Need Song of the South advice!!


Feb 3, 2001
I have been looking on ebay and some other ad site for the movie Song of the South for my son for Christmas. I know I need it in the American video format. I have seen 2 different offers at ebay and this other similar site: one where the seller has copied the tape from a lazer disk and claims that this is a very clear copy but there are japanese subtitles at part of the songs and two, some sellers are offering to sell a pal tape that they have converted by video dealers they know and they claim that the price is right and the dealer has done a great job for them.

I know I can also buy it through the UK and get a pal tape and converted tape for a total of $72 but that sounds too expensive.

Also, from what I have heard from local video dealers, the problem is that in the conversion process, sometimes there are light fluctuations that result that can be annoying. So, even if I buy the $72 tapes, I do I know that the conversion they used is clear.

Can anybody give me some guidance here? The prices on ebay are so different, one person is offering to sell the pal for $1 but why would they?

Thanks, Carolyn from NJ
Put it simply, there is no such thing as an original Song of the South home videotape in U.S. (NTSC) format.

It is reported although I am not sure, the regular original Song of the South (PAL, European format) is somewhat copy resistant so converting it is a hit or miss proposition.

Your best bet is to find someone who has a money back guarantee. You can buy the original on E-Bay and find a local video production house (some wedding videographers can do it too) who will offer a money back guarantee for the conversion copy only.

The one dollar E-Bay seller is counting on enough bids so it sells for much more. If he is unlucky and has not set a reserve price, well, the lucky buyer gets it for one dollar plus shipping.

Disney hints:
I was given a copy of it a couple of years ago, and it works fine. It is a copy of the UK tape, with the clamshell and original UK tape as well.

All I know is, someone continually spams on r.a.d.p. wanting to sell copies of it, and everytime someone called the "Fabulouse disney babe" offers to give free copies of it to anyone who wants it. If you don't use a newsreader, you should go to and search the newsgroups.

I recall quite vividly standing in a shop in Tokyo holding the Song of the South laser disc in my hand, wondering if I should buy it (this was around 1990). Nah! I'll always be able to get one later.
Anyway, someone making a VHS NTSC taped dub directly from the Japanese laser disc will provide you with a MUCH clearer and MUCH sharper (and better sounding) copy than if it is made from the UK PAL resale videotape. One of the problems in converting PAL to NTSC is that you are going from 600 horizontal scan lines to 400. There are usually odd wiggles in the horizontal scan lines every now and then in dubs because of that. Since the Japanese laser disc is NTSC, and provides a much clearer picture than the PAL videotape, a dub DIRECTLY from the laser disc is the way to go.
Be careful, though, because what you do NOT want is the guy to make you a dub from a VHS copy he's already made from his laser disc, because that will look lousy.
All of this is highly illegal, of course. Disney owns a valid copyright on this film and ANY copies that are made and sold from either the PAL videotape, or the Japanese laser disc, are illegal. Why Disney allows this sort of sale to continue on eBay is a mystery, since it's not even a gray area--it is illegal. Period.
Good luck!
Actually, the theory is that the owner of an original tape can make as many backup copies for personal use as they want to as long as they do not distribute them to other than the orginal owner. Since you are buying an original tape, you are entitled to a backup copy.

Since Disney dosen't see fit to make the movie available to those in the US, I can't see any problem with it personally.
I recently ordered one of the conversions from
the UK. We haven't noticed any quality problems
in the picture. The only problem was that it was
supposed to be a Christmas gift for my wife and
she knew what it was as soon as the mailman
arrived and said she had to sign for a package
from England.
Thanks for the responses! D-R, I emailed that disney babe and hope to get a reply. I didn't even know about that site. Moobooks, I am still confused about the lazer dis-how do they get it on lazer disc in the first place? Don't they still have to get it from a pal tape since it isn't on the american vhs version? thanks again, Carolyn
Ozark Bill's comment is just the type of thing that can get you in trouble. It doesn't matter whether Disney sees fit to distribute the movie in the US or not--they still own it and it is illegal to make a copy and sell it.
The laser discs from Japan were licensed by Disney, so they are official: they were on the market BEFORE the PAL tapes in the UK. They will make a far superior videotaped copy than the PAL tapes in NTSC
Mostly a lurker to the board here, but I was in my local Ruby Tuesday's the other night and sat underneath an original movie poster for the film. I mentioned to our waiter that its worth a bit of money and aksed him to get the manager, because I might be willing to take it off their hands, if it ever becomes a burden (yes the "Tar Baby" is on the poster). Afte about 10 minutes waiting for the manager to never show we left. Its is my every intention to own that poster, and hopefully a copy of the flick! Cheers!:D
I hear you Radiomarlowe!! If you find a reliable way to get a the tape in US format at a reasonable price, please let me know. Chistmas is coming too fast!! Carolyn from NJ
Funny that Disney is commemorating the 55'th anniversary of Song of the South (I bought that pin at MGM Studios) yet the average Joe can't go out and buy or rent that flick to enjoy at home.

Could Disney be laying low amidst all those bootleg copies because Disney would like to have people enjoying the movie but not want to be seen as the party up front distributing "racist material"?

I was never into mixed animation and live action (Roger Rabbit, etc.) until I bought Song of the South, the laser disk.
I bought the Tokyo version from a vendor in the Hilton Head Island Mall at Shelter Cove. He wasn't a permanent vendor, but I bought it for $25. It does have Japanese subtitles when songs are being sung, but I can deal with that. The picture is very good, but not regular video quality. Good luck.
To Mat and all,

Do you think that the tape you bought was a copy from the lazer disk? I have heard mixed reviews-some say the laser disk is clearer but maybe it wasn't copied from the laser disk but copied from the vcr. Did you like the movie? thanks, Carolyn
Sorry, Mooobooks, not trying to get anyone in trouble. The point I was making is that they are selling an ORIGINAL. Just one you can't use. You are also paying them to make a copy of YOUR original, which you as the owner are entitled to do.

Lots of little legal loopy-holes--so far such use has been upheld.

Bottom line is that Disney got the royalties on the title. No one lost any cash and we get to see a film classic.

Now, if Disney would release the movie here, some people would gripe, but they would make a load of money that they could build us some new E-ticket rides with.
I have no idea if these are legal or not. Nor can I give an opinion of my own. I got this link from these boards some time ago and did read some positive comments from people who ordered. I'm posting just for reference:

Try this Link
...different VHS copies of Song of the South, both conversions of the PAL format tape. One is nearly unwatchable, one is almost perfect.

The conversion _can_ be done with excellence, but is not always done so. If you're going to pay money for this, try to get a look at the converted tape, first.

Jeff and all, where did you get your tapes? How do I distinguish between the bad copy and good one before actually seeing it? Thanks for your help, Carolyn


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