October 27, 2007 - Cruising around the Moon - A Magical All Hallows Eve

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Paula, can you adopt me? OK, I'm a little too old. I can be your babysitter on your world travels. That's great that you are able to show Ethan all these places. My parents took us globetrotting when my sisters & I were young also. Mmmm... maybe I shouldn't use the word globetrotting. Good old US of A...i've seen the majority of it. also did a school trip to western Europe. (not the UK)
That's a great idea from Dizzi about making a Halloween door sign...maybe Pirates or Mickey could be incorporated. (But not Pirates and Mickey-that would be suspicious)
Chris, that's a great idea about surprising the twins! I would love to see that!

Off to the gym now. By the way, this Time Change sucks! :sad2:
The cruise is a surprise for my son. I'm picking him up from school the Thursday before the trip and will have the car packed. I'm just going to start driving and see how long it takes him to figure out we aren't going home. When he asks where we are going, I'll just casually say, "Disney World" and wait for a scream or something. I'm sure I'll pull over before I tell him so I can get a pic of the moment. He won't know about the cruise until the day of the cruise. We are going to WDW first for MNSSHP. I've kept it a secret since July. I hope I can continue!:banana:

Here's a question (sorry if you already answered it). How did you get him the time off from school without him knowing or finding out beforehand? :confused:

Here's a question (sorry if you already answered it). How did you get him the time off from school without him knowing or finding out beforehand? :confused:


I'm going to have a conference with his teacher when school starts and tell her/him. We don't have problems taking kids out of school for family vacations here like other states. I'm going to give him a couple of waterproof disposable cameras and let him do a report on the things he learned on the trip. In the kids club they make flubber and do other educational things. I'm going to take him snorkeling and let him tell about the fish he sees. I'm just going to send him to school like any other day and come home and pack. Can you imagine packing the day you leave?:scared1: Neither can I so I'll let you know how many things I forget:lmao:
I'm going to have a conference with his teacher when school starts and tell her/him. We don't have problems taking kids out of school for family vacations here like other states. I'm going to give him a couple of waterproof disposable cameras and let him do a report on the things he learned on the trip. In the kids club they make flubber and do other educational things. I'm going to take him snorkeling and let him tell about the fish he sees. I'm just going to send him to school like any other day and come home and pack. Can you imagine packing the day you leave?:scared1: Neither can I so I'll let you know how many things I forget:lmao:

Hey Paula... I make Noah a "journal"... it's all Disney related... has pages for the first days at WDW and then each of the ports, includes word searches, etc... as his "homework" so he keeps good notes of our travels and has something to show his teacher. Since I'm already making one for Noah... I can make one for Ethan too! :woohoo:

Also, I'm trying to find a Disney "kids" book about the cruise... I know they make them about the parks... but not sure one exists for the cruise. If not, we should write one!! :surfweb:
Hey Paula... I make Noah a "journal"... it's all Disney related... has pages for the first days at WDW and then each of the ports, includes word searches, etc... as his "homework" so he keeps good notes of our travels and has something to show his teacher. Since I'm already making one for Noah... I can make one for Ethan too! :woohoo:

Also, I'm trying to find a Disney "kids" book about the cruise... I know they make them about the parks... but not sure one exists for the cruise. If not, we should write one!! :surfweb:

I'll take you up on that:flower3: . I'm not too crafty. It was going to be a spiral notebook with a photo album! Yours sounds much better!
vital, your son is going to be so excited when you surprise him with the cruise. I could never keep a secret that long. How cool.

Chris, what repo cruise are you going on? I am sure you have probably said, but I don' think I have read it in any of the posts I have read. I would love to go on a repo cruise. Your kids are going to be thrilled.

I have already spoken to my kids' school about the cruise. I expected it to be a big deal, but they didn't seem to mind at all. She just said have wonderful time.

Right now, my boys are bouncing off the walls because they are getting to go with their grandparents and my sister to Disney World in less than 2 weeks for Spring Break. DH and I have to work so we can't go. I have never been that far away for an entire week from my kids before. But I know they will be well taken care of and will have an incredible time. I am, however, very jealous that I cannot go.

My Razorbacks are getting absolutely killed by Florida right now. I can't even watch.
I think i will do something with a book for my kids too, so they can return with something great for their teachers, and class...GOOD IDEA!!!!!
To be honest, SADLY, i dont care what the teachers or principle think of me taking my kids out for a family vacation. I just go in and tell them this is what we are doing, you can allow them to have the missed work before hand or after they get back or excuse them from doing it. the choice is up to them, but choose one. OF COURSE, this is ALL done in a very caring tone!:goodvibes
yes i know this is my fourth post in a row just trying to catch up to Kimmilee!
AND I HAVE A WAYS TO GO, BUT i love a challenge!
I like the extra hours of daylight....even though the time change always messes up everybody's internal clocks.

