Nemesis Challenge 2

My daughter is doing it this year. We will find out how she holds up that Sunday.

How the Disdad-eating cheetah holds up is not a fair measure of how a 40-yr old with delusions of grandeur will hold up.
Any of you crazy people ever think about doing the Dopey Challenge? I'm considering doing that for 2015.

I would love to do it just once for the accomplishment. I think I should probably do a regular marathon first though. Also, I'm at least 2 or 3 years away at the soonest to be allowed to have that much time for training (per DW). Maybe in 2018 since I turn 40 in May of 2017.
Any of you crazy people ever think about doing the Dopey Challenge? I'm considering doing that for 2015.

That darn thing was sold out by the time I logged in to register for the half.

If I ever man up enough to do the Goofy, I'll just do the Dopey that same year.

What's an extra 6 miles?

I know, it's 6.2, but those .2 just separate the DisDads from the beer. . .and nothing separates a DisDad from his beer.
Have not run since thursday. Went camping with scouts over the weekend and on the hike I stepped on the edge of the walkway and grass and twisted my shin. Dont ask how one twists/tweaks a shin but it did not feel good.Hope to be back out there tonight.

oh and it seems my weight is going up and up. back up to 231 only 7 pounds down from where I was last jan.:(
hhhmmmm muscle weighs more then fat so maybe????? Yea yea I will go with that.
Hmm, where I come from a pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat....

you are correct Justin pound for pound they are = of course :) but the size of the mass to = that pound are different so less = more :confused3

well it was said here that one should not go by weight they should go by how they look, how their clothes fit etc. So I did a little thinking.:scratchin

My clothes fit fine.While they are folded up and in the drawer.It's not until I put them on that there is a problem.
How do I look? well it depends.If it is sunny out I have to squint a little but on most days I am fine.
Body mass? yea I have it...

wow I feel so much better about myself now :)
ok guys I was wondering. If you go for a 4 mile run.How much of it do you run and how much walk? I am not ashamed to say I am only at 60/40 run being the higher. With the longest portion of run only being .61 miles and the longest walk being .35. I have been running a little more up the hills so it seems I am burning my calves up a bit sooner in my run. However I did break the 12 min mile for the first time since sandy hook (I ran sandy hook in just under 12). Over the last few weeks I stretched from 3.1 miles up to 4.25.I keep saying I want to get a full 6.2 in but there is always something that pops up that I cut it short.I am afraid of pushing to hard now.I still dont know what to push through and what to stop at so I kind of just stop somewhere in the middle.
My weight is going north on me as I am only now 6 pounds lighter then last Jan.I was down more but have gained 7 pounds back :(

oh and I just mapped it to figure out the numbers. I dont look anymore when I run. I try to run the downhills and walk the uphills but have gotten to the point now where I am doing close to 1/3 of the uphills with the downhills. My section is murder fro running and biking!!!
ok guys I was wondering. If you go for a 4 mile run.How much of it do you run and how much walk? I am not ashamed to say I am only at 60/40 run being the higher. With the longest portion of run only being .61 miles and the longest walk being .35. I have been running a little more up the hills so it seems I am burning my calves up a bit sooner in my run. However I did break the 12 min mile for the first time since sandy hook (I ran sandy hook in just under 12). Over the last few weeks I stretched from 3.1 miles up to 4.25.I keep saying I want to get a full 6.2 in but there is always something that pops up that I cut it short.I am afraid of pushing to hard now.I still dont know what to push through and what to stop at so I kind of just stop somewhere in the middle.
My weight is going north on me as I am only now 6 pounds lighter then last Jan.I was down more but have gained 7 pounds back :(

oh and I just mapped it to figure out the numbers. I dont look anymore when I run. I try to run the downhills and walk the uphills but have gotten to the point now where I am doing close to 1/3 of the uphills with the downhills. My section is murder fro running and biking!!!

I gave up on the training for the big race, when I decided not to register for the big race.

But when I was running, and still on a less frequent basis, when I do run. I also do a run walk combo.

I start off strong with first half maybe 80% running, but second half about 50/50.

So it does average out to about 65%.

Ummm... huh? :confused3


I heard people want to do the full in 2015. Isn't that crazy enough? :lmao::lmao:
Think of the hardware, man! 6 medals!
ok guys I was wondering. If you go for a 4 mile run.How much of it do you run and how much walk? I am not ashamed to say I am only at 60/40 run being the higher. With the longest portion of run only being .61 miles and the longest walk being .35. I have been running a little more up the hills so it seems I am burning my calves up a bit sooner in my run. However I did break the 12 min mile for the first time since sandy hook (I ran sandy hook in just under 12). Over the last few weeks I stretched from 3.1 miles up to 4.25.I keep saying I want to get a full 6.2 in but there is always something that pops up that I cut it short.I am afraid of pushing to hard now.I still dont know what to push through and what to stop at so I kind of just stop somewhere in the middle.
My weight is going north on me as I am only now 6 pounds lighter then last Jan.I was down more but have gained 7 pounds back :(

oh and I just mapped it to figure out the numbers. I dont look anymore when I run. I try to run the downhills and walk the uphills but have gotten to the point now where I am doing close to 1/3 of the uphills with the downhills. My section is murder fro running and biking!!!

