October W.I.S.H. Challenge - Being Our Best Selves

We actually just talked about this at a faculty meeting. We tell the kids to learn from their mistakes, but then as teachers we're afraid to fail (we were talking about setting goals for the year). We have to set goals (ex. increase kids reading on grade level from 50% to 85%) each year and we were encouraged to really push this year. And it's okay to fail (or not reach that goal), but it will also motivate us to really challenge ourselves to find the best ways to help each kid make progress. If you set a goal that is easily obtainable, then you don't have to work as hard. That's true in all aspects of live. So we need to push ourselves...not to a point that is ridiculously unobtainable, but just slightly out of reach so we work really hard to get there.
"Fail fast" is something we used to say a lot at work, not so much lately for some reason, but I still keep it in mind. Now that I'm de-numbing from the sugar drug and starting to feel things again, I can tell how "invested" I get in getting it right all the time and how I jump in and start beating myself up when I don't. So, I'm consciously telling myself, "OK you came up short on that one, now you know and do it differently next time." Same holds true for the healthy lifestyle goals, I just need to get it right most of the time, and the longer I do this the more margin for exceptions there will be.

My motivation for this week is: FREEDOM! The trial did wrap up Friday... what a colossal waste of time and resources. It was a DUI case, plus driving with two license suspensions. His breath test was 2x what was allowed, the arresting officer had a body cam on and there was an open beer container in the car... the only doubt any of us had was why/how the case even got to trail. This week is a normal week, then next week I travel down to LA again, to resume on-site testing. So this week I am going to take full advantage of being in total control of my time.

The jury weight I put on did come off over the weekend, plus another pound, so I've lost 1 pound of my goal of -6 for the month. I got a lot of steps in last week because I was coming in to the office then walking to the courthouse, which was about 8 blocks. I was carb-heavy last week, but minimal damage was done... my blood sugar numbers are really good.

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So we need to push ourselves...not to a point that is ridiculously unobtainable, but just slightly out of reach so we work really hard to get there.

I tend to call this the 'just right challenge' for the kids where it is exactly as you describe hard enough to give you enough challenge to engage you and that is achievable so that you can build a sense of self-efficacy when you attain it so that you can keep developing further each time. Both you and @Oneanne had great examples about how we view 'failure' at work with positivity but @Onneanne you also touched on what I am bad at also - being hard on myself. So much so that after speaking with my supervisor this morning - I am taking the rest of the week off to be kinder to myself and regroup after feeling like I was a catastrophe at the moment. It really wasn't a coincidence that those were the quotes that were speaking to me over the past week. I had a reminder today that I really shouldn't be eating fries - the ones I had were probably a little salty - but I have eaten them for years (here is looking at you Maccas fries) and it triggered a lower level allergic reaction - I started noticed some lip tingling and at first put it down to the chips just being salty but then decided to look in the mirror and hives were forming on the base of my throat but not as angry and red as last time but also with some coughing/throat clearing - I took antihistamine, sat on the couch and sipped on some water and DS18 was on his way home from university around that time - so I text him. So maybe it isn't just Himalayan salt but other salt too - I have re-increased my salt intake since starting Keto - I wonder if it is too much for my body. I have Drs again on Thursday so will discuss further with her - not sure if my allergy blood results will be back yet or not.

My motivation for this week is: FREEDOM!

I love this motivation for the week it is really speaking to me right now :)
Topic Tuesday

So I had some discussions today about making sure my 'well was full' as I couldn't support others if my 'well was dry' and there was nothing left to draw from. I know all of you will relate to this feeling. So my question is what are you doing this week to 'top-up your wellbeing well"?​
Topic Tuesday

So I had some discussions today about making sure my 'well was full' as I couldn't support others if my 'well was dry' and there was nothing left to draw from. I know all of you will relate to this feeling. So my question is what are you doing this week to 'top-up your wellbeing well"?​

I'm not sure if I'm fighting off a cold or it's seasonal allergies, but I decided not to sub today, just in case. I don't need to be fighting off more germs.

I've been keeping up with some new/returning shows on my DVR, and that time feels indulgent and well-filling for me also.

