New Low Carb Study by AMA has me phsyced!


DIS Veteran
Feb 12, 2001
I've been eating lower carb since June and have been feeling better than I have in years! Headaches are only a rare occurance -- PMS symptoms are mild -- acid reflux is gone - and IBS symptoms are also virtually gone! PLUS I've lost 26 pounds since eating this way. I knew that it had me feeling better plus my boodwork in October came back better than ever BUT in the back of my mind I was a little worried if this way of eating was 'okay'. I am so phsyced after hearing the new reports on TV and reading about the study on MSNBC.COM !

I've got a long way to go -- but I'm headed in the right direction. I know that if I go back to my old way of eating the health problems will return BUT I am thinking of this new way of eating as a way of life for me -- not a temporary change in diet.
I have a friend that has been doing low carb for the past 3 years. It works great for her. My DH did low carb and felt terrible. He had to stop because he felt so bad, and his breath was awful, Yuck!

Good luck and if it works for you, go for it.
I'm working on low carbs. I've managed to cut out refined carbs -- anything made with white flour and sugar. I do feel better (except for today; anyone have a nice rock I can crawl under?), but I haven't lost any weight. Or at least I think I haven't -- I'll find out tomorrow at the doctor's office.
I have lost 67 pounds on this diet, and have kept it off for a year. My cholestrol is good and my BP went down for a while and I was off the meds for the first time in years. I swear by it, and for me it is not a diet aNYMORE, BUT i LIFESTYLE CHANGE. tHANKS FOR THE GOOD NEWS. :)
medical field says .....good going on one type and then bangs it down next time.......keep your check ups going everyone......that is one way to tell.......
Just wanted to clear something up - this study was NOT conducted by the American Medical Association. It was conducted by a researcher from Duke University, and was PAID FOR by Dr. Atkins. The number of people in the study who were on the ATkins diet, was 60 - not very many. It was also a short term study.
There was an article about the Atkins diet in the New York Times magazine a few months ago.
I don't have it here with me but it was very interesting.
This is not the first study that has proven what Atkins has been saying for years.
It doesn't matter that he paid for the study, they didn't lie about the results because he paid for it.
I have lost weight and always felt fantastic on the Atkins diet too.
I have a friend who LIVES the Atkins way, and has for over 20 years. She's in great shape and in great health.
Years ago, everyone knew they should stay away from pastas and bread.
Then, the FDA said we need more foods from the grains and pastas group. Americans continue to grow and grow!

Dr. Atkins is not a wacko doctor.
It's about time he gets some respect and recognition.
Yes, but there's a difference between eating whole grains, and eating refined processed carbohydrates. Think of all the foods that contain white flour and white sugar. Your body does not need refined carbohydrates. Whole grains are another story.
Dh's cardiologist said no for him. Dh's cousin went on it, and lost 150 pounds. She went "off" the diet and gained quite a bit back.
I have to admit I would never have the will power to succeed at it, but wish you the best! Many people swear by it. :D
I know when I'm eating low-carb I feel much better! My heartburn goes away, I have tons of energy, and I wake up feeling refreshed in the mornings! My blood pressure goes down, my bad cholesterol goes down and my good cholesterol goes up, my doctor is impressed!

I have lost a little over 50 pounds on Atkins and I still have about 40 to go. A friend talked me into joining Weight Watchers with her a couple of months ago, so I did, and boy was I sorry! After just a few days I had horrible heartburn, I had no energy, I felt awful, and I was truly SICK of eating low-fat food!! But, I kept at it for a month, to give it an honest try, but I still felt awful - eating all that junk again (pastas, breads, cereals, skim milk, etc) and I really wasn't enjoying myself anymore. I only lost 3 pounds that whole month.

So, here I am back on Atkins, down another 7 pounds in the last 3 weeks, and feeling great again! My energy is back, my heartburn is gone, and I'm eating good food! Lots of veggies, some fruit and whole grains, meat and cheese!

I realize WW really works for some people - and that's great! But, for me, eating all those chemicals in margarine and low-fat dressings is bad for me! I can tell by the way I feel.

Good luck everyone! :) :)


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