Need help w/ toilet training son w/ PDD & ADHD


Dec 14, 2006
My son is almost 4 1/2 & he is diagnosed w/ mild PDD & ADHD. He is still not toilet trained & I am having a really hard time getting him to go. He knows what to do, but just doesn't want to do it. It's like having a wrestling match everytime it's time for him to use the potty! Don't know if it's a laziness thing or what, he just has no desire to get up from what he's doing to go use the bathroom? He is wearing the largest size of pull ups & there getting very tight on him, so I really need advice.
First off, you can switch to GoodNights, although they cost a fortune. :mad:

Okay, this is what we did, might not work for you. We let DS go pee outside in the back yard. (yes, indeed, we are rednecks) ;) He thought it was really funny to pee on the trees. It helps if you have an older child to demonstrate, not so good to let the husband do it. Anyway, for some reason it worked, he thought it was really funny, and so he'd go running outside whenever he had to pee. Pretty much did that the whole summer, and I got him real underpants, and then in the fall, he switched over fairly easily.

Of course, that doesn't work for *everything* but it did cut down on the number of GoodNights we went thru in a day. The other part of it happened by itself, I guess, as he got used to going to the toilet to pee, and then got the big-boy pants, he figured out not to mess 'em up.
I have a ADD Dd, and when she potty training she was afraid of the Toilet and the flush especially.

At 3 years I told her we didn't have money for diapers any more but she could be a big girl and wear big girl panties, she picked Little Mermaid.

When I realized she was afraid, I told her that toilets only liked to eat pee and poo that it was the tiolet's job. She Believed me and did really well after that. Oh and we got a little tikes stool so she could have more stablity getting on and off.

This works very well for boys, you can put Fruit Loop Cereal in the toilet and have them "target shoot" and sink the o's. It promotes concentration on the target.
We followed Dr phils recommendation and had a party in the bathroom when he went potty. Huge positive reinforcement. We sang songs did a dance anything fun that told him he did a great job. It also took the battle out of it.
We made sticker charts and hung them on the wall above the potty. That way they had to go then climb on the potty to put the sticker on.
Also this movie worked for ds#2 it is called once upon a potty its kinda strange but it helped.
I work with special needs preschoolers and here's what we recommend to parents battling the potty -

1. Some kids respond well to the sticker chart with a reward in sight (if they get 5 stickers, they get a small toy, etc.). Show them the reward or tape it on the wall by the chart to entice them.

2. Others need a more tangible reward each time they go (you can't eat stickers!) so we recommend showing them a Hersey's Kiss or M&M to see if that will encourage them to go.

3. Pull-Ups and Goodnights keep them very comfortable even when they're wet so they have no reason to get up and go. Try putting regular underwear on underneath the Pull-Up. That way, if they wet they will feel it immediately. After a few times feeling the wetness, many kids will start running to the toilet to avoid the wet feeling (especially if they have sensory issues).

4. You can try what I did when my son was almost 4. He knew how to use the toilet, he was just too stubborn to do it consistently. So one day, I said, "You don't wear diapers anymore. You wear undewear now." He struggled when I put the underwear on but within an hour he told me he had to go. He had only 1 accident the first week and it's been smooth sailing ever since (he's 11 1/2 now).

The key with any of the techniques is to be consistent. We have kids who do fine using the toilet at school but they backslide at home when the parents aren't consistent. Good luck with whatever you try!;)
Just wanted to pop in and say hello and to let you know you are not alone. Cyber-support, so to speak.

It took my son three and half years before he was trained, with us trying the majority of the suggestions that have been posted. At least I know I was getting through to him since he applauded and told me "Good job Mom!" each and every time I went to the bathroom.

Hang in there!
For my DS, everything clicked when I put him in underwear. I think someone else said it but the pull-ups were like a diaper to him; it didn't bother him to be wet.

We had a lot of wet and dirty days.. but overall everything started clicking within a week.

Good luck! We will be starting potty training with my younger son this summer who has a lot of sensory issues, so I know its going to be another interesting and arduous experience.


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