New Year, New Beginnings - January 2022 W.I.S.H thread

"Don't give up before the magic happens"

My contribution to Motivation Monday.

Good to see the monthly chats still going. I hope I can join back in :)

My goals for the month. I started on 26th of December, and the scale is already moving nicely. My biggest challenge is to stick with it. Every morning I seem to be tempted to tweak things and I don't think it is good move, considering that right now the scale is moving and I am in really good form.

The last 3 are bonus habits, the first 7 core

Welcome back!
Hi, I am Stephanie from Northeast Ohio. I and 42 and been married for 17 years. We have 2 kids. DD 14 and DS 15.

My motivation for today is to get back into my routine. I am back at work now. I weighed myself for the first time since the beginning of November. I gained 5 pounds. I knew I gained by the way I felt and by my clothes. I am pretty sure most of this was from the last 2-3 weeks of December. But back at it today.

Until we get DD's covid test back I will be working from home. If it is negative then I will go back to the office but not sure what will happen if it is positive. She has been sick now since Tuesday. She started with just a sore throat then on Thursday started the congestion and then Saturday started the low grade fever. She is still running that fever today. She is home and I hoping to get her test results today. If she is still running a fever tomorrow I will call the doctor and see what they want us to do.

With being home I will be able to get my work outs in on the treadmill at lunch and then hopefully after work. I am going to try to get 90 minutes in while I am working from home and 60 when I am back in the office.

Today is a stressful day. Our friends that are having the twins will have them today. They will be 5 weeks early. On top of that she tested positive for COVID and she will not be able to see the babies until the 10th and he won't be able to until the 14th. I feel horrible for them and wish I could do more to help. I am waiting to hear from them on how everything is going.
My Monday motivation… I really, really, really want to get out of the house. A rain storm started in earnest around 7pm last evening and is continuing thru this morning. The street is still icy and slushy, but a couple tracks have opened up to bare pavement and I feel like I wouldn’t have a problem getting up the hill if I backed in to them. So I’m hopeful, I just don’t want to end up doing something dumb after being so cautious. When it stops raining I’ll go for a walk along the way I would drive and confirm the other streets are in the same shape.

I got on the scale this morning for the first time in forever - only up three pounds, which is a miracle. That makes one-derland almost attainable by my WDW trip, which is motivating. I will really have to work at it tho.
Hi, I am Stephanie from Northeast Ohio. I and 42 and been married for 17 years. We have 2 kids. DD 14 and DS 15.

My motivation for today is to get back into my routine. I am back at work now. I weighed myself for the first time since the beginning of November. I gained 5 pounds. I knew I gained by the way I felt and by my clothes. I am pretty sure most of this was from the last 2-3 weeks of December. But back at it today.

Until we get DD's covid test back I will be working from home. If it is negative then I will go back to the office but not sure what will happen if it is positive. She has been sick now since Tuesday. She started with just a sore throat then on Thursday started the congestion and then Saturday started the low grade fever. She is still running that fever today. She is home and I hoping to get her test results today. If she is still running a fever tomorrow I will call the doctor and see what they want us to do.

With being home I will be able to get my work outs in on the treadmill at lunch and then hopefully after work. I am going to try to get 90 minutes in while I am working from home and 60 when I am back in the office.

Today is a stressful day. Our friends that are having the twins will have them today. They will be 5 weeks early. On top of that she tested positive for COVID and she will not be able to see the babies until the 10th and he won't be able to until the 14th. I feel horrible for them and wish I could do more to help. I am waiting to hear from them on how everything is going.
Holding them, and you, in my thoughts today.
"Don't give up before the magic happens"

My contribution to Motivation Monday.

Good to see the monthly chats still going. I hope I can join back in :)

My goals for the month. I started on 26th of December, and the scale is already moving nicely. My biggest challenge is to stick with it. Every morning I seem to be tempted to tweak things and I don't think it is good move, considering that right now the scale is moving and I am in really good form.

The last 3 are bonus habits, the first 7 core

Welcome back, HappyGrape!

Started logging/counting points again this morning. After almost 60 degrees yesterday it is in the 20s today. Will bundle up after lunch and get out for at least 20 minutes for a walk. I’m also going to familiarize myself with the features on my new FitBit. I love how it tells me to go to bed at 10:00!
Hi, I am Stephanie from Northeast Ohio. I and 42 and been married for 17 years. We have 2 kids. DD 14 and DS 15.

