November to Remember: W.I.S.H November 2022

I slept pretty good last night. It was the first night in awhile. I was so tired after yesterday. Today will be another kind of busy day. We already went to vote, Piper (our dog) has a vet appointment and I have PT today. Poor Piper had a pretty bad double ear infection 3 weeks ago. We go today to get them checked. I am pretty one is still infected. Though I think we figured out why she was vomiting every Thursday. The vet was stumped and just put her on Pepcid to if that worked and it has. So Piper must have acid reflux. Slowly we are learning everything about this dog. She actually likes being a lap dog. It has taken time to learn this as I don't think she was allowed to do this before. She is slowly learning how to be a pet rather then a show dog.

This week I am going to work on getting more steps in and also to stop eating junk. Today is going well with that. I have had 2 chocolate chip cookies for breakfast. The rest of the day I will do better. I need to start to focus on losing again. Everything that was stressing me so much in this past year has ended. I need to get back to where I was a year ago to a year and a half ago.
So one year ago at my annual physical, I was about 10 pounds heavier than I am now. Then the holidays came, we got covid and missed seeing our family for the second year in a row. Looking back I realize that I was depressed. And I ate, and I ate. I added another 15 pounds to myself which led me to the highest weight I have ever been.

You all witnessed me getting my act together in late December...I believe it was around the 28th...surprisingly before New Year's Eve...I had had ENOUGH. By June, I lost 27 pounds. Yay!

I got really off track over the summer dealing with the neanderthals gutting my bathroom and renovating it. They basically took over the house creating chaos and a mess that took us a long time to clean up...we still have to deal with new carpet for the stairs. When they were around, I was very stressed out and I ate, and I ate. Then my amazing vacation on Cape Cod, and I ate, and I ate.
I gained 10 pounds of the 27 I lost, and it has taken me until now to drop that 10 pounds.

I had really wanted to weigh much less for my physical yesterday, but 10 pounds less is better than 10 pounds more. Either way, my doctor still wasn't happy. The appointment wasn't pleasant to say the least. Overall, I'm very healthy except for my weight. I normally leave that appointment and seek the most sinful thing to eat and rebel for about a week or so. Apparently I have grown. Apparently NOOM is working, because I just came home and had some toast, a normal dinner...although I did splurge on a cocktail or two. But, the rebel didn't come out. I didn't binge out of anger. Progress is being made.

So, I am starting where I am...27 pounds down from December 2021.

The goal is to continue working on weight loss except for the actual special occasions themselves. I will not deny myself at my daughter's birthday party, Thanksgiving, Christmas parties, Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year's Eve, or New Year's Day. I also will not sit and watch tv eating whatever I please nonstop because I'm sad. I will handle my emotions in a healthier way going forward. :flower:
You've done such a good job taking care of yourself.
Yesterday I looked back thru the scant photos on my phone that I'm in, and aside from the pictures from the 2016 WDW trip I didn't even recognize myself. I've been so heavy for so long and it was a reckoning to see the proof, something I've somehow avoided fully taking in until now.

I'm going to be heavy for this trip as well, but significant progress has been made. I'm intrigued by knowing I can change the shape of my body, this is something I can manage and take control of. Most of all I feel so much better with what I've done so far... better on the physical level but also on the mental level because I am actually doing what I need to do, what I promised myself I would do.

I slept a bit later than intended this morning, but I did bundle up and get out for a walk. I've dropped another pound, so am now at minus 4, which was my pre-trip goal for the month! Losing 3 more will put me at my stretch goal and that is totally within reach.
Yesterday I looked back thru the scant photos on my phone that I'm in, and aside from the pictures from the 2016 WDW trip I didn't even recognize myself. I've been so heavy for so long and it was a reckoning to see the proof, something I've somehow avoided fully taking in until now.

I'm going to be heavy for this trip as well, but significant progress has been made. I'm intrigued by knowing I can change the shape of my body, this is something I can manage and take control of. Most of all I feel so much better with what I've done so far... better on the physical level but also on the mental level because I am actually doing what I need to do, what I promised myself I would do.

