Need help...another stroller question?


Earning My Ears
Jan 20, 2003
Ok. So here is my problem....I have a 4 yr old and a 2 yr old that we are taking on their first WDW trip in May. Should I take the double stroller or single stroller? I have one of both but would love to get a new single stroller. :) Dh thinks that we should take the double stroller since we are flying and will need both to be able to be contained thru the airports. My fear is that since we are staying offsite that getting on and off of the shuttles down there may be difficult with the double stroller. I have also bought 2 baby harnesses for when they want to walk. Suggestions? If I was to buy a new single stroller, which one is the one to get to accomodate a 4/5 yr old as well?


well id say a double would be easier on busses and stuff than two doubles.

i guess the big question is the older childs stamina...will he crash out and need to sleep while in the parks. if not then grab an umbrella stroller and go. if so then you can grab a less expensive reclining stroller by graco or century for about $50.

But i still think the double is the way to go. allow your husband to make the call. this way if its the wrong one, you didnt make it.

You mention having to use will ONLY be able to manage a light umbrella stroller on these. I just bought a Maclaren Volo, from, for our trip. As far as your older child, I'd go with the assumption that IF a stroller is needed, you can rent one in the park.

Just my two cents, though. I'm going in three weeks, with a two year old and a five year old. Just one stroller! My older child is too heavy for the weight limits of about 35 pounds that are on most double strollers, and many singles. IF you need a stroller that will work on a heavier child, my old Peg Perego is good up to 80 pounds, and folds smaller and is lighter than most non-umbrella strollers.

If you only want a single stroller, buy the Peg Perego Pliko. It's the BEST stroller for two older children. There is a small platform on the back, where the older child can stand. It's GREAT for those times when their little feet can't move anymore, and the younger child can just sit in the seat. It folds up VERY compactly, it's actually an umbrella stroller and even has a carrying handle. I've had MANY different types of strollers (probably at least 7!) and it's my favorite. My 2 year old loves it, and my 5 year old just rides on the back.
Wow, do you take your Peg into the parks? Do you leave it alone while your family rides? I was too scared to do that. I'd even read not to take one that pricey to the airport...seems when you gate check a stroller, it often gets mangled? I'm sweating my little 8 pound Volo, since it was $99. Now I'm almost wishing I'd bought the Pliko, after reading your thumbs up...

My older Peg is the Roma, and to me, that would be too heavy and large to take on any sort of transportation. Still, it's lighter than most American strollers, and it's awesome that my 50 pound kid can ride in it if he really wants (we took off the front bar years ago).

Yep, I take it EVERYWHERE!!! I've never had a problem. I love my Pliko and I'd never leave home without it!!! I also have an older Peg, the Milano and that thing weighs a TON!!! I've also lugged that one to WDW, but I'd never do it again!!!
You guys walk off and leave it to ride rides, with no one watching it? No one's ever tried to steal it? I had a friend who had hers stolen at the airport when she wasn't looking (was holding her child). Most people know the Pliko is at least $200...

I'm looking at Peg's website and I see that it's 16 pounds. Since my daughter is 2.5 and I still have the Roma for the malls, etc...I think I'm okay with the 8 pound Maclaren umbrella stroller we just bought. It's taller than most, and has nice padded ergonomic handles.

For the original poster, a really cool feature of this stroller is a shoulder strap, and it has a little basket. But anyway, I carry it like a purse on my shoulder when I need to use an escalator, etc.

So, Michelle, if you are interested, here's a link you can paste into your browser:

This stroller is good up to 40 pounds, so if your older child is under that, you might get this one for him or her? Oh, and as for in the airport, can you make the older child help you push the stroller? I've used that tactic from day one, when I had the younger child. The older one always has a hand or two on the stroller. Yeah, he's in my way a little, but he's very safe in parking lots.

