My Journey to 50 miles (2nd attempt)... (comments welcome)

Early morning run! Probably should have grabbed my gloves this morning. It was a chilly 44 when I left the house. Dang, I thought these chilly mornings were done. I'm still having some tightness in my quads. I think this is still from the hike. I'm going to do some stretching tonight and see if DW will use the roller on them. Pacing was a little better today, but not great. Still something I'm working on.

Should have been 3 miles @ EA, EA = 12:51

I had temps in the mid-40's for my run this morning too. It's been a very chilly and rainy spring. I hope that means we will have a long summer & fall!
I had temps in the mid-40's for my run this morning too. It's been a very chilly and rainy spring. I hope that means we will have a long summer & fall!
Here's to hoping for a VERY long summer!! It's amazing the difference a few degrees makes. It was only 50 when I took off this morning. But I didn't feel like I needed the gloves at all!

Wednesday 0.5 mile WU + 4 mile @ HM Tempo + 0.5 mile CD, WU/CD = 13:42, HM Tempo = 10:16

So, I kinda made a mistake with my fitbit. I wanted to isolate my 4 mile stretch to look at my splits for each of those miles. At .5 miles I hit my lap button and then again at 4.5 thinking that I'd be able to look at the individual miles within that "lap". But alas I can't see that data. My average was fast for everything and I was able to get rough splits off of Strava. mile 1=9:37, mile 2=9:56, mile 3=9:48 and mile 4=9:41. These are rough estimates, but close enough to know I was running too fast. Dang, this pacing thing isn't easy!!

Thursday 11 hours after I finished my 5 mile run 3 miles @ EA, EA = 12:51


Seems I'm much better at EA pace. A little fast in the first mile, but 2 & 3 were great!

Looking ahead to the weekend, I'm a little intimidated by the 10 mile run on Sunday. I've never run more than 8 at this point and it seems like a big hurdle. Having said that, I'm trusting the training plan and I'm sure I can do it. I just see those double digits and the doubt starts to creep in....
Saturday morning run. Despite that Strava says it's a night run.... it's still my morning. Had to work again this weekend, so I was up early and got my run in before work!! There is something about getting up early and getting my run done that just makes me feel good. Tomorrow's 10 miles will NOT be an early morning run. I think I would have to get up at something like 2:15 or so to get it in before I have to leave for work. That one is gonna be an afternoon run.

Saturday was supposed to be 5 miles @ EB + Strides, EB = 11:59 + Strides.


Pretty happy with these paces. Far better than some of my earlier runs this week. I know I mentioned it before but I just want to say again for the record how much I like doing strides! Feels really good to just cut loose even if its only for 10 sec at a time!
Well.... what was supposed to be an epic day of running double digits for the first time, turned out to be a technologically frustrating afternoon. At some point past 6 miles, my Fitbit decided to start searching for a signal. Now I'm not really sure how accurate the data is from the last 4 miles of the run. I had run 5.1 miles on the path and decided to turn back. I figured sometime before I got to the parking lot, I would crack 10 miles and get to walk the rest of the way to the car. Since the Fitbit was still searching, I decided to play it safe and run all the way back to where I started. Which should have put me right around 10.2 miles, right????? Well, Fitbit decided that it was only 9.93 miles. Now, I know that I ran the full 10 and that it is really not that big a deal. But, it kinda stings to know I put in the miles and they didn't show up... ugh.6_9_19.PNGgoogle distance 6_9_19.PNG

My paces weren't all that great. Should have been 8 miles @ Long Run, LR = 11:40 + 2 miles @ M Tempo, M Tempo = 10:42. Not really sure how accurate things are after the 6th mile. I paused my Fitbit a couple times hoping to jumpstart the signal. Didn't help.

Legs are feeling a bit tired this morning. Probably feel better once I get up from my desk and start to actually do some work.
Sorry about the complaining. Just a little frustrated.
Bummer, but I'd still say congrats on the double digits! Now it's time to taper and prepare yourself for the HM!

Thanks Billy. Frustrating but I guess in the big scope of things it isn't that big a deal. Since this is the second time the Fitbit has lost signal while I was running, I'm considering replacing it. Just curious what you are using for tracking? I'm considering the Garmin Forerunner 235 or 245. Thoughts?

