My Name Is NOT Broccoli!

Found ya! I am doing pretty good after my surgery. Having a hard time sleeping, but can't do much of anything until the Doctor gives me the ok the 21st. Sitting here wrapped up in a blanket. It's cold here in NE Arkansas. So I guess it's a good time to be house bound. Maybe I can catch up on some of my Dising. lol Can't wait to hear more.
I am in on this one. I Was a lurker through the others. thought I'd join in this time.:goodvibes
I'm here!

It's been a busy few weeks for me and I finally have a day with no homework :banana: The rough draft of the 8 page senior project paper was due on Tuesday so I spent most of my weekend and Monday night working on that. I wanted to finish it over the weekend but I ended up babysitting Kazin at the last minute on Saturday. I was too tired to write my paper after that :rotfl: My sweet little boy was being a little bratty on Saturday :rolleyes1 But it only lasted a little while and then he decided that sitting in my lap and watching The Lion King was a better idea than getting himself into trouble. But part of the grumpiness was just because he was a little sick. And of course I can't resist kisses from now I have a cold :rolleyes: :rotfl:
Raise your hand if you are freezing!
I know I am. This will be our fourth night of teens, I think, and we live in the SOUTH! How do you northerners make it?!?!? Seriously! I do not do well in any numbers under 40. In this cold, my bones feel like ice cold metal poles inside my body, and I can feel every single one of them. I was not made for cold. Nope. :sad2:

To add to my misery, since I am sharing, I am also nursing what I think could be a cracked rib. Saturday, I was taking laundry downstairs, and my right foot caught in the left leg of my pajama pants. Well, the laundry went flying and so did the MeMom. From the kitchen door three steps down to the floor I went, but before I stopped I had hit the rocking chair arm with my ribcage.

Pretty solid chair.
Broke the arm off. :scared1:

My poor cat had no idea what was going on. His back was arched high, and he was on tipclaws! :laughing: I laughed at him, and it hurt to laugh. I am currently several shades of black, blue, purple, yellow, and green all down my left arm, side, and leg. It hurts to cough, sneeze, laugh, and breathe in the cold. It hurts to put a shirt on, too, but I tough it out on that one. ;) Lifting a spoon is like lifting a boat anchor. When I was fixing my hair this morning, I made the mistake of lifting too high, and a pain shot through me that made me have to sit down, because I got nauseated. So, I figure something in there is cracked. I'm kind of a mess in my old age, aren't I? :upsidedow

Anyway, I am sure I am quite the sight going out in the morning, cold, hobbling, and putting everything in the car one-handed.
Good thing it's dark and no one can see me. :goodvibes

Anyway, my poor, very busy girl, Jill, is going to try to get a whole whopping load of pictures up for me to finish out our last little bit of July, and then we're going to move on to orange and black in the midst of red and green season. I hope she can get it done before she leaves for KY, but she has to cook for a staff meeting tonight and have that staff meeting tomorrow night, then go to Kentucky Friday.

All of you lucky folks who are going to Disney World soon - :dance3: for you! Send back and bring back lots of pictures!

To our 'old' pals, we are so glad to have you join us on another Disney adventure.

To our new friends, we are thrilled that you would read us and actually voluntarily join in. :woohoo: Please make yourself completely comfortable, because that's the way we always want it.

So glad to hear of people that are healing among our group. Also, little Caleb got to come home today. He will be doing his therapy at Vanderbilt. Bill, the motorcycle wreck victim, is showing signs of movement, albeit slowly. He is in Atlanta now, and he is still on a respirator. He has, unfortunately, had heart distress in all of this, so they are worried about that. Cherokeemomma has a friend who is going to begin cancer treatments. She's a single mom with two kids, so you know she will have many needs. We can keep all these people in our thoughts, and I am sure they will feel comfort in knowing there are those who care about their circumstances.

Jill said she apologized for the brief introduction, but it is all she had time for. She'll add more when she gets a minute to breathe. Thanks for joining us, everyone!
Yeeesh . Go to work and see what happens? :laughing:

I was at home in the morning and something was nagging me to log in to the Dis but i didn't. Now I know what it was.

i will read and catch when I get home. Or maybe now..... :surfweb:

All caught up now from work no less.

