***** New September 2013 Thread *****

This time tomorrow (4:53 am) I will be checking in at the airport for a short flight to MCO!!!!! So much to do! I still haven't packed my suitcase or finished costume accessories. :scared1:- Where did the summer go?
As the kids told me this morning, we have "4 sleeps" until we head to Disney! We start our roadtrip on Friday, check-in on Sunday. The suitcases are in the staging area (the bedroom floor!), and the packing is 1/2 done. :woohoo: I'm pretty sure the kids will not be retaining any lessons taught in school on Friday, knowing we are loading up the truck and driving away as soon as school gets out! :banana:
we're 9 days away from CSR and our trip of firsts....still worried about the weather. On FB people keep putting up accuweather forecasts that show rain and storms the whole time we're there. Not cool. I'm very worried. We've never gone at this time of year and will be celebrating our Birthdays and attending a MNSSHP. I'm trying to be positive but of course everyone keeps reminding me that it is hurricane season. eeek. I wish I could be more excited but anxiety has taken over.
we're 9 days away from CSR and our trip of firsts....still worried about the weather. On FB people keep putting up accuweather forecasts that show rain and storms the whole time we're there. Not cool. I'm very worried. We've never gone at this time of year and will be celebrating our Birthdays and attending a MNSSHP. I'm trying to be positive but of course everyone keeps reminding me that it is hurricane season. eeek. I wish I could be more excited but anxiety has taken over.

Don't let the weather forecast get you down. Remember 60% chance of rain means that at any one time there is a 60% chance that it will rain, not that it will rain 60% of the time. Florida is notorious for afternoon showers. The rest of the day could be gorgeous and then you get a downpour that lasts 45 mins and then is gone. You throw on a poncho, catch an indoor show, the parks clear out and when the rain stops you get moving again. Of all the Sept trips we have taken (and we were there during Ike) we have lost no more than a few hours of play time due to weather. Be prepared and take ponchos, cover strollers while at indoor attractions and dance in the rain!
I've been lucky enough to get to go to the happy place twice this year, once in April for our 5th wedding anniversary and now in 5 days to have a girls trip and take advantage of free dining. Neither time has there been a ltm thing planned. I'm not complaining as a lot of people barely get to go at all, but it kinda makes me feel this Disney promotion isn't all that magical.
i'm feeling so many FEELS getting ready to leave in 6 days! and I keep saying this: Por favor manténgase alejado de las puertas!
7 days for us til WDW; 6 days til we see my friend in Melbourne; 5 days until we leave our driveway! The "Too Excited To Sleep" has already started for me and it's making the work week UNBEARABLE! On the bright side though, after today only 2 more days of work!! :cheer2::cheer2:
7 days for us today and last night was my first "too excited to sleep" night. is that even possible 7 days away? lol I was up all night just thinking over my plans, are my dining reservations right? What else do I have to pack? ay yi yi, I'm gonna be so tired later
7 days for us today and last night was my first "too excited to sleep" night. is that even possible 7 days away? lol I was up all night just thinking over my plans, are my dining reservations right? What else do I have to pack? ay yi yi, I'm gonna be so tired later

I woke up every hour last night thinking about the trip, and I am that far out!
I woke up every hour last night thinking about the trip, and I am that far out!

it's crazy isn't it? I even made a calendar of stuff to do each day up until the trip so it's not like something is going to be forgotten. I lay in bed at night with my eyes wide open just thinking....is Via Napoli for lunch on Monday a good thing or maybe we should do dinner? Did I pack DD's water shoes? I am on serious disney prep overload, my family is so annoyed with me, as soon as I see any of them I will say "hey let me ask you a question" and they groan because they know it's going to be something disney world related lol :blush:

Side Note: just noticed that you're from Rochester....me too! Small world :thumbsup2
it's crazy isn't it? I even made a calendar of stuff to do each day up until the trip so it's not like something is going to be forgotten. I lay in bed at night with my eyes wide open just thinking....is Via Napoli for lunch on Monday a good thing or maybe we should do dinner? Did I pack DD's water shoes? I am on serious disney prep overload, my family is so annoyed with me, as soon as I see any of them I will say "hey let me ask you a question" and they groan because they know it's going to be something disney world related lol :blush:

Side Note: just noticed that you're from Rochester....me too! Small world :thumbsup2

Wow, small world! Would be funny of we knew each other, but then again we would know about the trips! Lol
Out trip is a surprise, this heat wave makes me nuts as I can't pack away the shorts! Stressed for packing/laundry/house cleaning on Sunday!
Here right now! The girls declared yesterday that this is our best trip ever (they say that every year). Low crowds, beautiful weather, truly magical!
Wow, small world! Would be funny of we knew each other, but then again we would know about the trips! Lol
Out trip is a surprise, this heat wave makes me nuts as I can't pack away the shorts! Stressed for packing/laundry/house cleaning on Sunday!

omgosh this heat wave!!! I had packed many of my DD's tank tops and then I had to go digging through the luggage for this one certain top she HAD to wear to school yesterday. I'm glad the heat wave is coming to an end so I can wash and re-pack everything I ended up having to take out! lol I think the heat wave gave us a little taste of what we'll experience down in Florida next week though....eek!

I'm also planning on cleaning up a storm, I hate returning to a messy house!!

Will you be attending any of the MNSSHP's?
omgosh this heat wave!!! I had packed many of my DD's tank tops and then I had to go digging through the luggage for this one certain top she HAD to wear to school yesterday. I'm glad the heat wave is coming to an end so I can wash and re-pack everything I ended up having to take out! lol I think the heat wave gave us a little taste of what we'll experience down in Florida next week though....eek!

I'm also planning on cleaning up a storm, I hate returning to a messy house!!

Will you be attending any of the MNSSHP's?

Yes we are going on the 20th!
So excited 5 days left:)
Today is our last park day....sad! It has been a great trip. We haven't done all of the specific new things I had picked for this trip, but we've done new things each day. We have had hot weather but the mornings and evenings have been gorgeous. No rain until today...it started just as we got off Kali River Rapids and has been raining since. No big deal...just grab the ponchos and go. The crowds have been great!
4 days out and I have a paycheck disaster! My pay check deposited for $65 total! They don't know what happened to the rest! Yikes stress just before I leave!


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