Today's run was supposed to be 4.5 miles @ EA. When I started I felt a little off and it didn't get better. Decided to call it a run at 2.38 miles and walk home. Wasn't feeling well. Not sure if this is a little fatigue from Sunday's run or if maybe I just have a little bug.6_11_19.PNG

No run tomorrow, hoping I feel better for Thursday's run.
Check dcrainmaker for current recommendations on watches. I feel like he said the 235 is outdated now and your best money is the Vivoactive 3. But it's been a while since I've researched it.
Thanks for the advice. I'm checking out options right now. I understand that sometimes you are going to lose the signal. Especially while running with trees around, like I was on Sunday. I just want to make sure whatever I get will automatically reconnect once I get into a clearing.

This mornings run felt much, much better!!! Woke up a little before my alarm. Thought about laying in bed until my alarm went off and then decided the extra 11 min would be a good thing! Today's run was supposed to be 0.5 mile WU + 5 mile @ HM Tempo, WU = 13:42 & HM Tempo = 10:166_13_19.PNG

WU .5m was pretty good, a little slow but felt good. HM Tempo was really good the first mile and then I sped up a little. The final 4 miles was a little too fast. I would have like to have been a little closer to 10:16.

I had my doubts this morning that I could even maintain the 10:16 pace. After Tuesdays crappy run I had a little confidence shakeup. Today felt great!

Felt like I could have kept going at this pace for awhile longer.... Hopefully 13 miles!!

Holy smokes... Only 4 more training runs until the big day!! GULP!!! I'm already a little nervous/excited when I start to think about it...
Saturday/Sunday update. Got both runs in early in the morning this weekend. Both felt really good, very comfortable pace. I was a little fast on both days, but I usually am.

Saturday was supposed to be 4.5 miles @ EA, EA = 12:51. 6_15_19.PNG


Sunday was supposed to be 5 miles @ EB + Strides, EB = 11:59.

Saturday was consistently too fast. Sunday was better and only needs a wee bit of improvement.

I'm going to either have to get up earlier on the weekends, or leave my running buddy at home. Both Saturday and Sunday I had to deal with aggressive dogs charging us. I try to give people a heads up when I'm coming behind them so that I don't startle them when I slowly pass. But, both times this weekend when I gave warnings, their doggies turned and bolted for us. Keep in mind I'm running with an "aggressive breed". He usually takes it in stride and sticks close to me. But, what is the deal with people and their mean freaking dogs! What are you doing to your puppy to make it so freaking mean that all it wants to do is attack. UGH... I like running with Sullivan and he loves running. But, I'm afraid I can't take him on the weekends anymore. Unless I get up before the sun.....

Two training runs before my first half. Every time I think about it I get a little nervous/excited.

The extended forecast is looking like low/mid 50's to start the run. That's a great temp for my likings!!
Tuesday, early morning run. I never thought I'd reach a point where I would say that I went out and did 4.5 miles and it was easy. I know that me EA runs SHOULD be easy, but this morning everything felt great!!! It felt easier than normal! Only one more training run until the big day!! YIKES!! :crazy2:


Was supposed to be 4.5 miles @ EA, EA = 12:51
Pacing was okish. Better than usual. Still a work in progress....
@DopeyBadger Billy, can we talk race plans now? I'd call it strategy, but that seems too official... Looks like the temp and dew point at race start will be:
race time dew.PNGrace time temp.PNG

Here is a link to the course info:
Course ID: WA17009RMB

I'm just curious what your thoughts are on pace, fuel etc.... From what I've been told there is significant elevation gain in the first 4 miles. After that it drops pretty much back down to sea level and then a little elevation gain back to the finish line.
So a T+D of 109 would call for a 0.5% adjustment. Moving HMT from 10:16 to 10:19. So negligible weather effects.

The max/min change in elevation is about 330 feet. So that's the bare minimum elevation gain. So how does that compare to a normal training run for you? I'd say if miles 0 to 4 represent the gain, then you're looking at something like 75 foot gain per mile. So I'd say be about 30-40 seconds slower per mile through that section. We want the first half to be somewhat slower than the second half. So I'm thinking the following:

Mile 0-4 - Average pace around a 10:50-11:10 min/mile
Mile 4-7 - Average pace around a 10:20-10:35 min/mile
Mile 8 to finish - Gradually pick the pace up throughout. The effort will increase but continue to push through.

