Need a little advice...


Disney Movie Buff and Future Special Education Tea
Aug 11, 2004
I don't really know who else I could ask but everyone's been so helpful around here I figured it was the best place. I'm 19 and have been diagnosed as having hypothyroidism since I was at least 13 years old. I don't know the exact dosage or even name of the medication I'm on (either Lyvexol or Zynthroid), but I take it regularly and haven't missed a single dose in over a year. What originally had my doctor test me was that I was always tired, overweight and had very dry skin that wouldn't go away. As soon as I started on the medicine, everything got better, and my levels have been good since then. But lately I've become extremely fatigued by things that have never bothered me before, my skin is getting very dry again and I have been gaining weight (not eating any different). I know I should go get tested to make sure everything's ok with the medicine, but I was just tested in July, could things have changed that much in just a few months? I don't want my doctor to tell me I'm overreacting and stressed from school, which she's done before, without being able to tell her that I really do think something's wrong. As an example of how severe the fatigue has become- Christmas Day I woke up at 6am and it was an easy stress-free morning. Went to my aunt's at 12pm, and was completely worn out from doing nothing by 1:30. I ended up laying on the couch for at least an hour before leaving at 4. When I got home I layed down in bed and by 6:30pm I was completly knocked out. Woke up at 9am the next morning, showered and went to lunch with my boyfriend (out of the house at 10am). We got to the restuarant, and I had to go grab a table because I was just worn out from driving the 20 minutes and standing in line for 5. Came home afterwards and napped for at least 2 hours.
I haven't been this tired in years and it's really interferring with things. My main worry is what will happen when school starts back up if this isn't fixed....
So should I go to the doctors and ask to have my levels checked or do I need to tell her that something else is seriously wrong? :confused3 :guilty:
I would make an appointment to see the doctor. Levels can change quickly and there may be other problems. I was recently diagnosed with the same thing thing as you after having normal level in June. I also have having problems with my potassium levels. Stay on top of it!
I would go to the doctor with a change is symptoms. A lot of people that have your condition have Chronic Fatigue syndrome as well. I hope you don't and you just need a med adjustment.
I think you should contact your doctor with the facts as you laid them out in your post. As was already mentioned, it could be just a minor change needed in your medication or something else. Contacting the doctor is the only way to know for sure.
Just wanted to thank everyone for the advice. I planned on calling the doctor yesturday afternoon after getting a few quick errands done. But by the time I got home I was extremely dizzy, lightheaded, and was aching. Took my temp. and it was 100.8. After sleeping for hours, I woke up feeling quite a bit better so we're thinking it's the flu. So if by the end of today it's not any better, I plan on making an appt. for Saturday morning.


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