I would get a double umbrella stroller.
With recommendations from this board, we got a cheapie Kolcraft side by side double umbrella stroller(I think it was like $50). They have storage basket, but we have a thing that hangs off the back. It was the best investment. My 1 and 3 year olds were perfectly comfy(it reclines too), I'll be bringing it back in Sept when they are 2 and about to be 4. It's not bulky at all, so if my 4 yr old doesn't want to sit in it, it's not like I'm lugging this massive stroller around. :D
I'm bringing the Sit N Stand for my 5 yr DS and 2 Yr DS. The young one sits up front and the older one can either sit, facing me, or stand facing forward. No need to help him in and out everytime he wants a change. It is great, and also available for rent at
jenniferk97 - Yes, we just leave it and have never had any of our strollers stolen. I've taken to WDW a myriad of expensive strollers: Peg Perego Milano, Maclaren Vogue , Combi Twin Savvy, and now my Peg Perego Pliko. I've never had one stoller, misplaced or even damaged by an airline. I like my strollers and ONCE I bought a cheap alternative, actually my first WDW trip with kids and I swore I'd never do it again. It definately wasn't up to the same quality, ride as my current stroller. It was a nightmare of a trip!! My DD HATED the stroller and refused to sit in it. It was so uncomfortable for her, and it was of course cheaply made. We ended up renting for the rest of the trip, since she at least would sit for a little while in the WDW strollers. So, I now travel with my current stroller, since my kids are comfortable and I am too.
We're going in November with our 2 boys (ages 2½ & 4) and we just bought a Kolcraft side-by-side umbrella stroller. Both sides recline, which was very important to us. It is pretty lightweight and folds up fast. We bought a Fisher-Price Fold 'n Tote Backseat Valet to place on the back of the stroller to carrry things. It is basically a lightweight backpack that converts into a tote to place on the back of a seat in your car. It works perfect for the stroller because it zips up so things are tucked away nicely yet easy to get at. It cost $20 at Babies R Us.
Wow, I'm surprised you all can use that Kolcraft for older children when the weight limit for each side is 35 pounds. My two year old is nearly that heavy. I did consider a single Kolcraft for her, but it seems like all the opinion sites say rather bad things about that brand. Well, good luck with yours, and have a great time at Disney!

I can use our Kolcraft for our boys easy but my eldest son is on the light side. He is just pushing 30 pounds. My younger one is 28 pounds. What a difference! I forgot to mention that this stroller has a canopy also.
I also agree with jenniferk97, about the Kolcraft. I bought that stroller with my sister when we took a trip to WDW (this was the cheap stroller referred above). It was AWFUL!! We had two pretty small 2 year olds in the stroller and it was a nightmare to push!! ! Their legs dragged on the ground and they hated the stroller. It also got bent trying to fold it one day, and was VERY difficult to fold after that. It only cost $50, so we thought we'd be saving money by buying it, but as I also stated before we ended up renting since the girls were so uncomfortable. The sunshades rested on their heads!!! So, we ended up spending more, not saving. Again, this was a lesson learned, I always bring my good strollers, and don't buy cheap anymore, since you always get what you pay for!!! Especially in the case of the Kolcraft double.
Wow. You have me a bit worried. I guess my sons being on the short side might help - at least with the feet dragging. We've used the stroller many times already in the mall and haven't had any problems. The sunshades don't rest on their heads. My only problem is my eldest likes to keep flipping the sunshade up and down. I do believe you get what you pay for too and this purchase is basically for WDW and anytimes used here prior. I'm sure I'll be able to contribute better to these stroller questions after our trip.
Disneyolic, can you fold the stroller with that valet thing on it? If not, what do you do when you have to fold the stroller? I've considered something similar, but wasn't sure how it would really work!

To be honest, I've never folded the stroller with the pack on it but the pack also has backpack straps on it so you could put it on your back if you want or just carry it separate. I believe the stroller would fold with the pack also but it may hang loosely. I think the backpack idea is the best so your hands are free.


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