Oh and fuel is whatever felt comfortable during training. The fuel intake is more a vehicle for some electrolyte replacement. But the actual carb content is unlikely to mean as much in the bigger picture. So something like 20-30g (if that's what you were doing in training) per hour is more than sufficient.
So a T+D of 109 would call for a 0.5% adjustment. Moving HMT from 10:16 to 10:19. So negligible weather effects.

The max/min change in elevation is about 330 feet. So that's the bare minimum elevation gain. So how does that compare to a normal training run for you? I'd say if miles 0 to 4 represent the gain, then you're looking at something like 75 foot gain per mile. So I'd say be about 30-40 seconds slower per mile through that section. We want the first half to be somewhat slower than the second half. So I'm thinking the following:

Mile 0-4 - Average pace around a 10:50-11:10 min/mile
Mile 4-7 - Average pace around a 10:20-10:35 min/mile
Mile 8 to finish - Gradually pick the pace up throughout. The effort will increase but continue to push through.


I like this plan! I was hoping to maybe go out a little slow and the build up toward the end, but I wanted your input. I'll just keep the fuel to what I've done in the longer runs. I've felt good after those, so I don't see a reason to change things up now.

One more training run and then the big run for me!

Thanks for everything you've done so far!!
This update was supposed to be a celebration of finishing my first half marathon. Instead it's going to be an update of how to drop 10lbs in 4 days!

Time machine back to two Tuesdays ago.... Grandson #2 comes home sick from school, bad stomach bug, cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, the works. Poor little guy is miserable. Misses the rest of the week of school. Finally gets back to eating food the following Sunday.

Last Monday morning daughter and Grandma. Same thing. Grandma ends up in hospital Tuesday from dehydration. Gets some IV's and meds. Both are recovering by Wednesday.... That's where I take over.

Wednesday after work, not feeling well. Go home try to nap but nope! It's full on get sick time!! Took some Zofran to help with the nausea, worked like a champ until I passed out. Smacked my head on the wall and came down hard on the back. Thursday and Friday, It's all I can do to get to the bathroom and back and try to sleep in between. Saturday morning. Got up, tried to eat a bite. Only got half a piece of dry toast in. Tried to make it to the race. I was hoping my ego and adrenaline would kick in and I would give the race a shot. Unfortunately I didn't even start. Common sense and my wife won out.....

I've signed up for another half this coming Sunday. It's a little farther away from the house and starts at 0730 so DW isn't super happy about it. But I promised to take her shopping after the run!! It's really my only bargaining chip sometimes...

I'm going to run at least 30 min this evening. Even if I die doing it. @DopeyBadger Billy, any suggestions on how to fill out the rest of the week? Thanks!!
Even if I die doing it. @DopeyBadger Billy, any suggestions on how to fill out the rest of the week? Thanks!!

First suggestion - don't die. Overrated and not worth it. :rotfl2:

Let's see how 30 min of very very easy running goes. I'm not sure we can necessarily structure anything until we see how you can tolerate a single easy day.
Whew!! Finally felt good enough to run last night!! Decided to just go out and run at a comfortable pace around a 3 mile loop I hadn't done in awhile.


This was pretty much a blind run. Pacing ended up around my LR pace. Not feeling any ill effects today.

Thanks for the advice for Wednesday and Saturday Billy! @DopeyBadger
Nice relaxing run yesterday morning. Feels weird to be running without a specific plan.


Purposely kept the pace slow. Just trying to have a good run. Trying to get ready to re-try a half this coming Sunday.

Youngest DD and family left yesterday for their epic move to FL. Sad to see them go, especially the youngest grandson. Of course, now I have an excuse to go to DW more often!!

T + D at start should be around 109, around 114 at finish. Race is rolling hills with less than 20 ft elevation gain. I'm assuming I don't really need to make any adjustments for this. Is this a safe assumption Billy? @DopeyBadger

Fuel will be same as training.

A little bummed that this isn't a certified course. Especially for what I paid to run it, last minute. Oh well! Time to see if all the training has paid off!!!

Just gotta not get sick this weekend!!


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