"Need some advice"


Jun 26, 2019
Have a client wanting to go to Universal for one day park to park with a express pass(10 people) but the park closes at 5pm (Halloween horror night) can they see everything in one day or do they need to do a 2 day pass?
I'm assuming just US, not including IoA. If you're talking US and already at the gate when EE is first opened and there until closed technically yes.

Would I recommend it? No. As there'd be no time really for any breaks and it'd be rush, rush, rush, rush, especially if you really do want them to see literally everything.
They could easily do all the rides at both parks, but little to no time for shows, taking in the details, etc. It’d be rushing all day. Now, if they don’t want to do literally all the rides it becomes easier. On a slow day without express and going from one ride to another without much stopping, I’ve been able to do Minions, Shrek, Mummy, Gringotts, Men in Black, E.T., Hogwarts Express one way at least, Forbidden Journey, Spiderman, and one or two Seuss rides in as few as 3-4 hours.
They could easily do all the rides at both parks

I don't know about that. There would definitely be a lot missed if you do both parks in one day. On average as a SR I can do 5-6 attractions (occasionally a re-ride, usually MIB) and finish Horror Make Up Show by around 1pm on the Universal side. Doing 9-10 attractions within 3-4 hours you'd have to bolt as not only you're talking about Universal, but actually traveling to the other park. Shrek 4-D alone takes 20 minutes with show and pre-show, not including waiting in line for the doors to open to go into the show.
If they're doing both parks there is no way they can see everything in one day. They can cover a lot of ground with the express passes, but they won't see "everything."


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