No more Prince or Princesses

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DIS Veteran
Mar 9, 2017
Is this Disney news site legit? I haven't seen this posted anywhere else, but if true no more calling kids Prince or Princesses is a new low. This makes my daughter light up with joy anytime a cast member calls her a Princess. I can understand (kinda) using gender neutral for adults, but not for kids. This seems to alienate more folks than leaving things the way they are. If someone is offended by innocently being misgendered a simple apology and moving on should be enough. 99.9% of the time there is no malicious intent.

Disney World Cast Members now using phrases like ‘Friend’ & Other Gender-Neutral Terms
I did hear a lot more cast members saying hello "families" which I thought was interesting. For the most part if you were wearing a birthday button you were still a prince/princess. I know they removed ladies and gentleman boys and girls from there intros.
I prefer "families" to "friends". I was getting so annoyed by people calling me
"friend" on my last trip. Yes, I know that is picky, but I'd prefer they just say "hello" or "hello everyone" and leave off the friend part. I'm not their friend and don't want to be addressed that way. It doesn't flow with all the CM's, it's not natural and often feels that way. Such problems to have!
I prefer "families" to "friends". I was getting so annoyed by people calling me
"friend" on my last trip. Yes, I know that is picky, but I'd prefer they just say "hello" or "hello everyone" and leave off the friend part. I'm not their friend and don't want to be addressed that way. It doesn't flow with all the CM's, it's not natural and often feels that way. Such problems to have!

Legit you were upset that a friendly greeting was made to you?
I always felt like the CM were my friends. They called me your highness last trip and I felt like I had finally gotten too old to be a princess sadly. I would have loved to be called a friend.
If your daughter is dressed like a princess, they will call her princess. If she's dressed in street clothes, they won't.
I remember when CMs called my daughter princess even though she was wearing street clothes. That caused the biggest smile of the whole day. I seriously doubt my daughter would have had the nerve to visit Disneyland dressed as a Princess, but she loved the fact that they called her one, anyway.

Besides, not all "Disney Princesses" actually dress like "Princesses." Whose to say what a "Princess" is supposed to dress like, anyway? What did Ariel wear when she was on land? Sebastian still called her "Princess, right?" It's not what you wear: it's an honor others bestow on you.
I remember when CMs called my daughter princess even though she was wearing street clothes. That caused the biggest smile of the whole day. I seriously doubt my daughter would have had the nerve to visit Disneyland dressed as a Princess, but she loved the fact that they called her one, anyway.

Besides, not all "Disney Princesses" actually dress like "Princesses." Whose to say what a "Princess" is supposed to dress like, anyway? What did Ariel wear when she was on land? Sebastian still called her "Princess, right?" It's not what you wear: it's an honor others bestow on you.
Why are you arguing with me? I stated what the new policy is. I didn't say I agreed or disagreed with it.
If a child is costumed as a Princess, then gendered terms like Princess seem okay to me.

But not so much now for a child wearing street clothes as before awareness of gender identity/fluidity was raised.

It'll take time for people to adjust, but I'm in favor of gender-neutral forms of address. We can't know how hurtful gender-specific terms might be and would be kinder to avoid using them unless certain they will be welcomed.
I think we all have things to learn and relearn in life.
I have a niece (now 40 ) that endured the worst growing up , has a great career, and moved into a new neighborhood and is still getting threats that are scary … and a teenaged grandson that is now in high school and targetted his entire childhood already .Music taught in school has saved his soul and now repeating with his younger sister. Also saved by Arts taught at school but …
They are struggling and trying to understand their personal identity .
But scary to see this much in just a simple lifetime.
I think it is beyond time to accept change .
I grew up in a generation with Childhood rhyme :
Sticks and stones may break my bones but Words will never hurt me.
But Words can hurt for a lifetime .

Also understand,this is basic but the legal profession makes it necessary to introduce these terms for all forms of identification including Passports and DriversLicenses,etc.
This has been going on for a while but there are plenty of CMs that still call my daughter and her friends princess when dressed regularly including a fairy himself. Overall we have in general noticed a decline in CM attitudes (currently driving back from a 4 day trip and we visit at least once a month) Maybe the shifting guidelines haven't helped .
I don't think it is a hard and fast rule, but more like an encouragement to use gender neutral when appropriate or even unsure. A kid in a pirncess dress isn't the only case, but just an example of when it would clearly be fine. In practice, not a whole lot has changed. It's not a bad thing for people to be cognizant of though.
I don't know. It feels vaguely "Soviet" for strangers to call each other "friend." It is a term that implies both parties are equal, which was the point of folks addressing each other as "comrade."

while prince or princess elevates the recipient. Calling someone a guest also elevates them. Even "sir" or "madam" is an inherently respectful way to address someone.

Changing the words we are allowed to use is somewhat Orwelean. It's Newspeak. I hope we are not all too far gone to at least acknowledge that there are elements of 1984 in all of this. George Orwell intended it to be a cautionary tale, and here we are. Sorry, but I'm not going to pretend I cannot see the obvious.
I don't know. It feels vaguely "Soviet" for strangers to call each other "friend." It is a term that implies both parties are equal, which was the point of folks addressing each other as "comrade."

while prince or princess elevates the recipient. Calling someone a guest also elevates them. Even "sir" or "madam" is an inherently respectful way to address someone.

Changing the words we are allowed to use is somewhat Orwelean. It's Newspeak. I hope we are not all too far gone to at least acknowledge that there are elements of 1984 in all of this. George Orwell intended it to be a cautionary tale, and here we are. Sorry, but I'm not going to pretend I cannot see the obvious.
Do you work for Disney? Otherwise no one is telling you what you can or can’t say. Saying it’s Orwellian that a company is changing its guidelines for greetings (that were not in line with normal greetings used outside of the company) is such an overreaction. It literally does not impact you at all.
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