Nichole's Wishes PJ 10/24/2011 ~ WP/ADH/SCP ** OUR WEDDING DAY ~ The Reception

Wow! I can’t believe our Disney vacation has come and gone already!! We had a wonderful time, but it always flies by!

We left Atlanta early Saturday morning. Now, I am NOT a morning person, so getting up before the sun is rising is not something I do often! :sad2: We were up, packed and on our way by 6:30. The drive wasn’t that bad, so we made it to Coronado Springs shortly after lunch. Our room was ready so we were able to check in without having to wait. I got a really funny look when I asked for 75 “I’m Celebrating” buttons and maps of the resort, but they found everything we asked for and had it delivered to our room while we were out.

We changed and headed to Epcot. I can’t resist any photo opportunity, but I think it starts to annoy DF after a while. I noticed as our trip goes on, I am in the photos posing with all the characters, but he somehow found a way out of it!


The weather was beautiful for our entire trip! Hot in the parks and by the pool, but no rain and the humidity wasn't too bad. Definitely need lots of sunscreen though!

It was DF’s first time so we did all the rides and then explored the World Showcase a little. We saw a few groups that were drinking around the world and got some great ideas on which bars/restaurants to go to. We also decided that group t-shirts are a must. The more obnoxious the color the better! :cool1:

We were exhausted, so we headed back to the resort shortly after a late dinner.

We were up early the next morning (not as early thankfully!) and headed to the Animal Kingdom. This was my first visit to the Animal Kingdom and I wasn’t disappointed!! We got there right as it was opening and headed straight to the Safari.


Then we made our way through the different areas, stopping to take photos with every character we saw :)


We went back to the resort and spent the later part of the afternoon at the pool. I think our guests are going to have a really good time at the pool too! There was a DJ, games, a bar and lots of people. We are going to pack a lot of alcohol for our guests so we can have a mini bar area in a couple rooms. I did notice that the resort didn’t have plastic cups, so we definitely need to bring plenty for the trip. I am also thinking about having re-usable water bottles made to put in the welcome baskets.

After the pool we got ready for dinner at Jiko. We left early since we were taking the bus. We happened to get on the last Animal Kingdom bus and the driver took us straight to the restaurant! He was very helpful and so nice! It’s the little things like this that I love about Disney! :thumbsup2


It was feeding time when we got to the Animal Kingdom Lodge. We are spending our last night (our comp night) at the Animal Kingdom Lodge and I am so excited about it! :banana:

We watched the animals outside before doing a little shopping and then heading to the bar for happy hour. Dinner was amazing! I had the cheese plate for an appetizer (we both really love cheese) and it was perfect! Then of course we both had the fillet for our entre (one of our options for our platted meal at our reception). I am a big fan of the red wine reduction sauce they use, but am worried that it is a little thin and may be too runny on the plate. I had asked to try a couple different cuts of beef with different sauces at our tasting, so I was really curious to compare. We were also impressed with the size of the fillet, and wondered if we would get the same size for our reception.

DF was going to surfing lessons at Typhoon Lagoon early the next morning so we called it a night after dinner – yes another early morning for me!

So we were up and at Typhoon Lagoon before dawn the next day. At first I was really opposed to taking the surfing lessons (they were not cheep), but it was something he really, really wanted to do so I gave in.


It turned out to be pretty cool and DF now wants to do it again in October! It started with lessons on the sand about how to stand up etc.


Then they moved to the wave pool. The instructors made it look so easy, but it took everyone several tries before they were able to stand. The wave pool put out a perfect 5-6 foot wave every 90 seconds. There were 8 people I think and each person got to go over 20 times (or until they were too tired to go any more). In the end, I would say it was probably worth the money, especially for kids and people who are pretty athletic. I am pretty sure I would be worn out in no time.


There were some great wipe-outs. We got some great videos and photos. I think this is my favorite photo we got. :rotfl2:


After surfing we went back to Coronado and had breakfast (it was only 10ish!). After DF showed and changed we meet up with his best man and family in Hollywood Studios.


It was an interesting experience being in the park with a 4 year old. We played in the “Honey I Shrunk the Kids Playground” and saw a lot of shows!


