~~October 2016~~Sew, it was the greatest Stitch Experience ever!~~Final Update 3/19/2017!

Great start! I love the day before too


Very fun first day! The school is beautiful

Thanks! The girls are very lucky to have such a nice school. :)

Sounds like you had a good day yesterday.

Great start on your trip report

How great that some sewing friends could help out making V another shirt.

I haven't been driving my old car my self for a few weeks now. But this weekend I will only drive my old car since Ulf is away on Tai Chi. I drove Ulf to the airport. It was so weird sitting so low to the ground and so close to the steering wheel. But beside that it was no problem driving a non automatic car and it was so much easier not having to always think about how much space I need on the road when driving my new car.

THanks! Glad to hear that your new car is going so well that the old one is a bit strange to drive now. :)

How can it take an hour and forty five minutes to fly to Midway? Great seat position by the way.

I've had trouble getting birthday presents in time for my son's birthday, which is before Christmas because the vendors assume that you want the item for Christmas. Is that what happened with the Halloween shirt? Lucky for V that you found a solution. The shirt looks great.

It didn't take that long - Well, maybe it did - I'll have to look at my notes... If it did - it was because the majority of our flight time was spent circling Chicago waiting to land. ::yes:: Usually - it's only an hour flight.

I don't think that's the case this time... I think the seller may have their shop open and either isn't monitoring it - or scamming. Regardless - I started a dispute with Paypal on Tuesday, and I have yet to hear anything from the seller... I will escalate in a few days and hopefully get my $$ back. I always try to support the "little guy: - however, it's sometimes a little risky... Thankfully with Paypal, I am protected. :)

YEAH!!! Love the shirt!!

Thanks! She loves it too - she received a lot of compliments on it. :)

I'm in! I NEED that Donald Duck bag in your first pick. AMAZING!!!!!
I am a Shades of Green frequent stayer... LOL. Be there again in May. And, then off to Universal. So, I am so interested in reading your adventures! <3

Thanks - it's one of my favorite bags!

Love, love, love Shades of Green! It's such a great resort! You will likely enjoy reading my TR then, as we also did Universal. :) Welcome! :lovestruc

Love the nails, love the shirt!

Thanks! I was super happy with my nails this time! And V was super happy with the shirt! :lovestruc

So glad to see the start of the trip D! Starbucks and a manicure, nothing better. I loved both of your nails.

That shirt is too perfect for V! So nice of friends to step in. I have noticed certain sites are now really taking a long time to ship unless you choose their very expensive overnight or 2 day.

You had some really good flight times to Florida. Well done!

Can't wait to see the first day at SOG and elsewhere!

Sending a huge hug!

Hahaha... Yes - you know me well... My two favorite things - besides Disney, of course - Starbucks and a manicure! Life is good. ::yes::

Well - I am not sure, however, I do think that 1 month is ridiculously long to wait to ship something... I am just glad that I've already started my dispute through Paypal.

I was super happy with our flight times... Especially for our arrival... Coming home was a bit late, however it wasn't terrible.

I am excited to share it! Sending hugs back! :)

Popping in to say, you can boil sweet potatoes the same way. Wash whole unpeeled sweet potatoes, cover with water in a pot, and boil until tender. Let them cool until you can handle, and they slide right out of the peel! I never buy the canned ones anymore for casseroles, pies, etc.

Interesting! Until I did this method - I really hated prepping sweet potatoes... I will be trying this for Thanksgiving! ::yes:: Thank you! I haven't purchased canned ones in years for TG - however - I really hate prepping them, so this should make it so much easier. ::yes::

The luggage weighing ALWAYS gets me into trouble!! My husband and I are always stuffing stuff in each other's bag to get our own bag lighter. We fly Delta so we try our best to make do with only 1 checked bag apiece since they charge for EVERY bag except a carry on.

Hahahaha!!! I think I am a SW flyer for life now - it was so nice to not have baggage fees and to be able to bring normal amounts of luggage. Well, sorta normal... Hehehehe... :scratchin

I'm here just in time.

Yay!!! :woohoo: Welcome!

Love your trip nails!

Thanks! I was so happy with how they turned out!

Great day before your trip, it is always an exciting day, I love being off work and finishing the last minute things. Love the shirt and your nails look great.

