never again seaworld

Let me preface by saying my family went for free as part of the Salute to Heros program, and I wouldn't ever go back. I felt like we wasted a day that could have been spent at WDW. There's a lot of hurry up and wait. We went to the shows 35 and 45 minutes early as their schedule suggests, but then waited in the 96 degree sun until 15 minute before show time so we could be trampled by those who waited until the last minute and then tried to skip in front of us.

Our kids rode the Shamu express - a 35 second roller coaster ride and even though there was a short ride, waited over 30 minutes for it. That was the only ride they did as we couldn't justify letting them cook in the hot sun for any other lines.

There really isn't much to do there. The Shamu show was a bit dissappoining. You only see Shamu for the last minute or so of the "Believe" show.
kurtech said:
Let me preface by saying my family went for free as part of the Salute to Heros program, and I wouldn't ever go back. I felt like we wasted a day that could have been spent at WDW. There's a lot of hurry up and wait. We went to the shows 35 and 45 minutes early as their schedule suggests, but then waited in the 96 degree sun until 15 minute before show time so we could be trampled by those who waited until the last minute and then tried to skip in front of us.

Our kids rode the Shamu express - a 35 second roller coaster ride and even though there was a short ride, waited over 30 minutes for it. That was the only ride they did as we couldn't justify letting them cook in the hot sun for any other lines.

There really isn't much to do there. The Shamu show was a bit dissappoining. You only see Shamu for the last minute or so of the "Believe" show.

To each his own. I might inquire as to when you attempted to ride Shamu Express. My daughter and I rode it 5 times consecutively less than 2 weeks ago (it was her first "real" coaster, and once she got the hang of it, she was hooked), all in the span of about 40 minutes. That little coaster is always packed just after "Believe", because many of the people filing out tend to head for that area since it's just outside Shamu stadium.

Personally, I've seen pushy people etc. everywhere -- I'm not sure why SeaWorld would especially concern you if you can deal with it in other parks. If you showed up early as you stated, I'm sure you filed into the stadium and got a seat. If a few rude people cut in front of you, it's a shame you let that leave a bad taste in your mouth.

Forgive me for making assumptions, but when your post contains the "we could have spent the day at WDW" preface, I can only presume you entered the park with a chip on your shoulder to begin with. As I said earlier, if you insist on making that comparison, you're probably prone to being disappointed. I suggest you try going into non-Disney theme parks with the goal of having a good time instead of worrying about whether you'd have a better one at Disney. On the other hand, if it has to be Disney for you, then I suppose it's your right to stay with what makes you happy. That leaves more room for the rest of us at the other Florida theme park experiences.
halld6479 said:
after waiting over 35 minutes to get into see the new show believe it was 95% talking and video and three whales not out performing more then 5 minutes, we were told the show was over and thank you for coming. nothing more said, it was nothing but 30 minutes of advertising for the AB company.

Did you go to the 5:15 p.m. performance of Believe then on the 6th? I went to that one. What a waste of time! Fortunately, I had gone to the first one that day and saw the show in its entirety.

Nellas Elensar
plgrn said:
After being at Disney World, there is no comparison to Sea World! The staff was rude, the crowds were horrid, and there wasn't anything to keep you entertained while waiting for a show or in line for a ride like Disney does. It's just not magical! :wizard:

Discovery Cove however is WELL worth the money. The staff there makes the extra effort and the crowd control is supreme. Even if you don't spring for the dolphin swim, there are sting rays and fish to swim with and touch, plus the aviary. Plenty of animal interaction.

I realy must agree we have often found staff at Seaworld not as courteous as those at Disney. In fact for this reason we will no longer visit Busch Gardens, and had the same but not quite as bad as at Seaworld. We do still go to Seaworld normally on our first day as it is a much gentler pace and gives us time to recover from the Jet Lag
The staff was rude, the crowds were horrid, and there wasn't anything to keep you entertained while waiting for a show or in line for a ride like Disney does. It's just not magical!

