Negative Post Attack



I have been coming to these boards ever since 96 or 97 somewhere around then. At first, it was just one board for everything, but even back then people were attacked for negative posts about WDW in general. I always wondered about those people and why they attack as they do. I never did understand it. But I think I have some understanding why when people dare say anything too negative about DVC on this board there is an attack. I believe people do not want to hear anything negative about their purchase. They do not want to hear anything that would make them think that DVC is not the best buy they ever made. Because of these attacks we never get a true picture of what is really going on at DVC. Why post, if you are going to get flammed about it. Years ago, the Mouse could do no wrong on these boards, now it is DVC. Their favorite saying is "if you don't like it, sell" or what should be is, "we do not want to hear the truth" and the truth you will never get on these boards because of this situation. The most recent negative post was locked down probably because of the attacks. I for one want to hear everyone's opinion negative or positive.
Right you are, Pa. It seems that as soon as someone says they had a "less than magical" DVC experience, a legion of DVC defenders jump in and question the veracity of the negative report. Or they berate the poster with "why didn't you do this, or why didn't you do that" type accusations.

I like my DVC, but in almost 6 years as a member, I've seen enough to know it's not all perfect and probably never will be. But then again, my rose colored glasses were broken long ago.
PA - i hear what you are saying and agree with some of it. I like to hear all sides as well and then make my own decisions. I've had some wonderful DVC experiences and some not so wonderful DVC experiences. I've shared both on these boards and more importantly when it was not so wonderful I shared it with DVC.

I do think, however, that there is another side to the coin. There are some posters that come off negative about everything. Nothing about DVC, or WDW, is good enough for them. To them I do say "if you don't care for it why don't you sell".

Just my 2 cents.
Have to agree with Mary. While I agree that folks have a right to expect a lot out of WDW and DVC, as they are both very PRICEY, I also think some people expect a level of perfection that is just not logical. If I see a stain on the carpet or a bug on the floor it does not ruin my whole vacation KWIM? I do love Disney and have been very pleased with DVC thus far (only 3 trips under our belts) but I do tend to be optimistic most of the time. If a CM is less than pleasant I realize that they are indeed HUMAN and have bad days sometimes just like I do.....
While I do agree that those negative posts occur, they are certainly in the minority. It's just that one or two negative posts can alter the direction of the OP, and thus unfortunately give much more weight to what is really a minority opinion. I think you'll also find just as many, if not more, posts directly chastising the negative poster for being so narrow-minded.

I believe most people on these boards welcome the variety of opinions as a valuable resource. Let's not give the negative posters any more importance than they actually have or deserve. :)
Agree with the OP. I also want to hear a range of views. Inviting debate and constructive comments (including negative experiences or views) and conversation are most enjoyable for me. But I suspect there are some who invite attacks -- maybe to just see if they can.
There are definitely both extremes here on the boards. Those who constantly find the negative and those that seem capable of finding excuses for just about anything Disney or DVC related. I would HOPE that most try to be somewhere in the middle. Look at things realistically - seeing both the good and the bad. And allowing others to have a different opinion without name calling and rudeness. Its all about respect.

Personally, I would like ALL information - both good and bad. If there is a negative trend, its much better to catch it early. The power of the internet lies in its ability to let people share experiences and compare. If people are afraid to share, then that power is lost. One bad post followed by 50 great experiences has little power. One bad post followed by 50 others agreeing, shows a problem that should most likely be addressed.

Of course, a person's posting style has one benefit. A quick search of a user's posts gives good insight into their personality. I can't see doing any renting transaction with a poster who has shown little respect for their fellow DISers...
Pa@okw95 I think you make some good points. Here's my opinion (for what little it is worth).

One of my personal beefs is that in general people don’t keep things in perspective.

For example, there are over 80,000 DVC members but its my guess very few actually post on these boards and of those few who post most appear to be happy with their DVC purchase. That’s not to say that they don’t have concerns sometimes but their concerns tend to be minor and quickly dealt with by DVC and Disney CM’s. Then there is the DVC satisfaction survey someone posted a month or so back. This survey tends to bear out the fact that most people are very satisfied with DVC. (By the way, if my memory serves me correctly, the survey was conducted by a hospitality trade association not by DVC or Disney.) It might be helpful if someone posted a link to that thread again.

But, you are correct people shouldn’t get flamed when they have negative things to say.

So let’s continue to examine this a bit further.

I’m sure you are correct, some number of those who post on this board probably do want to feel that they made an excellent purchase and thus they don't want to hear negative things about DVC. But, my guess is this only represents a small number of those who post.

Then small another part of the population is probably thin skinned and just can't take any criticism and/or views any contrary view as criticism when in fact isn’t. Again, my guess is this would be just a small part of the population who post.

Another part of the population probably has very high expectations when they come to DVC so they expect things to be perfect and when things aren’t it seriously upsets them. I can certainly understand this, but again my guess is this represents just a small number of those who post.

Finally, there are those who truly find their DVC accommodations in terrible shape and they have trouble for one reason or another getting things worked out to their satisfaction. Again, I am certain this represents a small number of the population.