I know - it's one of my favorite days! Thank you! :lovestruc


I've really been enjoying this week off of custom orders... although - I am finding it strange to be so idle. LOL

Yesterday, I did my heavy lifting and I had a good breakfast.

I did a nice update here - which is good, right? LOL

I cleaned my sewing room - so when I go back to work next week, I am not greeted with a mess... I had every intention of doing that before we left on our trip, however, I just never got in there.

Then I got ready - went to town... Grabbed V, took her to her appt, then took her straight to work... Days like that are always hectic for me.

Josh and I went out to dinner last night - that was not my plan, as I have been doing really well with my eating... However, Josh was not in the mood for left-over curry chicken or left-over meatloaf... Sigh. So, we went to this little diner... It was so funny - he ordered this pretzel to snack on before our food came - and I laughed so hard, because when they brought it out - it was bigger than he was. The picture on the menu was so deceiving - as it just looked like a normal sized pretzel.


We came home and hung out until it was time to grab V from work... We watched a bit of the World Series, and eventually, I fell asleep in my recliner. ::yes::

Today - I have no plans, really I don't. I'll do an update here and I think that's about it? I think I may reorganize my front porch - if you read my PTR - I had to bring all of my plants into the house right before we left on our trip - and when I put them back outside - I just kind of threw them out there in a hurry - and that's where they've been since. So, I want to make it look a little pretty again.

I also may work on a pair of PJ pants for Thomas for Christmas.

And that's about it.

I hope you all have a great weekend! Sending prayers and pixie dust out to all of you! :lovestruc

Day 1 Part 1​

Yay!!! It's Disney Day!!! I love Disney Day!

I was up promptly at 1:30am... And my first official photo of my TRs is always my selfie in front of my kitchen stove clock... As usual, if you can handle this photo - you can likely handle the rest of the TR. ::yes::


I did my routine of coffee/FB/Dis...

Then I showered and woke V up at 2:30... It wasn't easy getting her up - as I expected - however, it wasn't as hard as I thought either. She was pretty excited to get going on our adventure. ::yes::

We both got ready and did our final packing. All of our luggage by the door - waiting to be loaded into the car.


I woke Allison up at 3am - and I said my good-byes to Josh - who was still in bed.

As usual - it was a dark ride to the airport - as we like to get to Disney early... Which makes a very long travel day for us...


Allison dropped us off - and then was kind enough to Snap Chat us hauling our bags into the airport...


When we got inside - there was a pretty long line to check in at the airline - however - it moved pretty quickly. All of our bags were under weight, which was good.

At our small airport - we have 2 different security areas to choose from - we decided to go to the one that no one else was going to - so we had no line to wait in. Security was a non-issue and we were through really quickly.


Once we got through to the other side, V decided she wanted Caribou... They weren't open yet (it was 4:50am), assuming they opened at 5am, I got into the already insanely long line and waited for them to open. 5:00am passed and they didn't open... The minutes passed by, and even though there was movement - they still weren't opening... We had to board at 5:40, so I was getting a little nervous that I wouldn't be able to get V's order placed before we had to board... Thankfully at about 5:20, they opened and I was able to get out of there with just enough time to spare. Phew! I didn't order anything for myself - as stupid as it is - I prefer not to have to use the restroom on flights - so I kind of purposefully dehydrate myself... Which - as you will see later in this TR - is not a good thing and I pay for it.

We lined up to board right away...


And V snagged us really great seats!



Our flight to Chicago, Midway was a non-issue and a quick easy flight... I didn't notate what time we took off/landed... However, I did note that it was cloudy and rainy in Chicago - which bummed me out, as I was so excited to show V where Mo lives. Oh well. We did wave to all of our Chicago friends as we flew over. :lovestruc


At Midway - we had to hike to another area of the airport - which was fine, since it's so small. We had about 1 hour before we had to board our next flight - which is perfect. I stopped for coffee - and promptly threw it away about 50 steps later, it was terrible! And the line for the bathroom was crazy long... But we made it.

V waiting to line up to board... I love that she still brings her blankie everywhere...


We boarded our 2nd flight at 8:45am and we were in the air at 9:20. I had to sit next to a lady who smelled very badly... Coupled with me being dumb and not drinking anything - my headache was setting in full force. :( I spent most of the flight on V's lap - as the air was better in her seat. ::yes:: PSA... Please shower and smell good if you are going on a flight. Thank you.



