Natural Products Expo Cancelled

It’s all gone here as well. I’ve noticed that people are reselling ( marked up prices of course) on the apps like letgo and OfferUp and even Craigslist.
The Govenor of CA was just talking about it - they will go after those people selling them for a large profit. it's why you don't see outrageous prices on Amazon. Amazon has already taken them down.
A big convention in Vegas was also cancelled
I think alot of this may have to do with the companies attending. My company just put out a notice to not travel to conference or outside vendor meetings.
They are also allowing anyone that wants to work from home to do so. I work in SF so lots of people take public transportation to and from work.
So the most recent article I read said that British scientists suspect it can’t be spread before you show symptoms, but that most people have such mild cases, they think it’s a cold and go on about their day. They also think it’ll be six months before the outbreak is under control in Britain, and that this will become endemic like the flu. Which makes all of this panic even more ridiculous.... are we going to stay home and buy out Costco every year? Stay home from traveling? It’s all just crazy.
Governor Newsom Declares State of Emergency to Help State Prepare for Broader Spread of COVID-19
Is there any chance Disneyland would close? I’ve done research and it’s a cold unless you’re high risk. If your high risk I would think you aren’t going to Disneyland during cold/flu season anyways.
Everyone has a cold right now and the only way to know if it’s coronavirus is a test that the dr office won’t even test you for. There is no way to know how many people actually have it. The drs are saying to stay home and not come in unless you are having trouble breathing.
I’m not canceling our trip, I really hope Disneyland doesn’t close.
I just spent way too much time today trying to find hand sanitizers on Amazon, Walmart, Staples or anywhere online. Everyone is out of stock and cannot deliver until next week sometime. My DS28 went to a couple local stores - grocery, drugstores (Walgreens) - here is the photo he sent:

View attachment 478740

I HOPE he snatched up those last two bottles of "Poo-Pourri" at least?? :thumbsup2
On the worst day so far, 108 people died from COVID-19. On that same day, 440 people died from the flu, 1660 people in the US died from cancer (26,000 died worldwide...), 23,000 die daily from cardiac issues, 5,000 people die daily from diabetes, mesquitos kill over 1,000 people a day, more than 2,000 people commit suicide a day, and snakes kill an average of 137 people a day.

Do we need to take care? Yes. Wash our hands. Use soap. Wash for 30 seconds. Realize other people do not do this.

Don't touch your face.

DON'T WEAR MASKS. Why? It has been shown people who wear masks touch their face more frequently to adjust the mask. It is your HANDS that will transmit the disease to your mouth/nose/eyes.

Oh, and if you are going to Disneyland March 20-23 or Apr 9-14, COVID-19 will be all over Orange County, ignore all the above and stay home. (I want it less crowded for me...)

Compare timelines. H1N1 was the first new strain of flu that created a pandemic in almost 100 years, so that's a good comparison. At 3 months in there were about 30,000 H1N1 cases and 850 dead. We're not yet at 3 months in with COVID-19.

We shouldn't panic and we should wash our hands, agreed. But people have to stop downplaying it with comparisons that aren't analogous. It won't take much for this thing to quickly triple the flu's numbers this year. Now, I'm not canceling my July trip at this time and don't anticipate needing to do so. But I am watching closely because this is serious.

Also, accurate numbers can be found here.
Is there any chance Disneyland would close? I’ve done research and it’s a cold unless you’re high risk. If your high risk I would think you aren’t going to Disneyland during cold/flu season anyways.
Everyone has a cold right now and the only way to know if it’s coronavirus is a test that the dr office won’t even test you for. There is no way to know how many people actually have it. The drs are saying to stay home and not come in unless you are having trouble breathing.
I’m not canceling our trip, I really hope Disneyland doesn’t close.
I mean, I shudder to think how many people in the park right now have influenza and the park isn’t shut down. I think it would have to get really really bad with a high fatality rate among the average healthy population before that would happen.
Orange County CA has a confirmed case and declared a health emergency. If your employer sends you into that for a mandatory work event and you get very sick and/or die, it's not very hard for a lawyer to draw a line between their actions (sending you into a health emergency) and your illness/death.
The problem is any company a lawyer will simply point out the honest truth that the emergency is only declared as such so that funding can be directed in the proper manner to keep people safe, keep conventions running and tourists coming.
Compare timelines. H1N1 was the first new strain of flu that created a pandemic in almost 100 years, so that's a good comparison. At 3 months in there were about 30,000 H1N1 cases and 850 dead. We're not yet at 3 months in with COVID-19.

