New Poll: Tell us all the times you bought points

Bought 190 BWV points in Sept 1999
Then, Bought 85 HHI points in Sept 2001
Then, Bought 100 BWV points in July 2003
For a total of:

1. BWV-290 points
2. HHI-85 points
Total: 375 points
That is enough for now, happy with what we got!!!!
Jan 2000 BWV 170 pts
Nov 2000 BWV 30 pts
Feb 2002 BCV 40 pts
Apr 2003 BCV 45 pts
Aug 2003 BCV 100 pts

All direct from Disney as I was a CM so better deal than resale.
200 points December 2000 -> From DVC
70 points July 2001 -> From DVC
210 points August 2002 -> Resale
August 2000 - first purchase of 200 BWV points
2 weeks later...100 BWV points
August 2001 - 100 HH points
Sometime in 2002 (can't remember!) 65 HH points
April 2002 - OKW 230 Point resale with 230 banked points.
Thought that was plenty. Until...we bought AP's this past Feb with the intent of three trips before they expire (DH's idea :earseek: !!). We figure a 40-50 point add-on will allow us to: buy AP's; use three times in a twelve month period; wait 12-13 months and start all over again.

- Sharon, who can't believe she's caught the add-on madness!!:crazy:
We originally bought 170 pts at VWL site unseen in Dec '01
Then added 50 more(still site unseen) in Apr '02
Recently added 130 more. We were looking at a 50 pt addon but they had the 130, so why not?
We made our 1st purchase in March 2004 for 225 points at SSR

We just did an add on for an additional 135 points at SSR

We couldn't even make it a year. Just couldn't resist that add on bug!!;)
FWIW, we are more susceptible to timeshare (or vacation club if you prefer) decisions in July than other times of the year.

While not DVC, our first purchase was July 2000, our next July 2001, another in July 2003. There were add-ons and one oddly-timed February acquisition wedged between the major events.

We finally agreed to tack-on a DVC contract in January of this year. While hoping for a BWV resale ... we instead signed the Mickeys for SSR in April ... which closed in (get this) ... July 2004.
After much research and discussion on how many points we would require, we purchased a 200 pt. BWV contract in June, 2004. Then we started planning, which led to a 109 pt. BWV add-on in July. So we planned some more (those @%&# point tracking programs!) and that led to a 123 pt. BCV add-on in August.

Thankfully, we went to HH in September for our first DVC trip, distracting us from planning our 2009 vacations and the inevitable decision to add more points.
We bought 200 pts in BCV during our visit in August 2002. (contracts were actually signed in September)
Added on SSR 100 pts when they first opened
Added on SSR another 100 pts about 3 months after that.
Goodness! My little 175 pts at SSR seem so small next to all of you!

We're closing in March 2005 with our first trip in May.

.....and yes, I've already got the add-on is the only issue!
Our original contract was 230 at OKW back in 1992 when that was the minimum. I bought sight unseen (except for Disney Magazine advertisment)after a very complicated pregnancy followed by a preemie that kept me away from my beloved WDW for almost 2 years.

I was always borrowing so added on 55 OKW around 97.

Made the mistake (haha) of stopping at HH and falling in love with it on our way home in Aug of 99 and added on 165 before we left.

On our next trip to HH (2000?) added on 66 to give us enough for 6 nites in a 2br in summer.

Finally bought 75 at BWV in 2000 so I would have the 11 month window for F&W.

Added on 100 at BWV in 2002 (I think) after starting to buy at BCV but changing my mind after a visit there.

So 12 years later I have 691 points, and the kids are growing up so that means more trips for me until they present me with grandbabies and the cycle starts all over again.

I love my DVC!
We are all OKW, just can't get enough of the place!!

230 in 1991
25 in 1994
50 in 1996
150 in 2004
bought 200 BWV points Nov. '03
add - on 60 BWV points Oct. '04
If I keep this up, I'll have 540 more points by '13! :blush:
Hope I can find a cure for the add-on bug.
We bought 150 points at BWV in 1999 just before I got pregnant with my first child and added on 150 points at BWV in 2003 when I got pregnant with my second child.
150 VB in Oct, 2000
100 BCV in March, 2002
100 VWL in May 2003

I think this is where we need to be right now as far as total number of points goes, although there are times I wish the mix was different.
We purchased 160 SSR points in October 2003 and then added 25 more SSR points in May 2004.

Total: 185 SSR points.

We bought all of our points in the summer of 2002

BCV 170
BCV 45 add on

OKW 300 resale
We bought 220 pt's at VWL 2001 and then we added on at SSR 130 pt's this year 2004 and now we're in the process of adding on another 150 pt's at SSR (can't pass up that extra 12 yr's) so that would give us 500 pt's. still not enough though I think 750 would be Ideal, ;) (maybe)::yes::


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