I slept a bit later than intended this morning, but I did bundle up and get out for a walk. I've dropped another pound, so am now at minus 4, which was my pre-trip goal for the month! Losing 3 more will put me at my stretch goal and that is totally within reach.
Woohoo... I kept thinking about the old photo's (ok, obsessing) and thought to check and see if I had logged any weight in FitBit around the times they were taken, and I had. And in both cases I had been 20 pounds heavier than I am right now so that makes me very happy.

Woohoo... I got my 10,000 steps in yesterday. I've come in to the office today and that automatically gives me 500 steps, so I'm going to try and make today a 10,000 stepper as well.

Woohoo... my test packing over the weekend was a success, next I'll really edit what I'm taking because I always end up with too much and a lot I don't want to wear. Then it is back to studying The Folding Lady's packing tips... might as well have fun with it.
Woohoo... I kept thinking about the old photo's (ok, obsessing) and thought to check and see if I had logged any weight in FitBit around the times they were taken, and I had. And in both cases I had been 20 pounds heavier than I am right now so that makes me very happy.

Woohoo... I got my 10,000 steps in yesterday. I've come in to the office today and that automatically gives me 500 steps, so I'm going to try and make today a 10,000 stepper as well.

Woohoo... my test packing over the weekend was a success, next I'll really edit what I'm taking because I always end up with too much and a lot I don't want to wear. Then it is back to studying The Folding Lady's packing tips... might as well have fun with it.
I know people who use packing cubes. I use large ziplocs and get all of the air out. That gives me more space for packing and bags for dirty laundry. Ever since I started that, we don’t have to check any suitcases anymore.
I know people who use packing cubes. I use large ziplocs and get all of the air out. That gives me more space for packing and bags for dirty laundry. Ever since I started that, we don’t have to check any suitcases anymore.
I got a couple of the Container Store compression cubes and really like them. I’ll be using one in my little carry on.
I got a couple of the Container Store compression cubes and really like them. I’ll be using one in my little carry on.
I really like the compression bags I found on Amazon. I have a more expensive set from container store that's ok but doesn't hold a candle to the amazon ones. Got all the kids clothes to fit into their carryons with enough room left over for their stuffed animals and books!

Woowhoo DD is going to be starting a trial run with an augmented speech device. Prayers, good thoughts and crossed fingers appreciated.
Woowhoo walked a full mile during lunch today.
Woowhoo the political races in our state weren't super close so DH didn't get stuck crazy late at work. And even bigger woowhoo the question on the ballot to fund two new high-schools passed! So excited for the kids to have state of the art schools. The mock ups look amazing lots of nature light and big library/media centers.
Wahoo we got some ADRs for our December trip. We only wanted two and after days and days and days of checking and checking, we got them!

Wahoo last night was the first Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party so I turned on resorttv1 in time to see fireworks!

Wahoo I used the time change to get myself back on schedule for dark o'thirty yoga. I'd been very negligent the last couple weeks!
I’m thankful for my faith, resilience, and perseverance. If not for those attributes, my daughter would not exist.

I am thankful that we will be celebrating my daughter’s 25th birthday tomorrow night.

I am thankful for my career.

I am thankful for those who have served our country.
Whooohoooo Wednesday was a celebration of a 3 day work week for me! Veterans Day falls on my day off so my day off switches to today!!

I spent the day with my mom doing our belated birthday celebration. We went out to breakfast and Christmas shopping, we had a great time!!

Thankful this Thursday for our Veterans, their sacrifices and their service! Blessings to them and their families this weekend 🇺🇸❤️
For Veterans Day, every student in my school, about 1,000, made beautiful thank you cards for Veterans which be delivered today.

Tonight, is my DD’s 25th birthday party. There’s a beautiful outdoor space at the venue but unfortunately we won’t be able to use it because of the impending storm.
For Veterans Day, every student in my school, about 1,000, made beautiful thank you cards for Veterans which be delivered today.

Tonight, is my DD’s 25th birthday party. There’s a beautiful outdoor space at the venue but unfortunately we won’t be able to use it because of the impending storm.

Wanted to ❤️ and 🙁 your post at the same time. So sweet of the kids! But sorry about the party venue. I hope you still have a great time indoors!!


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