Need help! Scheduling tips for late seating


Earning My Ears
Feb 8, 2002
We have always had main seating. Now, we have late seating. We have an 11, 8 and 4 yr old.

When we have main seating, we have the whole "getting ready, pictures, dining, shows" thing down to a science. For late seating, we are totally off our game.

Any tips?

For ex: Get ready at 5 pm. Go take picutres, be in the show at 6:30, be ready for dinner at 8 pm.

Or, Get ready at 5:30, go straight to the shows. Do pictures in between the show and dinner, go to dinner, go to bed.

Also, did those of you with little kids find yourselves feeding them early and eating alone while they went to the clubs. Seems most of the club stuff is happening right during late dinner seating....

Thanks in advance for your help!

Anyone? All your tips and help would be appreciated.
We did it like this:

Drop dd4 at the clubs around 5 pm. She hung out at the clubs in the evening and spent the days with us.

Go to the show with dh and dd1.

After the show come back to the room and get ready for dinner. Get dd1 some food. Drop her off at the nursery for dinner. We only did pictures once so our schedule was different that night.

Eat dinner!

Pick up kids.

Good luck! And, remember have FUN....
We just got back from the Western cruise with our DD7. We also had late seating, and it worked out really well for us. We tried to be more or less ready for dinner and/or the show by 6:00. There were often opportunities to meet the characters and take photos between 6:00 & 6:30. The lines were fairly short due to the first seating beginning at 6:00. We would stop and take photos or just people watch on our way to the show because the lines would be very long after the show and between seatings.

Thanks for all the help.

It seems that we will either not have many meals with our 4 yr old, or she is going to have to eat at both regular dinner time (5 pm-ish) and 8:30. We live in the eastern time zone, so I expect this may prove to be difficult.

Any ideas for NOT feeding the 4 yr old Plutos every single day? Is the buffet open at 5:30?

Any other input? Thanks again for helping us with the game plan.
Is this what you did? Is there a pretty good selection?

Has anyone allowed their 4 yr old (or close) to eat with the kids clubs? Do the counselors help them if they need it? How does this work exactly?

My dd was 4 years and 9 months when she went on the disney cruise. I was really impressed with how they did the dinner thing. Actually, they closed down the restuarant to feed the kids which I really appreciated it. I think, somebody might have to correct me if I am wrong because I get RCCL & Disney mixed up at times, but I think, they put a wide variety of items from the buffet on your child's tray. I am pretty sure everything was kid friendly. I always think our dd eats better with her peers anyways.

This is what we did:

We were ready by 6:00, went and took pictures with characters, went to the show (some of the nights) went back and took more pictures...because by then a new set of characters were there.

I have to point this out, because there is alot of confusion on this part. The kids programs all had the fun things ending at around 8:00 or 8:15 so if it was something they wanted to do we took them there and picked them up right before dinner. The only one that went late was the PJ party and that was the night we scheduled Palos for. Yes they did have to pick between the show or a club activity....but we left it up to them.

I went and saw how they served lunch one day and it is really amazing how they do it. All the kids sit down at the tables and the councelers dish several things on to their plates and serve them to the children. It went real smooth and most of the children ate everything on their was great!

Any other questions just ask


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