We landed at MCO at 12:40pm... We did a quick bio-break and then hopped on the fake-O-rail to the main terminal...



Eeeep!!! :woohoo: We were so excited to finally be in FL!!! My phone was going crazy, as I was getting messages from all of our friends wishing us a wonderful trip... And I was also trying to make plans for later in the day to meet up with other friends. It was a little crazy for a bit there...

So, did all of our luggage make it? Did our towncar driver find us? Did we get our room request?​

Link to Day 1 Part 2

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Day 1 Part 2

As we were making our way to baggage claim - I peeked at my texts from the night before... Our town car service has started to send out text reminders - which is very nice - along with that, they now send a photo and name of our driver - which is even better. I like to know who I am looking for. ::yes::

We found Eddie down by our announced baggage claim carousel... We chatted for a very long time, waiting for our bags. After about 30 minutes and still no bags - yet other flights were coming... V went in search of the other carousels - and sure enough - 3 carousels down, all 3 of our bags were going round and round... It sure would be nice if they would announce carousel changes. ::yes::


We followed Eddie to our awaiting town car... Loaded up and we were on our way. Passing lots of ME buses as we went - I love that part! It sure makes me feel like I am getting my money's worth.




We decided to follow through with our planned grocery stop... I posed a question on FB before we left - whether I should leave V in the car with the luggage or bring her in with me... Almost all of my friends agreed that it was best to bring her in with me - I know - she is 17... And I am over protective.

I am glad I had her with me- as it took both of us to find all 3 items on our list... Small bottles of apple juice for V, LaCroix water for me, and real half n' half to go in my coffee in the mornings... With all of our items in hand - we headed back out to our awaiting town car, and we were finally on our way to Shades of Green! :woohoo:

It wasn't long - and we were seeing this...


Eddie dropped us off at Shades of Green, we hauled our luggage in and checked in... This is the most exciting part for me... I love to find out if my room requests have been met... This time - my request was 2nd floor (main floor) and a view of the Magnolia Pool - I'd added that I had stayed in room #206 with Allison in January, and this was the perfect location for us. Secretly - I was hoping for room #207, as #206 has a tree just to the right of the balcony - and if it has leaves on it - we wouldn't be able to see Wishes from our room. Imagine my utter surprise and disbelief when the Cast Member said we were in room #207!!! :woohoo: SCORE!

Room #207 is an exact mirror image to the room Allison and I had, as a matter of fact - the connecting door connects these two rooms...

Bathroom... Again - I don't love this bathroom configuration... However, since we are all girls - even at home - we often get ready while someone is in the shower - so we just did the same thing here. It isn't optimal - but it works.


Our first moments in the room... I really wish these photos gave an accurate description of how big these rooms really are - they are massive by any hotel room standards - and they are bigger than any other resort room on Disney property - including the Poly.


And our view - which you will be seeing a lot of during this TR - as it was nice enough our entire trip for me to spend every single morning out on our balcony drinking my coffee... However - I will say that the metal chairs they have out there are very HARD on the behind after a few minutes - and even the stack of towels I eventually put under my rear didn't help much.


As a side note - our only annoyance with this room in particular... The bathroom fan was incredibly LOUD for the first 5 minutes it was on and secondly - we had to hold the toilet lever down for at least 3 seconds for it to flush. Otherwise - the room was great!

V and I were starving - it was after 2:30, I hadn't eaten at all yet and she had a small breakfast at about 5am...

We stopped at the Ticket desk and purchased our Universal tickets... I was a bit nervous about this, as I had purchased the Military 3 day tickets back in January with Allison - so I was nervous that they were a 1 time only per year, per person thing... The girl at the desk assured me that this was not the case and I could again purchase the 3 day ticket... Even though we had no intention of going more then once - you just never know. $310 later, and we were headed out to get food!

We took our beloved Shady Shuttle to the end of SoG property... Always tipping the drivers at the end of the ride (note to self - I need to budget for this expense in the future).


Our friend Santos was meeting us at the Poly for lunch - so we shopped around Bout-Tiki while we waited... I spotted Allison's Owl plant that she missed out on last time... I thought about getting it this day - yet I know my track record with living things - and I hoped it would still be there later in the trip...



