Non-allergic Dog??

We don't have too many allergies, except during pollen season, but we decided on a Standard Poodle largely because they are non-shedding. Minky is almost 8yo now and he has been the best dog. He's so good with our kids--very active with the two older kids and very mellow with Christian, my handicapped son. Smart as a whip, easy to housebreak. I pick up about a handful of hair each week. Of course, he has to be groomed and that can be pricey. But he's such a sweetheart, the cost isn't a burden. And my furniture and clothes are always dog-hair free.:thumbsup2
The ones that I have heard of that are supposed to be the least allergenic are a new breed. One is a labradoodle (yes...a labrador and a standard poodle) and the other is a goldendoodle. A lady I work with has two labradoodles...I haven't asked her about allergies...but these dogs are also known for little to no shedding. She said that they don't shed. :confused3 (Well, hers were imported from Australia!! :lmao: ) But, you can find them in the US, too.

DSis Labradoodle sheds quite a bit. It would depend on the puppy. If it has more of the curly hair it will shed less. Though she has the best tempermant and is very smart.

Denise in MI
I have a good friend with allergies who has a bichon and has no trouble. Like the other posters have said, they have "hair" not "fur" so they don't shed. When my friend gets to close to my dog, who is a lab mix -even outside- she feels her allergies. IMHO, maybe trying to arrange a visit with whatever kind of dog you decide through a reputable breeder would be a good first step.
DS is allergic to dogs, but ironically not to our dog.

Ours is some standard mutt-looking animal shelter dog. She actually looks a lot like the Winn Dixie dog. We didn't know he had allergies when we got her.

If he goes to someone else's house with dogs, he gets itchy and snotty. Except, oddly I just this minute realized this, my SIL has two Yorkies and he doesn't react to those-- now I know why!

But anyway, our dog does shed, we keep her hair short and she gets a bath often. It must just be this particular dog. We have always said she was meant to be in our family.

Whatever dog you pick, find a way to have your kid around the dog for a couple of hours, or even if it's possible to borrow it overnight. I know it would be hard to borrow the dog and then have a problem and not be able to keep it, but that's the only way you're really going to know. We tried to take a rescue dog about a year ago, a terrier, and both kids (including the one that isn't allergic) woke up the next morning a mess. It was heartbreaking to have to "give the dog back" when they thought they would get to keep him. Maybe you could say you were just baby-sitting it for the day, something like that.
There are very few breeds of dog that do not shed their coat. The Miniature Schnauzer is one of these rare nonshedders. This feature makes it an ideal pet for people with allergies and also gives it different dietary requirement for hair production than those breeds that are shedders.




I agree, my brother had severe allergies growing up and this breed was perfect. Some of the terriers are good dogs for people with allergies, but not all terriers so be careful. From what I've been able to gather, the poodle and the schnauzer are the best breeds for your purposes.
Yep, I agree with the other posters, look for a hair dog. People have mentioned a few, min snauzers, poodles, etc.

One thing to keep in mind is, the dog goes outside, and plays runs in the grass, etc, outside. If you are allergic to all the stuff outside, the dog is bringing all that inside too.

I'm not allergic to one of my cats, and if he goes outside, I have to wipe him down, or the stuff from outside I'm allergic too, gets set off too. They jump up and my nose and eyes start to run.

So, keep that in mind. My cats only get out, when we want them too. A dog goes out to pee, multiple times a day, and wiping, paws, legs, butt, tail, body can be lots of work. All depend on your allergies if thats a problem or not, it is for me.

Pets are awesome. If you have a friend who has the breed you are interested in, you could volunteer to babysit the dog when they go on vacation, to try out the breed of dog. But, of course invite the dog over for a couple hours to make sure there aren't any immediate reactions, or overnight reactions. You would want to volunteer for something your couldn't complete because of a severe reaction.
Look into an Eskimo breed (Husky, Malemute, Samoyed, etc.) They do not shed as bad as others and do not have the typical dog odor.
The Bichon Frise is great for people with allergies and they are soooo cute!!!!

I'd suggest a bichon as well-they are perfect for someone who has allergies and they are great dogs with funny personalities-funny, smart, silly, sweet, & playful!

My parents have one and she's just full of personality!
Shih tzu or poodles......I have a shih tzu and she is just amazing. She is my 2nd Shih tzu and I can't imagine having her. I would be thrilled to send you a picture!
Our allergist recommended a wheaten, poodle, or bichon. The trouble with the "oodle" mixed breeds is that you're not sure which part of the poodle you're getting. My son (who is the allergic one) is dying to get a bich-poo. We're not ready for a dog yet.

We are now the owners of a 7 month old bichon. Ironically, his birthday is 10/7 and I last posted on 10/10.

We love him to death (but he is such a handful!!!) and we have had no allergy problems.:banana:
We've had our bichon "Jasmine" for a couple of years now. I am severly allergic to every animal going (except my DH :rotfl2: ) . My dd had been asking for a dog forever. It is the best thing we've ever done and boy is she smart! I am the primary care giver and as long as she isn't "real close" to my face I'm fine. Bichons are very much a lap dog and she is on my lap whenever she isn't chasing her darn ball. I've never thought twice about getting her and she sleeps between me and DH every night. I highly recommend a bichon. I think I may have built some kind of "immunity" to her (I've heard of this happening to people before but never believed it until now).

Oh yeah, we got her from a reputable breeder and she gets groomed monthly also. We keep her in the puppy cut and I've seen no shedding. They are high maintenance dogs but so worth it. I never thought my dd would be able to have a dog.


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