Non Americans - Requirement To Show Passport When Purchasing Alcohol

While it is certainly possible to have your hotel safe broken into, that would be a pretty significant burglary in a reputable establishment.

Every day there are more pickpockets and purse snatchings, especially in general tourist areas, than break-ins to hotel safes. There are also more people who just accidentally leave things behind at restaurants, or have something fall out of their pocket when they go to pull out their phone, etc.

Therefore, if you absolutely feel safer carrying your passport, I would put it in a secured pocket or travel belt. Not one where you're constantly accessing things (like your phone or wallet), and not one that would attract the attention of a pickpocket. I don't think there are a lot of thieves at Disney World (at least not like NYC, Paris, Rio, or Phuket), though you should exercise reasonable precautions there. I'd also make a color photocopy of the passport and upload it to the cloud (have it in your email or on a service where you can access it anywhere).

and that's what we have been saying.....if it is in a money belt, you're not gonna get it stolen unless a robber tells you to disrobe.......any person thinking this through would know not to carry it in any ol' spot accessible with your daily cash......and the only place you're going to access a moneybelt is in a discreet place, and you don't need to be taking it out anyways.....but this has been beaten to death.....different places have different laws, so KNOW THEM....
@AngiTN not sure if you are aware of this change coming next year
other states might follow along
Yeah, we aren't included. (TN is backwards as he doublehockeysticks in lots of things, but not this, thankfully) Been following along closely. It's only for states who's legislatures won't play the game. Our state's license meets the regulations.
Who wants to lay odds that every state on this list will bend when push comes to shove. They will not want to face their constituents who are forced to get passports to fly domestically.
@AngiTN not sure if you are aware of this change coming next year
other states might follow along
Missouri (my neighboring state) JUST (like less than 2 months ago) passed laws where they will now be compliant with REAL-ID. However, they are giving the choice to people (like I believe some other states do) where they can do a non-REAL ID compliant DLs if they want to and they can also do a REAL-ID compliant ID. The bill that was passed doesn't become effective until this August 28th. The problem is the time frame of getting those licenses up and running in comparison to the Jan 2018 deadline to which this has been said: "The Missouri Department of Revenue has estimated it will take two years to get the new system up and running. The state has been told the federal government will grant Missouri a waiver permitting those with current state-issued licenses to board planes and enter federal buildings during that time."
Missouri (my neighboring state) JUST (like less than 2 months ago) passed laws where they will now be compliant with REAL-ID. However, they are giving the choice to people (like I believe some other states do) where they can do a non-REAL ID compliant DLs if they want to and they can also do a REAL-ID compliant ID. The bill that was passed doesn't become effective until this August 28th. The problem is the time frame of getting those licenses up and running in comparison to the Jan 2018 deadline to which this has been said: "The Missouri Department of Revenue has estimated it will take two years to get the new system up and running. The state has been told the federal government will grant Missouri a waiver permitting those with current state-issued licenses to board planes and enter federal buildings during that time."
I think what is troubling is, what has taken these states so long to get on board in the first place? They've had time, it shouldn't have come down to a last minute situation where they haven't got time to get it in place.
I get it, states rights and all that. I'm on the side of states rights most of the time. But there comes a time where standing up becomes a determent. There are some areas where they just gotta play along if they want to be part of the party (in this case, the party is the US)
I think what is troubling is, what has taken these states so long to get on board in the first place? They've had time, it shouldn't have come down to a last minute situation where they haven't got time to get it in place.
I get it, states rights and all that. I'm on the side of states rights most of the time. But there comes a time where standing up becomes a determent. There are some areas where they just gotta play along if they want to be part of the party (in this case, the party is the US)
Well in the case of MO they specifically passed legislation that was in direct opposition of the REAL-ID act..they didn't believe in tracking/having your information readily available, in the ways that the REAL ID act had it, that they passed a law saying it was illegal to do so.

But I suspect as time went on and the extension they requested was denied basically it got real (no pun intended) and they needed to get serious about the ramifications of their decisions have on their citizens. Their compromise of allowing citizens of their state to actively choose to get a normal ID or a REAL-ID compliant one seems like a good enough decision....but it is rather late into the game. Shoot KS has been REAL-ID compliant as far as DLs for over 10 years.
and that's what we have been saying.....if it is in a money belt, you're not gonna get it stolen unless a robber tells you to disrobe.......any person thinking this through would know not to carry it in any ol' spot accessible with your daily cash......and the only place you're going to access a moneybelt is in a discreet place, and you don't need to be taking it out anyways.....but this has been beaten to death.....different places have different laws, so KNOW THEM....