At this point - we were tired of waiting and starving... We made the executive decision not to wait for Santos, order our food and we could order his when he got there... I know it's kind of rude - but we were hungry and my head was pounding.

We ordered the same thing I ordered with Allison on our first meal back in January - and the same thing we had with Suzi during our 2013 trip... Pork nachos and Hawaiian flatbread... Which we shared. On top of that - Captain Cooks gives the AP discount - :woohoo: So this meal only cost us $18! How awesome is that? Both of us ordered water, as we were needing it.


Santos arrived shortly after our food arrived - so we went back up and ordered him something... We all ate together. It was good to see him again and catch up.

As we were talking - we decided to head over to Disney Springs... I sent Cindy a message and asked if she wanted to meet up for a little bit with us... She was all for it! I was so excited to see two of my favorite Disney friends on arrival day! :lovestruc

Santos offered to give us a ride to DS, which was very nice of him. ::yes::

So, did we ever find Cindy???​

Link to Day 1 Part 3

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The pretzel to snack that Josh ordered is huge. I'm really not that surprised because if there were something I learned while in the US it was that Everything is big in America.

What a great start to your trip.
WOW for getting room 207 :woohoo:

Ulf is in Sweden this weekend so I'm driving my old car. I wanted to find a geocache today. So I picked a geocache that is supposed to be wheelchair accessible. But I never trust that when they say they are wheelchair accessible that they really are accessible. When I'm geocaching alone I pick wheelchair accessible geocaches to find even if I'm not going to use my wheelchair to actually find the cache. I go for the wheelchair accessible geocaches because then they hopefully are within reach and I don't have to climb over something or under something to get to the geocache. And the path to the geocache should be paved and easy to walk on.
It was nice not having to think about how the car is cutting corners when you take a turn with the car. So even if it's a little weird driving my old car it's so relaxing not having to worry about how big and long it is. I got to where the cache was supposed to be and for once the cache was actually wheelchair accessible. I ALWAYS give a huge compliment to the cache owner when they manage to hide the cache so it's accessible from a wheelchair.
Great start so far, I can't wait to see the rest! I definitely might stop by Captain Cooks in December and get that flatbread! It looks delicious!!!

I'm joining in! Loving the TR. The girls have grown so much since I've last seen them.

Congratulations to Allison for chosing cosmetology.

I'm so inspired by your healthy updates.

Looks like you and V were off to a great start.

We check into CBR tomorrow and I'm thinking a meal at Captain Cooks is in order. The flat bread and nachos look amazing! I love pineapples!
Hate that you weren't feeling well on your flight. Headaches are the worst. I've had stress headaches on and off all this week while working and it's been miserable. But I'd rather be at Disney with a headache than at home any day so at least you had that going for you.
Great start. I'm glad V and you had a mostly good flight. Sorry about the smelly lady.
It was nice of Santos to meet up with you and have lunch with you. What did you think of DS? I found it to be a little confusing but I was there at night and we tend to get lost a lot.
Allison can always do photography in her spare time. One of my work friends does weddings and senior pictures on weekends. I'm glad that she did decide what she wanted to do.
Our remodel is over, finally. We had or re-grand opening on Friday. Although, I wonder how many times a store can have a grand opening. The store is almost 25 years old. I don't remember id I told you, but earlier this month I took a week off. When I came back the whole electronics dept. was moved around. It was very confusing to say the least.
I was going to start a new quilt today but i can'r find my cutting mat. I haven't actually done a pieced quilt in a while so I may have thrown it out. One side was in pretty bad shape.
Enjoy your weekend
I was up promptly at 1:30am

That's nuts...like almost why bother going to bed at all nuts :))

PSA... Please shower and smell good if you are going on a flight. Thank you.

Gawd...I wish people would take this to heart...it is so brutal when people smell bad...sigh...you wonder how they get through life without anyone telling them...
Great start so far! I remember that flatbread I think...because I ordered one without onions once and as I see from your pic...there were lots and since I hate to complain I ended up picking them all off!

I did enjoy Captain Cooks food though so perhaps that will be one of our options during our SOG stay...next month!!

Speaking of SOG i assume you have a pool view room there? I believe that is what we all have in November so I'm wondering if maybe I shouldn't make a room request also. Never done one before..always just roll the dice and it is only one night after all.
The pretzel to snack that Josh ordered is huge. I'm really not that surprised because if there were something I learned while in the US it was that Everything is big in America.