To summarize, no one should be flamed if they’ve truly had a problem with their DVC accommodations and we should all be courteous and kind to each other when we respond to their comments. But, that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t present contrary views, or ask probing questions. However, with all of this in mind lets try to keep things in perspective—only a small portion of the DVC member population posts on this board and people who stay at DVC are for the most part very satisfied according to the satisfaction survey posted a while back, DVC actually got very high marks.

Because of these attacks we never get a true picture of what is really going on at DVC.

While I can agree with this in principle (that people need to feel free to post problems) we really should keep the bigger picture in perspective.
Some posters do not have a thick enough skin to post on a public form - even one as friendly and as well moderated as this one. I have read lots of posts from people who think they have been flamed and I can't see why they are upset. Some think anyone who shares an experience different from theirs or disagrees with them is "flaming".

Some object when people post to correct a misconception or a misunderstanding of rules/facts.

Some posters seem to take every "negative" comment about "their" resort as a personal attack.

It's tough for some to see the "humor" or "sarcasm" - the written word just isn't as conducive to that as is the verbal.

I also see many posters who post on a thread, but have not read all the previous posts in the thread. I don't see that as a problem per se, but it sometimes does add to the "misunderstandings".

I also agree with those who say we need to keep things in perspective and to remember that people post about negative things more more often than positive ones.

I like to read the different experiences and opinions. It makes things interesting.

I stop reading any threads that turn nasty - no need for that!

Best wishe s-
While there is really no good time or place for the nasties, I agree with Tagrel that I want all the info. "I can handle the truth".

The web, and themed boards like this, remind me of school board meetings. There are folks with good intentions that have lots to share, others who simply like to join in and not offer a heck of a lot of new information, and then there's always the one my spouse and I like to refer to as "Crazy Sally" named after a local legend who blows into the room and shoots off with a wild comment every now and then, regardless of what the meeting is about. Now, when the dust settles, there is usually a point to Crazy Sally's remarks, though they are often not delivered in the best way.

I enjoy when other DIS'ers jump in in an effort to probe for more details, I only wish the dissenters would stick with it to drive home their true concerns and not be scared away by the barrage of DVC-ites. But that requires some thick skin and not all of us have it.

Just my 3.5 cents.
This is the kind of intelligent (well...lets not go THAT far) discourse I think Pa was looking for in all threads. I agree that people take things too personally and that we should be open to all opinions (so long as those opinions are written thoughtfully).

One very important issue to keep in mind, at the end of the day, though, is...

I'm always RIGHT! ;) I hope that clears things up a bit.
I like to have the whole story. People that post about a negative experience with little detail or facts, deserve some heat, and should clarify their complaints.

Having said that...generally what happens here is a negative comment about a resort or DVC policy/program gets twisted into a personal attack, and someones "feelings" get hurt. Therefore, when posting you can't use certain descriptives about DVC like: stupid, rip-off, dumb, sucked, cash cows, etc. or the more "sensitive" among us become outraged. This outrage is usually escalates into a gang-up from the ::MickeyMo "Mickey Militia" ::MickeyMo, nasty PMs and e-mails to the "negative" poster and ulitmately thread closure (usually at the peak of its entertainment value!). If few/some/all of my posts are percieved as negative, I don't care. I'm just expressing an opinion about a program or resort aspect, if you take it personally that's up to you. I have enjoyed all the DVC trips we've taken, that doesn't mean that I think DVC/Disney does everything right or that current program trends can't be looked at as a +/-. You can certainly enjoy Disney/DVC and still be critical of it at the same time. Many come to these boards seeking knowledge before purchasing...they want the pros and real cons...not the pros and the sugar-coated pixie-dust cons. :wizard: Before purchasing, I know I did!!

Not all negative opinions are as reasonable as yours. To me, you are known for regular negative opinions (we all know DVC has gone to heck since you joined, believe me :earsboy: ), but I don't mind what you say because your posts are not hysterical, profane outbursts. In fact they are at times endearing and make me smile.

BUT some negative posts are not constructive at all. They are NOT attempts at bettering DVC or informing others about their investment or potential investment, but rather bilious explosions. If preceded by, "I need to vent," then I can understand. But when needless hystrionic hyperbole is peddled as constructive opinion, I don't think it is "bashing" or a personal attack to point that out. Neither do I think that such rebuttals are personal attacks.

I don't understand the contingent that seems to get self-righteous satisfaction from allowing hystrionic posters or even any negative poster to hide under their skirts while they turn around and put down the rebuttals. :confused3 At best, that prevents useful dialogue.

It should be OK to disagree with a negative report and point out inconsistencies. AND forceful reports should expect forceful replies.

I also think that negative posts need to have detail, not just drop a bomb or two and leave it at that. Coming across with one or two negative statements and leaving it at that tends to make me think the thread is a "set up", especially if the person has not posted before. I think those folks should be expecting some strong feedback. It seems too convenient to either have nothing to say prior to a bad experience or to have just found these boards after having a bad experience. THere have been people that signed up in the past just to post and cause trouble and I am sure it will happen again.
Rash said:
I believe most people on these boards welcome the variety of opinions as a valuable resource. Let's not give the negative posters any more importance than they actually have or deserve. :)

A very RASHional point.

