October 19th Cruisers again and again... Part 2

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I am here! Man, you guys were chattty.

I worked this morning and then we did school after nap time.

Got an e-mail confirmation from my TA and she took $600 off the price DCL quoted us for our cruise next year. Man, I love her!

Barb: You are so kind hearted. But, you and Julie are always getting yourself into these things. I wish I could come to your party too! It sounds like fun!

My wine tasting party is in 2 weeks. I hope the invites were sent out. She said she sends them out about 2 weeks before the party.

I had a bad day at work. I got there, after having to take yest another detour. I looked at the schedule to see who I would be working with today, to see I was not on the schedule today and that my days were knocked from 6 this month down to 3! :furious: :mad: If you want to tick me off, mess with my schedule and not tell me. Apparently, the fill-in DON decided to take things upon herself and completely re-do the schedule. SHe had it for 2 weeks. A nurse that never works there, but is always on the schedule somehow picked up a lot of hours. SHe works at the facility where this DON works. The DON I had since I started working there left right when we went on vacation. I miss her already. Now, this DON is the same nurse that when we were both working PRN used to erase my hours and put the for herself. SO, why should I be surprised she is doing it now? She said not enough people were filling in the days on the schedule sp she did it herself. But, why take away days from someone that already has them picked? She wasn't in today, but maybe tomorrow. Luckily, the nurse that was on the schedule kindly went home so I could stay.

Stacey: Loved the pictures.

I am wit htose of you that can't post pictures. I have no idea how. Heck, I can't even get a pic in my siggie to work right. Note the red X.

The box from Disney came today. Luckily Kaleigh was still napping so I could hide the pirate set and Cinderella.

Trying to figure out vacations for next year. Need to stay within Jerry's vacation alottment.

Still need to get our gingerbread house kit. We did it for the 1st time last year with Kaleigh and she loved it! I make my own gingerbread cookies to decorate. In fact, I have some in the freezer already decorated, though not for Christmas, from Kaleigh's school assignment.

Trying to be really good with points so we can get back on track weight-wise.

I have a doctor appointment tomorrow for my back. It felt great in WDW. I even stopped taking the Aleve. Unfortunately, now that we are home, I am back to 1000 mg a day. Too much bending. That is what gets me.

Work again in the morning. I am trying to see if one of the nurses will give up one of her days so I can get back to 5 days for the month.
Good Morning Everyone
Got to head to Fort Collins in about an hour for Michelle's senior concert.
Tonight is Santa Claus 3. Should be a busy day
WOW Barb, that is a long drive for you. I hate to drive to Ft. Collins from where I live and I am about the halfway point for you. Drive careful with the rush hour traffic.

Denine - I need to use your TA, $600 savings is amazing. How do I get in contact with her!!!!!

Today is Friday!!!! This will be the last day I post until Thursday because I will be in Boulder City from Sunday - late Wednesday, then on Friday I am off to Disneyland!!!! Keep the boards alive while I am gone.
Denine, sorry about your schedule. It has to be so frustrating!! I can't get anything into my signature either. I have been "booed" and now I have been blessed twice. Wish I was SMART!!

Heidi, we will miss you!!

Barb, can't wait to hear what you think of Santa Claus 3!
Now I have 2 red x's. Jerry said her will try to help.

Heidi: I will e-mail you my TA's info.

At least it was a better day at work. I saw the DON, but I didn't have time to talk to her. The other nurse doesn't know if she wants to give up her time as hers was cut too. She will let me know next week.

Had my dr. appointment. We are going to try a different injection. They take some blood, about 30 ml, and then spin it down and separate off the red cells so it is just platelets and plasma. Then they inject that into the ligaments and tendons of the joint. It is supposed to help them heal. He said he has great success doing this. They have to wait for insurance approval. Once I have the date, I can't take Aleve or anything except tylenol for pain for a week before.

Didn't do school tonight. We will do it tomorrow. We are going to friends for dinner at 4 PM.

Barb: Do you know anything about that minister in the Springs? Just curious.

I want to hear about SC3 too!
Good Evening

Yes Denine I do know this Pastor. He is my Pastor. I have gone to New Life for 15 years and have respected and admired this man. I am in shock, denial and grieving. I will be taking some time away from the board trying to process everything that is happening. I just want you all to know I am standing behind Pastor Ted and believe what he is saying. I just feel right now that this has rocked my world. This man has done so many good things and helped so many people I refuse to turn my back on him. I have cried and cried and it sickens me to hear the things people are saying about him. My heart is grieving for Ted and his family right now. When I went through my divorce Mark left me with nothing my utilities were turned off as well as our phone. I met with Ted and he arranged for a prayer support group and the church to help get the utilities and phone back on. I could go on and on about the good things he has done. I respect, admire and trust him and will continue to do so.

Until we meet again.
:grouphug: Barb, you cannot leave the board. We are here to sort things out with you. We love you and as a family we are here for you. Please reconsider leaving our family for awhile. PLEASE!! I just called you and left a message. My heart goes out to you.
Are you ready for this new report?


