Need some info. On MGM's Dinsosaur ride

Disney Princess 6

<font color=purple>I'm Eeyore's human counterpart
Nov 2, 2002
I'm wondering if this ride is a motion simulator or not? A few years ago, I got very sick on Body Wars at Epcot and I haven't ridden gotten into a simulator since. I'm interested in trying Dinsoaur, but from what I've seen, I'm worried I might still get sick. Also, is the ride too much for a 5 year old?
Dinosaur is located in Animal Kingdom, not MGM.

It is not a motion simulator. As the story line goes, you are travleling back in time in a land rover vechicle to bring back a dinosaur. You mistakenly get sent back during a meteor shower and things go from bad to worse quickly. The vehicle jostles you around quite a bit, much of the ride takes place in the dark, dinosaurs come out of the darkness, etc.

In my opinion - way too much for a 5 year old. In fact, I think there is a suggested age on the signage out front of 7, but don't quote me on that.
First off, Dinosaur is located in AK, not MGM. Dinosaur is a simulator ride similiar to Body Wars and I do think it would be too intense for a 5 year old. It is VERY scary even to this 33 year old!!! It's also a lot of bouncing around and jerky motions. Here is a quick description from Deb Will's site:
This ride is very dark with lots of loud noises, flashing lights and BIG dinosaurs that jump out at you; may be scary for small children. A very rough but fun ride! Some have described it as a bucking bronco horse ride.
I agree with the posts above. Dinosaur is a scary ride- the picture of my vehicle showed me hiding my eyes!:rolleyes: I definitely think it would be too scary for most 5 year olds.
It is not a simulator ride like body wars and Star Tours. The car actually moves in a forward motion for the entire ride. In the simulator rides the cars do not move forward, only up and down and all around while the screen makes it look as though you are going forward. (I too get sick on simulator rides)

As for the 5 year old, it depends on the child. My 3yr old loved it, especially since it scared the heck out of his grandmother, who was practically on the floor by the end of the ride.
Sounds too intense for ME, let alone a 5 year old. I don't think even I could handle it due to the motions sickness. Thanks for this input - now I know neither of us should ride it!
I got very sick on Body Tours and hate Roller Coasters -- but Dinosaur is my all-time favorite ride. If I were you, I'd defintely try it. As for your five year old, you'd know much better than us. My 5 year old nephew loved it -- but I can defintely see how the darkness coupled with an attacking dinosaur would be too much.
Disney Princess 6,

I have two motion sick prone people in my family and Dinosaur did not bother either of them. They however take dramamine every day but some ride do still bother them. It is rough but not that motion sick inducing rock. The ride is scary but really cool. At five my DS would have handled it fine though many children would be frighted. I would try it first and then decide for yourself about your little one. We like to do it first after a big breakfast at Donalds so you know it can't be too bad. LOL.

jordan's mom
It's not a simulator like Body Wars but it sure as heck bumps you around alot.Erich (who is a dinosuar FREAK ) at 6 didn't like it but tried again last year at 8 and still it scared him! I suppose it depends on the child because Jonathan was 8 and LOVED it.

As for Body Wars the first time I rode it ,it made me queasy and I had ridden Star Tours (another simulator) a bunch of times.I have since been back on Body Wars and been okay.I think maybe the subject matter had a bit to do with my feeling ill! =0)
Universe of Energy, while a long ride, does contain
a neat animatronic segment that is essentially an
animatronic ride-through of the dinosaurs from
Fantasia. It's not really dark, and the dinos don't
come at your vehicle, except for one plant-eater
whose neck reaches way over above the cars. No
rocking, no screaming. Little kids tend to love it.

My little dino-junkie does not like AK's Dinosaur,
because he doesn't like the way the dinosaurs
lunge out of the darkness at the cars. I'm not
big on thrill rides, but I *love* Dinosaur; because
it is really campy, and I laugh myself silly on it.
(Can you guess that Alien Encounter is also a
My DS started riding Dinosaur at 4 -- he loved it. He found it much less scary than TOT (Although the ONLY part of TOT that frightened him was the pre-ride drama -- the actual hurtling through space part doesn't bother him at all)
DD loved dinosaur when she was 4 1/2. It really does depend on the kid.
I thought it was too scary for my kids.

Our photo has my 8 year old hiding his eyes and my hands are over his hands!

I thought it was too much for my little guys.

My 5 year old was a bit scared too!

My DD, 17, thought a dinosaur would reach down and try to eat us. You know, like the old Jaws trick, when the tram goes toward the water.

I doubt I will get the kids back on that one
We won't be doing it again due to the loudness!! My poor dd is very sensitive to loud noises. Our photo shows her with her head between her knees, trying to block out the noise. Don't think she ever noticed the dinosaurs jumping out at her.:eek:
I too get motion sick on Body Wars & Star Tours, but not Dinosaur. I think because you are actually moving, and not just watching a movie with it tricking your brain into thinking you're moving.

My five-year-old LOVED it! I tried to talk him out of riding it because I felt it would be way too scary for him after reading about it on these boards, but he kept insisting he could do it so I caved in. Our picture at the end shows me with both arms around my son trying to shield him from the loudness & suddeness of the dino and there my son is with this huge grin on his face!! I laughed when I saw the picture because I was SO worried about him & thinking "what have I done?" and it turned out that he loved it and it is now his absolute favorite ride!
Depends on the kid. My 4 year old cousin loved it! You should ride it first and then decide if your child can handle it or not.
My husband and I LOVE Dinosaur! However, our children, now 10 and 8, tried it a couple of years ago and hated it. They won't let us go anywhere near it now!

It's funny too, because these kids love thrill rides, have no problems with Rock N Roller Coaster, Tower of Terror, Space Mountain, simulator rides, etc. Dinosaur is certainly not the most intense ride they've ever been on, but it's one they have no interest in ever repeating. Those dinosaurs really freaked them out!
It is an INTENSE ride. I'm 30 and rode it with my 7 year old. I was scared, but my DD LOVED it! I'm going to let DH ride it with her this next trip. I'll be playing with the younger oned in the Boneyard!


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