New Year's Eve at BWV?


DIS Veteran
Jul 30, 2000
As usual, I am planning way ahead, but we think we would like to go down to BWV over the Christmas/New Year holiday in 2002. Actually, as of now I am planning on doing Christmas Eve and Christmas day at the GF, then heading over to BWV(our home resort) through Jan 2. I know the parks are crazy on NYE, so I was wondering what type of things go on on the boardwalk itself? Would it be a fun place to be for NYE? Has anyone done this? Thanks!
If you are making a cash reservation for GF don't wait too long to make the reservation. Many people return year after year to the GF for Christmas.

On the Boardwalk there is pretty much the regular evening activities. You would be able to see the fireworks (not everything) from the Boardwalk. The display is double or triple the usual size and you may actually see the fireworks from other areas as well. You will certainly hear them!

The Atlantic Dance usually holds some type of dinner dance event. Price is in the $300 per person range.

Within Epcot itself they will have all kinds of entertainment happening. I'd head in and then make the decision whether to stay or not.
WDW and Boardwalk are wonderful on New Years but crowded and expensive. If you want to do a park, you need to get there fairly early and stay there. The year we were there they closed the parks from mid afternoon until mid evening. Pleasure Isle had a party with about four bands for $150 pp (my recollection). Make your resees at the 11 month window and have a blast.
Actually I was going to make my GF ressies on points. Do you think this will be hard to do even at the 11 month window? I know it is an expensive use of points, but to me it will be worth it to be there at Christmas. I knew it might be hard to get the BWV during Christmas, but I really didn't think I would have a problem at GF! Should I be concerned?!:earseek:
We did the Grand Floridian for New Years and then on the 1st of January left for a 3 day cruise to the Bahamas. Pleasure Island was awesome! The music included Huey Lewis & The News, Rick Springfield and several other bands. The had food and drinks everywhere it was hands down the best New Years we ever had. We made reservations for both at 8 months out, paid cash.

Don't worry just go!
It's packed. Parks start closing due to capacity at 10-11am. Not easy to get around. Two Illusions shows, an early one available at 7:30 or so. Helped with kids. Very nice meals at the French place, and champaign available at stands throughout the park.

Also, a surprise was the party on the BWV lawn. Very loud if your trying to sleep, but a nice alternative to the packed Epcot crowd.
We did Millenium NYE at BWV and Epcot. Quite the experience and crowded but well worth it!! We will do a regular NYE soon and looking forward to it.
Do you think this will be hard to do even at the 11 month window?

I can't say for sure. I would suggest making a cash reservation at GF (or some alternative) so that you have somewhere to stay for sure. You could then try to get the GF on points at 11 months. Because it is so busy, I'm also not sure whether you'll get as nice a room at the GF as you might when they aren't booked. DVC gets a ROH room. Usually on points at the GF this ends up being a very nice lagoon view room. I'm wondering whether chances of garden view at Christmas might be possible.


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