What a great start to your trip.
WOW for getting room 207 :woohoo:

Ulf is in Sweden this weekend so I'm driving my old car. I wanted to find a geocache today. So I picked a geocache that is supposed to be wheelchair accessible. But I never trust that when they say they are wheelchair accessible that they really are accessible. When I'm geocaching alone I pick wheelchair accessible geocaches to find even if I'm not going to use my wheelchair to actually find the cache. I go for the wheelchair accessible geocaches because then they hopefully are within reach and I don't have to climb over something or under something to get to the geocache. And the path to the geocache should be paved and easy to walk on.
It was nice not having to think about how the car is cutting corners when you take a turn with the car. So even if it's a little weird driving my old car it's so relaxing not having to worry about how big and long it is. I got to where the cache was supposed to be and for once the cache was actually wheelchair accessible. I ALWAYS give a huge compliment to the cache owner when they manage to hide the cache so it's accessible from a wheelchair.

Hahaha - but this was BIG! LOL I laughed hysterically when our waitress brought it out, as it was all his - I was eating none of it. LOL

Yes - we were super happy about our room location!

And yay for being able to find a cache on your own - and that it was placed properly. :woohoo:

Great start so far, I can't wait to see the rest! I definitely might stop by Captain Cooks in December and get that flatbread! It looks delicious!!!

Thanks! We always have a hard time choosing between the nachos and the flatbread - so that's why we get both and split them - it's very easy to do between 2 or 3 people. ::yes:: Highly recommend!


I'm joining in! Loving the TR. The girls have grown so much since I've last seen them.

Congratulations to Allison for chosing cosmetology.

I'm so inspired by your healthy updates.

Looks like you and V were off to a great start.

We check into CBR tomorrow and I'm thinking a meal at Captain Cooks is in order. The flat bread and nachos look amazing! I love pineapples!

Hi Michelle!!! It's great to see you here! Thanks for stopping by... Yes - I was actually just looking at pictures of our Dismeet - from years ago - right before we left on our trip, and I agree - the girls have grown so much since then! It's crazy!!! :lovestruc

Cosmetology!!! Yes!!! That's the word for it... There are sometimes drawbacks to me updating my TRs so early in the morning - LOL

Enjoy your trip!!! I know it's so needed for you!!! I am still bummed that we couldn't meet up this time- and I totally understand. Hopefully we can make it work next time. :lovestruc Sending you lots of pixie dust!!!

Hate that you weren't feeling well on your flight. Headaches are the worst. I've had stress headaches on and off all this week while working and it's been miserable. But I'd rather be at Disney with a headache than at home any day so at least you had that going for you.

Yes - it was my own fault though... I know better, yet I am stubborn. LOL Totally true though - any day at Disney is better. :lovestruc

Great start! Can't wait to read more!

Thanks!!! I am excited to share more!

Great start. I'm glad V and you had a mostly good flight. Sorry about the smelly lady.
It was nice of Santos to meet up with you and have lunch with you. What did you think of DS? I found it to be a little confusing but I was there at night and we tend to get lost a lot.
Allison can always do photography in her spare time. One of my work friends does weddings and senior pictures on weekends. I'm glad that she did decide what she wanted to do.
Our remodel is over, finally. We had or re-grand opening on Friday. Although, I wonder how many times a store can have a grand opening. The store is almost 25 years old. I don't remember id I told you, but earlier this month I took a week off. When I came back the whole electronics dept. was moved around. It was very confusing to say the least.
I was going to start a new quilt today but i can'r find my cutting mat. I haven't actually done a pieced quilt in a while so I may have thrown it out. One side was in pretty bad shape.
Enjoy your weekend

Thanks! We did have a good trip - no turbulence or anything... And we both have a love/hate relationship with the take-off and landing at Midway. LOL

Yes - it was fun to meet up with all of my friends that first day! I was very lost in Disney Springs! I agree! However - I do like what they've done with it - it's very nice!

Yay!!! Hopefully that is the last one for a while. LOL

Good luck with your quilt and finding the items you need - I hate it when that happens! ::yes::

That's nuts...like almost why bother going to bed at all nuts :

Gawd...I wish people would take this to heart...it is so brutal when people smell bad...sigh...you wonder how they get through life without anyone telling them...

