel good, I think I can get one again this weekend.
Had a nice 2 mile run this morning. Yesterday, DW's Garmin couldn't locate the satellites. Today, it was mine. They both need to work Saturday! lol. We had a good run despite only one of our watches working. I'm having so much trouble getting out of the bed in the morning lately to run. With the temps steadily rising, I need to get over that and fast! It's just too dang hot to run in the afternoons and I have to get my runs in.
Just popping in to say that I read your journal even when I don't post a reply! Love how well you and DW are running together!
Saturday's half was tough! It was easily the hilliest route I have ever run! The flyer said there were "several rolling hills". It should have said non-stop uphills because that's what it was. Despite that, DW and DSIL completed their first half marathon and I PR'd for the 3rd time this year! DSIL actually beat me by a few seconds. Her goal was to run it under 2:10 and she finished in 1:54! I finished it in 1:54.16 which was more than a minute better than my last half a few weeks ago. I am more proud of DW than I am of myself since she had not trained on a lot of hills and she had never ran more than 10.10 miles before.
This week was tough. I missed my Tuesday run due to getting to work at 6am and not getting home until after 7pm. I did go out Wednesday morning for a 3 mile run at a moderately fast pace, especially considering I just ran a hilly half this past weekend. Wednesday night I suffered a painful leg injury playing basketball. I could barely walk later that evening and had trouble much of the day Thursday.

Late yesterday, the leg began to feel better so I went out for another 3 miler this morning and had no pain or after-effects. I was certainly thankful for that healing! I have a 4 mile trail race tomorrow. It's a local run, but it's the one I have to do wearing a Snow White costume since my kids at church won a challenge I gave them to raise canned goods for the food bank at our church and this was the "punishment" they chose. There will be a nice group of them there to cheer me on. Honestly, they're just coming to get pictures of their youth pastor wearing a Snow White dress in a race, but I don't care.

They did a good thing for the food bank, so I can make an idiot of myself tomorrow. It's not like I don't do that on a daily basis anyways. :cool1::clown:
I had a fun race Saturday. It was my first trail race ever and this was a beautiful and challenging trail run. There were several tight trails and the conditions were a little muddy. There were quite a few dowhills covered in roots with switchbacks so I had to keep my eyes peeled the entire time. I did fall once on one of the dowhill switchbacks, but popped up quickly.

I did the 4 mile run in 33:13 and finished 3rd in my age and in the top 20 overall. I was happy with my finish and enjoyed the run. And yes, I ran it in a Snow White dress. I have to be the ugliest "princess" ever, but it was for a good cause. :rotfl:
I had a fun race Saturday. It was my first trail race ever and this was a beautiful and challenging trail run. There were several tight trails and the conditions were a little muddy. There were quite a few dowhills covered in roots with switchbacks so I had to keep my eyes peeled the entire time. I did fall once on one of the dowhill switchbacks, but popped up quickly.

I did the 4 mile run in 33:13 and finished 3rd in my age and in the top 20 overall. I was happy with my finish and enjoyed the run. And yes, I ran it in a Snow White dress. I have to be the ugliest "princess" ever, but it was for a good cause. :rotfl:

Aww sounds like a lot of fun! Great job! I ran The Color Run over the weekend! Had fun but not sure I'd do it again!
Aww sounds like a lot of fun! Great job! I ran The Color Run over the weekend! Had fun but not sure I'd do it again!

There is one this weekend here in my town, but we'll be at WDW. As much as I'd like to run one, I'll take WDW over it anytime!
It's official. I registered DW and I for the 2014 Donald Half Marathon! After going back and forth over whether or not I'd do the full again next year, or maybe Goofy, I opted for the half since the training for the full during my busiest time of year kicked my butt! Not to mention the recovery for the half is nothing compared to the full.

I'm excited because we have 4 other people who have never done a half before but are Disney junkies and newbie runners that are going to run this with us. I'm excited for them and looking forward to a great and fun weekend!
I had a great run with DW this morning! She is really getting faster and I couldn't be prouder of her than I am now. We did a little over 3 miles in under 29 minutes. This is a faster pace for her as she normally is around 10:15mm or so, but since she completed her 1st half a few weeks ago she's gotten faster. I guess her confidence is sky high right now!

After registering both of us yesterday for the WDW Half in January, we discussed possibly running the Disneyland 1/2 next year and completing the coast to coast. Our anniversary is in August so we could make it a late Anniversary trip.
It's been a while since my last update. After that 4 mile trail race, I took a few weeks of taking it easy. I only ran about 12-15 miles per week and only a few days per week. I'm back at it hard this week. My goal to hit 1000 miles this year is on track. I'm just over 300 miles which you might say, that won't put you on pace since it's over 1/3 of the way through the year, but I just created my schedule for the rest of this year and early 2014 so I could properly line up my training for future races.