It was great to see them, but I was so tired by the time dinner was over. Hollywood Studios had extended park hours for resort guests that night so we did a couple big rides over and over again for an hour or so and then headed back to the resort to pack and get ready for our planning session the next day!

Up next ... our planning session :cool1:
Oh! Sounds like your trip went very well! I didn't know you could do surf lessons--very cool!
Can't wait to read about your planning session...we have ours in 24 days and I'm so excited!
Awesome pics!!!
I told df that we will take pics with every character we see! We haven't done that before but we are going to on this trip!!
Glad you guys had a good trip!
I just caught up on your PJ and your wedding plans look AMAZING! I can't wait to read more :)


Oh! Sounds like your trip went very well! I didn't know you could do surf lessons--very cool!
Can't wait to read about your planning session...we have ours in 24 days and I'm so excited!

Thanks! We had so much fun! !

Awesome pics!!!
I told df that we will take pics with every character we see! We haven't done that before but we are going to on this trip!!
Glad you guys had a good trip!

LOL! I tried to worn DF about it too, but all he kept saying is "next time you have to make your girls do this with you". He was a good sport though :)
We had our planning session on the last day of our vacation. We were up early, packed and ready to go before 8, so we decided to use up the remainder of our quick service meals and each order a breakfast (we usually share something). Then we headed over to Francks to meet up with Maxine. The air conditioning in Francks was on the fritz, so it was freezing in there! We waited for 10 minutes or so for Maxine to get there. We looked around a little and then DF found a sofa and wanted to close his eyes for a little.


Maxine came in and was so full of energy! I absolutely love her personality and think I am in great hands! She introduced herself and informed us that our planning session and tasting were going to be switched around (originally we were scheduled for a tasting session at 2), so we were heading over to the Boardwalk to have our tasting at 9:30 am! :headache: After just eating a big breakfast, this wasn’t exactly how I wanted to do things, but oh well! DF and I just looked at each other and shook our head. :sad2:

On the way to the Boardwalk, Maxine and I talked about the new building and why they would decide to squeeze anything in that space. All I can do is cross my fingers and hope nothing will happen. Worse case, we won’t be able to take photos on that side. It may change my mind on getting Cindy’s Carriage, but we will have to wait and see what happens. I don’t see us wanting to change our location even if they do break ground by October.

We had our tasting at the Flying Fish since there was a huge conference at the Boardwalk (not a singe conference room area was available!).


We started off by picking what napkin fold we wanted. DF and I had already discussed this so we knew we wanted the menu fold. I want black charger plates so I think this fold will look best with the menus I am making.


I am jumping ahead a little bit, but while we are on the subject of table settings, I read a lot about Disney not ironing the linens, so I wanted something that wouldn’t show the wrinkles as much. We settled on pewter pintuck linens with black napkins.


The chargers and napkins are shiny. Our menus are on a white metallic paper with a black background and a dark red ribbon. Together I think they will look very classy. This is a sample I put together for the planning session, together with some of our other paper goods.


We decided to have a head table for the entire wedding party and the two of us and then have 6 rounds of 8-9. This will give us some flexibility with the numbers and keep everyone on the dance floor area. Right now we have around 67 people.

We are using the existing chairs from ADH (hopefully – Maxine needs to confirm how many chairs are available to use. We may need to use a couple banquet chairs and covers for the head table, but that’s not the end of the world). I really hate chair covers, but I want to avoid having to rent 67 chairs if I can!

We met the Chef (I can’t for the life of me remember his name now!) and he sat with us during our tasting. He was so nice!! He offered suggestions and really listened to our comments. I didn’t feel like he was in a rush to get out of there or like we were a burden to him in any way. :goodvibes

Maxine and I talked about what the waiters will wear. She gave us a couple options – black pants, white shirts and yellow vests (what the server was wearing while we were there) or black tuxes or white tuxes with gold accents. Our wedding party is wearing black tuxes, so we opted for the white tuxes. Maxine said they were really cute and it would let our guests/the wedding party to stand out from the wait staff.

