My nightmare with Disney cruiseline and irma

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I think most people have been in situations where we've been disappointed by a situation, person or company. Sometimes it is difficult to manage our expectations but again I can also be guilty of that too. Feelings (disappointment) are neither right nor wrong, they are just feelings. I try not to judge because I'm not sure how I would have handled a similar the situation if it happen to me. One lesson I did learn from you (nikkyluvsmickey), is to not to share because people love to pile on. No need to kick people when they are already down---or at least not everyone.
I think most people have been in situations where we've been disappointed by a situation, person or company. Sometimes it is difficult to manage our expectations but again I can also be guilty of that too. Feelings (disappointment) are neither right nor wrong, they are just feelings. I try not to judge because I'm not sure how I would have handled a similar the situation if it happen to me. One lesson I did learn from you (nikkyluvsmickey), is to not to share because people love to pile on. No need to kick people when they are already down---or at least not everyone.
I think the reason there is so much criticism here is that the OP was not just venting or sharing about a trip gone bad, but instead was pretty much indicting DCL for negligence. The title of the post and the OP's assertion that she'll never travel with DCL again indicate that she blamed the cruiseline for her troubles on the trip. Most readers felt that blame was misplaced. We on the DCL board tend to love DCL and not like to see it bashed undeservedly.

If she had just titled a vent post "my travel nightmare with Irma", and described the same situation without blaming DCL, I think she would have gotten mostly sympathy, plus advice for next time, but little to no harsh criticism.
Don't they operate as separate entities though? I can see on site Disney resorts maybe trying to accomodate guests who are overbooked or something to maybe another resort but that's probably rare because their systems rarely overbook. But where's the connection between DCL and WDW in terms of accomodation, is it normal procedure for DCL to make up a mistake via a WDW resort room? I'm sincerely asking because I've just never heard of the connection between the two when it comes to accomodating guests in unique circumstances such as the OP described. They just appear to operate separately it seems like.

Normally yes, they operate independently. However, they do both fall under the "Parks and Resorts" division of the company and therefore share common leadership. So, I'm sure in a situation such as this, they could utilize some good old corporate synergy and work together to assist those impacted.
OP, I am so sorry you went through this. We went through a very similar situation last year with Matthew and I too was very frustrated with how DCL handled the situation. In our case the cruise was postponed a day (48 hours out) because of the hurricane and they would not help us to find accommodations, which was very hard given the hurricane. What made our situation so upsetting (to me at least) was we were delayed a day so the Dream could dock instead of our ship. DCL said because of the hotel room shortage (which there was!) they allowed passengers to stay on the Dream overnight while docked at P.C. I find it great that they were willing to help those guests, but at the same time providing them with accommodations cut us off from getting the accommodations we had booked (the ship). We did have insurance but that still didn't make it any easier to try and find a place to stay. I understand cruising during hurricane season comes with risks and cruises can be changed and/or canceled, but I think when these situations arise DCL really drops the ball.

A lot of people have mentioned that this is "your fault" for traveling into Florida when there was a hurricane. In the Matthew situation they didn't adjust our cruise until the day before Matthew hit, at that point most people had already traveled into Florida in advance of the storm. DCL was insistent the cruise would go and if you were't comfortable with that then you were out the money. That is a lot of money to loose, and again it is so easy to make judgements when it is not your money. By the time they offered the ability to cancel the cruise everyone was already in Florida as you had no way to get to the cruise between that window of the hurricane hitting and the cruise leaving. DCL is the one that would not allow people to move their cruise to not risk their safety without taking a complete loss on the trip.

It is very easy for others to judge this situation and tell you how you are feeling is wrong and lecture you on the risks of hurricane season. Hurricane season lasts 6 months people, 50% of all cruises are at risk, sure some months carry more risk but it lasts half the year. Until you are the one in this situation, don't be so quick to jump on the OP. It is perfectly valid to feel frustrated and disappointed and I am sorry you had this experience.
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Glad WDW helped you secure a place to stay. Seems like Irma caused a lot of travel headaches!
It is very easy for others to judge this situation and tell you how you are feeling is wrong and lecture you on the risks of hurricane season. Hurricane season lasts 6 months people, 50% of all cruises are at risk, sure some months carry more risk but it lasts half the year.
I think you're being disingenuous with the "half of all cruises are in hurricane season" reasoning. Technically that may be true, but June, July & November are no one's honest idea of serious hurricane season.

True hurricane season, where there is a significant risk of hurricanes and during which over 95% of major hurricanes occur, lasts from August through October. The peak of hurricane season is September. There is no secret or mystery to this. Late summer/early fall being serious hurricane season is common knowledge, and is reflected in much lower Caribbean cruise pricing during that period.
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I think you're being disingenuous with the "half of all cruises are in hurricane season" reasoning. Technically that may be true, but June, July & November are no one's true idea of serious hurricane season.

True hurricane season, where there is a substantial risk of hurricanes and during which over 95% of major hurricanes occur, lasts from August through October. The peak of hurricane season is September. There is no secret or mystery to this. Late summer/early fall being serious hurricane season is common knowledge, and is reflected in lower Caribbean cruise pricing during that period.
But none the less it could happen, it is officially hurricane season from June 1st through November 30. If the OP had this same experience in June would you all be less likely to attack her? I just don't think it is fair for everyone to jump all over a poster when they have a hurricane related issue and everyone tells them they had it coming.
But none the less it could happen, it is officially hurricane season from June 1st through November 30. If the OP had this same experience in June would you all be less likely to attack her? I just don't think it is fair for everyone to jump all over a poster when they have a hurricane related issue and everyone tells them they had it coming.
The OP chose to travel to Florida knowing that a category 4/5 hurricane was headed to Florida during the period of her trip. It wasn't like some random earthquake that occurred without warning. If she did the same thing in June, yes, she would have gotten the same response, even though hurricanes like Irma never happen in June.
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Not only is a credit card good for being able to pay beyond your current means in an emergency but the included travel insurance on a number of credit cards would have your back in this case.

