New Walker's Sharing Ideas

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Oh,... you guys!!!!

Laps around EPcot sound like fun, as long as mine can be something like margaritas, bacardis, wine or chocolate around the world. (not much of a beer drinker)

Hey ya'll I was over at my favorite place walking tonight! Mount Trashmore. (for those who don't know that is an old dump of trash, but in FL you can't bury it so it makes mountains) I have blast!!

I like the chocolate idea!!!
Hello walkers, did a fast mile tonight in with the 4 miles.

Pace times:
1st mile - 14:59.88
2nd mile - 14:35.53
3rd mile - 13:05.60
4th mile - 14:51.58

I used my new Garmi 405 and first time use for the Heart Rate Monitor.

My Fast Mile max heart rate was 181.

Take care walkers.
Tracy: I have a Garmin do I program it to get mile splits? At the end, I just get total time, total distance, best pace and average pace. The best pace is really useless because if I really speed up for just a few seconds it will pick that up. I know it came with a manual that explains all the bells and whistles but i just never have the time to read it. :confused3
Hello walkers, did a fast mile tonight in with the 4 miles.

Pace times:
1st mile - 14:59.88
2nd mile - 14:35.53
3rd mile - 13:05.60
4th mile - 14:51.58

I used my new Garmi 405 and first time use for the Heart Rate Monitor.

My Fast Mile max heart rate was 181.

Take care walkers.

Tracy if I understand the way it works right you can measure your progress by having watching your heartrate at a certain speed. For example if your 181 now for 13 min mile then if you get to 175 bpm for a 13 min mile you have improved. Or something like that.

I could never get the hang of the chest strap.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Jean, this is how I do it for both my 205 and the 405:
I have both set up for an alert tone at every mile so it's a way for me to realize that a mile just went by and then I just reach down and hit the lap button. That's it and the easiest way I found to do it. When I download the information onto the computer it will show those laps and each one is at a mile. You can change it around a bit, but I haven't really figured that out yet. :)

Thanks Dave, that helps.
Jeanne, you go in under training options and then alerts and you can set it for a distance alert or for a pace setting to keep you in a certain range. I use the pace setting but I have been doing this so long, I can tell when it is a mile without watching the Garmin!!!!!!!! :lmao:
Hi everyone!

I need some help please.
When I try to walk more in a straight line when going faster, it feels like my upper legs stiffen up. Thighs, hips and lower back get kind of rigid feeling like it's all just becoming one piece. This explanation make any sense? :confused3 It's like when moving them more to center in front of me it tightens up.

This normal? Or am I doing something wrong (which is highly likely).

Liz: Hmmm, I guess you could say that the closer your foot pattern is when walking faster to a straight line the faster you can get and this will lean toward a straighter leg. You also then are working more of the outer thigh and then inner thigh. You knee should be straight (leg straight) upon impact of the heel stricking the ground and the leg/knee should stay straight until it pasts just under you body and then it bends. Should try for a smooth movement. I'm not sure about the lower back being stiff though. Try to watch some of the video that Windwalker Dave has links too so you can see people doing the movement. But I can see how getting more into a racewalking form can seem more stiff on the legs.
Hope that helps, otherwise, I'm sure that WW Dave can help you out.
Hi everyone!

I need some help please.
When I try to walk more in a straight line when going faster, it feels like my upper legs stiffen up. Thighs, hips and lower back get kind of rigid feeling like it's all just becoming one piece. This explanation make any sense? :confused3 It's like when moving them more to center in front of me it tightens up.

This normal? Or am I doing something wrong (which is highly likely).


Liz I'll try to explain the motion as best I can:

To start with racewalking is about economy of motion. Walking a straight line as you would to leave all your foot prints on the white line in the road. You are starting the motion of bringing your leg forward from your hip and glutes. Swing your feet around so that they will land in a straight line in front of you. Imagine going down stairs, you go down stairs in a straight line.

Your arm swing more to the back than a runner arm swing because your stride will be to the back. as your hip goes forward your arm on the opposite side goes back. It will seem as though you are taking little short steps but your stride is to the back so you don't see it.