Based on my current schedule, I should break 1000 miles with about 30 or 40 to spare. That will give me some wiggle room for days I miss my run or have to cut one a little short. Either way, it'll be a challenge, but I can accomplish this. I was extremely close last year and only missed it by about 20 miles so I'd love to beat this goal this year.

If you read my journal, you'll know I signed up already for the WDW Half in 2014. I've decided to do the Albany Full Marathon 6 weeks later. I've done that Half twice and that's my hometown so I felt like it would be a good one for my second full marathon. I worked my training schedule so the WDW Half would fit perfectly into my training, especially since I'm planning on taking it easy and really enjoying the WDW Half. I plan to get plenty of pics this time as opposed to this year's full where I only stopped for pics once.

I've also rethought my pace. When I trained for the full last time, I slowed my pace down dramatically. This summer, I will work my way up to 15 continuous miles at a sub 9 minute pace. If I can maintain that through the summer heat, I feel confident I can increase the mileage at the same pace once the temps start dropping (just in time for my marathon training) and I'd be on pace to finish in under 4 hours.

My current half marathon pace is around 8:40mm so I think a 9mm is doable. My speed has gotten so much better this year since I've focused on it and I've PR'd in every race I've done so I know I have it in me. I'm also down about 12-15lbs. from where I was at the marathon earlier this year and I plan on dropping another 15lbs. or so by the time that rolls around next year.
I had a good run yesterday morning. I had planned on running Saturday morning but had to be at work at 6:45am and running 9 miles before that wasn't in the cards! lol.

The run started off tough as I struggled to keep my pace under 9mm for the first 4 miles. I was able to do it and not one minute went over 9, but I was averaging a 8:57 pace through 4 miles so I was consistently close to that magical 9 mm pace. Once I hit 5 miles I was able to kick up the pace a little and ended up finishing the 9 miles at a 8:50mm avg. pace.

My weigh in day was today and I've had 3 consecutive bad weeks. This morning I weighed in at 208.2 which is down more than 6lbs. from last week's weigh in. I'm closest to my lowest weight since college and I am pushing hard to get under 200lbs. for the 1st time since then.
Had another good run this morning. Knocked out 5 miles at a 8:45mm pace. Even though it wasn't my weigh in day, I hopped on the scales just to see how things looked. I was glad to see that I was officially the lowest weight I've been since I was in college. I had gotten down to 206 before when I originally lost my weight after starting to run a few years ago. This morning I was 205.8! Yeah, I know it's essentially 206, but I will take that 0.2! lol.
That is awesome B! Send some of that weight loss mojo my way! I am losing and gaining the same 10 pounds since fall...
Time has been sparce to update my journal; however I've had a good week of running since my last update. I logged a fast 10k run this past weekend (not a race) and then a 5, 4, and 3 mile run this week. I'm doing a 10 miler this weekend. The heat has kicked up a little here which has caused more sweat than usual, but I've been trying to get most of my runs in before the sun gets out to keep the effects down as much as possible. Weight loss is still solid.
A rare update from me. The heat has definitely taken a toll on my running times. I'm still logging good mileage each week, but I've slowed myself down just a tad. Part of that was to start re-training myself for my next full but most of it is due to the heat. Even at 5am when I usually run, it's been over 70 and 100% humidity. If the sun is out, temps are already over 80 within an hour. There's no way I run in the afternoons where it's 90-95 already during the afternoon.

My goal for my next full is to break 4 hours. I've been training lately at a sub 9mm pace. I've been averaging around 8:50 or so on almost every long run. If I can maintain that type of pace for 15 mile runs this summer, I feel like I should be able to complete my marathon at that pace when the temps are much more favorable.

I did 11 last weekend in hot temps and felt great. I'm only doing 8 tomorrow as this is my 3rd week, which is a lower mileage week. Next weekend I'll do 12. That will be my longest run since I was doing all those half marathons this winter/spring. It's amazing how effortlessly I was running half marathons during that time of year at 8:30-8:40mm paces, yet I'm struggling to knock out 10 miles at sub 9 now. This heat makes a difference, but I refuse to let it get the best of me.

DW is struggling right now because she has a bonespur in her foot. After almost a week of rest, she gave it a go yesterday and did 3 miles, but today is hurting again. She's disappointed, but knows rest is what is best.


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