I don’t want to give the guests any options, so we were planning on having a duo plate with a cut of beef and something else. I am allergic to fish, but a lot of people like fish, so we played around with several different options.

We are either going to have the cheese display or the antipasto display during the cocktail hour. During the cocktail hour one of the staff members will be passing out pages to our guest book for everyone to fill out. I don’t think DF and I will make an appearance at the cocktail hour, but our wedding party will.

We are also planning on having a full bar. We need to swap a couple of things out on the basic package, so we will have to wait until we get our BEO to see what kind of magic Maxine was able to do with it. :worship:

Then once the guests are seated, we are having a Caesar salad. I originally wanted it plated table side, but DF really liked the presentation it had during our tasting.


It is kind of fancy, so I gave in on this one. I am getting ranch dressing on mine :)


We also tried a Caprese salad. It was amazing!! Even DF, who doesn’t eat any tomatoes loved it. But, I think more of our guests would like a regular salad of some sort.


All I could do is nibble on everything to save room for the entrees! I really wish we would have skipped breakfast that morning!

Next we tried the fillet. I think the chef said it was an 8 oz fillet with camelized onions, the red wine reduction, garlic mash potatoes and steamed asparagus. So, yes, the fillet was the same size as we had a few nights ago at Jiko! Since we are having 2 different meats on the plate, we asked if we could do a 6 oz fillet instead. They said that wasn’t a problem. Temperate was medium to medium well, which will be good enough for everyone. The onions were amazing! I wasn’t sold on the mashed potatoes and the sauce. The onions were sweet and I think it made the sauce a little sweeter than it was before. And the mashed potatoes were thin, so they spread all over the plate. (I am one of those people who doesn’t mix up the different foods on my plate.)


We tried the New York Strip with a cracked pepper Merlot reduction, lobster mac and cheese (at least DF tried this) and baby carrots. The steak was huge and didn’t have a pretty presentation, but the sauce was perfect! We also decided to do steamed asparagus and baby carrots.


Next we tried the herb roasted chicken breast with a black berry demi, steamed mixed veggies and a truffle/cheese risotto. I can’t remember the name of the cheese the chef said was in the risotto, but it was the best thing I think I have ever tasted!!! I’m not a huge risotto fan since they usually have mushrooms in it, but this risotto was to die for! :worship: It became an instant addition to our menu and took care of my issue with the mashed potatoes. The chicken breast was very moist and the black berry demi was perfect!


Finally we tried the slipper dissert :) We are not planning on having any dessert, other than the wedding cake, but I couldn’t resist!


So picking our menu was less painful than I had originally thought it would be! :banana: The menu is:

International and Domestic Cheese
Served with Assorted Flatbreads and Dried Fruits

Caesar Salad with Garlic and Herb Croutons
and Shaved Asiago Cheese

Pan Seared Filet of Beef with a
Cracked Pepper and Merlot Reduction,
Herb Marinated Breast of Chicken with a
Blackberry Demi Sauce,
Served with Truffle and Cheese Risotto,
Steamed Asparagus and Steamed Carrots

Wedding Cake​

There will be a couple changes for some people ... I will have ranch instead of Caesar dressing, DF wants some special sauce on his filet and I am doing a lobster tail instead of chicken for my dad. We also asked for light sauce on everything and to have the veggies steamed a little longer so they weren't crunchy.

Maxine estimates our dinner will last approx. 45 min to an hour. During this time we will spread out the toasts. We will have the introductions once everyone is seated and then we will have our first dance. Our dads will start everything off by welcoming the guests and giving the first 2 toasts while the salads are being served. Then between the salad and entrée the MOH and BM will give their toasts. After the entrée we will have the father-daughter and then the mothers-son dances and get the party started. My brother will give his toast before the cake cutting.

The chef gave us these gifts when we finished our tasting! The whole experience was really great (even though it was at 10 in the morning!). :thumbsup2


I never thought I could talk so much about food! Up next … the remainder of our planning session and working out all the details of our wedding!
Once we got back to Franck’s we went back to the beginning of our wedding weekend and started planning all the details.

