Need opinions....Should I change plans????????


Crazed Carolina Panthers Fan
Oct 2, 1999
Need opinions from Disney experts!!!
I have tentatively been planning a trip to WDW for next Thanksgiving for my family of 6. Kids ages 11, 9, 5 and 3. I wanted to go when they were out of school and catch a few Christmas things like the Osborne Lights.
Well, I have talked with my sister about her family going with us. (they have one 4 yr old girl who has never been to WDW) She has just called and asked me to change my plans and go in October because they cannot go in November.

I want opinions on what to do here! I have had one trip canceled in October because of a hurricane and said I would never go in October again!! The kids do have a week off of school in October. Also, I had really wanted to see the early Christmas decorations etc which would be in place in November.

How do the rates, weather and crowds compare in mid October and late November???
Have other folks gone with other families and how does this work out?? It is always so hectic just making plans for and with my family I have wondered how it would be to travel with another family.

Thanks in advance for your help!! :)
Actually, you should get better rates and have less crowds in October. We were there at Thanksgiving this year. (I haven't ever been in October, but I've made a reservation and got awesome rates once). The crowds were certainly manageable, especially since we've been before and didn't need to see it all, but some lines were long. For example, at Epcot we got a FP for TT at about 10:15 and the return time was after 4:00.

I would probably choose October. The holiday decorations are wonderful, but so is a discount and not waiting long in line.
I've been in November and loved it, however it wasn't Thanksgiving week. I would imagine that would be pretty crowdd. October is also a very nice time to go, I've enjoyed that month too. I would say October. As far as the weather, there is just no way to predict what it will be, you just take your chances. But overall, the entire fall is beautiful down there.
Well, this is just my opinion and it isn't going to sound very nice, but I am not big on traveling with large groups or with other families. I know that's mean, I guess it's just the selfish brat in me. I always like being with just my immediate family at WDW. As far as the time of year goes, we always go right after Thanksgiving and wouldn't miss that time of year for anything. I guess it just depends on how well you can take the heat, what you want to see, and how well you get along with your sister and her family.
My dh lives for hurricanes (it's his job) and so we never get to vacation from May to November :-) However, statistically, September is the most popular month for hurricanes. Typically hurricane season is starting to wrap towards the end of September, so by the time Hallowe'en rolls around the threat of hurricanes is minimal. (I know I know, there was 1985!)

As for going with extended family, consider how well you get along when not on vacation (family get togethers, on the phone, through e-mail). If you only have a luke-warm relationship or if you have a hostile relationship you may want to opt for seperate vacations to keep from having your vacation ruined. However, if you have a friendly relationship then planning a vacation with a sibling and her family might not be a bad idea, especially if you make it known ahead of time that you may want to go seperate ways through part of your vacation.

As for the Holiday lights, I can't say. I've yet to see them. We want to, but it hasn't worked out yet. You could always shift your emphasis from holiday lights to Hallowe'en. MNSSHP seemed to get favorable reviews from other DISers.

41 more days!!!!
We are going next October for the following reasons:
(1) low cost
(2) low crowds
(3) EPCOT's Food & Wine Festival (DW & I love this)
(4) MNSSHP (never been)

We've been in early November and loved it. At some point, we definitely will go in late November or early December to see all the Christmas things.

In my opinion, I think that your desire to go with or without the other family members is more important than when you go. Either time period you are considering will be great.

Whatever you decide, have a great trip! :D
Read some of the trip reports of families/groups that have gone together. After reading Dutton's day 3 trip report I couldn't read anymore. It made me dizzy!!!! I'd say plan your own trip and let them do theirs. If you go at the same time and want to meet up for an evening, fine, but I wouldn't do a whole trip together. October is regular season and value season starts in the beginning of Nov. For 2002 I would pick the week of Nov 18-the week between Vet day week and Thanksgiving week-we didn't have that extra week this year! I fyou want to do all the Christmas stuff I would go the second week of dec(bypassing Pop warner). My son isn't schoolage, but I guess it would be worth it to pull him out (if he could handle the make up work). WDW is an expensive vacaion and you want to enjoy it. You could always plan it for the week in Oct that they have off and postpone if there is a hurricane. Oct is also nice -the food and Wine festival!!!!
Thanks for all your helpful advice. You gave me alot to think about. I had to cancel a WDW trip because of Hurricane Hugo.....turns out it hit here in NC and not in canceling was premature! I guess you never do know about those hurricanes!!

I'll have to go and read those trip reports susy! Thanks for the heads up! LOL
I may be a little late to the party...

I have been in WDW Thanksgiving week 2x (95 and 99). For both of those vacations, we flew in the Sat before Thanksgiving and flew out the Sat after.

Up until Wednesday afternoon, the lines are virtually non-existent. However, you can feel the crowd/ lines start to grow Wed. Thursday and Friday were less than ideal. On both Fridays we went to DD to exercise the charge back to your room concept...

Good Luck with your decision, you'll have a great time regardless which week you choose!
My family has been to Disney a few times & usually we are @least 5 people. In October of 2000 I planned a trip with my brother & his wife & around my Dgtrs. 7th B'day. We stayed @FW Homes (in 2 separate homes). My BIL stayed with us(he always comes to WDW with us & never had a problem). My niece was not feeling well before we left & she was only 2 & 1/2 @the time, that made things hard from the get go. My family & I are use to following a schedule when we go to WDW & my brother isn't. Overall the trip wasn't that bad, but I don't know if I would be so fast to do it again. I will certainly say that if you have your heart on seeing the Christmas atmosphere than I would stick with that plan. If for some reason your sister & her family can't make it, you are going to be mad you changed your plans for them & it will ruin your families vacation. I have planned many vacations with other people & have made concessions to accomodate people & have learned the hard way that the best thing to do is to just make my plans & let those who can join, join, those who can't will just have to make their own arrangements or do what they can to join. If you are doing all the planning, than do what you want, trust me, in the long run it will be better for all concerned. No hard feelings, & you all will enjoy your trips. Just my $.02. Kathy P.S. Sorry so long, I ramble sometimes!:rolleyes:


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