Pa, I agree that we shouldn't turn our ears from negative posts, but discuss the issues intelligently. Whether it's a bad experience or just an opinion, there's no need to flame the OP. This site has not only been informative for me, but it's also a nice escape from the office for some horsing around with fellow Disney lovers. Let's all play nice!
Tooneric said:
A very RASHional point.

Pa, I agree that we shouldn't turn our ears from negative posts, but discuss the issues intelligently. Whether it's a bad experience or just an opinion, there's no need to flame the OP. This site has not only been informative for me, but it's also a nice escape from the office for some horsing around with fellow Disney lovers. Let's all play nice!

I concurr with the opinions of my fellow "horseing"-around mates. Very well said. So, if a horse and a toon can figure out that there's a right way and a wrong way to post negative comments, why can't everyone? :confused3
There seems to be some that think two wrongs make a right.

Does it really COST us anything to respond in a respectful and polite way when asking for more information about a complaint? Is it reasonable to jump all over a poster because they don't answer within a few hours or haven't posted before? It certainly isn't very welcoming... and the responses could easily drive away someone that, shown kindness and guidance, would make a GREAT DIS member. Yes, they may have made a mistake first, but HOW you respond can make all the difference in the world to the final outcome. Why be part of the problem, when you can be part of the solution?

Of course, its always much easier to just post and blast away without actually THINKING first... But isn't that the exact behavior that annoyed you with the original post? How is acting the same way going to fix anything?

The boards are what everyone makes them. If they fill with negativity and fights, look to your own actions before you going blaming everyone else.
Its just human nature.

One as stated some are way too defensive of their home resort, you would think people are talking about their mother or beloved child. I could care less if someone does not like a resort I like. I don't like chocolate ice cream, I am sure many do. It does not make chocolate bad or undesirable, just something I don't prefer.

It does bother me when people gripe without facts or doing any leg work. I don't think that is fair to the people you are griping about. One if you truly have a problem while on your trip, why do people not address it while something could be done to fix it. Then instead of coming back to the forums and complaining they could come back and share how the problem was solved.

If you have lots of luggage call the front desk and ask if they can assist you. If they say no, then come here and gripe like the dickens. But to gripe about having to haul things yourself and you never asked for assistance is whining to me. Also there is tons of info in the papers they give you at checkin, read it, it might save you some stress of not knowing where things are or what is offered.

I think some have very unrealistic ideas of what to expect. I do think every room should be clean, but it is unrealistic with the high occupancy and turn over at Disney, that every room is going to be free from wear and tear and no problems. If people would address problems while there, then the next guest would get a room that did not need to be serviced.

Also do not let personal situations cloud your judgement of a resort situation. If you take the 4am flight with 6 kids, and your MIL and you get delayed and sit in an airport for hours and are late arriving and you come back and post the CM that checked you in a midnight was not Disney friendly is that really the case or are you just exhausted and not thinking clearly. Or those that drive all night without ever stopping and no sleep and are upset that they can not get into a room until 4pm. Truly whose fault is that??

I do not think anyone should be rude to someone about thier opinions, but I think some should get their facts straight before they post, consider was the experience really that bad or was I in a bad mood, did I try to make the situation any better or did I just ignore it and then complain, and some are a little thinned skinned when they get critism about their comments. Something else that happens is you get internal discussions or arguements going on within a thread that are directed at posters other than the OP.

Just my opinion on how things go.
I have no problem with negative posts, some of them can be very humorous to see what cheeses people off. My only concern is when you see people willing to make very important decisions based upon the opinions of complete nameless, faceless strangers via the internet. How many times have we seen people respond "I'm not going to stay at XXXXX resort now" or "I am questioning whever this was a good investment now" based solely on negative posts.
I am glad you posted. I believe that you have defined the reason why some people get so threatened when they read a post that isn't 100% positive about their Disexperience. There are some people who have difficulty when their personal opinion (in this case their belief that DVC is the best investment they ever made) isn't affirmed by everyone else. Because, as you said, it somehow threatens their own belief which for some reason isn't firmly anchored.
As another poster pointed out, these people are just part of the posters who post here.
We all need to be more mindful when any post triggers a negative reaction inside of us...that we realize that often the 'trigger' serves to bring up a PAST negative experience and that we are really reacting to that past experience. An example of this might be that Rwethereyet posted a comment recently that he defends here in this post by saying that it is possible that the OP of a negative problem at DVC resort was probably just a trouble maker in that it was a first post and the poster didn't immediately come back to see what havoc she may have created. I believe that the post triggered some past memory for Rwethereyet and he reacted to that past experience by assuming (IMHO falsely) that the OP was trolling. Rwe...I'm not trying to slam you here at all, and please forgive me if I hurt your feelings in saying is really something we ALL do to some extent.

The thoughtful posts that are posted here really say it all: we just need to be more mindful and tolerant of our fellow humans.

I agree that most of the posters on the Dis board are kind and good people who love the joy that Disney brings. Most of us realize that no one, not even a mig, is perfect with the possible exception of new_yawka! :rotfl:


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