ocular migraines


Either she is eating a delicious
Jul 31, 2007
does anyone get these? I usually get them once in a while, like once a year. typical zig zaggy lines, blind spot etc. Lately I had two within two months. What does the dr. do? I already went to eye dr. to make sure nothing was wrong. All is good. Now I need to go to primary care. Will they send me to neurology? Run tests? Just curious if anyone has gone through this.
There was a thread somewhere on here about these. They’re scary, but if the eye doctor (assuming he’s an ophthalmologist) said that’s what they were, you probably need no follow up. I’ve had them & they make me feel crazy, almost like hallucinating. But my doctor assured me everything else is fine & optical migraines aren’t dangerous. Don’t stress too much about them!
I had one last year and it scared me to death, because it was in conjunction with an allergic reaction. I really thought I was checking out at that point. All the symptoms of an ocular migraine, plus hives and anaphylaxis. My blood pressure was 88/54 when I got to the doctor.

That was my first and only ocular migraine. I'm a regular migraine sufferer. I had two in just the last three days, one lasting 12 hours.

They ran all kinds of tests including an MRI. The conclusion was, for me at least, the extreme allergic reaction triggered that particular migraine. Did you have anything trigger yours? My doctor tells me I have a hypersensitive brain. Not sure if I appreciate that term.
I haven't ever seen a doctor about mine. Didn't even realize they had a name until maybe a year or so ago. I usually get them once/maybe twice a year. During one particuarly stressful time I got multiple in one week. Mine don't hurt, I just get all the squiggly lines stuff, that usually goes away around 20 mins or so and then I have a slight headache. I was really happy to find out it was a thing and that I wasn't going crazy. They're hard to explain to people that have never had them.
My mom gets these whenever she drinks diet soda. The artificial sugar seems to trigger hers. She is a nurse that works night shift and was drinking a lot of diet caffeinated soda. She saw the ophthalmologist and when he heard that, he recommended she stop. To my knowledge, she either rarely has them now or not at all. This may not work for everyone, but it worked for her.
Thanks for the replies. I am nervous and have an appt tomorrow. My eye dr. checked my eyes to make sure everything was okay eye wise. Then she suggested I see my pcp. I usually get one a year but since I had two very close together it made me nervous. I keep thinking stroke or mini stroke thanks to dr. google! I was just wondering what they will do for me at my pcp office. I have a feeling they will send me to a neurologist. Just not sure what to expect. I think most times you just have to live with them and figure out your triggers so you can avoid them. I have heard taking b12 and magnesium can prevent them.

I was a little nervous because the nurse I talked to kept saying, "I don't like what you are telling me" when I described symptoms. I always thought they were benign, but I guess they can mimic serious issues.
15 years ago, I had one in the middle of a fire drill with 18 students. My assistant at the time was completely incompetent and was panicking instead of getting the kids in line to exit the school. I couldn’t really see other than the crazy kaleidoscope in my eyes. I was terrified. It was over by the time we returned to our classroom. I followed up with an ophthalmologist who told me that I have “over 40 eyes.” I had just turned 40 the week before.

Cut to this past Monday, and I woke up to one. It was the tail end of it. I had partial vision. I went back to sleep, and one hour later I woke up and was back to normal.
I've gotten migraines of varying degree since my teens. Luckily these days soon as I notice the blind spot I take meds and it knocks them out. I can remember having migraines so bad in my early 20's, where I needed dark and sleep. If they were accompanied by nausea the only thing that would help was to actually give in and throw up.
I've had 3 in my life now. I have regular migraines (extreme pain, nausea and tired) but the occular migraine/aura thing never happened until...get this...our vacation to WDW in 2016! We were in line for The Tiki Room and I got the zig zaggy lines in the shape of a 7 in my eye. The shape grew bigger and bigger over the next 15 minutes. I was terrified. Thought I was having a stroke! no other symptoms. No head pain no nausea. Just the 7 getting bigger and bigger until it finally got big enough to push past the periphery pf my vision and was gone.

Migraines. They suck.
I've had a couple, both after surgeries
DH has them several times a year......nothing to do. Just wait them out
I've had a few. I thought I was having a stroke or something the first time, but I never went to the doctor for it. My sisters have also had them, which was why I realized what was going on before really freaking out.
I get them every so often. First one was while I was pregnant. Second was after pregnancy while I was on the pill. The dr called me back the same day of the migraine when I called about it, to tell me to stop the pill immediately. Ocular migraines and the pill do not mix. Risk of stroke.

I still get them on occasion. It’s been sixteen years. Nothing to worry about. They seem to be hormonal in my case. Very scary the first couple of times though.
If you’re into meds, ask to try amitriptyline. I take it because I was getting weird headaches. They act like migraines but aren’t, they’re nerve headaches due to optic nerve strain. They will make you sleepy so take it at night. I haven’t had any side effects besides the drowsiness, which I welcome.
I had one 2 years ago after coming home from a night shift. It has been my only one.The vision distortion lasted about 20 minutes.
Did anyone get them checked out?

I did. The doctor who "checks them out", that my PCM sent me to was...the eye doctor. He cleared me. There is literally nothing you can do for them, and they are not harmful.

I got one last year, and posted here about it. I am a lifelong migraine sufferer, but didn't get one of these until last year. I haven't had one since. My doctor said, and the eye doctor concurred with this, "unless you start getting them on a daily basis, or they are accompanied by any other symptoms like numbness or weakness in the extremities, there is nothing to worry about and no way to treat them."

I know they are terrifying, but trust me, I've been under the care of a neurologist, I've had CT and MRI scans done of my head, and everything is fine.

I have several "over 40" friends who get these too. They are super common. I had no idea until I started talking about the episode I had.
I've had them since I was about 28 (which is decades ago). The first time, I completely freaked. Now, meh. Just another one of "those" things. The first time, I did go to my doctor, who told me what they were. I don't recall getting any tests, or whatever, other than the things doctors do in an office. I've definitely noticed that if I drink more than my ONE cup of coffee, OR too much artificially sweetened drinks, that I'm more likely to get them the next day. I've also learned that if I pop a couple of ibuprofen as soon as the "light show" starts, I can fend off the big booming headache that usually arrives about an hour later. I'd definitely have it checked by a doctor to be on the safe side, but it sounds like a classic ocular migraine.


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