I think your 60/40 split is completely appropriate. Look at the progress you've made over the last few weeks. You're now up to 4.25 miles. Aren't you kind of new to running? I think it's a big deal that you're even going that far. When you're doing your long run of the week (usually on the weekend) the main thing is to just finish without feeling totally beat up at the end. If you're completely gassed at the end of your long run, you ran too hard. Do the distance, do your mid-week runs (walks), and you'll see your run/walk ratio improve.

You may not want to hear this, but as far as the weight goes, it has more to do with diet than exercise. I exercise 5 times a week (although only recently began running again) and my weight won't budge. But from past experience, I know that if I eat right and in reasonable portions, I can take off weight pretty easily. I had already circled Oct 1 on the calendar as the date to start chilling out on the carbs and counting calories again so we're about to find out if I'm right. Just 5 or 10 pounds difference will make running seem a whole lot easier. The thing to remember though is that carbs and calories don't count when you're on vacation so feel free to indulge when visiting the mouse.
ok guys I was wondering. If you go for a 4 mile run.How much of it do you run and how much walk? I am not ashamed to say I am only at 60/40 run being the higher. With the longest portion of run only being .61 miles and the longest walk being .35. I have been running a little more up the hills so it seems I am burning my calves up a bit sooner in my run. However I did break the 12 min mile for the first time since sandy hook (I ran sandy hook in just under 12). Over the last few weeks I stretched from 3.1 miles up to 4.25.I keep saying I want to get a full 6.2 in but there is always something that pops up that I cut it short.I am afraid of pushing to hard now.I still dont know what to push through and what to stop at so I kind of just stop somewhere in the middle.
My weight is going north on me as I am only now 6 pounds lighter then last Jan.I was down more but have gained 7 pounds back :(

oh and I just mapped it to figure out the numbers. I dont look anymore when I run. I try to run the downhills and walk the uphills but have gotten to the point now where I am doing close to 1/3 of the uphills with the downhills. My section is murder fro running and biking!!!

Carl, are you following a training program? If not I would highly recommend going to the runDisney site and checking out Jeff Galloway's training plan for the Half Marathon. Then google Hal Higdon and read what his plan would be. I started early because I'm not sure what this baby is going to do to my schedule but I find that a maintenance run on Tuesday's, a speed work/hill work/or another maintenance run on Thursday's, and then a long run on the weekend works out best for me. Remember when you are doing your long run it isn't about the speed it's more about completing the miles. As your fitness levels go up your times will come down.
But from past experience, I know that if I eat right and in reasonable portions, I can take off weight pretty easily. I had already circled Oct 1 on the calendar as the date to start chilling out on the carbs and counting calories again so we're about to find out if I'm right.

...aaaand cue the donuts and cookies. I swear, it's like every department in the building was giving out donuts, cookies, chips, etc. this week. I indulged. Did I ever indulge the crap outta them donuts.
Just stopped in to give a little summary of my first 10k race. Race was in Atlantic city NJ. Wife and I went down on Fri night to spend the night so I did not have to drive down in the am. First thing we did when we got there was go sign up for the race and got my goody bag.


Then we proceeded to check in and went to get something to eat. After dinner of course we spent some time in the casino.
After returning to our room for the evening we find this waiting there from a friend. So of course now the evening continues on must drink the beer lol. Then the rest of the evening is a secret.


Well after a goodnight of drinking beer TEAM DOLE WHIP take to warming up.


The firt pics is my wifes view the second is my view of me crossing the line



now for the after race drink of champions


think they knew I was going to running the race? the medals are bottle openers !!


And the results.
Atlantic City Marathon 10K

Race Standings

Race Place 464

Division Place 212
Gender Place 98
Age Place 18
Bib Number 6379
Gender M
Age 45
Start Time 09:00:59.175
5K SPLIT 00:33:29.000
Elapsed 01:07:46.469
Just stopped in to give a little summary of my first 10k race. Race was in Atlantic city NJ. Wife and I went down on Fri night to spend the night so I did not have to drive down in the am. First thing we did when we got there was go sign up for the race and got my goody bag.


Then we proceeded to check in and went to get something to eat. After dinner of course we spent some time in the casino.
After returning to our room for the evening we find this waiting there from a friend. So of course now the evening continues on must drink the beer lol. Then the rest of the evening is a secret.


Well after a goodnight of drinking beer TEAM DOLE WHIP take to warming up.


The firt pics is my wifes view the second is my view of me crossing the line



now for the after race drink of champions


think they knew I was going to running the race? the medals are bottle openers !!


And the results.
Atlantic City Marathon 10K

Race Standings

Race Place 464

Division Place 212
Gender Place 98
Age Place 18
Bib Number 6379
Gender M
Age 45
Start Time 09:00:59.175
5K SPLIT 00:33:29.000
Elapsed 01:07:46.469



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