We started with our welcome reception and the rehearsal. Our rehearsal is tentatively scheduled for 4 PM the day before our wedding. I wish I had know we could reserve our rehearsal time before this because the 3 PM slot was already reserved. :headache: The time slot could be taken by a wedding, so we are not confirmed until 30 days before. 4 PM will work out too, but it won’t leave us time too much time between the rehearsal and our 5 PM rehearsal dinner at O’hanas. I planned to have the rehearsal dinner from 5-8, so I guess we will just need to keep everyone on track during the rehearsal so we can get out of there and go to dinner!

After the rehearsal dinner we are walking back to the GF to have our welcome reception at Sago Cay. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that there was not a set-up fee! We are having chocolate fondue (which no longer comes in a chocolate fountain for sanitary reasons). Now it comes in these dispensers. Either way it works for me – can’t beat $10 a person! We are having a cash bar (and it only accepts cash, not credit cards – one more thing I need to add to my welcome letter!) and then coffee/tea/hot cocoa with all the flavored syrups. I think Maxine said the coffee and fixins was $50 for a couple gallons. I also asked for pitchers of water and the Mickey icecreams as BOC.

Another pleasant surprise, if we let the GF set up the tables using the materials they already have, there is no charge for decorations!! I love hearing the word FREE!! Maxine requested table lamps I think and other formal decorations that she knew they had.

Instead of having the Wishes music piped in we decided to have a solo violinist play during the entire event. We are also having a table where people can sign our photo frame, so we can display it at the wedding.

I told Maxine I wanted to spend some time talking about transportation. It is something I know we need, but I want it to be as affordable as we can make it. We have a big wedding party (especially when you add in parents, etc.) so she was able to think about it before we got to the planning session and had the perfect plan for us. We are chartering 1 bus and a limo (which seats 8). Then to get the wedding parties/family to photos before the ceremony we are getting one-way transport vans at $25 each (which saved a ton!). Then the bus will come back to get the wedding party and parents after it drops off the rest of the guests at ADH. Meanwhile, DF and I will take some more photos and get there by limo. It looks like all of our guests are staying at Coronado Springs or at the Boardwalk, so we can do a one-way bus to take everyone home at the end of the night. If any decides to stay at Pop we will just pay for a taxi. In the end we save a couple hundred dollars – and every little bit helps!

We were also able to charter the bus for Friday nite to take us all off property for our Stag and Hen parties. The bus will drop the girls off at one place and then take the guys off to do their own thing (apparently there is a men’s club called Rachels that she recommended – she also made a note to request a non-Disney bus for that trip :rotfl2: ).

We planned out the wedding day schedule – guys ready for pick-up by 3 and girls by 3:30. So I need to arrange to have all our hair/make-up done by 2:30. After than, we are in Maxine’s hands :) She said her goal was to make us (and our wedding party) feel like guests at the wedding. I love that!

Next we meet with Elizabeth from Disney floral. She was great! I had sent her some inspiration photos like this one.


My bouquet will be similar to the photo on the top right, with the blood red roses and mini calla lilies. It will have crystals in it, with the stems wrapped in black ribbon and crystals down the stem. I said I wanted the entire bouquet under $300, including crystals, and she said it wouldn’t be a problem. The girls bouquets will have the blood red roses, but no calla lilies or crystals. The guys will have a single red rose and DF will have a single calla lily with 3 crystals down the stem (and a Mickey crystal in the middle – and this was his idea!). The moms will have a rose corsage, but I am waiting to see what color dress they all get to decide what color the rose will be.

We have an aisle runner that they will place and then put $200 worth of red rose petals down the aisle. We wanted to have 6 columns with our centerpieces on top, but they can’t put anything that may tip over on top of the columns any more. So we are taking the top follower part of the centerpiece on top of the columns (instead of having the candelabras). We like the look of the centerpiece in the upper left photo above. So Elizabeth is doing something with a similar texture in shades of dark red with white accents. I want each centerpiece to be under $225, including the candelabra.

We are also doing a unity candle arrangement similar to the texture of the middle photo on the left side (again in shades of dark red with white accents and a little greenery). This will double as table décor where DF and I are sitting.

The girls bouquets will be used to decorate the cake table and I will use one of them as my throw bouquet as well.