I know - right? LOL There's no way I'd not be able to go to bed though - so I have to take what I can get.

YES!!!! Not only that - I think part of it was the smell of her clothes and maybe not necessarily her... Wash your body and your clothes people! LOL It was just a whole bunch of not fun. ::yes::

Great start so far! I remember that flatbread I think...because I ordered one without onions once and as I see from your pic...there were lots and since I hate to complain I ended up picking them all off!

I did enjoy Captain Cooks food though so perhaps that will be one of our options during our SOG stay...next month!!

Speaking of SOG i assume you have a pool view room there? I believe that is what we all have in November so I'm wondering if maybe I shouldn't make a room request also. Never done one before..always just roll the dice and it is only one night after all.

We love the flatbread! They do have pretty good food there - sadly I haven't explored the menu much... Josh was laughing at me last night - because once I find something I like somewhere, I rarely deviate from that - I just order the same thing over and over again. LOL

Well - there are a couple of booking categories at SoG... Standard - and Pool Side for sure. If you actually booked a Pool Side room - then you PAID for and WILL get a room on the first floor walking out to either of the pools. If you book a standard room (like we do) - the cheaper one - then you can get a room anywhere within the resort... at that point you can request a pool VIEW - which is on any of the other floors, looking at one of the pools. Make sense? :scratchin So - if you booked the pool side - I would think your only request would be which pool you want to be near? There are many rooms in this category that are next to the Mill Pond pool (waterslide) and there are only about 10 in this category which look at the Magnoilia pool (quiet/faces MK). ::yes::


We had a super quiet and lazy day yesterday - it was really nice!

I woke up - did my updates here - and went back to bed. LOL That is incredibly rare for me.

Then I took V to town, she needed a few things for a Halloween party she was invited to last night. ::yes::

After - Josh and I decided to drop her off, then go out to dinner and a movie - it was a really nice night out for us... We tried to plan some fun stuff for ourselves over the coming months... Which we rarely do... It will be kind of exciting! :woohoo: Now that the girls are doing a lot of their own things, it's time to remember "us". It will be good. :lovestruc

Oh - we saw Inferno - with Tom Hanks - very good. It's part of the DeVinci Code series. ::yes::

We came home and went straight to bed.

Today - we are going to be doing a bit of shopping... I have to take Allison out to find a few items she needs for Cosmetology school - she starts this coming week, I think? And Josh wants to look for some more work pants. I am just going along for the ride. ::yes::

That's all! I hope you all have a great day! Sending Pixie Dust out to all of you! :lovestruc

How great that you and Josh are doing stuff just the two of you. It's important to things together just the two of you.
I just wanted to stop in and say hi. I've been reading along for a while now. I'm so excited to hear about the rest of the trip. Have a nice day!

Hey all... It's been a while since I've updated my Healthy Living post - I just wanted to let you all know, rather than doing a TR update this morning, I've done that update instead. You'll find that on the first page here. :lovestruc

I love the day before and day of travel and arrival as everything finally comes together and anticipation builds. So exciting!

Glad you were assigned room 207! Great room and view.

Those nachos at Poly have been on my list for quite awhile and now seeing them again I am trying to figure out how to fit them in during our Feb trip!

Congrats to A for choosing cosmetology - she will do great!!

I need that pretzel Josh had at the diner. Well, I don't actually need it you know but I sure do LOVE pretzels.

Thank you for continuing to update your healthy living section. I do the same weekly on FB after my WW weigh-ins and I have had an incredible response publicly and privately from friends and family that have been movitated to take on the same healthy habits and activity I have discovered over the past 18 months. I'm with you, if this helps me and helps even one other person then it's all worth it. And yes, it is an incredibly difficult, emotional, and endless journey but we're on it and there isn't a deadline. Let's continue moving forward. Always. :lovestruc
Great start to your trip, D! I love the pork nachos at Capt. Cook's. I need to get them every trip and since we usually stay at the Poly, I end up getting them several times. They are so good!
Oh - we saw Inferno - with Tom Hanks - very good. It's part of the DeVinci Code series.

I saw this last night too...liked it as well. Man, I don't want to spoil it for anyone so hopefully you will know what I'm talking about...crazy eyes on someone huh???
I am late to the party, but I am here!! Can't wait to read all about the rest of the trip!!


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