And my birthday is this week (Thursday) so DH and I are planning a dinner out, which also makes me feel taken care of. :goodvibes
Topic Tuesday

So I had some discussions today about making sure my 'well was full' as I couldn't support others if my 'well was dry' and there was nothing left to draw from. I know all of you will relate to this feeling. So my question is what are you doing this week to 'top-up your well being well"?​

Being a singleton, my day-to-day life is 100% focused on Me, so I have all the time in the world to fill my well... but do I do it? Not on a regular basis. My go-to self-care activity, knitting, calms me down but I can't say it fills me up. I know the thing that would be most fulfilling would be more time outside, so simple yet I don't do it. Urggggg....
4Mickeys :hug:
Good for you taking this week off to regroup. Please take this time to take care of yourself.

Spending time with friends today-we are planning our annual fall weekend get together. Being retired, I miss the daily interaction with these women I worked with for twenty years. They are good for my mental and physical health.
So I feel like I have been gone for about a month. DD ankle issue came back as just a muscle thing and she has to do exercises to strengthen it. I was gone all last week in Minneapolis for a conference for work. And then this week has not started off great. DS was home from school yesterday and today with a stomach bug. Thankfully he is fine today and could have gone to school but we were being couscous since last night he still was not eating. I also have picked up a cold. I really need it to get better for 2 reasons. My new employee started yesterday so i need to train him and not miss work and Tomorrow is my anniversary. 15 years. On Thursday we are going to our zoo for Brew at the zoo. Beer for DH and the zoo for me. It was a perfect date.
Ahhhh a sleep in! I slept really well last night - I feel it was because yesterday I just let go and gave myself permission to have the break I needed. Even though I just had a break from work I really did not disconnect mentally and so did not have a refreshing break if that makes sense. My plan for today is to walk on the beach, do some cleaning, get started on some new routines for home and talk the kids about them this afternoon as it will mean new routines for them so that the house can feel tidier and calmer to 'fix' that stress area. Then tomorrow will walk on the beach again when I go to the GP and I think tomorrow will be about thinking of some new routines for work to help me be more efficient - then hopefully that will help with some of that stress. Thanks for your support everyone :)

I'm not sure if I'm fighting off a cold or it's seasonal allergies, but I decided not to sub today, just in case. I don't need to be fighting off more germs.

I've been keeping up with some new/returning shows on my DVR, and that time feels indulgent and well-filling for me also.

Great choice to stay away from more kiddie germs lol. I love TV time with a great show!

Being a singleton, my day-to-day life is 100% focused on Me, so I have all the time in the world to fill my well... but do I do it? Not on a regular basis. My go-to self-care activity, knitting, calms me down but I can't say it fills me up. I know the thing that would be most fulfilling would be more time outside, so simple yet I don't do it. Urggggg....

Even as a singleton you are still working full time, and you have your extended family that you support emotionally - which from memory has been a little hectic the last couple of years. So even though it seems that it can be all about you - you still have needs, issues and things that will go on in life that you may tend to push past as well - so I completely get that you may not actually truly focus on yourself in a kinder way. Soooo pick a day this week to do something outside that you will enjoy - then come back and tell me all about it :)

Spending time with friends today-we are planning our annual fall weekend get together. Being retired, I miss the daily interaction with these women I worked with for twenty years. They are good for my mental and physical health.

That change in people availability for daily interaction would be a huge adjustment when you retire - there are so many things to look forward to about it but it is a huge life alteration. Hope you have a great get together.

I am not going to set goals right now for the month. I feel more like I am just surviving. Once I am better I will get a goal for the month.

No goals needed :) You have had a busy time! Hope you get to have your zoo date so that you can get a little back in your 'well' sounds like you really need it and a group hug from us!
Topic Tuesday

So I had some discussions today about making sure my 'well was full' as I couldn't support others if my 'well was dry' and there was nothing left to draw from. I know all of you will relate to this feeling. So my question is what are you doing this week to 'top-up your wellbeing well"?​
I took a sick day on Monday (although I felt guilty about it because we are really lacking subs this year, so my position was “unfilled” so it was covered by different people throughout the day...principal, reading specialist, etc) to go back to the doctor about my cough, congestion, etc. Sounds like it’s time for me to get to an allergist for allergy testing. So I’ll be calling today to make that appointment. We have off today, but I’m going to a presentation for how trama in children’s lives can effect their learning. Then I also scheduled a massage for today. Learning in the morning, relaxing in the afternoon.
I took a sick day on Monday (although I felt guilty about it because we are really lacking subs this year, so my position was “unfilled” so it was covered by different people throughout the day...principal, reading specialist, etc) to go back to the doctor about my cough, congestion, etc. Sounds like it’s time for me to get to an allergist for allergy testing. So I’ll be calling today to make that appointment. We have off today, but I’m going to a presentation for how trama in children’s lives can effect their learning. Then I also scheduled a massage for today. Learning in the morning, relaxing in the afternoon.