Aaand this will be my plug for the American Express card. No preset spending limit, their own travel agency, and the ability to get you cash wherever you are in the world. They have bailed me out when I literally had nowhere to go. They automatically insure a lot of travel as well. Best company in the world. (besides Disney!)
Trying to put myself in your shoes. Was going home when DCL announced the cancellation not an option? I know change fees were waived on the airlines. And I would think you could get refunds at WDW (Unused tickets, room cancel fees) given the situation. Could you not get a flight?
That is correct I could not
It sounded to me like she was encouraged not to cancel early and as such she left on part of her vacation, while the OP should have been better prepared for this DCL should have had mechanisms in place to assist stranded passengers who were already in the area due to Disney's encouragement that all would be handled.

All it would take is a handoff to Disney Travel to help find the stranded passenger accommodations, the reason i think this isn't unreasonable is because the first part of the OP's vacation is with Disney as's not like she was doing something completely unrelated with another company.

It also sounds like the WDW CM's that helped the OP were amazing and I hope they get the credit they deserve.
Thank you and yes they did I emailed and called wdw corporate to tell them of my wonderful treatment by them
I think most people have been in situations where we've been disappointed by a situation, person or company. Sometimes it is difficult to manage our expectations but again I can also be guilty of that too. Feelings (disappointment) are neither right nor wrong, they are just feelings. I try not to judge because I'm not sure how I would have handled a similar the situation if it happen to me. One lesson I did learn from you (nikkyluvsmickey), is to not to share because people love to pile on. No need to kick people when they are already down---or at least not everyone.
Yes I am kind of surprised at the hostility of responses. Everyone us entitled to there opinion but no need to be nastyle like some on here are being u would think I kicked there dog lol
Normally yes, they operate independently. However, they do both fall under the "Parks and Resorts" division of the company and therefore share common leadership. So, I'm sure in a situation such as this, they could utilize some good old corporate synergy and work together to assist those impacted.
Exactly my point they could have but dcl chose not to
OP, I am so sorry you went through this. We went through a very similar situation last year with Matthew and I too was very frustrated with how DCL handled the situation. In our case the cruise was postponed a day (48 hours out) because of the hurricane and they would not help us to find accommodations, which was very hard given the hurricane. What made our situation so upsetting (to me at least) was we were delayed a day so the Dream could dock instead of our ship. DCL said because of the hotel room shortage (which there was!) they allowed passengers to stay on the Dream overnight while docked at P.C. I find it great that they were willing to help those guests, but at the same time providing them with accommodations cut us off from getting the accommodations we had booked (the ship). We did have insurance but that still didn't make it any easier to try and find a place to stay. I understand cruising during hurricane season comes with risks and cruises can be changed and/or canceled, but I think when these situations arise DCL really drops the ball.

A lot of people have mentioned that this is "your fault" for traveling into Florida when there was a hurricane. In the Matthew situation they didn't adjust our cruise until the day before Matthew hit, at that point most people had already traveled into Florida in advance of the storm. DCL was insistent the cruise would go and if you were't comfortable with that then you were out the money. That is a lot of money to loose, and again it is so easy to make judgements when it is not your money. By the time they offered the ability to cancel the cruise everyone was already in Florida as you had no way to get to the cruise between that window of the hurricane hitting and the cruise leaving. DCL is the one that would not allow people to move their cruise to not risk their safety without taking a complete loss on the trip.

It is very easy for others to judge this situation and tell you how you are feeling is wrong and lecture you on the risks of hurricane season. Hurricane season lasts 6 months people, 50% of all cruises are at risk, sure some months carry more risk but it lasts half the year. Until you are the one in this situation, don't be so quick to jump on the OP. It is perfectly valid to feel frustrated and disappointed and I am sorry you had this experience.
Actually, I don't think it is as easy as everyone makes it out to be. I've been in large companies where two divisions "share leadership!"

That doesn't mean they share systems, capabilities or P&L.

Disney isn't known for their tech savvy, which is weird, given the amazing rides their imagineers come up with.

Our travel agent finds it quite strange that WDW and DCL's computers can't communicate with each other.
Disney isn't known for their tech savvy, which is weird, given the amazing rides their imagineers come up with.

Our travel agent finds it quite strange that WDW and DCL's computers can't communicate with each other.
At one Large Multinational, due to epic shenanigans, I ended up having to have the CEO sign my requisition for a stapler.

It was very Office Space.

Large, public companies with complex IT have even more complex accounting across business lines.
Yes I am kind of surprised at the hostility of responses. Everyone us entitled to there opinion but no need to be nastyle like some on here are being u would think I kicked there dog lol
Anytime you post something negative about DCL or WDW on these boards you are going to get nasty responses. It's just the way it is. I just got back off the Wonder in Alaska. I had a great time. I didn't like everything about my cruise. Disney's not perfect by any means. I do feel like other cruiselines handle these hurricane situations a little better. It makes me very hesitant to book a cruise with DCL during hurricane season.
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