Still trying to figure out what Disney CMs do to keep you busy in the lines waiting for rides. LOL My son is a CM so we are there often. I can't remember anything I do in lines waiting for rides at WDW except winding round and round and talking to my family. There are tvs in most of the lines at SW that educate you about the animals so they keep me interested. I don't really see a difference in the CMs from DW or SW except maybe I end up in conversations that teach me something more at SW than at any Disney Park. Can't remember any DW CMs talking to me the last few times I have been there. They seem to come up to me at SW, so maybe it is my smile and and my unabashed pleasure in watching the animals. LOL I think on any trip to a park you have to go in with a good attitude about things. If you are pleasant than everyone you meet will be pleasant-well with the exception of the commando park goers who do everything to schedule and forget to smell the roses along the way. They seem to be the pushy, hit you in the heels with their stroller types. LOL

As for the crowds, they have been huge this year. Unlike DW they have an increase in attendance in the parks rather than just maintaining . With the growth there is some learning to cope that they are having to do. Hopefully it can only get better.

Going to SW first and then on to DW tonite for the fireworks, so I will have another day of comparison. Love having the advantage of living close-even after all these years(30 and counting)
Sea World is one of my favorite parks and i will be taking my gf here for the 1st time in july. I dont understand the comments of how there is nothing to do there. I have been there numerous times and always had a good time. I am 21 years old and i find plenty of stuff to do. People cut in lines everywhere you go....the weather will be just as hot at Disney as Sea World....and Sea World isn't magical b/c its not supposeed to. Disney is supposed to be magical. You have to go there with an open mind and a good attitude and you may have one of the best times at any park
HesMyFairytale said:
Sea World is one of my favorite parks and i will be taking my gf here for the 1st time in july. I dont understand the comments of how there is nothing to do there. I have been there numerous times and always had a good time. I am 21 years old and i find plenty of stuff to do. People cut in lines everywhere you go....the weather will be just as hot at Disney as Sea World....and Sea World isn't magical b/c its not supposeed to. Disney is supposed to be magical. You have to go there with an open mind and a good attitude and you may have one of the best times at any park

Yeah, Orlando is hot, but Disney seems to have more air conditioned queues for lines or at least have fans blowing on you. We felt like we were cooking in the sun at SW.
I would definitely recommend a visit to SW! As a matter of fact, we are going to Orlando this week to stay at our new DVC "home" and we are not going to WDW. We have been there twice so far this year and DD15- a marine biology fanatic-- asked that we go to Sea World and Universal instead. She went to SeaWorld camp last year and actually solidified her career aspiration while there. She learned the title for what she always wanted to a marine mammal rehabilitation specialist.
We have done the tours and exhibits and shows and rides and it never fails to keep her attention.'s not magical like Disney but neither is Universal.
Sea World is one of my favorite parks. Always was and always will be, no matter what. I love the whales and dolphins and other sea animals. I love riding Journey to Atlantis. I love petting the dolphins and stingrays, as well as feeding them. IMO, Sea World outperforms Universal and Disney when it comes to their shows and attractions. You never see the same thing twice; the unpredictability is what makes it fun.

Nellas Elensar
Nellas Elensar said:
You never see the same thing twice; the unpredictability is what makes it fun.

Let me guess: When Disney buys Sea World to end the competition, you will NOT be a big fan of the replacement audio-animatronic robot Shamu? :rotfl2:
WELLLLLLLLLLLL ,,, I think Sea World is Magical !!! anytime I see healthy , well fed ,, well adjusted ,, and happy animals ,, I just love it. Sort of makes the world
for that moment in time feel " alright " all over ,,

My family absolutely loves Sea World and will go everytime we go to Orlando.
The shows are very very good and worth the wait , (except the new
Believe show) ,, we like the few rides they do have , but mostly we
go to see the animals.

I don't see why anyone would even want to compare a marineland to
disneyland. ONe is real and the other is imaginary. Two totally different
places to have good family and friend time.
I have never been to Sea World. HOWEVER...I did watch the BELIEVE video that someone taped and I can't wait to see it. I am taking my son (who happens to be 24) this Sunday and we are looking forward to seeing these creatures. BUT...I can say that we will most likely avoide ALL the rides as we aren't there necessarily to be entertained. We are looking forward to experiencing the different shark encounter, Key West (where the dolphins are), the Manatee exhibit (my favorite), The penguin encounter (and polar bears), Pacific Point, and maybe take in the Clyde & Seymour show...if we have time. Just to see these creatures, even through glass is totally awesome and breathtaking to me.