We went shopping yesterday...had to get something to wear to my cousins wedding the weekend after Easter. We had dinner out & then went for a martini in the downtown Hilton....a nice lounge but no entertaiment outside of tv's & 2 martini's cost us 20$ (17 for the drinks & 3 for tip) :scared1 so after one drink we came on home.

Nice weekend but as always too short.

I second Chris' statement of kudos for you single Mom's. You guys rock & your kids sure are lucky.

I think we have narrowed down our excursions to St John Island tour or EcoHike & Dolphin Encounter or Rhinorider on St Marteen.

Still thinking about the spa suite but man is it expensive. If not that then we will do Rasul & maybe a week pass to the Rainforest room & maybe a massage.

Can we go yet??????
Thanks for all the kudos for being a single mom. It's hard sometimes but we have a lot of fun. I'm just glad I have a career that I can provide for him and do the things we want to do!

I'm still busting my **** exercising. I even did it Saturday morning (not at 445 mind you). Hopefully when I show y'all pics from the July cruise I won't scare you away!:lmao:

Well, gotta run. It's spring break here and I have to pack Ethan's lunch and get his bathing suit packed! It's been in the 80's here this weekend but they still swim inside right now.

Have a good Monday!pirate:

Oh yeah, I'll be dressing up for Halloween and Pirate night.
Thanks to everyone (as Paula said) for the kudos for being single Mom's. Also, as Paula said, I too am lucky to have a career that allows us to afford the fun things in life. My son is a blessing to me and I'm not sure I would have seen in that way in my early 20's. I was 38 when he was born and went through so many life changes prior to his birth that it made me who I am today! :goodvibes

David and I took Noah and his friend to the park for some much needed outdoor time yesterday. It got to be 50 degrees here!! :cool1: We even went for ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery. Oh my... that's heaven in a cup. I didn't eat my whole serving (which was small) but I did satisfy the ice cream screamer in me! :lmao:

Ok, off to work... since I worked all day Saturday and was on call until 6:00 p.m. yesterday... I missed the weekend! :sad2:

DH CANCELEDour Ressie!! and got a refund for the deposit. I am soooo ANGRY, and HURT and well I don't know what else. I understand his reasoning but he has NO IDEA how much this trip means to me.
I am still working with Disney to get this all solved and I WILL rebook WHEN it gets CLEARED UP, I am not sure if DH will be mad or not but right now I just WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please pray that I can get this solved IT IS SOOO UNFAIR!!!!!!!

I am trying to calm down and I know that I still have time to rebook, although I am sure it will be more expensive. PLEASE PRAY,SEND PIXIE DUST!!! If my cruise gets ruined because of DISNEY VISA, I am fixing to raise some H@!!

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. I am now going to call the Disney Customer Relations line and see if there is anything more they can do.
We paid for our deposit in cash and planned on paying for the rest on a Disney Visa which we had been APPROVED for ( we have very good credit). When the Visa card arrived in the mail we headed down to the TA office to pay for the cruise and at that time called the 1-800 number on the card to ACTIVATE it. When we called they told us the card had been canceled for SECURITY reasons?? After about 4 hours of phone conversations HORRIBLE customer service and the run around we finally were told that the account had been flagged and then canceled due to FRAUD??? HUH??? apparently the copy of our SS card we sent them "LOOKED" funny?? so instead of doing any investigating with us they decided to cancel the card saying they were just PROTECTING US. After over a week of more phone calls, MORE HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE AND UNKEPT PROMISES my DH had enough and will no longer work with them to get this resolved ( they want him to reapply and he thinks that is ridiculous as they had already approved us and only flagged the account to "protect" US from fraud. Well I have still been working with them but today when the TA called him to see how things were going he CANCELED the ressie and asked the TA to send us a check. DH will not put the cruise on a credit card with INTEREST and I only talked him into it because of the Disney cards NO INTEREST and Rewards program. WE do not carry balances on credit cards and DH is now so angry that he is in the JUST FORGET ABOUT IT mood. I am going to continue to work with the VISA people ONLY because this cruise is SO IMPORTANT TO ME!!!! I am not sure if DH will be angry or not so I am going out on a limn. I am praying that WHEN this gets resolved and I have activated card in hand he will be ok with me REBOOKING, but I am scared to death that we will not be able to get a decent cabin and will have to pay WAY more than we origanally did. I plan on calling the Disney Customer Relations office to see if they can send any pixie dust our way.

KEEP PRAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:) Pam, oh no I am so so sorry. I will definetly pray for you . I know how excited you were when you joined our group. I am sending lots and lots of pixie dust your way pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: .

Sorry I don't have much time to read all the posts I have missed. Today is going to be 55 degress so I am jumping in the shower and heading out for a walk. I am so ready for Spring and don't want to miss a moment of this day :sunny:

Have a great day everyone :)
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