Name that DIS CON 'thing'...


~*Snoopy Fan Forever*~
May 15, 2000
Okay everyone...a game here...if you hang out on the CB at all, you will understand how to do this...LOL...I will start by naming a person, event, thing, anything that involves DIS CON and then the next person will take the last letter of what I wrote and say something else...Okay for example, I say:

Mackey Mouse

You would take the "E" in mouse and start another word


then the "T"

and so on!

Since I didn't attend DIS CON 1, this might help me figure out just what went on!! ;)

Everyone ready? Okay, let's start


Anyone got an "S" :)
"N" is a hard one Marsha, but I finally came up with one....
.......New life-long friends!!!:D

Although I'm pretty sure that none of us expected this to happen, it did!!!!:D
We started out with a group of strangers and left with a wonderful group of "life long" friends.
The Magic of Disney at its finest!!!! :earsgirl: :earsboy: :sunny:

Okay, so "S" is next........

Santa Claus all the countries in World Showcase!!

S again!!!!


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