We shouldn't panic and we should wash our hands, agreed. But people have to stop downplaying it with comparisons that aren't analogous. It won't take much for this thing to quickly triple the flu's numbers this year. Now, I'm not canceling my July trip at this time and don't anticipate needing to do so. But I am watching closely because this is serious.

Also, accurate numbers can be found here.
Actually they make very valid points, now those with weakened immune systems may have caused to not go out in public more than necessary, but the average healthy person, especially adults have little to be concerned about if they do the basics of washing hands, etc. But overall it is valid to compare death rates with other diseases and events to remind us that statistically speaking we have very low risk of getting sick, a lower risk of serious symptoms and even lower risk of death, especially in countries with a robust medical system in place. But again, we should still take basic precautions.

Also, as the person pointed wearing masks don't really protect you from the virus and instead the demand for them is causing a shortage in hospitals and medical centers where they are truly needed and causing the spread of other diseases to be much worse than they would normally be. Now where masks can help is if you are sick, they can help prevent you from getting others sick by trapping your coughing, sneezing, etc.
There are people still refusing to drink the beer folks! This is a social experiment by aliens to prove how idiotic humans can be! I’m talking about stocking up which seems insane at this point!

So far up here in Canada I’ve not seen any bare shelves yet. Costco was normal yesterday.
I've gotten emails from both Hojo and Desert Palms offering significant discounts for "last-minute travel" for the upcoming week (50% off flash sale from Hojo's)...
As an aside, I used to work for a large European investment bank. One of the guys I was friendly with there covered the hotel sector and he told me that once a hotel achieves 50% occupancy, anything beyond that is pure profit. That’s why sometimes rooms can be had for $5 (I know - it’s rare but it’s not unknown). Ideally, a hotel would like to have full occupancy at its full rate. But even if a hotel is at 80% of it’s capacity, it will turn a profit. At least that’s how he explained it to me.
Compare timelines. H1N1 was the first new strain of flu that created a pandemic in almost 100 years, so that's a good comparison. At 3 months in there were about 30,000 H1N1 cases and 850 dead. We're not yet at 3 months in with COVID-19.
I do understand the timelines. And we could compare it more accurately to SARS (they are now renaming COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2) and MERS. And I stand by the the fact we need to stop panicking and practice good hygiene. For those of us with lung issues, take the medications you are prescribed. (This is aimed at me since I have a med I keep forgetting to use.)
by the way , "antibacterials" do not kill viruses......

As long as there's at least 60% alcohol they've said to use it because it will. Call it what you want, anti bacterial or hand sanitizer etc.
Is there any chance Disneyland would close? I’ve done research and it’s a cold unless you’re high risk. If your high risk I would think you aren’t going to Disneyland during cold/flu season anyways.
Everyone has a cold right now and the only way to know if it’s coronavirus is a test that the dr office won’t even test you for. There is no way to know how many people actually have it. The drs are saying to stay home and not come in unless you are having trouble breathing.
I’m not canceling our trip, I really hope Disneyland doesn’t close.

I would suggest do not let your kids play with the big wet ball. I am talking about the big, wet ball in Tomorrowland. That is a big germ maker. You should be fine washing your hands with soap and water, keeping your hands off your face, not touching your eyes, nose, mouth. Common sense. Perhaps get a daily Jamba smoothie with extra boosters to tell people you had to calm their fears.
Have fun!
I'm really tempted to go now lol. Maybe I'll make a detour this weekend
See you there! ;)

... And I stand by the the fact we need to stop panicking and practice good hygiene. For those of us with lung issues, take the medications you are prescribed...
Amen and amen! And not just now, but as every day common sense. Can't tell you how many people I see in the parks who don't wash their hands after using the restroom -- so gross! -- both adults and kids. And they march right back to the restaurant tables, booths, touching the chairs, the ride vehicles, the merchandise in stores, etc.
And thank you for the reminder about taking prescribed meds. Refilled my Rx and have it in my parks bag, ready to go.


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