OH MY GOSH!!!! You guys will never guess this in a million years. We haven't heard from Best Buy in two days so we stopped by the store tonight. Low and behold the computer was delivered to the store late last night. And guess what????? It was DAMAGED AGAIN. We spoke with another type of manager and he did get to see the damage this time. As he was talking to us the drive door kept falling off unto the counter. He then told us he was going to talk with a geek and another manager on duty as to what to do next. He fouond out that they already knew that it was damaged and sent a damage report fax to the insurance company. They have to follow all protocol so we sit and wait to hear what the insurance company will now do for us. Quite honestly this is getting to be quite hilarious. Stay tuned.......
Barb: :grouphug: We are here for you. It is nice to hear your take on it. Please don't leave us. We are here for you.

Sandy: It is time to contact your state attorney (sp) general. This has gone on too long and Best Buy needs to make it right even if they are forced to. Make a report with the BBB. Anything to get them to do the right thing which is to replace your computer with a brand new one.
Barb: Just wanted to let you know that Jerry and I read the article about your pastor again. We both agree that the accuser is most likely lying and just trying to ruin the reputation of someone he does not agree with.
I too know Ted and can't believe all of this has happened. Today the board fired him and it looks like some of the charges are true.....it is so sad as he is a wonderful man....how all this happened only he knows and knowing him I still can't believe it. He started the church in his basement and it grow into the church it is today. I have never heard one bad thing about him until all this came out. He has done so much good....it is like he was living a double life and it is imposible to understand how he could have gotten into all this. I feel so sorry for his family....he has a wonderful wife and 5 children...I still love him as a person as I know so many, many people at New Life do.

It is hard to say what is going to happen to New LIfe now. They are going to find a new pastor by the end of the year, but it is really going to be tough on anyone taking his place. I know you are suppose to be going to church to worship the Lord and the pastor isn't suppose to be the reason you go to church but I know a lot of people went because he was such a good preacher and I know I always felt I got a lot out of his sermons and when he wasn't there it wasn't the same.

I know the timing is really strange because of the gay vote coming up and he was so against gay marriages that the gay people had reason for wanting to hurt his reputation. The man that made the charges didn't pass the lie detector test. We are all in shock and he is going to be missed very much.
I heard he was moving because of his kids that are in school.

I know I forgive him for whatever is the truth....he is going to have some really tough times ahead of him. What is hard for me is the fact that he is a very intelligent person and how he could have done anything this stupid is beyond me. I pray that the church can come through this and not be destroyed...it probably will never be the same...only time can tell.
Barb and Sally, I have been thinking about this all weekend long. I have even woke up in the middle of the night thinking about it. Barb has me VERY concerned.

Yes, he was stupid but only he and his accuser know all the details for sure. I feel so bad for his family. Who are we to judge?? It will be a hard go for the church for awhile but they can pull themselves through this. They have to be willing to accept the new minister. We had an awesome minister back in So Dak and he was the one that kept the teens in church. Losing him would have been horrible so I can understand your statement that you do go to church to worship the Lord but a great minister can definitely make a church. It sounds like your church is very strong and the members are strong and can get through this hard time.

Went to my nephews birthday party today. He turned 16. I babysat him from 8 weeks to 11 years old. It was fun as always to get together with the family. Heidi couldn't make it because she is in Vegas for 4 days. Stacey and her family was there so it was extra fun. Joey had the stomach ful last night so she wasn't up to par but did pretty good.

Ted and I bought a new 5th wheel RV yesterday. We got a 36' Doubletree Mobile Suite. We haven't taken possession of it yet. They have to get it ready for us. We spent the day unloading the old one. Still have tons more. I can't believe how much JUNK we have in the old one. We are a little nervous that it might not fit next to our garage as it is a little wider and Ted has a hard time with the old one. Need some pixie dust for us next week.

Denine, I did contact our Attorney General last week. She told me that Best Buy is out of Minnesota so I need to contact them. I kind of wonder if the BBB is somehow combined with that office as the phone message talked about it. I am holding off until I hear (hopefully) from Best Buy regarding the insurance damage claim. They didn't claim it last time.

Hugs to all.
Barb & Sally: I feel so bad for you and your congregation. I did read this morning that some of the charges appear to be true. Very stupid indeed.

Sandy: COngrats on your new purchase. Hope all works out with Best Buy.

Have a lot to do this week. I am feeling overwhelmed.

Voting tomorrow. I have already had 2 phone messages this morning. My cheat sheet is actually 2 pages longs. Too many things on the ballot!

We had fun at our friends house on Saturday. I feel sorry for her brother though. His wife left him and he is primarily responsible for taking care of their 2 year old daughter. Her mom only spends about an hour or two a day with her. The 2 girls did have fun playing.

Went to Jerry's mom's yesterday to celebrate her birthday which is actually on Halloween.

We did drop off the film from vacation. But, I still need to put the photos in the album from Kaleigh's birthday. UGGHHH!
Good morning....

Just got back from Curves.....now I have to clean......it is really pretty out today.....suppose to be in the high 60's and tomorrow and Wed it is suppose to be in the 70's. I have a lot of outside work to do.

Did anyone see Oprah when she had Dr Oz on? It was pretty scarey when you saw the thing that is front of your stomach that collects fat......

Only l9 days until we leave for the cruise.....I haven't started to pack but I know Linda and Barb have.....I don't pack early because then I forget what all I packed and I am afraid my clothes will get wrinkled and then you couldn't tell where my clothes was and where I began....
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