Warm up good then practice for short bursts, arms and hips going fast, your feet landing in front of you. Pretty quickly if you are doing it correctly your shins will start feeling it. It will at first feel like your legs are straight all the time and you are on stilts. Once you get the motion down and your shins are stronger your stride will become smoother. I can't racewalk slower than a 15 min mile, less than that is just a normal walk. You have to have some momentum going to racewalk properly.

If you have a running store and can swing the expense get you some racing flats. The low heel helps you walk properly. I wear the Mizuno Revolver, but there are lots of good shoes. I like a lot of toe box width because you push off from the toes and ball of the foot so you need to let your toes spread out to get a good stable push off. You don't have the pounding of running when you walk so you don't need as much padding. The front and mid section of the shoe should flex easily or your foot wastes energy flexing it.

Look at the video of Dave walking. See how his leg swings forward from the hip, a runner runs by raising and lowering the knees, a walker walks by swinging his legs forward from the hip.

Hope that helps. I'll be glad to walk with you at the ToT trip. It's easier to walk with a person and correct as you go along.

Walking Panda:hippie:
I use the NB 902s (now the NB 903s) they are a neutral shoe with a low heal and for shorter racewalking events, I found the NB600 which are racing flats. I tend to like New Balance shoes. For the Half Marathons I use a shoe with more support and substance like the NB 768.
Dave you explained that wonderfully. I just may have to drive up to Orlando for the ToT just to racewalk with you.
I use the NB 902s (now the NB 903s) they are a neutral shoe with a low heal and for shorter racewalking events, I found the NB600 which are racing flats. I tend to like New Balance shoes. For the Half Marathons I use a shoe with more support and substance like the NB 768.
Dave you explained that wonderfully. I just may have to drive up to Orlando for the ToT just to racewalk with you.

That would be cool to walk some together Tracy.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Great pics, Dave. But I did notice a couple of things that I have questions about.

1) In the first picture, Dunn doesn't have a hat and then he does. Is that magic or a handler gave it to him at one of the water points?

2) In picture 3, I look at Boyles form and I am confused. It is probably the angle of the camera but from that angle, it looks more like a "cowboy" walk than what you have described as a racewalk. It just doesn't look like he is in that straight line that it has been recommended for as proper form.

What are your thoughts, Dave and Tracy, since you 2 are the resident experts?

Learning Bubba
(No walks last week but I am walking to my parent's house today. That is 4.5 miles one way.)
Hey Learning Bubba, that could also be my name especially with racewalking.

He probably started with a hat and then took it off somewhere along the way. From what I read on that website the weather was very warm. I like to wear a hat, but only when its a bit cooler otherwise I wear a visor. And her also could have had someone handing it to him or taking it away.
As for the form in the 3rd shot. I'm not sure about that, I do think it is the angle of the shot, but racewalking does kinda take on different forms and can look a bit different from person to person. I also think it has to do with your carriage, like how your hips rotate and if your hips "turn out" like a ballet dancers does. This can affect the "look" of your walk. Also like Dave has stated before some racewalkers do a more side to side hip action, but I have learned in a way as to not do it like that. I was taught that the hips should really move in a more forward to backward action.

Will let Dave chime in on this one.

-Also learning Tracy
It has been a while since I have posted anything about me actually walking. If I am not mistaken, it has been 2 weeks since my last walk. Well, all of that changed today as I was able to go for a walk. I was suppose to go over to my parent's house so I could go to the gym and do some training with my mom. She is still having some issues with the machines so I try to show her how to use them and to use proper form. So I decided to walk the distance instead of driving. It was 4.5 miles and it took me 70 minutes. I was pretty happy about that since it had been so long since I had hit the pavement and plus with all of the bike riding I have done in the last few days. So I get there and rest a little. Also had to change shirts before we headed to the gym. At the gym, all I was going to do was train her, stretch and do abs and that is what I was doing for the most part and then..... Then, the bottom fell out. It started raining so hard that it did knock out the power for a little bit. So I knew that the rest of my plans were shot for the day so I got on the treadmill to do another .5 mile. I wanted to finish with at least 5 miles for the day. I start off at a pace of 4.0 and gradually increased it to a speed of 4.7. To my knowledge, this is the fastest speed that I have reached to date. I felt like for a "walk", I was moving on down. If it was a jog or a run, I might have been able to handle it a little better. My mom looked over at me for a moment and just shook her head. She is still trying to get to a 3.0 speed but she is in her mid 60's and not in the best of health so I am proud of her nonetheless.

