My review of Lilo and Stitch


Disney Freak
Apr 24, 2000
Saw "Lilo and Stitch" last night. Here's what I thought:

To me, "Lilo and Stitch" is quite a departure from typical Disney animated fare. Although its general theme of family and friendship is reminiscent of Disney classics like "Pinocchio" and "Snow White", "L&S" is irreverent and kooky and is a welcome change to the Disney animated repertoire.

We all know the general plot of the story: alien experiment escapes from his outer space jail, lands on Earth, and befriends a cute little Hawaiian girl. It's true that that's pretty much all there is to the plot. However, I wouldn't expect much more from an animated movie. What makes "L&S" stand out from all other Disney movies is its quirkiness. I'm pretty sure that this is the first Disney movie where you'll see needles being stuck in an alien's head and extracting a pink viscous fluid. I'm also almost certain that you've never seen a Disney movie in which the cute little heroine bites a friend of hers. And then there's the line "Everything's okay...My dog just found the chainsaw" or something to that extent. This ain't your parents' Disney animated movie.

Still, despite (more like because of) the irreverence, "L&S" is Disney's best animated movie since "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" (and I realize that with that statement, many of you will totally disregard this review - what can I say except that I find "HoND" to be so un-Disney that I love it). There is a true sense of character connection with the audience especially with cute little Lilo. The fact that this little girl is not perfect (as compared to the nearly angelic Snow White and Cinderella) allows the audience to relate that much more to her and to her plight of growing up without a mother and father. Raised by her sister, Nani, the struggles that these two face raise sympathy and compassion in the viewer. The fact that the two female characters aren't the perfect body type and figure (as opposed to the stick-thin Belle and Jasmine) also gives them an added authenticity. And then there's Stitch, who arrives on Earth, and in the process wreaks havoc on the sisters. It is true that Stitch is probably the most disgusting main character in any Disney movie (evidenced by the scene where he eats his own snot - just another un-Disney-like moment in this flick), but as the movie continues, the audience begins to connect with this adorable hellion, mirroring the fact that the characters onscreen begin to connect with him as well.

The film looks beautiful. The watercolor backgrounds are stunning. The use of Elvis tunes are not overpowering. They simply add strength to Lilo's character (I for one think one of the best scenes in the movie involves Lilo, slumped on the floor, singing along to "Heartbreak Hotel"). In addition, there's a great Wynonna cover of "Burning Love" that ends the movie perfectly. Voice actors are great. Daveigh Chase (Lilo) and Tia Carrere (Nani) are the true stand-outs.

The only true flaw in the movie is the character of Cobra Bubbles (voiced by Ving Rhames). Reminiscent of a man in black (from the movie "Men in Black") he's the social worker that checks in on Lilo and Nani. Although the character is the impetus of some tension in the household, he really isn't given enough to do for the audience to get any real feeling about him.

"Lilo and Stitch" is a different kind of Disney movie, but this reviewer is ready for the change. Although I long for the days of the classic Disney musical to return (which I don't really see happening anytime soon), I am more than willing to forgo that longing if Disney provides me with films that are as different, enjoyable, quirky, funny, and touching as "Lilo and Stitch."

My Rating: A-

What do you all think? Have you seen it yet? Do you think it's too quirky for kids do enjoy?

Ry -

Thanks for your 'normal' person's point of view. So many of the 'professional' reviewers, IMO have a certain agenda. I will be taking my family this weekend and look forward to it.

I sure hope it does well!
Thanks for the comprehensive review. What do you think of 'L&S' for a 3 year old. Too kooky? Stitch too much of a hellion? Any scary parts (aliens and all, you know)? Or is this a keeper for the entire family?

Thanks again.
DisneyKidds says:
"What do you think of 'L&S' for a 3 year old. Too kooky? Stitch too much of a hellion? Any scary parts (aliens and all, you know)? Or is this a keeper for the entire family?"

As I was watching it, I was sort of boggled by the fact that it got a PG rating. I'm not quite sure why it did. There's no offensive language. All Disney movies have a hint of terror in them (Snow White running through the forest is still creepy to me nowadays). Lilo and Stitch really didn't have any of those moments in them. There was nothing scary in it.

Sure, some of the jokes will go over a 3-year old's head, but there's nothing objectionable in it. I must say, though, that I didn't see the movie with any kids. I manage at a theater to help me get through college and we had a special showing for some of the workers. We all thoroughly enjoyed it.

So, in short, I do think that it's a "keeper for the entire family."

From what I've read the PG rating was because of the "space battle"...simulated violence, yada yada.
Thanks for the review! :D
I am also curious to hear what other normal DIS folks think!:D
I don't listen too much to "critics"

Anyway, my best friend's daughter took her girls, age 11, 9 and 5 to see it and she was not that thrilled. :(
She felt for the youngest....there were objectional and inappropriate scenes. Such as the fight between Lilo and the other girl and when she bit her. She felt it made the incident seem funny (people were laughing), therefore making the kids think biting someone might be funny! She also felt there was way too much "yelling" between the sisters. Also, there were violent overtones within their family that seemed unnecesary.

I have not seen it and am just repeating what she said. But she also agreed with me about "Shrek".....we both really disliked it!!! So I know we usually feel the same about kids movies.