Sorry for beating it to death! :)
And as I stated in my post, I noted the places that rarely, if ever, take out of state non-driving ID. As I live in this state, and have attended many events, gone to dozens of restaurants, I am only stating what I have seen with my own eyes. Synchro Worlds was in Boston in 2013, and there were college kids from out of state who were not served with their IDs, people from around the world who needed to show passports for alcohol, and a bit of a to-do about it because a lot of people were very unhappy about the policy. Boston is a college city, and has some really strict policies. But I haven't been carded there in two decades, so someone who is 50 is not treated the same as someone who looks younger. You could be in the city with only an out of state ID and be in your 50s, they will serve you. But if you are younger and they ask for ID, and that's all you have? Nope.

What surprises me about this is that they'll take out-of-state DL but not DMV-issued IDs. I've known places that don't accept out-of-state ID at all, but they apply that equally to DLs and state IDs. And I've known places that accept both. I've never, until your posts, heard of a place taking one but not the other when they're virtually identical.

I don't know about other states, but in MI the only difference is one line of 10 point all-caps type. It either says DRIVERS LICENSE or PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION CARD, with or without the ENHANCED (valid for land & sea border crossings w/Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean - not many states offer it but as a border state Michigan does) option. Everything else - the layout, the watermarks and embossing, the picture, the bar code and mag strip - are exactly the same.

Yeah, we aren't included. (TN is backwards as he doublehockeysticks in lots of things, but not this, thankfully) Been following along closely. It's only for states who's legislatures won't play the game. Our state's license meets the regulations.
Who wants to lay odds that every state on this list will bend when push comes to shove. They will not want to face their constituents who are forced to get passports to fly domestically.

I suspect that it'll be the federal govt that ends up bending. The resistance to this measure was rooted in a particular set of political conditions that no longer exists, so there's no longer incentive either for the states to continue "making a stand" over it or for the feds to pursue punitive measures against non-compliant states.
I think I'll just get some alcohol from a shop and drink it in the room!!!
How can you use a non-driving license form of ID for driving?????? And I'm almost 100% sure you can't use it for renting a car... And as I stated in my post, I noted the places that rarely, if ever, take out of state non-driving ID. As I live in this state, and have attended many events, gone to dozens of restaurants, I am only stating what I have seen with my own eyes. Synchro Worlds was in Boston in 2013, and there were college kids from out of state who were not served with their IDs, people from around the world who needed to show passports for alcohol, and a bit of a to-do about it because a lot of people were very unhappy about the policy. Boston is a college city, and has some really strict policies. But I haven't been carded there in two decades, so someone who is 50 is not treated the same as someone who looks younger. You could be in the city with only an out of state ID and be in your 50s, they will serve you. But if you are younger and they ask for ID, and that's all you have? Nope.
Maybe things have changed since I lived in Boston? I only had an Alaska State ID (didn't learn to drive and get my DL until I was in my late 20s bc, well, I lived in Boston and didn't *need* to drive before that) and NEVER had a problem getting served. *shrugs* (DH, then my BF, also had an AK ID and rented cars in Boston a few times with no trouble.)

ETA: Until relatively recently (the last 5-10 years), AK IDs and DLs looked totally fake (they were laminated on the spot after we signed them). Still never had trouble with them in Boston (early 2000s).
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Maybe things have changed since I lived in Boston? I only had an Alaska State ID (didn't learn to drive and get my DL until I was in my late 20s bc, well, I lived in Boston and didn't *need* to drive before that) and NEVER had a problem getting served. *shrugs* (DH, then my BF, also had an AK ID and rented cars in Boston a few times with no trouble.)

ETA: Until relatively recently (the last 5-10 years), AK IDs and DLs looked totally fake (they were laminated on the spot after we signed them). Still never had trouble with them in Boston (early 2000s).

You mean DL right because you can't drive with a state ID
I just renewed my passport for the bargain price of $160. I will not be carting it around the parks.

We've never had an issue with an Ontario drivers license and if for whatever reason we're denied, no biggie. Disney saving us $8+ on a drink is probably a blessing.
I just renewed my passport for the bargain price of $160. I will not be carting it around the parks.

We've never had an issue with an Ontario drivers license and if for whatever reason we're denied, no biggie. Disney saving us $8+ on a drink is probably a blessing.

I was denied last year with a Quebec drivers licence. Just take a picture of your passport with your smartphone, they accept that.
I just renewed my passport for the bargain price of $160. I will not be carting it around the parks.

We've never had an issue with an Ontario drivers license and if for whatever reason we're denied, no biggie. Disney saving us $8+ on a drink is probably a blessing.

Same. I'm not worried about losing it or it being stolen. I'm more worried about damaging it somehow, and making it invalid.
Im so glad I found this thread, I was denied in Pittsburgh because I didn't have my passport. That was the first I had heard of that, and I can admit I was pretty upset. All I wanted to do was buy a 12 pack of beer after a long drive from Ontario, and of course we had three minutes until they closed. Luckily we ended up finding another place that took our drivers licenses. I will be taking a photo copy with me to the parks...another thing to add to my to-do list!


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