November scrapbooking we go!


<font color=deeppink>oh where oh where can the tag
Jan 2, 2001
Ok ladies its a new month and time for a new challenge. I will try to keep up with the totals but would appreciate it if you can help me out by updating your totals in your posts.

Good Luck to all of you!

Scrappers joining in on the fun:

pjlla 20
WDWMom 70
welovemickey 15
fantasticdisfamily 15
GrayFal 39
Bigbabyblues 4
Judith M 4
Honeybehr1 55
GoofygirlnprincessV 4
dreams91 8
wtpclc 5
Caleb's Mom 28
Alice28 27
Patty T 4
sweet maxine 6
scraphappy92 49 (just playing for fun...not the win:) )
mickey and minnie 7
Queenie 2
Count me in. I have a book to finish by Thanksgiving and I am going to a crop this Sat. and hope to get lots done.
I'm in on this one too. I have tons to do and with everything calming down around here I think I'll have some time this month.
Ok I'm in! Football season is over at the high school level so that starts to free up (ok, shift) some time. I have told myself Sundays after church are set aside for scrapping. So let's see what I manage to accomplish because I have a LOT to get done!

Sue - you think you actually get to scrap at that crop? :rotfl2:

Ok, count me in this month! Last month, I got 0 pages done! Such a great month--this one just has to be better! :teeth: I have a lot to get done (like all of my 2005 pics :) ), so I have to do soemthing!
I am in.....

2 CJ pages last I am going to scrap a few RIGHT NOW :earseek: ....hear me :earseek: ....NOW :crazy: back lata'

okay - got a 2 page layout of pix from a trip to NYC in 1993 - My DS found these pictures in the basement of DD, DS and me on the observation deck of the World Trade Center.... still hard to believe the buildings are gone.
I'm in...not sure how much I'll get done, but I'll at least join! Maybe it will motivate me.
I am in. I am in desperate need to get working on mine. I am soooo back logged it isn't even funny.

If any of you know/have the CM large powersort box. Mine is 95% full. And I mean FULL!!!
Love the powersort box. I have a large one, and two minis. The minis are for current albums and to tote to crops.

My Mom filled two large ones and two minis, plus a 12x12 folder and that was after we threw out the people we didn't know. LOL!!! She was shocked how many pictures she had. She loves having them all organized now. Too cool!

Good luck with your albums this month.
I'll try to play :)! I am attending a wedding in December & am making a family & freinds recipe scrapbook as a gift. So maybe/hopefully I will get some pages done this month :)!
Count me in! Don't think I will have a lot of pages but should have a few at least!
Count me in, too. So far I have got 6 pages done.

I've gotta get 2004's disney albums done in the next 30 days! :earseek: Maybe you guys can motivate me a little.
I would love to join again this month. I got all my pictures back (500+) so I have no excuse not to scrap.

I have done my first 2 pages of my Disney 2005 vacation. :cool1:
I will try and get 10 done this month. I have a lot more that needs to get done but with Thanksgiving coming up quick and Christmas shopping I won't have a lot of time..LOL
FOUR more pages finished at 1 a.m. last night -- Aruba July '05!
edit - FOUR More....

Total = 12......Back to my pix.....
I went to a crop yesterday and finished 12 pages. I have been working on my mom's book (starting in the early 1900's) and I was in 1976 but I am now through 1978. A friend had also given her some more pics that we before 1976 so I added them too, which took more time. Going to the room to work now. Hoping to get another 10 pages done today so I can give my mom this next book at Thanksgiving.
FantasticDisFamily said:
Ok I'm in! Football season is over at the high school level so that starts to free up (ok, shift) some time. I have told myself Sundays after church are set aside for scrapping. So let's see what I manage to accomplish because I have a LOT to get done!

Sue - you think you actually get to scrap at that crop? :rotfl2:


I did. 12 pages :Pinkbounc :cheer2: :Pinkbounc

We only had 10 people and I sorted and put my papers together before I left so all I had to do was crop and stick them on the pages.


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