Anyway, I thought I would share with you today's fun!

Talk to you more later!
Still Learning Bubba
On your question about the picture. The Olympic trials are 50K which is 31 miles and they are going just over a 6 mpm pace. That's honking on as a walker. The furthest I have raced as a walker has been 10K (6.2 miles), I know that even at my 11 min per mile pace I have to occassionally change my stride, my gait and my foot placement to kinda keep everything loose and not tightening up. So I would imagine that they do the same still keeping within the rules of technique. The rules only say that you have to keep one foot in contact with the ground and have a straight knee as the lead leg is coming back under your body. That's also why you see so much variation in walking styles.

The European and Aussi walkers use more hip motion than Americans. You have to be much more limber to do that hip action. The American style as Tracy was saying is more about forward motion than rolling the hips.

Bryan sounds like you and your mom had quite an adventure yesterday.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Morning all!

Dave and Tracy - thanks for the info. I had seen that video before and have viewed a few others plus been reading. Just felt kinda odd but thinking it's me trying to get used to the feeling and tensing up a little which is why the hip/back felt tight. Will be great to get a chance to walk with you for a bit at ToT Dave.

Had a 5K yesterday that went well. We had a friend with for her first event so stayed with her. However as we came into the last mile DH told me to go for it and he'd stay back. Well, kicked it into high gear and was able to maintain 13:43 for the mile. Was thrilled as that's the fastest I've been able to go so far. Feeling it a bit this morning but nothing major.

Know I've got alot of work to do to be able to maintain that for longer distances but believe now that I can.
Liz: That is awesome that you were able to do a faster pace than you would normally do and that it "made you believe" that you could do that more in the future. Very Cool!!!!! You and I will be doing alot of races together in the future!!:yay:

I did a 4mile walk today. Not sure how my right big toe was going to feel after having stubbed it on Saturday's 4 mile walk and then did 8 miles on Sunday. Sunday it affected my pace and made the ball of that foot hurt. I rested/ice and ibuprofened and it seemed better yesterday. So I went at about 7:10 this morning (I have today off). My route has become like an obstacle course do to consturction, so some times I'm on the street and sometimes in the dirt. My goal for today was to keep my laps (1mile each) under a 15min pace.
1stmile = 14:42, when I saw that I said ok now I want to keep my laps under 14:30.
2ndmile = 14:22, oh not so bad.
3rdmile = 14:45, oops I had to wait awhile for traffic so I could cross the road and didn't have my Garmi set to pause when I wasn't moving. I then decided what the hech, I will go as fast as I can for the last mile.
4thmile = 12:49.14 , did I see that? Yes, that is what I saw on my Garmin. Pretty cool.
Heart rate during that last mile was as high as 179. Not bad because last Thursday during my fast mile heart rate high was 182.

Just thought I would share my WO for today.

Have a great walking day everyone!!
Thanks Tracy! It felt great even if it was just one mile. Means I've got it in me, just have to keep working. I'm looking forward to doing races with you too! Doing the 1/2 in Jan, right? And WTG on that 4th mile!

I've got NB844 and really like them. Have to hit my running store to see about flats.

How's everyone doing?
Thanks Tracy! It felt great even if it was just one mile. Means I've got it in me, just have to keep working. I'm looking forward to doing races with you too! Doing the 1/2 in Jan, right? And WTG on that 4th mile!

I've got NB844 and really like them. Have to hit my running store to see about flats.

How's everyone doing?

I bought Erica some Mizuno waverider 11s today. Her gait and feet are very different from before the surgery. She needs a lot of cushion now that she will not need after her swelling problem goes away.

We are doing great, Erica is already in ToT shape and I'm chugging right along.

Walking Panda:hippie:
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