We talked about our table settings and linens. We decided to get the chocolate Mickey heads with our guests’ names written on it (I wish I had taken a photo of these!) as escort cards. We will use the table numbers I made and the votive candles as place cards.


We can only have 4 flaming candles per table at ADH, so we are going to get those flameless tealight candles to put in the votive candle placecards. So our guests will get a chocolate Mickey head to share and each will get a votive candle as a favor. They will also get welcome baskets when they check in, so I think we have the gift/favor part covered.

We went back and forth about having rose petals on the tables, but I think it may make the tables too busy. So I think I am going to take them off the BEO when we get it. We also added on some additional table décor for the front table.

We ended our meeting with Elizabeth talking about what kind of cake we wanted. DF and I spent a lot of time going back and forth about this, but we decided to go with a 3 layer cake similar to the cake in the photo about, except with black ribbon on each layer and crystals only on the bottom and top layers (which also saved some cost). Our goal is approx. $15.50 per person, but with half the cost coming from floral and the other half from the bakery, this may be hard to determine.

After Elizabeth left we had our cake testing. By this time we were hungry! Maxine brought out the basic flavors and said we could pretty much add/change anything we wanted to.


We already decided we wanted Red Velvet as one of the layers and that we wanted fresh strawberries in the mousse of the other. I was surprised, but the Almond cake was my favorite. It didn’t taste nutty to me at all. I think it was the consistency that I liked the most. It had a similar taste to the yellow birthday cake, but was thicker. Some of the mousse was pretty bland and the raspberry was way to sweet for us. So we decided to do the Almond cake with Amaretto mousse and a layer of fresh strawberries as the bottom layer of the cake. The next two layers will be the Red Velvet cake (since fresh fruit won’t store well).

We finished up with a few extra details, like adding our name to the ADH marquee having Mickey and Minnie stop by. We are still on the fence about the mice, but if we can keep everything on budget I would like to have them. Maxine also told us about the confetti cannon, where the DJ would call everyone out for the “last dance” (but not really the last dance) and once everyone is out there the cannon would go off. Kind of a cool way to wind the evening back up after the cake cutting and the photos would be awesome! I think she said it was $600, so I am not sure if it will stay on the BEO either. :scared1:

Wow! I think that pretty much wraps up our planning session! I feel like we got so much done while we were there! I can’t wait to see our first BEO and start finalizing everything :cloud9:
It looks like you had a wonderful time on your PS trip! The food all looks so yummy! You are so organized and I love all the stationary especially them menus!
Looks like your trip was very successful. Business & pleasure! :thumbsup2
I really love everything you decided on... your vision is really playing out nicely. I especially love all of your stationary it is awesome and those tears of joy packets AND the napkins too! :rotfl2:

Sn: how much does it cost to put your names on the marquee? We are using adh too and u think that's such a cute addition! I asked Bill how much it would be while I was there but he advised he would have to check... :headache:
It looks like you had a wonderful time on your PS trip! The food all looks so yummy! You are so organized and I love all the stationary especially them menus!

Thanks! I modeled the menus after invitation samples I looked at.

Looks like your trip was very successful. Business & pleasure! :thumbsup2
I really love everything you decided on... your vision is really playing out nicely. I especially love all of your stationary it is awesome and those tears of joy packets AND the napkins too! :rotfl2:

Sn: how much does it cost to put your names on the marquee? We are using adh too and u think that's such a cute addition! I asked Bill how much it would be while I was there but he advised he would have to check... :headache:

It was - thanks!! I believe the marquee is $250. A little pricey, but then again it is Disney! ;)
I received confirmation that our rehearsal dinner at 'Ohana is booked! The best part is ... our date is "off-season" so we came in $500 below budget on it!!! :cool1:

I have been making our other ADRs too. So far, this is what our itinerary looks like:

Wednesday, October 19th
7 AM Leave for Disney
3 PM Check in at Coronado Springs
Unpack and relax
Uncle Rob & family arrives – distribute welcome basket
7:30 PM Hopp-Dee-Doo Review (pd)
Remainder of evening to relax