It is hard to not feel guilty sometimes when you know your absence will stretch things a little - but as I have been reminded that our own health needs to come first and it is okay - the work world will keep turning without us. Hope the trauma presentation was good - there has been lot of focus on that here in education as well - the effect is huge. Hmmm maybe I should have a massage in the next few days - hope you enjoyed yours :)

At my appointment yesterday, my doctor walked in the room, took one look at me and asked me if I lost weight. I haven’t seen her in a while. And it hasn’t been as noticeable to me lately...but I think I’m toning more than actually losing weight. Anyway, her comment made me feel good 😊

That is awesome - so happy she noticed - well done.
My WOOHOOS for today are:

  • A lovely walk and talk on the beach with DS18 today - it was just right temperature - we thought it would be a little windy and cool as it was at home - but nope it was great - the water was so clear and a nice temp too - which I had worn my swimmers instead of my walking gear. We are walking and maybe swimming again tomorrow after my GP appointment.
  • Some wonderful fresh prawns and salad for lunch - I bought the prawns at the seafood place near the pier where they catch and prep them right there! Yummy and I have enough for lunch tomorrow as well even after DD had some for her after school snack.
  • I found out yesterday my work friend had her twins just over a week ago!!! So a new set of boy/girl twins in the world - she ended up needing an emergency C section as she developed pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome. She was due ometime this month so not too early in the scheme of things. They looked lovely and healthy in the pic I saw.
I have a woohoo today. I am feeling better. Congestion is much less but I have a cough no biggie until the cough causes you to pull a muscle in your back. Yep happened this morning. Couldn't move at all for about 5 minutes and just slightly. Advil has helped some but going to get some food in a minute and take a 3rd advil to hopefully make the more manageable.

Another woohoo it my 15 year anniversary and we remembered. We have a tendency to not remember what day it is until later in the day. We are both excited for our date tomorrow and a day off on Friday.
... a while back I ordered a fiddle-head fig plant from Amazon, taking a chance since I couldn't see it in person. It was steadily dropping leaves and generally unhappy, so I thought maybe I had gotten a dud, but read up on how they are so persnickety and moved it to a new location, just to see if anything would change. It's generated about 6 new leaves and has another set forming... very happy about this!

I have a short work day today, so I can attend the grand pre-opening of the new Burke Museum building... my Niece is Director of Education there, so we are her guests. It's a natural history (dinosaurs) and culture (indigenous peoples) museum and I've never ever been there, so I'm looking forward to it.

I've been having an issue with an eczema breakout and thought it might be caused by an herb my doctor gave me to help manage blood sugar levels, so I've stopped taking it and just like magic, the eczema is going away... so woohoo for no rash. But it was helping with the blood sugar, so we'll have to see how that goes.
I've been having an issue with an eczema breakout and thought it might be caused by an herb my doctor gave me to help manage blood sugar levels, so I've stopped taking it and just like magic, the eczema is going away... so woohoo for no rash. But it was helping with the blood sugar, so we'll have to see how that goes.

I have eczema too. Other then weather (winters I can't avoid) there has been nothing to pin point to the cause. I use Cetaphil soap. It used to say for eczema but it does not any more. I think it says for for dry skin. I can find a picture if you want more details. I went from having a rash every winter for most of the winter and using a steroid cream often to maybe a rash once a winter but have gone several years with none.
I have eczema too. Other then weather (winters I can't avoid) there has been nothing to pin point to the cause. I use Cetaphil soap. It used to say for eczema but it does not any more. I think it says for for dry skin. I can find a picture if you want more details. I went from having a rash every winter for most of the winter and using a steroid cream often to maybe a rash once a winter but have gone several years with none.
I was having eczema caused by the low thyroid function, so I've got a cupboard full of lotions, ointments etc... none of them were working (I even tried my CBD lotion, thinking maybe it would calm it down). Monday night it felt like the inside of my body was also itchy! So I didn't take the herbs yesterday and already today it's better.


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