My motivation for today is to get back into my routine. I am back at work now. I weighed myself for the first time since the beginning of November. I gained 5 pounds. I knew I gained by the way I felt and by my clothes. I am pretty sure most of this was from the last 2-3 weeks of December. But back at it today.

Until we get DD's covid test back I will be working from home. If it is negative then I will go back to the office but not sure what will happen if it is positive. She has been sick now since Tuesday. She started with just a sore throat then on Thursday started the congestion and then Saturday started the low grade fever. She is still running that fever today. She is home and I hoping to get her test results today. If she is still running a fever tomorrow I will call the doctor and see what they want us to do.

With being home I will be able to get my work outs in on the treadmill at lunch and then hopefully after work. I am going to try to get 90 minutes in while I am working from home and 60 when I am back in the office.

Today is a stressful day. Our friends that are having the twins will have them today. They will be 5 weeks early. On top of that she tested positive for COVID and she will not be able to see the babies until the 10th and he won't be able to until the 14th. I feel horrible for them and wish I could do more to help. I am waiting to hear from them on how everything is going.
Hope you get good news on both fronts-your daughter’s test results and your friend’s babies. What a stressful situation for them.
A few updates. The babies have been born. It sounds like everyone is doing ok. The last time I talked to our friend he was with his wife in recovery and she is doing good. They are not with the babies but they think they are doing good. In the pictures they sent us the babies look healthy and not too small.

I just talked to DD's doctor. She is now dizzy too. They said all of her symptoms, including being dizzy, is a covid symptom. They said to continue to treat at home and wait for the PNR results. I did do another at home test for her. I got 8 tests from the school before break so we could test before seeing family and then a few just in case we needed them. The at home test is still negative. So that is 3 at home tests that have been negative (Wed, Fri and today). So for now we are just sitting tight and treating symptoms so she doesn't feel so bad.
A few updates. The babies have been born. It sounds like everyone is doing ok. The last time I talked to our friend he was with his wife in recovery and she is doing good. They are not with the babies but they think they are doing good. In the pictures they sent us the babies look healthy and not too small.

I just talked to DD's doctor. She is now dizzy too. They said all of her symptoms, including being dizzy, is a covid symptom. They said to continue to treat at home and wait for the PNR results. I did do another at home test for her. I got 8 tests from the school before break so we could test before seeing family and then a few just in case we needed them. The at home test is still negative. So that is 3 at home tests that have been negative (Wed, Fri and today). So for now we are just sitting tight and treating symptoms so she doesn't feel so bad.
Congratulations on the birth of the babies.

The rapid tests are not nearly as accurate as the PCR, so I wouldn’t rely on them. I hope that she feels better soon.
The rapid tests are not nearly as accurate as the PCR, so I wouldn’t rely on them. I hope that she feels better soon.

That is what I have heard. My niece in September had a negative at home test and a positive PCR. That is why as they symptoms continued I found a PCR test for her. It was not easy either. Most places are either out or don't have openings until this Friday. I got lucky and found one on Saturday. SO now it is just waiting for the results. Things are not good here in our area so it may take some time to get back. I hate the waiting game though.
That is what I have heard. My niece in September had a negative at home test and a positive PCR. That is why as they symptoms continued I found a PCR test for her. It was not easy either. Most places are either out or don't have openings until this Friday. I got lucky and found one on Saturday. SO now it is just waiting for the results. Things are not good here in our area so it may take some time to get back. I hate the waiting game though.
Our wait times for test results were 3 days before Christmas. I can’t imagine how long they are now. My friend drove by a testing center where the line was over a mile long. Ugh.
I drove to the grocery store (woohoo for that) and even tho I went all the way to the fancy one the other end of town I couldn’t bear to go straight home so decided to do the beach drive. There’s a small testing site down there and the line of people waiting was probably 15 or so. So not that bad except a sleet and hail front was blowing thru and they were lined up outside. I really felt sorry for them but was glad to see the line wasn’t too bad, should I have to test at some point that is where I would go.

I am a perfectionist…an all or nothing thinker. It makes me really good at my job, but it’s contributed negatively to my weight loss struggle. One misstep has led to a bad day, a bad week, and even a bad month. I get so angry at myself when I slip up. Focusing so hard on being perfect prevents me from taking action or making any progress at all.