As for Busch husband and I just got back from a weekend there and frankly we don't have 1 complaint. We felt the staff was very courteous and friendly and loved the exhibits. The grounds were clean, the food pretty good, and the shows were fun.
I too did the behind the scenes of the arctic tour.It is clearly explained that you get taken around the back to see how they care for polar bears and seals.Then you go over to the penguin area where it is explained that the keeper goes in first to ensure the penguin is happy,then you are allowed in quietly and get the chance to stroke the penguin.I found it to be a brilliant experience and very well organised with animal welfare being paramount.If the penguin wasn't happy then it was no go.
As for the rest of seaworld-amazing place if you take the time to enjoy what is around you.So many amazing creatures that you can get up close to.
As for the shows,i fully support them being cancelled if the whales or dolphins didn't want to "perform".I like to think they are as happy as they can be for captive animals,i thought the days of forcing them to jump through hoops were behind us.Enjoy the animals for what they are,not how many times they can throw a performer up in the air.
No doubt i will get flamed for this but people who demand the "disney perfection" everywhere they go are going to have a dissapointing holiday.You are very lucky to get the chance to enjoy these things,chill out and stop looking for perfection.
My family loves Sea World. It is all about real live animals, and as Walt discovered they can't be made to perform exactly as wanted each and every time. That is real life!

I think this park is the most organized park in Orlando, and has awesome customer service.
I paid $200 for the four of us to go last week. I went because my 10 yr old wanted to see dolphins (fish). Was it worth it in reagard to value, probably not. Will I go next year if she wants to see dolphins again, probably. I think SW's problem is it's too close to WDW. It's tough to be in WDW shadow.
TheWho said:
I paid $200 for the four of us to go last week. I went because my 10 yr old wanted to see dolphins (fish). Was it worth it in reagard to value, probably not. Will I go next year if she wants to see dolphins again, probably. I think SW's problem is it's too close to WDW. It's tough to be in WDW shadow.

Dolphins are not fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sick of people saying that! Fish don't come to the surface to breathe as dolphins do. Fish are fish while dolphins are mammals. Dolphins are extremely intelligent, sometimes more than cats and dogs. What fish have you ever seen trained? None! Sorry to go OT but just wanted to clear that up. I also have my flame suit on :duck: Dolphins are a really good way to get me to come out of my shell as they are one of my passions in life.
I don't think SW is in WDW shadow. I don't think you can even compare the two. I have passes to both and go to which ever one suits my mood that day. If I want a relaxing day watching sea creatures, then I go to SW. If I want a day of magic, then WDW hear I come. I love both parks. I just don't think you can really compare the two. (But then again, I don't think you can really compare WDW to Univesal or IOA.) I love all of them!!!! I'm addicted! :cheer2:
JuneChickie said:
WELLLLLLLLLLLL ,,, I think Sea World is Magical !!! anytime I see healthy , well fed ,, well adjusted ,, and happy animals ,, I just love it. Sort of makes the world
for that moment in time feel " alright " all over ,,

I have to agree. I absolutely love Disney World and it is magical but for me Sea World is also magical. It probably helps that I absolutely love dolphins and killer whales and all the other animals. Spending a day there where I can see them up close and even actually touch a dolphin is a day of pure magic for me. I've seen a bunch of people on the boards say they want to retire to Florida and work part-time at WDW but I keep telling my husband I would rather work at Sea World and still be a guest at WDW. :thumbsup2
I was at Sea World in San Diego and I loved it there... my daughter loves dolphins, so this time we booked at Discovery Cove, to celebrate her birthday with these beautiful creatures :woohoo: , and we took the pass for Sea World also, since she is in love with Shamu... can't wait to see how Sea World is in Florida.... I'm sure to love it there too... :rotfl:
It is hard for me to even think that Sea World is in Disney's Shadow. There is no comparison. Disney has nothing like Sea World available to it's guests. I have to pay for my pass to SW but can get into Disney free almost any time I want. We spend more time at SW than we do at Disney. It is different every single time you go. The shows are never the same-different things happen because everything is live! The MK and other Disney parks have not changed a whole lot since they were open. You go on the same ride because you liked it the first time and it hasn't changed a whole lot since 1972, the first time I went.


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