We plan to see it on Sunday. So I will post my opinion then.
I took my 4 year old to see it and he did well....other than crying during the sad parts....EXCELLENT MOVIE!!!
It's ok HB2K, I cried at the sad scenes also - and let's just say I am not 4 years old... :-)

Absolutely wonderful movie.
This movie will make those in car 3 proud.

I love this movie. It was funny, irreverant and the watercolors are beautiful. I will probably see it atleasrt 1 more time in the theaters. I think it will have great crossovera ppeal as well.
A tiny box office update from a manager at one multiplex in Delaware: Lilo and Stitch did very, very well tonight. It did better than Minority Report today. What does that bode for this weekend? Who knows?

Cindyfan - I wasn't a fan of Shrek, either, but I did enjoy Lilo and Stitch as evidenced by my review. I thought Shrek was too "in-the-moment," meaning I think that many of the jokes will be outdated in ten years. Plus, any movie that uses "All Star" by Smashmouth, the most overplayed song of the new millenium, drops a few points in my book.

It is true what your friend said about the movie. There is biting and yelling in it. Personally, I feel that the latter of the two allows Disney to show their most "real" relationship onscreen in a while. These two sisters love each other, but they don't necessarily agree on everything. As for the biting, it is done for comedic effect, but Lilo does get yelled at for doing it.

Thanks for the review. I saw it yesterday as well and LOVED it! I think this is the best thing since "Lion King" (didn't really care for HB). I think most people were laughing when Lilo bit the little girl because it exactly mirrors the preceeding scene with Stich biting the Captain (even down to the line, "Does this look infected?") Brilliant! Which leads me to my next point...
The only part of your review I disagree with is this:
We all know the general plot of the story: alien experiment escapes from his outer space jail, lands on Earth, and befriends a cute little Hawaiian girl. It's true that that's pretty much all there is to the plot. However, I wouldn't expect much more from an animated movie.
The plot becomes infinitely more deep when we realize that Lilo and Stitch are in exactly the same position. The plot can be condensed into one statement of dramatic action: It doesn't matter where you're from, we're all the same on the inside and we all need love. Everything in the movie is driven by the dramatic action. There is not one un-needed plot device; they all move toward the same point. This is not just good animation, this is good theatre. Aristotle would have loved this movie...
I liked the movie well enough but I hope Disney does not stray to much from what makes Disney movies truely Disney. After Atlantis and now Lilo & Stitch, how about getting back to a more traditional kind of film in the likes of Beauty & the Beast or the Lion King. These type of movie is what brought Disney Animation out of the dumps so I hope those in charge don't loose sight of that.
I'm going to see the movie tonight. Hey, when you have Hawaiin and Elvis music, you can't lose. I'll be dancing in the aisles.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

King Triton
Originally posted by Liam
After Atlantis and now Lilo & Stitch, how about getting back to a more traditional kind of film in the likes of Beauty & the Beast or the Lion King. These type of movie is what brought Disney Animation out of the dumps so I hope those in charge don't loose sight of that.

Yeah, but after ten animated films of the same type it gets a little boring after a while. The public is ready for something different than the same old rehashed epic tale with five Broadway-style musical numbers. If WDA and Disney in general are going to get out of the doldrums they're in right now, they've got to change.
RyMickey, Thanks for the further review and info! :D
I plan to see it on Sunday, so I can add more then.

Do you have kids? From your post it doesn't sound as if you do. Maybe that is where the difference lies in feeling whether it deserves a "G" or "PG" rating.

I am excited about seeing it though and will be taking my DD who is 11.
I will post her opinions too. Maybe then I will also agree about the "G" vs "PG" rating.
Thanks :D
cindyfan - No, I don't have kids. I'm a 22-year-old college student.

Personally, I think that many Disney movies that have received a 'G' rating are incredibly adult and, oftentimes, very frightening. As stated above, I think the scene in "Snow White" where she runs through the forest as the monster-like trees "grab" at her is an incredibly scary moment. Heck, the Evil Queen sends the hunter to kill her and bring back Snow White's heart. Talk about evil and frightening.

This all comes to mind because I was recently watching Snow White with my 5- and 4-year old cousins. They were somewhat jumpy after that whole scene. To me, comparatively, there's nothing in "Lilo and Stitch" that could arouse that same type of nervousness.

Good points, Ry, and it seems that I've read that Uncle Walt liked to put in 'fear' scenes that were intense and a little scary in his features. Movies for the entire family...but there are parts in Alice, Snow White, Bambi, Fox & Hound, Sleeping Beauty, and many other old movies that are dark and foreboding for little kids.

I'm okay with it in an animated feature, although I think they crossed that subtle, hard-to-define line in The Black Cauldron.
My DH and I took our niece, and 2 nephews to see Lilo & Stitch today. Their ages are 7, 5 & 3 and we all loved it!
So cute. I did not see the need for the PG rating. infact, we weren't even aware that it wasn't rated G until we left the theater and heard a commercial advertisement on the radio!!
It was adorable and we all enjoyed it. There were a few sad times where my 3 year old nephew asked why Lilo was sad, etc. but nothing upsetting.

Also, alot of other children in the theater seemed to enjoy it also, lots of giggling and clapping at the end.
I laughed at the Biting scene partly, because of the preceeding scene, but also, because it's exactly how kids act. This movie was real in a way that is surprising.

Lilo and her sister act like sisters. Its all so real.

And I would suggest that it is Traditional Disney. It is a Strong story with Strong Characters. Not every movie has to come froma hundreds year old fairy tale.

The is an Instant Classic.


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