Thursday, October 20th
8:05 AM Breakfast at Cinderella’s Table (pd)
Distribute welcome baskets and drop off boxes at Franks
3:00 PM Parents and family start to arrive
Downtown Disney – Dinner with Family (not sure where yet)

Friday, October 21st
9 AM Breakfast at Coronado Springs
Spa morning at GF
Girls arrive and check-in
Boys pick up tuxes
Pool time with family (or girls spa day at GF)
Dinner on the Boardwalk or at Coronado Springs ??
9 PM Stag and Hen parties

Saturday, October 22nd
9 AM Breakfast at Coronado Springs
10 AM Depart for Epcot
Explore Epcot
11:30 AM Start Drinking Around the World
Dinner in Epcot
Illuminations Fireworks

Sunday, October 23rd
9 AM Breakfast at Coronado Springs
10 AM Hair trial
Check out of Coronado Springs (have luggage transferred)
Check into Boardwalk Inn (DF is staying with a friend for the night)
2:30 PM Depart for rehearsal
4 PM Rehearsal at Wedding Pavilion
5 PM Rehearsal Dinner at 'Ohana
8 PM Welcome Reception at Sago Cay Pointe
9:30 PM Mickey’s Not so Scary Halloween/Wishes Fireworks

Monday, October 24th **Wedding Day**
Breakfast at Coronado Springs/Boardwalk
Hair/Make-Up starts
Lunch in room (pizzas for boys and sandwiches/finger veggies for girls)
Photographer arrives
2:30 PM Hair and make-up done
3 PM Boys depart to GF for photos
3:30 PM Girls depart to GF for photos
4 PM Bus departs Coronado Springs
4:15 PM Bus departs Boardwalk Inn
5 PM Ceremony starts
6 PM Cocktail hour starts
7 PM Reception starts

Tuesday, October 25th
Sleep In & Relax by the Pool -or- day in park with family
(still to be determined since our families are now staying an extra day)
Goodbyes to family
7:15 PM Dinner at Mama Melrose & Fantasmic Show ???

Wednesday, October 26th
Day at Universal Studios
Parents fly home

Thursday, October 27th
5:30 AM Hair and make-up for photos
6:30 AM Breakfast in room
7:30 AM MK & Epcot photos
Check out of Boardwalk Inn (have luggage transferred)
1 PM Lunch at Le Cellier
Check into Animal Kingdom Lodge
6:30 PM Wanyama Safari and Dinner

Friday, October 28th
8:05 AM Breakfast at Crystal Palace
Check out of Animal Kingdom Lodge
Drive Home
WOOOWWW!!! Your trip looks great! Thank you for the food and cake reviews!! That filet looks great!! And the chicken too! If you dont mind me asking, how much is that menu per person? It looks really good! :goodvibes Everything is coming together really nicely!! I cant believe were really this close!!
WOOOWWW!!! Your trip looks great! Thank you for the food and cake reviews!! That filet looks great!! And the chicken too! If you dont mind me asking, how much is that menu per person? It looks really good! :goodvibes Everything is coming together really nicely!! I cant believe were really this close!!

Thanks!! We hit the 6 month mark on Easter Sunday and will have been engaged a year at the end of May! Time is really flying by!!!

I don't have our first BEO yet, but we said we budgets for a salad and duo plate entree for between $70 and $75 a person and the cheese display for $10 per person. I'll let you know where it comes in at once we get our BEO!
Thanks!! We hit the 6 month mark on Easter Sunday and will have been engaged a year at the end of May! Time is really flying by!!!

I don't have our first BEO yet, but we said we budgets for a salad and duo plate entree for between $70 and $75 a person and the cheese display for $10 per person. I'll let you know where it comes in at once we get our BEO!

I really hope they stay in your budget!!! I may have to steal your menu if they do! :woohoo:
It’s been a couple weeks since our planning session and we have a couple more weeks to go until we can expect our BEO – and the waiting is killing me! We have a pretty good idea of where everything should come in at, so hopefully there are not too many surprises.

Meanwhile, I officially have a pregnant bridesmaid! She is due Dec 5, so I picked out a new dress that will accommodate her growing belly. :) It is really simple and super affordable for everyone. It is this dress only in black.