This perfectionism is something that I am trying very hard to change. I am working on putting things into perspective. One small indulgence once in a while isn’t going to blow up my diet, and I am learning to forgive myself. I just have to be careful not to go to the other extreme of losing control and not holding myself accountable at all…in other words, all or nothing.
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My motivation today went mostly to finishing my new puzzle. :rotfl: But I did do some laundry and make a proper dinner (stuffed peppers). I walked 20 minutes on the treadmill this evening - getting back into the routine.

Glad to hear the twins are OK @piglet1979! I hope your DD feels better soon. :hug:

Good luck tomorrow @Summer2018. - I'm sure the kids will be very excited to see you!

Nice to have you back @HappyGrape!
And I found that choices I made (a dinner out, extra portions) really weren’t as bad as I thought they were. When I calculated calories I realized I wasn’t doing as much damage as I thought. I could easily balance out a momentary slip.
This topic is close to home. I spend year feeling stuck as I kept doing too much followed by too little. I wake up every morning with new bright idea about how to make my life harder. Instead of looking at the weight loss and the scale going down and celebrate it, I look at how many steps I am doing and comparing myself to others or to how was I before I got sick few years ago. I think should I just tweak this, or that and do 1000 steps a day more but at the moment what I am doing is working so why change?

I have two options. Face my morning do more, eat less drive or face urges to overeat at night. The thing is after feeling stuck for year, last 9 mornings it has been easier to say – no, we are not doing more or eating less. We are sticking to the plan, it’s about the results and the sustainability not about figuring out perfect plan. The scale is going down, I feel good, I don’t need to mess with things that are working. I tried pushing too hard too soon last year so many times and we didn’t get anywhere with that approach

And if I stick to my current plan, I feel good in the evening. Not too tired (tiredness is trigger for me to crave excess snacking) not hungry, no urge to raid the fridge. My will power is stronger in the morning, so I just need to talk myself out of doing too much early in the day :)

I am getting better at it. They say all or nothing usually end up being nothing. To help myself I said no more diet books or podcasts this year, I am going to listen to comedy podcasts on my walks. Also once I come up with plan, witch I did last month – I will only let myself change it if I lose less than pound a week on average for 3 weeks (to cater for monthly fluctuations). Not before that. Xhanges will be driven by results not by drive to do things perfectly or like someone else

Without a doubt at some point it will be wise to add few more steps and cut few more calories but not before the current plan stops working
Well…this is it. The day I have been dreading. Last night I was granted a full night’s sleep, except for the usual 3-4 trips to the bathroom. I am thankful for that. I had a healthy breakfast of eggs and oatmeal with a hot cinnamon apple mixed in. I am going in early to hopefully get somewhat organized and put the pieces of my classroom back together after others being in my classroom for a week.

I am going to try very hard to be more flexible and just go with the flow rather than getting upset by all of the inevitable interruptions and stressors of the day. It’s all how I choose to react.

I hope that you all have a pleasant day.
Hey everyone I would love to join you.

My name is Beth I'm 41 single w/ no kids. I've been on a health journey for a few months about 5 or so. I've got a significant amount of weight to lose but I'm trying not to focus on on that as much as the getting healthy part. I have some health issues that run on both side of my family and if I don't get a hold of myself now when I'm older it's going to make things a lot harder. I've lost about 20 lbs so far (was a little more but thanksgiving, Disney Christmas made the scale tip the other way)

My main goals is to lose weight but lose weight and get stronger and healthier over all. I'm working towards making healthier choices when it comes to food and limiting the ones that are as healthy to rare occasions. I've already learnt in the few months I'm doing this when I eat healthier stuff I feel much better.

January goals are
to lose the Christmas weight
get to the gym 4 times a week
and meal prep
Hey everyone I would love to join you.

My name is Beth I'm 41 single w/ no kids. I've been on a health journey for a few months about 5 or so. I've got a significant amount of weight to lose but I'm trying not to focus on on that as much as the getting healthy part. I have some health issues that run on both side of my family and if I don't get a hold of myself now when I'm older it's going to make things a lot harder. I've lost about 20 lbs so far (was a little more but thanksgiving, Disney Christmas made the scale tip the other way)

My main goals is to lose weight but lose weight and get stronger and healthier over all. I'm working towards making healthier choices when it comes to food and limiting the ones that are as healthy to rare occasions. I've already learnt in the few months I'm doing this when I eat healthier stuff I feel much better.

January goals are
to lose the Christmas weight
get to the gym 4 times a week
and meal prep



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