Sorry to hear about your fall. I have done that trip too. I just broke my laundry basket though.
I hope you heal fast and if it still bothers you after a couple days, go get that X-ray.
:cool1: I'm here! :cool1:

Sorry you had a bad fall.... I hope you feel better soon! :hug:

It's cold here too, I wish I had a castle throw blanket to keep me warm tonight.
Present and accounted for. Did I miss the story behind the title?

MeMom- a cracked rib??? :eek: Have you gone to a Dr? It sounds awful. I hope you are feeling better soon! :hug:
Well goodness, you and Jill have just about had your share of excitement lately haven't you?! You can stop now and go back to your regular lives ;) I hope you start to feel better quickly! I think I almost broke something getting out of bed not too long ago - isn't it crazy how you can see it happening in slow motion!! Luckily I just got a few bruises! Glad to see the new trip report getting under way! I'm not going to WDW this month (at least so far) so I'll get to live it through your report!
All caught up again. Sounds like it was a wonderful trip.

Looking forward to hearing more and seeing. :lmao:
DH and I think it sounds like you have a broken rib. (We are not doctors though, just thoughtful friends)

We will read as much as we can until D-Day~ only 2 weeks and 3 days!!
Yeeesh . Go to work and see what happens? :laughing:

I was at home in the morning and something was nagging me to log in to the Dis but i didn't. Now I know what it was.

i will read and catch when I get home. Or maybe now..... :surfweb:

All caught up now from work no less.

Sorry to hear about your fall. I have done that trip too. I just broke my laundry basket though.
I hope you heal fast and if it still bothers you after a couple days, go get that X-ray.

I was carrying the clothes in my arms. A basket might have cushioned the fall. Note to self - always carry the clothes in the basket. Duh!

I figure there's not much they can do to a rib. Maybe tell you to wrap your midsection up for some cushion and just let it heal. As you may know, it takes a lot for me to go and see a doctor. ;)

Although we LOVE our doctor friends, Momof2TNboys - I promise!!!

:cool1: I'm here! :cool1:

Sorry you had a bad fall.... I hope you feel better soon! :hug:

It's cold here too, I wish I had a castle throw blanket to keep me warm tonight.

You stay cold up there, don't you. I really don't know how you take it!

A castle throw would be nice. You can stock up on blankets when you go in the spring. :goodvibes

Present and accounted for. Did I miss the story behind the title?

MeMom- a cracked rib??? :eek: Have you gone to a Dr? It sounds awful. I hope you are feeling better soon! :hug:

It hurts like the dickens, I know that, but as long as you don't say anything funny, it'll be okay.
Yawning hurts, too. I forgot about yawning. :upsidedow
Or don't make me sneeze, for sure.
Sneezing is the worst! :scared1:

As for the title, we didn't really have anything that stood out to us about the trip as far as a title, but while Trent and Tanya were with us, Tanya's four year old niece was with them. She kept calling Brooklynn 'Broccoli', and Brooklynn corrected her about a hundred times. She was very put out about it one time, and just said it with a lot of drama, and Jill and I both laughed. (I remember the days when I could laugh without pain. :goodvibes) Anyway, Jill said at that time that we needed to remember that for the report, so we just made it the title. Maybe you can picture Brooklynn saying it when you read it.
Well goodness, you and Jill have just about had your share of excitement lately haven't you?! You can stop now and go back to your regular lives ;) I hope you start to feel better quickly! I think I almost broke something getting out of bed not too long ago - isn't it crazy how you can see it happening in slow motion!! Luckily I just got a few bruises! Glad to see the new trip report getting under way! I'm not going to WDW this month (at least so far) so I'll get to live it through your report!

Yes, dull and boring is sounding very good to me.
I am about to have two weeks off.
Maybe I should just stay in the bed for the whole two weeks, just to be safe. :)

All caught up again. Sounds like it was a wonderful trip.

Looking forward to hearing more and seeing. :lmao:

Fall trips are fun. In 2011, I think I will not be taking a fall trip, although I sure would love to be there on October 1st for the 40th anniversary of Magic Kingdom. Maybe....? :idea:

DH and I think it sounds like you have a broken rib. (We are not doctors though, just thoughtful friends)

We will read as much as we can until D-Day~ only 2 weeks and 3 days!!

I was thinking about you earlier. Your big surprise is almost here! :yay:

I'm not a doctor either, but I have been asking myself, 'On a scale of 1 to 10, what is your pain now?' a few times in the past few days. :laughing:


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