Need a boost; recently bought DVC (yeah!!) but work for Merck (boo hoo)...


DIS Veteran
Mar 24, 2004
I was so excited to buy into DVC; I just bought in on Nov. 12 with my parents and brother. Now, I just found out the company I work for is eliminating 11% of it's workforce, whcih could potentially include me. Unfortunately, I'm also right in the middle of a divorce. I just bought out my husband's share of the house, which left me with a very hefty mortgage. The thought of losing my job when I am now the sole provider is very scary. This has happened to me 4 times in the 9 years I've been working (department moves or gets cut, etc. etc.) I guess that is just the nature of the pharmaceutical industry. I've always landed on my feet before but I'm afraid my luck will run out one of these days.

Sorry, I just needed a place to vent. I know there are others worse off than me, and I will pull up my bootstraps soon, but just needed to wallow for a little while...
Hope the cuts don't include you - if they do, best of luck for finding something even better!
Perhaps a ray of light: If you do get laid off, you can skip that year's Disney trip, rent your points, and probably recoup both your yearly maintenance fee and your loan payments (if you took out a loan to buy DVC).

I've been through the layoff thing myself. It's not fun. Best of luck to you.
Best wishes! This is an expecially tough time for you. I hope you get through this employment crisis with a great job!

Bobbi :grouphug:
My thoughts will be with you....I'm in the same industry and right now every company has talks of cutbacks. Hope that the cuts your company has announced will not affect your position. Hang in there!

Nancy :earsgirl:
Don't worry - you sound like a positive person, and you'll come out of the situation on top. Well, done buying your husband out and buying DVC. I too, am the sole breadwinner for my kids - my husband barely sees them and doesn't pay maintenance at all, and i know it is a worry at times. But women are the stronger species - and I'm sure you'll do just fine.
Hey, things could always be worse! Seriously, just try to keep a positive attitude and put some "feelers" out there right now if you truly feel your employment might be in jeopardy. I hope everything works out for you during this difficult time. :goodvibes
I worked for another pharma firm that got bought out almost three years ago. It is a scary time, and I hope things go well for you. I've heard most of the 7000 jobs will come out of manufacturing. They're closing five plants. I just heard today that only 100 will come from sales. Hopefully that's where you are.


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