I need to pick out the shoes and jewelry still but I feel like we are finally moving forward on this front. I have one bridesmaid who is allergic to metal, so jewelry will probably be a little challenging!

We also went and ordered DF’s ring this weekend. It is a David Yurman ring that we ordered from Nordstrom’s. It should take 4-8 weeks to come in.


Other than that, I have just been finishing up some of the little projects I had started. I found this hair clip from an Etsy seller that I am going to wear for the rehearsal dinner.


I also found my “something blue” while we were at Disney earlier this month.


Another DIS bride got something like this for her something blue. It is not the best pic, but is says “I whish to live the life of a princess.” I am either going to wear it as an anklet or tie it on my bouquet. I also picked up this fabulous purse and some ears for my mom :)


The personalized bags I ordered for the girls came in too!


We have been collecting little Disney items for the flower girls’ bags.


I need to order the postage for our invitations sometime soon. I am just about done with those and will post some pics soon!

I almost forgot, we made the reservations for the tuxes too! DF will have white on white, the dads will have black vests and ties and the rest of the guys will have a dark red vest and tie. They will look something like this with pocket squares too!

Omg, I LOVE your something blue! I need it for mine!

Everything else looks great! Can't wait to see it all together!
Congrats on the pregnant bridesmaid (i think :confused:). One of my cousins (younger) she's been married twice already and she is planning on being pregnant for our wedding so we will see how that works out. It's not a big deal for me as the girls will be allowed to pick out their own dreses anyways.

I love the dresses though very pretty! What fun things in the flower girls gifts. I plan on doing something similar as I bought the backpacks I plan on filling and jazzing up the outside.:goodvibes

Love the hair piece for your rehersal dinnet too :love:
Omg, I LOVE your something blue! I need it for mine!

Everything else looks great! Can't wait to see it all together!

Thanks! I looked all over for it while we were at Disney and finally found it in a store in the Animal Kingdom!

Congrats on the pregnant bridesmaid (i think :confused:). One of my cousins (younger) she's been married twice already and she is planning on being pregnant for our wedding so we will see how that works out. It's not a big deal for me as the girls will be allowed to pick out their own dreses anyways.

I love the dresses though very pretty! What fun things in the flower girls gifts. I plan on doing something similar as I bought the backpacks I plan on filling and jazzing up the outside.:goodvibes

Love the hair piece for your rehersal dinnet too :love:

LOL - I have succumb to a "whatever will happen, will happen" attitude. So while the dress isn't the original dress I picked out, having her in my wedding means so much more than any dress! I took some time off from looking and then picking something was much easier! I think I am more disappointed that she can't partake in the Bachelorette party :rolleyes1
The past few weeks have been so crazy! It started with DF getting one of those phone calls from a groomsman that left us uncertain if they were going to make it to the wedding – and it just so happens that he is also the father of our flower girls. So after feeling out the situation we all decided it would be best if we take the pressure off them by releasing them of their “wedding party obligations”. We have a couple of ushers so loosing a groomsman was not the end of the world. And as it turns out, there were a couple other young girls (the only other kids coming to our wedding) that were thrilled to stand in as our flower girls – crisis avoided.

Well, then one of my girls gets diagnosed with cancer. Ugggg!

Now, my pregnant bridesmaid sent me a message last night saying her doctor doesn’t advise that she travel so close to her due date (she is due in early December) so she doesn’t know if she can make it. Her health comes first, and I would never want her to put her health or the baby’s health at risk. :headache:

On top of it all, I finally got the call from DPS today saying my MK photo shoot was cancelled. I have been expecting the call, so it wasn’t a total shock, just rubbing salt in my wedding wounds right now. We live close enough, so we can come back in the spring for the shoot, so it’s not the end of the world. It just kind of sucks right now.

Sorry for the rant! I try to be a very positive person, but I guess no one can avoid wedding woes at one point or another. :confused3
I have no idea what to say. I think you are approaching this from the best way, but what a bummer. :sad1:
I can offer hugs from afar and my hopes that everything will work out for the best.


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