Mystery scrapper (cost neutral swap) PROGRESS UPDATE by 4/5 please

ZTH - I'm not sure if we'll be able to hook up before my trip. Odds are I'll go to Arlington at least once before then, so I'll try to at least drop off yours if I do. If not, are you okay with waiting until early May? The next few weeks are going to be so crazy.

If you can't, that's okay - I haven't started yours yet.... I just got the photos the other day, so I need to sit down with them and design it. I have most things pulled, and I know my general idea, but I want to make sure they go together like I'm picturing.

I will probably work on it tomorrow or Wednesday before class if I can, so any time after that should be good.

AWM's are in a box by my front door, waiting to be sent out tomorrow morning.
NEE, I can't wait to see what you made!!!

I've got the photos and papers and everything here waiting for me to work on yours and Mazda's. I'm going to do my last group for the school swap today and then I'll be working on these pages.
AWM, your pages are postal with th primas and super sports:thumbsup2
I've done the pages for Mazda's "boy" pictures and I've started on NEE's Christmas pages. I'm waiting to do Mazda's vacation pages until after I've gone to a scrapbook store on Saturday (I haven't been to one in over a year!:eek:) to see if they've got something I need for her pages. I may also see something there to put the finishing touch to NEE's pages too!
How exciting! I can't imagine what it can be:confused3
Thanks for letting me know NEE. Now, I can stalk the mailman!!!!!!!:banana: I'm still working on yours. I've got it laid out, but it needs something. I just don't know what yet!:goodvibes
Glitter! :rotfl2: I love glitter, and if I think something lacks I'll often reach for the stickles (as long as I've got time for it to dry ;) ). :rotfl:

Of course, it probably doesn't need anything of the sort. Sorry! :blush:
NEE, I received the pages you made!!!!!! I absolutely :love: both layouts. Thank you so much for such awesome pages!!!!!!:lovestruc

Here's what Suzanne made for me:
The first set of pictures is from my DS's Eagle Scout Court of Honor. I'm so glad that I picked these and the ones that Mazda did because if I'd left them for me to do I'd have had a ton of red, white & blue pages instead of a nice variety.

Page 1:

Page 2:

These pictures are from when my bff and I went to the toy store at DTD and tried to stuff a box of potato head pieces with more than it would hold.

Thanks again Suzanne! I've got your pages done. I just need to package them up and I'll get them out to you tomorrow or Wednesday.

Mazda, I'm still working on yours. I've got it laid out so that I can keep looking at it and make adjustments and additions! They should be in the mail sometime this week as well!
:cloud9: Those look so nice.

As soon I pull pictures to put on the ones ZTH made for me, I will take photos and post. They are lovely.
That's why I like having other people make pages for me - they're much nicer than the ones I do for myself:rotfl: But oh! it IS stressful being trusted with someone else's memories:eek:

Those are great pages NEE (and lovely photos DIT!)

eTA OP updated - have I missed anyone's sent/received pages? (you get one :moped: for each set of pages sent, and one :woohoo: for each received)
Thanks AwM! I'll update OP

Don't forget ALL should be mailed by 19 April
NEE and Mazda, my pages for you were mailed today! Mazda, yours are with your school swap stuff. My fingers (and toes) are crossed that you guys like what I made.


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